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Christian Attorney Jenna Ellis Claims Racketeering Prosecution is Persecution

Por Steve Rabey
jenna ellis fulton county mugshot
Mugshot of attorney Jenna Ellis. (Photo courtesy of Fulton County Sheriff’s Office)

Jenna Ellis, a Christian attorney affiliated with conservative Christian organizations before working for Donald Trump and allegedly conspiring with him to overturn his 2020 election loss, claims her indictment on racketeering charges is persecution.

Like Trump, Ellis posted her mug shot on X/Twitter the day she was booked. Trump snarls in his photo, but Ellis beams in hers. The Aug. 23 post, which boosted Ellis’s following, was accompanied by two passages of scripture, including Christ’s words from Matthew 5:44: “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.”


Despite the biblical reference to persecution, Ellis is not being indicted for her faith, but for allegedly:

  • making false allegations of election fraud at press conferences and in meetings with legislators of Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan;
  • promoting fake elector schemes in multiple states;
  • writing two legal memos that illegally advised Vice President Mike Pence to disregard legitimate electoral college votes from Georgia and other states

Her indictment follows a March censure by a Colorado judge where Ellis admitted lying and confessed to operating from a “selfish motive” while making “misrepresentations” with “a reckless state of mind.”

Ellis now blames her indictment on a weaponized justice system. “The Democrats and the Fulton County DA are criminalizing the practice of law,” she said in a correo.

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Trump spent more than $23 million on legal fees in the first half of 2023, but he’s not helping the 18 Georgia indictees with their legal bills. Ellis has raised more than $180,000 for her legal defense at a Christian crowdfunding site that has become a haven for Proud Boys and antisemites.

Ellis also has been accused of dodging efforts to serve her with a subpoena in a defamation suit against Rudy Guiliani brought by two Georgia election workers.  Ellis reclamado the workers, Wandrea “Shaye” Moss and Ruby Freeman, were moving “suitcases” full of bogus votes.  

Conservative legal celebrity

Ellis has a thin professional resume, and was despedido from a job as a prosecutor in Weld County, Colorado, for making “mistakes on cases.” But she was telegenic, winning the support of Christian leaders including James Dobson and Colorado Christian University President Bill Armstrong. She has held prestigious positions with a number of conservative evangelical groups, none of which have addressed her growing legal woes.

James Dobson named Ellis director of the Public Policy Center at Dobson Family Institute, the nonprofit he founded after leaving Focus on the Family. Dobson also introduced her to Fox News, where Trump saw her. This led to her work for the candidate and President before joining Rudy Giuliani’s “crack legal team” that unsuccessfully worked to overturn election results in states Trump lost.

Ellis taught at Colorado Christian University (CCU), which incorrectly called her “Dr. Ellis” before correcting the title. She is a fellow in constitutional law & public policy at CCU’s Centennial Institute, and habló at the institute’s Western Conservative Summit in Denver this summer, just months after she admitted lying as part of her censure.

Liberty University’s Standing for Freedom Center named Ellis a senior fellow and she has contributed articles on truth and how to “Defend Freedom from Democratic Party Authoritarians.”

Ellis was one of two attorneys successfully defending John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church against COVID vaccine mandates in behalf of The Thomas More Society, a Catholic legal group. Ellis appears in “The Essential Church,” a movie about the case produced by Grace. She also worked with Thomas More’s Amistad Project promoting “election integrity.”

Jenna Ellis
Jenna Ellis appears at the recent film premiere for ‘The Essential Church’ (Photo via social media)

Cedarville University in Ohio offers a Jenna Lynn Ellis Award, an endowed scholarship for junior or senior students planning to attend law school. The school’s website features an article about Ellis and the scholarship.

Ellis is an alumna and faculty member of Summit Ministries, a Christian worldview program for youth. She also appeared in the ministry’s podcast, “The Dr. Jeff Show,” to encourage believers “to stand for God’s truth and expect persecution whenever we follow Jesus Christ.”

She also hosts “The Jenna Ellis Show” on the Salem Podcast Network, where she focuses on “the rule of law and the importance of integrity in our elections.” She has appeared on the Red de radiodifusión cristiana, and condemned government tyranny in a pódcast from Concerned Women for America.

Reactions vary

Reaction to Ellis’s persecution claims vary widely.

“God is with you. Evil can’t stand when rebuked by those of us who love Jesus,” wrote one donor to her legal bills at GiveSendGo, a Christian platform that has operated campaigns for Derek Chauvin, the officer who killed George Floyd; Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen who shot and killed two men in a riot following Floyd’s death; Proud Boys leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio; protesters involved in the racist and antisemitic 2017 march in Charlottesville; and “patriots” arrested in the January 6 Capitol attack.

jenna ellis
Jenna Ellis (Photo via Centennial Institute)

“Cowards are the first to be thrown in the lake of fire, & this is undoubtedly where the Communist cowards that are persecuting Jenna Ellis and threatening the survival of America as a free and prosperous nation will end up, barring repentance,” wrote another GiveSendGo donor. Fellow Georgia indictee John Eastman has raised more than $500,000 on the site.

Meanwhile, never-Trumper George Conway responded, “I don’t know about you, but I plan to honor and to serve the Lord today by not engaging in any racketeering conspiracies.”

Another critic said, “You support a sexual predator who incited a coup and lies repeatedly. Pretty sure God has a negative view of those things. Stop pretending that you are being persecuted.”

Ellis has endorsed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the 2024 election, which has not endeared her to Trump, whom she reclamación (es is persecuting her, too.

“Team Trump is pushing a lie that I’ve been divorced 3x,” Ellis wrote on X. “It’s false. So why THIS lie? They want to destroy my character and make me seem untrustworthy and . . . ‘disloyal.’ It’s the lowest form of political attack but that’s all they have. It’s no better than leftists.”

CORRECCIÓN: Jenna Ellis was not party to the defamation suit brought by Wandrea “Shaye” Moss and Ruby Freeman as stated in the original article. We also removed a reference to religious persecution at Ellis’ request. Ellis stated after publication that she believes she is being “politically persecuted,” not persecuted for her faith.

Steve Rabey

Steve Rabey es un autor y periodista veterano que ha publicado más de 50 libros y 2000 artículos sobre religión, espiritualidad y cultura. Fue instructor en los seminarios Fuller y Denver y en la Academia de la Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU.



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86 Respuestas

  1. These Georgia indictments are frauds against the republic. Elections have often, for centuries, been disputed in the USA. It is not crime to do this.

    1. Robert – the notion that these legal indictments issued by the Grand Jury are a fraud is UTTER HOGWASH – of the worst sort!!

      This is NOT about disputing an election – those disputes were carried out in court and literally EVERY TIME THEY LOST – please THEY LOST the dispute over 60 times!!!

      Where ever you are getting your information is FAKE NEWS! Please educate yourself as to what the indictments are actually for.

      Jenna is a lying fraud and a political tool – nothing Christian about her.

      Stand up for truth – stand up for Jesus – not being a partisan hack!

    2. They were not indicted because of disputing an election. They were indicted for conspiracy to commit FRAUD in trying to change the results.

      1. It is obvious that the political left has corrupted the justice system. It’s logical to use “what about”until prosecutors are consistent. Joe Biden is corrupt. As to the state of mind-Ellis/Trump is a stretch to go after what one knows vs believes. Isaiah 40 compares leaders to less than dust on a scale. Psalm 2:4 says “He laughs” at the intent of leaders. I’m a follower of Christ. Bible is supreme. I serve in the US Military. Serve and protect the constitution. Not individuals. Politicians (most) have trampled the constitution to protect their interests and the media is in on it. This article is a snapshot of that and would be easy to debunk your arguments with scripture and the constitution. So sad how biblically illiterate many comments display.

        1. Please start getting real news, and find out the actual facts. I am disappointed over and over again when Christians are believing these ridiculous lies. The election was NOT stolen. Trump and team were trying to steal it. That is the reason for the charges.

        2. Jaime,

          My dad was a Marine. Thanks for your military service. Like Michelle, I hope and pray you come to the truth.

          “Never make someone a priority who has made you an option.” Mark Twain

          Would a truly honorable, patriotic person dodge military service – when our country “asked” for their help? Please investigate who has actually helped and respected our military and our veterans.

          Again, Thanks!

          1. Debra, I have. Based on evidence objectively/ subjectively. I have benefited from Trump’s policies far better than Obama or Biden. But I don’t rest my head on who is president. I rest my head knowing God is sovereign. To come to a conclusion on anyone less than 300 word post, is not fair. However, I seriously doubt the biblical fidelity of many who are echo chambers of these articles. I have spent hours studying these issues. Trump is not a savior. I think many who follow him practice idolatry. In fact I’d vote for Vivek or Kennedy, because they represent things I’ve actually fought for. Clinton dodged the draft too. I have 8 relatives who went there and never came home. I volunteered. Trump was called a dodger by Kuby who said anyone who took the education deferment was. Why would anyone go to Vietnam to die at 18? For what? They don’t respect vets anyway. My brother died from this last war. They take a month to highlight Pride but a day to remember those who made a real sacrifice. Biden was too busy looking at his watch to show honor and made a tactical decision that killed 13 souls. Biden or Trump. Trump!

    3. You couldn’t be more wrong. Your statement is proof that you belong to the cult. The cult is the big reason I’ve left the evangelical church and will never return. You’ve reminded me that that was the right thing to do.

        1. To reiterate what I said in “Batman Begins”:

          “Gotham’s time has come. Like Constantinople or Rome before it the city has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice. It is beyond saving and must be allowed to die. This is the most important function of the League of Shadows. It is one we’ve performed for centuries. Gotham… must be destroyed.”

          Same goes with the Evangelical church in the US.

  2. Law and Order prevailed and she was indicted along with Trump and several others. Yet she will have her day in court where she can make her case along with her own lawyers.

    PS. She isn’t being indicted (Persecuted) for being a Christian she’s being indicted for accused crimes related to interfering with the 2020 election.

    Now it also seems according to the above story that Trump is turning on her for supporting DeSantis.

  3. Jenna –
    Just…NO. If you want to claim your innocence, fine. But please keep my faith out of your foolery. You are not being persecuted. You are experiencing consequences of behavior YOU ADMITTED TO COMMITTING.

    And I’m utterly embarrassed at all the Christians who are giving money to the defense funds of those who participated in this organized effort to overthrow an election – the same people who told those of us who are not Trump supporters to “trust God has him in office for a reason” and “remember scripture says to obey government authorities.” Where is that argument now? And let’s think here: Isn’t Trump a billionaire? Why does he need your money for his legal fees out? And at the very least, shouldn’t he be taking care of “his people” in their legal trials? They are losing their professional licenses, reputations, and livelihoods over supporting him!

    This is all so sad.

    1. Thank you for your reply….after reading several of these comments and similar ones on other websites, it makes you wonder if they don’t see lying as a sin. I keep thinking that Christians will open their eyes to what is right before them. We all make mistakes but you ask forgiveness and stop making the same mistakes.

      1. And thanks for your reply as well. I now view these disputes as tests of the Ten Commandments and what Jesus identified as the greatest commandments. Political campaigns of any persuasion are not alibis for bearing false witness against our neighbors.

        To (mis)quote Shakespeare’s Hamlet, “something is rotten in the state” when Ellis recites Matthew 5:44 in her defense after admitting that she cursed and despitefully used election workers.

  4. It is beyond sickening to me when these arrogant hucksters claim they are being persecuted for their faith. When, in reality, they are simply being prosecuted for their alleged crimes. Let’s not forget that there are Christians in this world who are actually being persecuted for their faith. Fakers like Ellis should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. Add her to the long list of former Trump loyalists who have taken way too long to see his true nature. How tens of millions still don’t see it is beyond me.

    1. I will submit many of them can see it, but haven’t the courage to face the constituency cost of acknowledging it publicly. (And we should not underestimate the relative cost that many will pay by not “staying on message”.) We all live in constituency networks consisting of people we need or people who need us. In more civil times, we used to call this community while understanding that inclusion in the community meant accepting others who were not like us and depending on being accepted by others who viewed us as unlike them. I think the idea showed up years ago in the Sermon on the Mount. But, alas, life doesn’t work that way any longer, particularly in the “church” (whatever that term means these days). If there was a memo redacting the idea from contemporary editions of Sermon on the Mount, I didn’t get it. It must be another one of those “word of mouth” things and I just don’t run in the right circles to be in the loop. Its my sense nothing will change in this dynamic until the cost of doing/saying nothing becomes higher than the cost of doing/saying something. That watershed moment will be different for everyone as will the relative costs involved.

      1. My wife and I have been saying the same thing about not getting the memo. She had a lot of experience with a malignant narcissist (not me:)) and recognized the problem instantly in the 2016 election cycle. I hate to use the word credulity, as I know I’m capable of deceiving myself as well. But I have no better explanation for such blind loyalty.

        1. Anyone with any personal experience with a narcissist could diagnose Donald Trump from miles away.

          He’s literally going to be the textbook example. He’s almost a caricature of the disorder, he’s so completely self absorbed and self unaware.

  6. Yeah – typical lying criminal anti-Christ fascist – always crying and playing the victim all the while they are the abuser – religious leaders have been getting away with abuse and fraud for millenia – Jenna and so many exposed by the Roys Report is just getting her – well, as Jesus said, that which is done in the darkness is now being shouted aloud on the roof-top – ALL of these criminals starting with Trump himself need to be permanently put OUT OF BUSINESS in America!

    1. An interesting fact not mentioned in the article. In January 2022, Ellis was subpoenaed to testify before the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack. When called before the committee, “she pleaded the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination “. Huh?

  7. I honestly wonder the percentage of authors and comments are from regenerate or degenerate individuals. Statements like this are based in subjectivity, “But please keep my faith out of your foolery.” I’m not slamming, however saddened. Comments and quotes are misrepresenting. If The Roys Report would allow, the premises in this article are easy to debunk. But it would require more words than allowed on this platform. This reports narratives which enumerates the author’s views. I’m praying readers will discern what they read via the lens of scripture.

    1. The lens of Scripture readily and often indicts characters / liars like Jenna… and others in that cult. I appreciate your call to Scripture. In Scripture the likes of Trump, MAGAworld and Jenna are anti-Christs… their religious jargon means nothing. Their actions, including their lying tongues show who they really are. True followers of Christ and His Word recognize the wolves…

  8. Just amazing how a thin resume and a telegenic appearance can propel a good Christian girl right into James Dobson’s and then Trump’s sights (on Fox) and the Trump White House. How fortuitous.
    That Ellis did not have the discerment to see where that slippery slope was leading is the stunning thing. There were no doubt several opportunities to get out, to admit she was in way over her head–on several of the positions she took. The “crack legal team”? Good grief. What a lack of common sense, of judgment. Now spinning it as some type of political persecution? How typical.
    This American for one will be very happy to see the televised footage of this grinning, attention-seeking individual in court along with all the others indicted for racketeering. We Americans deserve justice for what has been done to our country, to our families, to the honest individuals who serve in elections and to our overwhelmingly secure elections. May healing begin sooner rather than later. Holding these folks accountable is a good start.

  9. She can claim that she’s a Christian, but I pray Jenna is like Chuck Colson and truly finds Christ through repentance when she’s in prison for the crimes that she has committed at the behest of the president.

  10. According to CNN, “Jenna Ellis, a right-wing attorney who represented Trump in 2020, has already raised more than $180,000 for her legal defense fund through a faith-based crowdfunding site called GiveSendGo.” I guess there really is a sucker born every minute.

  11. This article is yet one yet more important contribution to the historical record documenting the egregious sins of many self-proclaimed Christians and organizations in “Bearing False Witness – Exodus 20:16” in both private machinations and very loud declarations in public. Of note are the entities that embraced Jenna Ellis notwithstanding her career reliance on bearing false witness, her thin resume – if not lack of qualifications for work given, her inflated self-importance, and her strange incarnation of a Christian witness in general.

    With their other histories, it is not surprising that Cedarville University, GiveSendGo, Liberty University, the Dobson Family Institute, Colorado Christian University, and CBN puff up her story with media parades, jobs, and endorsements. It is telling how enmeshed these organizations have become with individuals who have breached both Biblical commandments and constitutional law – and will soon qualify for prison time as a consequence.

    Your George Conway quote had the right last words: “I don’t know about you, but I plan to honor and to serve the Lord today by not engaging in any racketeering conspiracies”.

  12. Jenna also represented herself as a “Constitutional Lawyer.” She is/was “not.” There she was, front and center in that boring, misleading, dishonest, self-promoting, revisional, “The Essential Church,” in spite of the revealed knowledge of who Jenna Ellis actually is.

    “No honor among thieves.” They have started turning against each other out of self-preservation.

    “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Shame all around. The Christian community cannot claim they didn’t know exactly who Donald Trump was from the beginning. We all did.

    “The end justifies the means.” No. It doesn’t. They have lost all credibility. All of their excuses are lame. There were several decent men running for office. They are in a no-win situation. If they repent, they will essentially be admitting they are fallible. At least they would get respect for repenting. Continuing with their blind support reveals how “prideful” and “deceptive” and “undeserving” they can be.

    Many have stumbled due to their self-serving motives. “Be not many of you teachers, my brothers, knowing that we shall receive the heavier judgment” (James 3:1).

  13. I concur with those who perceive this as somewhat of a critical article, which seems unsuitable for a platform like this one. Remarkably, Jenna is not flawless, just like the rest of us. Above all, I appreciate her willingness to openly acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior. I am additionally grateful that she does not shy away from championing the traditional Christian values upon which our nation was originally established, values that we have gradually strayed from, akin to the ancient Israelites in the Old Testament who failed to maintain their fidelity to their Covenant with God the Father. May God pardon America for her transgressions and guide us back onto the path of righteousness before it becomes too late for the United States.

    1. Robert, she surely shied away from testifying under oath before the House committee, so I don’t think she needs your or my appreciation for anything!

    2. Jenna was censured for “admittedly” making false statements. It was discovered that she lied about her resume. She helped ruin the lives of two innocent women with further lies. Now she is indicted for being part of a conspiracy to overthrow our government. She’s divorced. Her reputation is in shambles. “Doing” is far more important than “saying.” She has put a blemish on the name of Christ.

      We have strayed? I am sincerely confused about when exactly, this was such a holy Nation? At no point in history has there not been sexual sins, violence, theft, abortion, divorce, division, strife, the list goes on and on. John Hopkins has done sexual reassignment surgeries for years. There are more people in the world. There are also more ways of hearing about all of the things happening in the world. Nothing new under the sun. Interestingly, there are more and bigger churches too.

      Our job is to be salt and light. Nobody listens to hypocrites. Nobody. Jenna’s value is in reminding us that before you seek to “champion traditional values,” make sure you abide by them in own life.

    3. I whole heartedly agree with your sentiments about having someone willing to acknowledge Jesus as Lord. As christians we do make mistake and should acknowledge and repent. Jesus warned us against people calling him “Lord”. He advised us to look at their fruit. Lying, cheating, acting deceitfully etc . are not fruits of the spirit. Christians need discernment and should beware of “false prophets” or wolves in sheep’s clothing who tell us what we want to hear.
      We are living in the last days , I believe.

    4. This article isn’t about “flaws” or “mistakes”, it’s about committing willful crimes, for which she is now being held accountable. Putting Jesus’ name on that to smooth it over is an abomination, and exactly what Jesus spoke out against over and over- people who used religious language for their own power and gain.

  14. Racketeering defined:

    “Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the persons set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a “racket”) to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.” (my friend, WIKIpedia)

    It will be difficult to prove any of the charges in a Court of Law. Judgment will hang on motivations behind actions, which are notoriously hard to prove.

    In contrast, based on her own comments, it is incredibly simple to judge Fani Willis’s motivation: Get Trump! She campaigned on it. She continues to make a mockery of the American judicial system.

    1. Now I know why he was “certain” he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it. By the way, what decent person would even make that statement?

      The “motivation” of every prosecutor is to “get” criminals.

      1. Debra:

        Justice in the United States should be blind. This means no intelligent, wise attorney would ever condemn someone, as Fani has, before trial. What can we conclude from this? BIAS.
        It should not be used in any American Court of Law. It is why a jury should be chosen from un-biased Americans. It is why John Adams (1735-1826) defended eight British soldiers accused of murder during a riot in Boston on March 5, 1770.

        Here in the United States, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. You calling our former President a “criminal” before trial shows why jury selection is critical to a fair trial. It also shows you share Fani’s mindset.

    2. If Ellis was so dedicated to Trump and the belief that he won the election then why is she now supporting De Santis? (Per the story segment)

  15. Maybe, if all our religious leaders and christian politicians really follow the teachings of Jesus, we would be better off. Maybe, we need to hear more about the evil love of power and the love of money.
    Naybe, we need to be re-acquainted with the Way of Jesus who can rid us of the fear of the “other”.
    Maybe, we need to teach that the end Does Not justify the means.
    Thou shall not lie or bear false witness is a commandment we should keep and when we break it we should repent-all part of keeping God’s covenant.

  16. Trump tried to overthrow the government with the big lead up to January 6th and beyond. Ellis decided to cast her lot with the Trump team.

    The result is that she will be convicted, sent to jail, and lose her law license. Her law career will be over.

    Please do not quote scripture when you are involved in supporting cut-throat politics.

    The Trump cult runs very deep in the evangelical church.

    Very few people in Congress believe (in private) the 2020 election was stolen, however the great majority of evangelicals believe it was stolen or even worse Trump won the Presidency.
    So much for integrity in the evangelical community.

    1. gordon:

      Your words: “Trump tried to overthrow the government with the big lead up to January 6th and beyond.”

      Disputing the results of an election is not the same thing as overthrowing the government. Had my fellow Americans tried to “overthrow the government,” I imagine there would have been a whole lot of guns and a whole lot of blood.

      Your words: “The great majority of evangelicals believe it was stolen or even worse Trump won the Presidency.” On what evidence do you base this incendiary statement? The 2020 election was plagued with all kinds of last-minute rule changes in the name of COVID. Do you dispute this? Given the fact that Joe Biden won the 2020 election with more votes than Barack Obama, I would likely be scratching my head as a Democrat right now. How in the world was that even remotely possible given Joe’s unpopularity?

      1. Plain and simple Joe Biden legitimately win the 2020 election with no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Trump’s AG Bill Barr confirmed this and even (sad to say) Fox News admitted Trump’s loss as well. Unfortunately Trump was unwilling to concede and continued to push his ‘stolen election’ myth.

      2. Disputing the election results is not why they are being charged. They attempted to overturn the result of the election in Georgia by fraudulent, extra-judicial means — cooking up a scheme where fake electors would be presented to Congress after having convinced that the Vice President to take them instead of the real electors that represented Georgia.

        The defendants will now get their day in court as the constitution requires.

        It is also trivially true that not all coups are violent. Legislative coups, like the one cooked up by Trump and his gang, are just as illegal and just as much an offense against democracy and the Constitution of the United States.

        Finally invoking conspiracy theories does not change anything. The US courts heard over sixty cases in multiple jurisdictions involving claims of voter fraud and not once did the claimants present any evidence of fraud that passed even the most cursory sniff test.

        You have to accept that Donald Trump is the most divisive figure in the last 100 years to sit in the Oval Office — everything he says and does only confirms it. And you find it impossible to believe that Democrats and independents were especially motivated to kick that man out of the presidency at all costs? And still only 2/3rds of eligible voters actually voted.

        1. Miguel:

          Your words: “They attempted to overturn the result of the election in Georgia by fraudulent, extra-judicial means..”

          Actually, they asked for an audit of the results to make sure the results were legitimate. I am not sure where you get your information, but you are simply parroting the media here. Nobody attempted to overturn any election results. It was appropriate to ask for an audit given the incredibly irresponsible last-minute changes to election laws that were promulgated in Georgia and other states in the name of COVID.

          Do you think changing the laws/rules at the last minute was fair?

          Second question….why use such hyperbole? “coup…insurrection…overturn the results…fraudulent extra-judicial means…” Perhaps using appropriate language would better reflect the reality of what actually happened.

          1. It’s not hyperbole. He was impeached for inciting an insurrection. Ten House Republicans sided with the Democrats.

            Pressuring Mike Pence to overturn the election results and certify himself as the winner is a coup.

            This is not based on media spin, this is in the public record.

  17. What I like the most about the Roys Report is that with the exception of a very few this is a reality based website and community. Everyone may not always agree on all things but for the most part the majority of people that regularly comment here are well informed, can back up what they say and care about the truth.

  18. Jenna Ellis knew exactly who Trump was, and has always been. But once she saw the money and fame she could get for supporting him, she bowed her knee and kissed his ring.

    Ellis…repeatedly slammed then-candidate Trump as an “idiot,” who was “boorish and arrogant,” and a “bully” whose words could not be trusted as factually accurate. She called comments he made about women “disgusting,” and suggested he was not a “real Christian.”

    In one March 2016 Facebook post, Ellis said Trump’s values were “not American,” linking to a post that called Trump an “American fascist.” She praised Mitt Romney for speaking out against Trump, referring to him as “Drumpf,” – a nickname coined by comedian John Oliver after a biographer revealed Trump’s ancestor changed the family’s surname from Drumpf to Trump.

    “Why should we rest our highest office in America, on a man who fundamentally goes back and forth and really cannot be trusted to be consistent or accurate in anything.”

    In March 2016, Ellis attacked Trump supporters in a Facebook post for not caring that the Republican candidate was “unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal, dirtbag.”

    “I could spend a full-time job just responding to the ridiculously illogical, inconsistent, and blatantly stupid arguments supporting Trump,” she wrote in March 2016. “But here’s the thing: his supporters DON’T CARE about facts or logic. They aren’t seeking truth. Trump probably could shoot someone in the middle of NYC and not lose support. And this is the cumulative reason why this nation is in such terrible shape: We don’t have truth seekers; we have narcissists.”


    1. Never mind with the facts and documentation. When some people make up their minds there’s no way to change them.

      As with the Norbot I can’t even be convinced she’s a real, live person. She has avoided by cordial requests to prove this.

  19. Contextualize the Colorado case. The information is from the media. There are ethical issues that are not known. Jenna Ellis agreed to “misrepresentations” due to ethics with a client. She took the deal because of client privilege not admission of guilt. She is clear on that. There’s more to this story
    Are any of you willing to change your perception if information is concrete? Even when scripture contradicts what you always believed about something. Romans 1 is on full display in America. A lot of people have distain for Trump, MacArthur, Ellis and etc. Perspectives are biased. Mine too. But follow the facts/context. Look for what is not said. Media no longer acts as a medium. It is agenda driven. These are spiritual battles, these leaders are following the Father of Lies.

  20. So everyone who hates Trump and Ellis… Who would you vote for? The government is weaponized? Biden puts the “u” in “corrupt”. Plagiarism, associated with KKK, sniffed women and kids, racist statements, audio leaks of him doing corrupt things and documented pathological liar. Wouldn’t be surprised if these paintings aren’t a form of money laundering with all the other bribes and money his grandkids and in-laws received. Come on man!!!Who would you vote for between the two and why? Trump had results. The Abraham accords, energy independence, putting three Supreme Court Justices in office. Therefore putting the abortion issue back to the states. It’s the states that provide the federal government power not the reverse. So if it’s just these two, then who? Christians are responsible for every decision according to scripture. Everything being said. God is sovereign and Christ will judge the living and the dead.

    1. Since you asked, James, I’d vote for Biden. In 2020, I just voted for Biden because he wasn’t trump, and I was pretty sure the country would not survive another year of trump, let alone 4- like literally. His COVID response turned basic health measure political, and ended up killing millions more than other countries. It was disasterous. But now I’ll vote for Biden because he’s actually doing things for the american people- from rebounding the economy more quickly than any other industrialized nation, to lowering drug prices and actually getting an infrastructure bill passed- he has my vote.

      And here’s the thing, if Biden is corrupt, he should be investigated. And if there’s evidence, after he’s out of office (can’t indict a sitting president, after all), that evidence should be brought to a grand jury, and he should be indicted and tried. Just like they did with trump. No one should be able to hide their crimes with the presidency.

    2. I don’t like what either party as put forth. While I understand why Biden was elected in 2020, I’m not excited about his running again. The GOP debates have been bad (how did Vivek get so much air time when he repeatedly displays ignorance of basic civics, foreign policy, and civil rights?). And for 2024, I am concerned with all this government overreach the GOP keeps proposing. What happened to small government conservatism? free enterprise? individual accountability and freedom to choose for oneself? Now it’s:
      – “I’ll get the government to shut down Disney for making movies I don’t like!” (just unsubscribe?)
      – “I don’t want my kid reading a book on that topic, so I’ll get the government to ban it! (just don’t buy it or check it out of the library?)
      – “I don’t want my kid learning about any history that makes them feel bad, so I’ll get the government to make sure Ruby Bridges and Malcolm X are taken out of school curriculums!” (So what about parents who DO want their kids to learn these things?)
      – “Twitter kicked me off! I want the government to make them reactivate my account!” (Twitter has terms and conditions it is allowed to enforce; just find another platform)
      It’s too much. The government is not the bully on the playground you call over to fight your battles. But for now, the candidate who gets back to addressing inflation, the softer market, and foreign policy will get my attention. Those are more important to me than a movie featuring a male character wearing pink.

  21. Greg:

    People had a choice between Clinton and Trump. For Christians, it was a choice between a pro-abortion wife of a philanderer and a pro-life business man with a big mouth.

    We chose wisely at the time. Mr. Trump did some very great things for our nation. We realized that God uses sinners to accomplish his plans for all of us. We realized that God whistled for Assyria, a Godless nation, when he needed them to accomplish his purposes for Israel. We realized that God used David, a murdering adulterer, to bring about his purposes. We realized that God used Rahab, a prostitute, to accomplish his purposes.

    Unlike people, God’s ways are not our ways. He looks at the heart and moves people around to accomplish his goals. Like it or not, President Trump accomplished great things in spite of his multiple sins. I am grateful.

    1. Trump isn’t pro-life… he just says he might be… so much of American evangelicalism can be lead around by the nose so easily… a few well placed words here and there and they’re all in… By the way, the good pro-life things you’re crediting Trump for… 99.9% came from GOP party work, the Federalist S. and Mitch’s Senate machinations… Trump just happened to be there to announce names… He really doesn’t care about your cause… he just discovered magaEvangelicals would worship him and his forever need for adulation, if he threw them that bone.

      And yes, God used Trump, but not in the great way you think. He has been useful as a tool of exposure; a test to show who really is a follower if Jesus and who wants power and earthly glory and comfort, etc. It’s been a great unveiling and most American evangelicals have failed the test. But now it’s a lot easier to see who’s serving whom and why.

      1. Then what? Who would you pick? Out of the 2? Biden or Trump? Needless to say. So many other presidents have had very devious personal issues. Jefferson, Kennedy, Clinton, Obama and Biden are just a few. It is not a perfect deal. Biden maybe a reflection of Romans 1. We are doomed as a nation. Only Christ can redeem his bride. There is a difference between the bride of Christ and the United States. I get it. Trump isn’t your cup of tea. But would you pick Biden who is a racist, showers with his daughter, liar, plagiarist, takes bribes and has got rich by selling access to the country? Context is what is lacking. As a Soldier of these United States, Trump is a better president. I personally prefer Vivek. As a Follower of Christ, I know that politicians are less than dust on a scale (Isaiah 40).

        1. Utterly Point-les!

          A recent survey showed Democrats consider our enemies to be the usual suspects. Republicans said the greatest enemies are Democrats.

          There was a time when we had civil discourse in this country and made concessions to get things done for the good of the country.

          It is interesting that all of the presidents you named were Democrats. I guess Nixon – who actually had to resign – didn’t make the cut.

          Shame on you! You have made scurrilous accusations against Biden without one shred of evidence. To say he’s a racist is kinda laughable.

          Hindu? Oh Ok. You’re all over the place. Again, enough said.

          We have continuous job growth, so “Happy Labor Day.”

          1. Debra here are a few receipts to show you are either uninformed or do not care. Please read or listen to the links/facts that Biden is corrupt, a racist, pathological liar, compromised, covered for and should not be president. Please look at the evidence and facts.
            1. Racism and lies.
            2. Plagiarism
            https://youtu.be/fmuAB5MqP0Y?si=edY7gaU3o0vAil74 Next response will have more

          2. Debra, “Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things.” Also…”Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”. You clearly judged me. If you read everything I wrote you would be able to know that extreme MAGA crowd is practicing idolatry. At the same time. As Christ followers, I need to discern what God is doing and My civic duty. I also have blood, sweat and death in honor of this country. I know Biden is corrupted. I see documents and prayers for his dead soul. When he looks at his watch with dead troops. It’s 2:30!

        2. I will go with Mike Pence(born-again, loves Jesus, fantastic testimony, very wholesome speech, great government experience)…. I have a problem with Dear Leader sending out thousands of vile and abusive e-mails over the past 8 years.

          I get it, most evangelicals do not care about his abusive e-mails….. but that sort of fits that only 4% per of people in the U.S. actually have a biblical worldview….. go figure, evangelicals who say they believe in Jesus, but their faith has no impact on their daily life….

          Oh wait I get it….. that is why they love Dear Leader…..glad I figured why so many evangelicals love Dear Leader….

          1. You know Mike Pence propped up and enabled trump for his entire presidency. He literally stood by and gave the christian stamp of approval with is “fantastic testimony” and “wholesome speech” (I guess we are forgetting about he replaced Jesus with “old glory” while quoting scripture in that one convention speech, but I digress). He is the epitome of someone who had the chance to do something and instead traded all credibility to get close to power.

      1. Hey Greg,

        Your question: “If Christians have to lie, cheat and steal to bring about God’s will in America, are they really accomplishing God’s will?”

        God’s will does not depend on us, Greg. I believe you already know this. If you are asking if I support lying, cheating, and stealing, I do not.

          1. Andrés:

            Every single human on the planet lies, cheats and steals in one form or other. We are ALL sinners living in an imperfect world. If you are looking for the perfect person, you will never find that person. Unless you refrain from voting in our nation, you will end up voting for a sinner every single time.

            It’s why Jesus had to come. It’s why he had to conquer sin once and for all. His salvation is free for the asking.

          2. cinthia-
            You are deflecting. And again, I notice you do not make that same “everyone does it, we are all sinners, that’s why Jesus came” reply when it comes to the behavior of Democrats. Where is this “grace” when it’s Pelosi, Clinton, Biden, or Obama?
            You can’t wrap up bad behavior in Christianese just because you like their political stance or party.
            And this isn’t a personal attack; you are not alone: the church has done this a lot lately. Remember when Clinton was caught committing adultery (and covering it with lies) in the 90s? The church stood ready to accuse, finger point, demand his “ouster in the name of the Lord”, and repeat “the character of a President matters” mantras.
            Fast foward to the last few years, and we have Trump – who has been married
            three times, committed adultery, caught lying and cursing – and now the church is full of “who are we to judge”, “we are all sinners”, “it’s why Jesus came”, “trust God elected him for a reason”, “Trump is like Cyrus”, and “we don’t elect pastors” mantras.
            It would make me laugh if it weren’t sad. The world is watching us – and it sees right through us.

    2. It is really easy to simplify these choices using this rhetoric (and it’s convenient how you left out Trump himself is a thrice-married philanderer; am I the only one old enough to remember when his wife and mistress faced off in Aspen and ended up in Page Six?).
      To me, it came down to 2 things: experience and policies that help the poor.
      I believe we are paying the price for having a man who has proven himself to be ignorant of history, public policy, civics, and economic theory in office for four years. As neither candidate had a platform I 100% agreed with, I was more comfortable with Clinton’s qualifications as an attorney, law professor, former First Lady, and Secretary of State, especially when Trump would put his foot in his mouth and display ignorance of our government (we are a federal republic, not a pure democracy; we have three branches of government designed to “check and balance” one another, not for ALL to reinforce what the POTUS says, etc).
      I’ve also been witness of too many American citizens who are struggling to make ends meet over things that are VERY fixable, like access to affordable health care and quality food. Too many of us are filing for bankruptcy due to medical bills. Too many senior citizens and vets were watching their benefits get slashed or caught up in never-ending bureaucracy. Too many children receive their ONLY balanced meal at school.
      These issues mattered more to me than tax cuts for big business.
      Also, where were these “God uses sinners to accomplish His plans” arguments when Democrats were in office? Or is it only “Republican sinners”?

  22. This isn’t about “innocent until proven guilty.” We’ve seen and heard most of the evidence, some in real time. It’s not even about “who are you gonna believe – me or your lying eyes?” It is about “point- less-ness.” The same way the Rapture will not cause some to surrender, it is about a callous, hard heart.

    He was right about being able to not be held accountable. However, he was wrong about the location. He was run out of New York. He might be the only president to lose his home state, twice may I add, because they- know- him.

    He will go down in history as one of the vilest, most unpatriotic, incompetent figures in world history. His relentless followers will be among the likes of those that followed Jim Jones and David Koresh to the “literal” end.

    Joe Biden has been a public figure for decades. Suddenly, he’s corrupt? Make up your mind. Either he is senile, or he is a smooth criminal.

    Trump was a failed businessman, unfaithful husband, self-promoter, con man and terrible father. The sexual comments he made about his daughter are disgusting. He and Don Jr. didn’t speak for years, in part because he humiliated his mom by having his mistress publicly say the sex was great. Marla said he made her lie. (lol) Did we ever see him interact with Barron? What young boy wouldn’t want to attend the World Series or the Superbowl? Oh yea, “Barron” was the name Trump used when he planted lies about himself in the media. He used to love the media and Democrats, until he couldn’t use them.

    He is on record saying Christians are “suckers.” Hmm? He might have a point.

    1. Debra:

      Your words: “Joe Biden has been a public figure for decades. Suddenly, he’s corrupt? Make up your mind. Either he is senile, or he is a smooth criminal.”

      Are you suggesting being a public figure for decades somehow protects one from corruption???

      Also, isn’t it possible for Biden to be both senile and a criminal?

      Along with James, I will keep you in my prayers. Perhaps you have forgotten that God forgives.

      1. Cynthia and James,

        We have veered way off topic.

        Trump said he has never asked for forgiveness. If “poff,” you’re forgiven, then Christ death on the cross was unnecessary. It was not. Forgiveness is far more in depth.

        Out of respect, mostly curiosity, I looked at a couple of your recommended links. Even some of the comments affirm things were spliced and diced to say something untrue. The others were a lot of smoke – no fire, just like with Hillary.

        Joe Biden has not been accused of corruption until Trump’s lifetime of corruption seems to have caught up with him.

        I believe “false information” is our greatest enemy.

        By comparison, this is an incomplete list of those in Trump’s sphere that “have been indicted or convicted.” The list does not include those in his administration that committed ethical violations.

        1. Steve Bannon:
        2. Tom Barrack:
        3. Elliott Broidy:
        4. Michael Cohen:
        5. Michael Flynn:.
        6. Rick Gates:
        7. Paul Manafort:
        8. George Nader:
        9. George Papadopoulos:
        10. Roger Stone:
        11. Allen Weisselberg:
        12. Peter Navaro
        13-31- Georgia Elections
        January 6 thugs
        Proud Boys

        1. Debra I will pray for you. mission of the church is Christocentric, Biblical and doxological. Not political You made it personal by shaming me. You can say these documents are spliced. Your comments provide repetitive info from the media. Your arguments are subjective and have zero objectivity with Trump/Biden. I believe some who follow Trump practice idolatry. I served my country. My brother died in a pointless war. Biden doesn’t care about the soldiers that his decision caused the death of 13 soldiers. He was too busy viewing his watch. No matter what you say, the facts show Biden is corrupt. Blinding yourself from the truth is the only way you shamed me for pointing out the Truth. These corrupt politicians are less than dust on a scale (IS.40). You and many others conflate ecclesiastical context with governmental context from poor Hermeneutics. But we can graciously disagree.

          1. Jaime,

            I feel like the Godfather here, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” Haha!

            I am “only” in to beg your forgiveness. You said I tried to shame you and made it personal. That was not my intention. Review some of your comments too. However, I am “deeply sorry” if you – or anyone else – felt personally attacked.

            The entire world questions how Christians could endorse someone who seems to violate everything we say we represent. When I was told that if I didn’t vote for that person my salvation was in question, it was a bridge too far. It was an abuse of power, so I joined the chorus.

            Salvation is about faith alone, in Christ alone. I believe God alone is the answer. Our testimony supports or refutes that message.

            I remain “deeply” disappointed that politics has infiltrated the church.

            I will close, I promise, by saying “truth matters.” “Truth matters.” “Truth matters.”

            Peace and love

  23. I fail to understand why this particular story appears on a website which has the specific purpose to “report the truth and restore the church.” The mere inclusion of this material provides readers, as well as the owner of this page the opportunity to enter the political fray which ultimately serves as a distraction in focusing primarily on church related issues. Given the number of individuals who have responded to this posting, this article has obviously stirred up the emotions of individuals who have become captivated by political issues which are secondary to our faith as followers of Christ. Why post it? It appears to serve little use in the greater scheme.

    1. Chad,

      I will let the Roys Report respond for themselves, but the point, as I see it, is that the church has “become politicized.” I find that to be a problem.

      The “original” topic is that Jenna Ellis has inextricably tied “the Church” to her politics, and her politics is “world” news.

      I mean, come on. Her indictment is part of history and “she” has invoked Christianity. We therefore have been linked to her representation – whether we want to be or not.

      1. Debra:

        I will be signing off now. I will definitely pray for you, though. I believe you may be confused by the differences between words and actions. Let me refer you to the parable of the two sons in Matthew 21: 28-32.

        We can go on ranting from both sides of the aisle, but it will not change our views. Only God can change hearts and minds. I hope he will change yours and help you see that God’s grace is greater than the worst of us.

      2. Debra, good response. However, the follow up comments have become highly politicized, and are not focusing on the correlation, that you so rightfully see. Just one final thought… I totally agree with you, sadly, enough, at the church has become overly politicized. However, I am not certain that Ellis’ connection to Christianity is a direct correlation to the church. Perhaps one might see this correlation, theologically speaking, however, in pragmatic terms, I don’t necessarily think there’s a relationship to the institutional church, which seems to be a primary concern on this website.

  24. There’s a reason Jesus spoke very little of government and politics outside of the church. Because it’s not what we are are supposed to focus on. Cross bearers, that is. Articles like this bring out the best in Christendom, don’t they? (SMH)

    1. Mike Quimby,

      Uh No! It is not articles like this, but it is pastors, well known teachers of scripture, Christian authors, Presidents of National Christian organizations, Evangelicals, so called Christian Nationalist, that have brought out “the best in Christendom.”

      The very ones that should have kept us out of politics and focused on God – put us squarely in it. Shaking and bowing my head.

    2. Jesus had his hands full dealing with the Scribes and Pharisees……. yes church politics.

      They say church politics is the worst of all politics…. because people will say they love God but act totally Machiavellian…

      It is interesting how Trump’s horrible political behavior matches how many ministries act politically in the many many articles that TRR reports on….

      So in reality what goes on in government politically is no different than what goes on in many churches….

      It is of little surprise then that so many evangelical leaders support Trump….. they are both made from the same cloth…

      1. “It is interesting how Trump’s horrible political behavior matches how many ministries act politically in the many many articles that TRR reports on….
        So in reality what goes on in government politically is no different than what goes on in many churches….”

        This was a word. Truly made me pause.
        Señor, ayúdanos.

      2. GJ,

        “It is interesting how Trump’s horrible political behavior matches how many ministries act politically in the many many articles that TRR reports on….
        So in reality what goes on in government politically is no different than what goes on in many churches….
        It is of little surprise then that so many evangelical leaders support Trump….. they are both made from the same cloth…”

        This issue with the church leaders began long before President Trump was in office. I do not know your age, but this type of behavior/lack of scriptural accountability started showing up when attending Sunday school in the early 1970’s, and started in earnest in the early 1980’s (which coincided with the school’s studies on propaganda/mind control). Once you see the tricks/strategies, it is impossible to watch/listen to someone who has to employ these methods for “success”. Only trust the Bible/prayer for any relationship with God, not what a man/woman says or their political ideology, but how earnestly do they attempt to live a scripture based life, founded on rock, not sand. That is why most churches now run on a business model, not scriptural. They did not get any push back, or chose to ignored it because the congregation put with it. Con men took notice and started forming the church into what it has now become. It took President Trump to finally wake people up, and “expose” all church leaders for who and what they serve.

      3. Ironically I see the comparison of controlling, abusive, must toe the party line pastors of the MacArthur Nine Marks mold and the the progressive liberal Democratic leadership in Washington who wish to control most aspects of our lives. With Trump, despite his less than savory rhetoric, I see someone out to empower the individuals in this country, rather than control them like the other party.

        1. Ironically, Donald – my concern is seeing the GOP trying to control businesses, schools, and all aspects of our lives.
          From DeSantis trying to control Disney, to GOP leaders and conservative groups trying to control what books are available in libraries and what “version of history” is taught in schools, to bullying any organization that has a diversity program…I just can’t anymore. It’s control, control, control.
          If you don’t like something, don’t buy it, watch it, read it, or otherwise consume it. That’s your right. If you don’t like a school, don’t attend or send your child. Isn’t that what conservatives say school choice is about? But don’t use the government to try to legislate what YOU like or agree with to control the rest of us. That’s big government. That is the OPPOSITE of empowering individuals and businesses.

  25. We all have sinful perceptions. There maybe one error in the Bible. Paul, the chief of sinners, it is me. We can not judge, we must evaluate. Politics should never be in the church gathering. I know no matter what facts, people usually have their opinions. There needs to be a level of humility and no sees the EQ behind the IQ. One thing is clear since the inception TRR. James MacDonald, John MacArthur, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Etc. we all have a different perspective. Has anyone changed their mind? If restoring the church is a goal maybe politically based articles hurt that process. Biblical maturity is needed. Newsworthy vs biblically edifying. It is why I question the intent. A level of maturity in church polity and political divisions is in question. Are you informed or persuaded by the writing. That is missing today in journalism. Information vs persuasion. Grace is needed especially in the mirror.

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