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Teacher & Former Youth Leader at Embattled SBC Church Charged with Sexually Assaulting 15-Year-Old Boy

Por Josh Pastor
reagan gray youth leader
Reagan Gray, a former youth leader at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas, has been arrested and charged with first-degree sexual assault. (Photo: IBCLR)

A former Christian school teacher and youth volunteer at an embattled Arkansas Southern Baptist church has been charged with sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy she met in the church’s youth group.

The development is the latest in a months-long, sex abuse and cover-up scandal at Immanuel Baptist Church (IBC) in Little Rock, Arkansas. Just last month, IBC’s longtime lead pastor, Steven Smith, resigned due to the controversy.

The latest allegations involve Reagan Gray, 26, who volunteered as a youth worship leader at IBC. Gray also was a teacher at Little Rock Christian Academy.

The Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office arrested Gray on April 17 on one count of first-degree sexual assault. Gray, who pleaded not guilty, posted $20,000 bond the same day. 

According to a probable cause arrest affidavit, Gray pursued a romantic relationship in 2020 with a 15-year-old she had met through the IBC youth group. Gray, then 23, “received (the victim’s) phone number from a group chat for the church’s music program,” the affidavit stated. 

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “What If Jesus Was Serious about the Church?” by Skye Jethani. To donate, haga clic aquí.

immanuel baptist ibc
Student ministry worship service at Immanuel Baptist Church. (Photo: Facebook)

Gray then “sent nude images of herself to (the victim) on a daily basis and would expect and request sexually explicit images” of him, the affidavit states. The victim said he “probably” sent nude images to her but did not recall. Gray reportedly sent photos via Snapchat, which automatically deletes photos after a few minutes.

Gray also had “highly inappropriate romantic text” conversations with the minor, which the boy’s parents discovered in August 2020, as previously reportado por El Informe Roys (TRR)

The arrest affidavit states that the sexual relationship between Gray and the teenage boy resumed in the fall of 2020, when they began to “engage in sexual contact” in Gray’s vehicle and at Gray’s apartment. “Gray would perform oral sex on the victim (and he) would digitally penetrate Gray’s vagina,” the affidavit states. 

The victim stated to authorities that Gray “would verbally request penial/vaginal intercourse.” But the two abstained from this for him “to stay pure,” stated the victim in the affidavit. 

Authorities charged Gray with sexually assaulting the victim repeatedly between Sept. 1, 2020, and May 31, 2021. The victim told investigators that five to 10 incidents of sexual contact occurred. 

reagan gray
Reagan Gray leads worship at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas (Video screengrab)

IBC Lead Pastor Steven Smith suspended Gray from her duties in summer 2020 and “required (her) to undergo counseling,” according to an Email Smith sent to the congregation last year. However, Gray resumed her youth leadership role months later, according to a letter from IBC Deacon David Choate.

en un declaración that Smith issued in January, he said that Gray returning to her leadership role “never should have happened.” Smith added: “It was wrong, and I apologize to those we hurt by allowing it to happen.” 

Starting in November, several deacons called for the resignation of Smith due to his alleged mishandling of Gray’s case and sex abuse involving former IBC Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry Patrick Miller.

De acuerdo a un informe en el Gaceta demócrata de Arkansas, Smith stated in a March 27 email to members that the tension within the church “has been very real and very public in recent months.” He concluded, “At present, we do not see this abating, but only increasing.”

TRR reached out to an IBC spokesman for comment on the latest development involving Gray but did not receive a response. 

immanuel baptist church steven smith
On Jan. 14, 2024, Pastor Steven Smith addresses child safety policies at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. (Video screengrab / File photo)

Last September, following revelations that IBC leaders mishandled the disclosure of abuse, IBC Discipleship Content Director Courtney Reissig, who is also a Christian author, resigned from her position. In an interview, she told TRR that her reaction today is one of “relief and grief.” 

“I feel relief that the truth is coming out, but I feel grief because it didn’t have to be this way,” said Reissig, whose role involved writing student ministry curriculum. “My prayer has been that justice would be served and the truth would come to light. I think the arrest is a step in that direction.” 

Church cover-up ‘allowed abuse to fester’

The church’s recent upheaval has centered on a lack of disclosure by Smith and church leaders of multiple incidents of child sex abuse, including a criminal case dating back nearly a decade. 

IBC Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry Patrick Miller según se informa fondled and sexually abused multiple elementary-age girls during his tenure at IBC from 2014—2016. Miller allegedly would groom them through games of “hide and seek” where they would be locked in darkened rooms at the church.

Parents informado IBC staff of Miller’s alleged abuse in March 2016. However, Smith did not disclose any details to church members until last December, when Miller’s criminal record became public. 

miller smith NDAs
On Dec. 10, 2023, Pastor Steven Smith (right) of Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Ark, disclosed the criminal conviction of Patrick Miller (left), a former church staff member. (Photos: Facebook / Screengrab)

Several deacons, including Choate, subsequently raised the situation with Gray as another example of lack of disclosure. Smith reportedly withheld details of Gray’s misconduct from the congregation for years, putting youth at risk.

“Dr. Smith’s intentional failure to tell the full truth helped to temporarily hide his own mistakes in handling the situation in 2020,” stated Choate in the letter to elders. “But it also critically denied parents of exposed teenage boys the opportunity to talk to their children and learn if they too had been victims.” 

In December, Smith and church leaders reportedly required that a committee of deacons investigating abuse sign an extensive non-disclosure agreement. And, in February, IBC leaders required all deacons to sign a “loyalty pledge,” prompting the resignación of eight longtime deacons. 

courtney reissig ibc
Courtney Reissig (Courtesy Photo)

Former IBC staff member Reissig, who interacted with Gray in her role, said many churches are “ill-equipped” to respond to abuse incidents and leaders often “quickly shift to self-preservation.” 

“What happened at Immanuel is a symptom of a larger problem both within the SBC, and more broadly in evangelicalism,” said Reissig. “At a minimum, we need better training of our leaders about mandatory reporting laws and requirements.

She urged churches to “root out a culture that allows abuse to fester and stay hidden” and instead embrace accountability, transparency, and “caring for the survivors.”

Christa Brown, a prominent abuse survivor and advocate, told TRR she has seen this pattern of “trying to handle things quietly in-house” often in Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) churches.

“The Southern Baptist sexual abuse crisis is as much about the countless complicit enablers like Steven Smith as it is about the abusers,” said Brown. “And so long as there are little to no consequences for the enablers and cover-uppers, the predators will persist.”

At the SBC Annual Meeting, set for June 9-12 in Indianapolis, churches’ response to abuse is expected to be a significant focus of resolutions and impact the selection of the denomination’s next president. 

In a recent statement to los medios de comunicación locales, IBC interim executive pastor Mark Carter stated that the church’s Caring Well Team has been informed about the case involving Gray. They would “assess the situation and determine what action steps will be taken,” he said. 

“We are grieved over this situation, hurting for the young man affected, and praying for all involved,” said Carter.

A review hearing for Gray’s case at the Little Rock District Court is colocar for June 17.

Periodista independiente Josh Shepherd escribe sobre fe, cultura y políticas públicas para varios medios outlets. He and his family live in the Washington, D.C. area.



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9 Respuestas

  1. What happened at Immanuel Baptist is both horrible and sad. However, I personally have been consulting with Immanuel and they have begun strategic Survivors Care Ministry at the church with amazing results.
    This is very real on their part. They haven’t advertised it but are simply doing it. Nothing can reverse the mistakes of the past but their actions indicates a genuine desire to change.
    They have implemented both the Fearless Series for Women and the Fearless Series for Men featuring Max Lucado, himself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I am the creator of both of these Series.
    I pray that soon these corrective actions will make the news.

    1. If Steven Smith is still running the church after his outstanding failures, no amount of watching videos is likely to make a difference. Good leaders accept consequences and say the magic words, “I resign. Good bye.” Lousy leaders hang on and wreck the organization on their own ego.

      1. Steven Smith did resign. And the Fearless Series is way more than just “watching videos.” Those left behind are trying to pick up the pieces and move forward.
        I guess we could say just burn the place down and curse everyone there but doesn’t seem to give much room for grace.

        1. “I guess we could say just burn the place down and curse everyone there but doesn’t seem to give much room for grace.”

          “We” didn’t say that. I said Steven Smith needed to resign. If he did, great. If he gets hit with civil liability judgments at some point, even better.

  2. When I was taking classes in my denomination’s school of ministry in the Arkansas district, in our ministerial ethics class it was made clear that once we received a ministerial credential, we would be legally considered mandatory reporters if abuse (physical or sexual) of a minor was even suspected. My wife is an elementary school secretary, who really only interacts with students when they are checking in late or checking out early or have to check out a loaner Chromebook, and she is even a mandatory reporter as a school employee.

    If we were taught that at a ministry school that doesn’t grant degrees, just provides training, then someone with a doctorate (PhD or DMin) has no excuse for not knowing about the mandatory reporting law and complying with it.

  3. People. If anyone in any church is listening to this. This is how you report on anything that has to do with children or minors. You pick up the phone and call 911. Then call CPS. Do this as soon as you hear a child or family tell you something. There is no internal investigation when dealing with a crime! If you don’t know the number to CPS, get off this artical, find it now, and put in in the church office.

  4. Anyone can start an organization and stick a sign that says “Church” on it. That does not make it Jesus’ Church. Jesus warned about the religious folks in his day. The hypocritical leaders. Nothing has changed. Those seeking power over people are not serving any god but the Devil according to Jesus’ own words. This institution has proved it is no church, but rather a septic-tank whitewashed with the words Church and a false image projected that comes straight from hell not heaven. May those who have ears to hear hear what the Spirit is actually saying.

    1. I agree, Ralph.
      You are spot-on again.

      So many people pretending they don’t know what the word SERVE actually means….

      ‭”But Jesus called them unto him, and said:
      “Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.
      *But it shall not be so among you:
      But whoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your *servant*
      even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:25-28)

      …neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:3)

    2. I have heard many ‘Christians’ make similar statements over the years. Some of them have finally been found as guilty of sexual sins as those they were ostracizing. I do NOT suggest u are one of them. Your comment was a breath of fresh air to me. I spent from 1992 to 2011 researching ‘American Christianity’ across the USA. I was totally gobsmacked!! Every ‘Christian’ unashamedly confessed to being a sinner!! Pastors tell stories bout their sin from their pulpits & the congregation laughs!! I’ve heard that far too many times. Jesus told us we have just two options: repent or perish. Lk. 13:3 & 5. Repentance has NOT been taught in churches since the civil war, when Satan created a substitute ‘gospel’ of ‘Jesus Freaking.’ The common belief of ‘Christians’ today is that all their sins have been washed away [atoned for] by the blood of Jesus, so they don’t feel any shame, guilt or conviction about sin. Paul told u that the wage of sin is death, well after Calvary, & he had been trained personally by Jesus on how to teach His gospel. He was NOT aware of any permanent, total elimination of sins, past, present & future. I write articles on Substack & on Facebook’s Life Abundant. Please read REPENTANCE there, for a biblical description of that once in a life-time event. It cannot be repeated. Heb. 6:4-6 God called me to make a stand against evil. Ps 94:16. I wept at the time bc I was a sinner. But after searching for God with ALL my heart, He revealed Himself to me & I learned to fear Him, which allowed me to repent. Ex. 20:20. I was then VERY pleased to accept His call! It makes me VERY unpopular though!!

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