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El pastor Tony Evans sorprende a la iglesia con el anuncio de compromiso

By Colleen Houde
tony evans engagement carla crummie
Pastor Tony Evans and his fiancée Carla Crummie (Facebook)

Well-known author and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, tony evans, surprised his congregation on Sunday, announcing that he is engaged. 

Leading up to the fourth anniversary of his wife’s death, 74-year-old Pastor Evans brought his family to the stage, honoring his late wife before making the announcement. 

“As I come up to the fourth year of the loss of Lois, my wife of 49-and-a-half-years, it is a tender time. There are reminders everywhere of her life and her influence on me, my family, and this ministry,” said Evans to his church. “All that has happened in my life has been defined by her.”

He thanked the congregation for grieving alongside him and holding him up as he worked through the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with grief. 

“As I work through the ups and downs of singlehood, God in His sovereignty, has brought someone into my life. This someone has travelled this similar road. In fact, she and her husband were on their way to Lois’s funeral when her husband died,” said Evans to his congregation. “As I have tried to share the ups and downs of my life with you, I wanted to share this and give you the opportunity to meet my new fiancée, Miss. Carla Crummie.”

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The crowd responded with cheers as Carla made her way onto the stage. 

“One thing that I have appreciated about Carla is she has held Lois Evans high in honoring her legacy here.”

“It’s a sensitive time,” said Pastor Evans. “During times like this, you’re also reminded of loss. I want your sensitivity as you pray for me. As we walk through this journey. As she walks through the grief, she has to walk through.” 

The pair have not yet set a date for their wedding. 

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en CHVN.

Journalist Colleen Houde is a news writer and on-air host at CHVN in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.



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15 Respuestas

  1. ????????❤️. God has a way of paving ways that are unexpected….. for us. His blessings abound and nothing is unexpected or new to him ….only to us. Proverbs 3:5,6. I wish Pastor Tony and Sis Carla continued blessings as they take this pathway together.

  2. I pray God’s uttermost and most endearing BLESSINGS on Dr. Evans and Sis. Carla. The Lord has been, is currently, and will be with you both. God BLESS the whole Family.

  3. Thank you both for remaining steadfast and faithful during such heart wrenching times. We are Grateful that God has brought great Joy out of deep sorrow. Dr Evans I have listened to you and watched you for many years. After the loss of my dream of living “happily ever after” I watched in astonishment as you continued to worship your Maker and hold fast to your belief that God is a good and Sovereign Father! Man was not created to be alone and it is wonderful that you will once again have a help mate to share life with! Prayers over you all!

  4. I’ve known my friend, Dr. Tony Evans since 1988, and I can tell you that everything about him is authentic and classy! That is why he gave such a classy introduction of his new fiancée. May God continue to favor Dr. Tony and his soon to be new bride.

    1. I attended the conference on April 6, at Victory didchurch in Lakeland FL.with some of the members from our women’s ministry.we had our book with us kingdom women we have only two chapters left and we are still excited about the conference.Our pastor attended with us.We will be studying in another one off your books. Congratulations on your marriage, it’s not God’s plan for man to be along.

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