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The SBC Will Sell Nashville Headquarters to Defray Abuse-Related Legal Costs

By Bob Smietana
SBC Executive sell Committee unified expel
The headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

An investigation into how leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention have dealt with sexual abuse by clergy has cost more than $12 million over the past three years, causing the nation’s largest Protestant denomination to put its Nashville, Tennessee, headquarters up for sale, the SBC’s Executive Committee announced on Tuesday. 

The expenditures, which include $3 million spent fending off a lawsuit filed by a former SBC president, have led the committee to spend down its reserves in what its auditors have called an unsustainable manner. The group, which met in Nashville this week, also approved a loan to cover budget shortfalls.

Lawyers for the SBC will meet Thursday with attorneys for the former SBC president, Johnny Hunt, in a court-order mediation session, where the two sides will discuss settling their dispute. Hunt has claimed the SBC leadership ruined his reputation by reporting on his past sexual misconduct and for including him in a report on allegedly abusive leaders.

The Executive Committee’s fiscal woes come as the denomination is struggling to implement reforms ordered by the SBC’s governing body two years ago, designed to help churches better prevent and respond to abuse.

On Tuesday, members of the Executive Committee also voted to set up a new department to deal with the issue of abuse reforms, which will take over the reform effort from volunteers. 

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Jeff Iorg gateway
Jeff Iorg speaks at Gateway Seminary in Oct. 2023. (Video screengrab)

“Southern Baptists, we have had two task forces that have done difficult and important work, but it’s time now to stop talking about what we’re going to do and take an initial strategic step of action that puts into place an administrative response to this issue,” Jeff Iorg, president of the Nashville-based Executive Committee, told trustees. Iorg described the new department as a “beginning point of a workable solution” on the issue of abuse reform.

However, the fate of the “Ministry Check” website, a long-sought element of the sexual abuse reforms that was approved by the Southern Baptist annual meeting more than two years ago, remains uncertain.

A website, approved in June 2022, was supposed to include the names of Southern Baptist pastors and leaders convicted of abuse, those who confessed to abuse or have a court judgment for abuse against them, as well as those who have credible allegations of abuse made against them. 

To date, no names have been added to the site, and SBC leaders have no current plans to update it and have taken no responsibility for it.

Instead, the Ministry Check site remains in the hands of a volunteer-led nonprofit called the Abuse Response Commission, which has no official ties to the SBC.

Josh Wester, a North Carolina pastor who helped start the commission, said names can’t be added to the site without a go-ahead from the SBC’s Executive Committee.

“When and if the EC notifies us they have cleared the hurdles on their end, we will make it live,” Wester told media in a text.  Wester is the former chair of a task force, dissolved earlier this year after making limited progress, that had been charged with implementing abuse reform.

joshua wester abuse reform task force
North Carolina pastor Joshua Wester, chair of the SBC’s Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force, with fellow members of the task force, speaking at the SBC Executive Committee’s meeting in Nashville, Monday, Feb. 19, 2024, announces a new nonprofit that will be tasked with building a database of abusive church pastors and staffers. (RNS photo/Bob Smietana)

At the Executive Committee’s meeting on Tuesday, Iorg said that the committee had no ties to the Abuse Response Commission or any control over its work. Instead, he said, the committee would focus on hiring staff for the new department before taking up issues such as the Ministry Check site.

“Our first step will be to hire a full-time executive director,” Iorg said in an email. “Once that new leadership is in place, we will begin to take next steps, including enhancing resources available through that website.”

The Executive Committee’s new abuse reform department will be funded initially with $1.8 million provided by Send Relief, a humanitarian project led by the SBC’s two mission boards. A spokesman for the North American Mission Board said the funds will be given directly to the Executive Committee. In the past, the heads of the mission boards barred funds from going directly to the Abuse Response Commission.

Executive Committee trustees also discussed the ongoing costs of the SBC’s abuse crisis, including the Hunt lawsuit.

Court documents filed in the lawsuit show the lawyers for Hunt first reached out to the SBC’s attorneys in February to discuss a possible resolution. After a court order in early September, the two sides scheduled a mediation hearing for Sept. 19 and will update the court by Sept. 26.

The Executive Committee’s building, at 901 Commerce St. in downtown Nashville, was originally built for $8 million in the 1980s, on land donated by Lifeway, the SBC’s publishing arm, according to Baptist Press, an official SBC publication. The property also houses the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and a library and historical archive. The building was appraised for $31.7 million in 2021, according to The Tennessean newspaper.

Bob SmietanaBob Smietana is a national reporter for Religion News Service.



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11 Responses

    1. He’s also violating common sense. Dude… who committed sexual assault here? You want to blame someone else for the ruination of your reputation?

  1. People are astronomically more valuable than buildings. Jesus did not come to die for a really nice building. I would love to think that this money would be going to bind up the wounds of victims. However, it sounds like the money will mostly go to legal fees in an attempt to protect the institution that is the SBC.

  2. Previous articles posted on this website indicate that Johnny Hunt owns three homes and receives significant income from speaking engagements and book sales. Perhaps the SBC can countersue to recoup from Hunt’s assets (including retirement funds) the $3 million of attorneys’ fees incurred because he initiated a case against the organization. Ruined his reputation? His owns indiscretions are to blame. But Hunt has now effectively filed a public lawsuit against every SBC donor, and those individuals and churches should force the sale of his real estate instead of theirs.

  3. How does a hierarchy that doesn’t control any local churches, become responsible for the actions of local churches? I must be missing something? If the churches are independent, how is the non-controling organization liable? If all churches must pay for the actions of some of the churches, what’s the reasoning? You have the same name over your door, therefore you’re financially responsible for a church 5 states away, that has a common name over its door?

  4. Johnny Hunt needs to be out of the speaking business and out of pulpit. He is doing a big meeting in Gatlinburg this week with a list of prominent speakers and celebrities. He needs to be gone and working on repentance and dealing with his issues as stated by the scriptures.

  5. SBC leadership ruined his reputation by reporting on his past sexual misconduct?! Perhaps Hunt ruined his own reputation by engaging in sexual misconduct.

  6. The word “abomination” comes to mind, be it Johnny Hunt we’re talking about or the SBC in general . . . And still no justice for abuse victims or any sense of urgency to identify perpetrators. Have any of these people ever heard of “godly sorrow” that is supposed to lead to repentance?

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