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Two Men Arrested After North Carolina Pastor Robbed And Assaulted

By Sheila Stogsdill
assaulted pastor
David Harris (left) and Jaddin Norris of Statesville, North Carolina, have been arrested after they allegedly assaulted and robbed a pastor who was renovating his church. (Photo: Statesville Police Department)

A North Carolina pastor was allegedly assaulted and robbed by three men who were helping him renovate his church, according to a Statesville Police Department’s social media post.

Police have not released the pastor’s name but stated the church was around the 1400 block of Alexander Street in Statesville. 

David Harris, 36, is accused of assaulting the pastor before stealing his car, and Jaddin Norris, 29, is accused of following in a separate car to help Harris after he abandoned the stolen vehicle, according to the police statement.

The men were allegedly working alongside the pastor at the church on New Year’s Day, according to police.

Harris and Norris were arrested on Jan. 23.

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Police have stated that the incident remains under investigation.

Harris, who is being held on $89,500 bail, is charged with felony counts of common law robbery, larceny, larceny of a motor vehicle, and assault inflicting serious bodily injury along with misdemeanor counts of simple assault and resisting a public officer.

Norris is charged with two felony counts of accessory after the fact and is being held on $10,000 bail, as reported by WHKY News.

The police report did not disclose how the third suspect was involved in the New Year’s Day assault.

Sheila Stogsdill is a freelance print journalist and digital reporter, primarily covering crime issues for KSN/KODE.



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