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Tony Evans Says He Is ‘Stepping Away’ from Leading Dallas Megachurch Due To ‘Sin’

Por Adelle Banks
tony evans sin
Tony Evans speaks at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Anaheim, California, on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. (RNS photo/Justin L. Stewart)

Tony Evans, the longtime leader of a Dallas megachurch and bestselling author, has announced that he is stepping back from his ministry due to “sin” he committed years ago.

“The foundation of our ministry has always been our commitment to the Word of God as the absolute supreme standard of truth to which we are to conform our lives,” Evans said in a Sunday declaración to his Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship church that was posted on its website.

“When we fall short of that standard due to sin, we are required to repent and restore our relationship with God. A number of years ago, I fell short of that standard. I am, therefore, required to apply the same biblical standard of repentance and restoration to myself that I have applied to others.”

Evans, 74, was not specific about his actions but said they were not criminal.

“While I have committed no crime, I did not use righteous judgment in my actions,” he said. “In light of this, I am stepping away from my pastoral duties and am submitting to a healing and restoration process established by the elders.”

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “What If Jesus Was Serious about the Church?” by Skye Jethani. To donate, haga clic aquí.

tony evans sin oak cliff
Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas. (Photo via social media)

Evans, the founder of the Christian Bible teaching ministry The Urban Alternative, has led the congregation for more than 40 years and has a radio broadcast, The Alternative with Tony Evans, that is carried on hundreds of radio outlets across the globe.

An additional statement on the website of the predominantly Black nondenominational church said Evans made the announcement about stepping away from his senior pastoral duties during both of the congregation’s services on Sunday.

“This difficult decision was made after tremendous prayer and multiple meetings with Dr. Evans and the church elders,” the other statement reads. “The elder board is obligated to govern the church in accordance with the scriptures. Dr. Evans and the elders agree that when any elder or pastor falls short of the high standards of scripture, the elders are responsible for providing accountability and maintaining integrity in the church.”

The second statement said Pastor Bobby Gibson, lead associate pastor of fellowship, and the church’s elders will provide more details about future steps concerning interim leadership.

Evans noted in his statement that he had shared this development with his family and church elders who, he said, “have lovingly placed their arms of grace around me.”

Evans’ wife of 49 years, Lois, died in 2019. He remarried in November, and the church Anunciado his marriage to the former Carla Crummie in December, introducing her as “Mrs. Carla Evans.”

tony evans carla
Pastor Tony Evans pictured with his wife, Carla Evans (née Crummie), at their private wedding ceremony. (Photo: Facebook)

Tony Evans, the first African American to have both a study Bible and a full-Bible commentary bearing his name, has called on others to be accountable.

In a 2021 interview with Religion News Service, he spoke of how he “corrected” gospel musician Kirk Franklin, who then apologized for an obscenity-laced audio that was released by Franklin’s oldest son after the two had an argument.

Evans said at that time that Franklin “was both challenged and corrected for that. And that’s part of the accountability that every man needs in his life.”

Now, the pastor told the congregation that he is entering a period of “spiritual recovery and healing.”

“During this season, I will be a worshiper like you,” he said. “I have never loved you more than I love you right now, and I’m trusting God to walk me through this valley.”

Adelle Banks es editora de producción y corresponsal nacional de Religion News Service.



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66 Respuestas

  1. This one really hurts. I have so much respect for him, his family and the church. He is a great leader whose teaching has challenged me over the years.

    1. What a sad day I respect this man Dr Evans very much am sorry about this issue he has to deal with. I hope that soon he will be restored to leading his congrgation once again

  2. In other words, he was about to get exposed and wanted to get out in front of it and control the narrative. Why else the sudden epiphany about confessing his years old sin?

  3. I wonder if someone might have threatened to take this information public and that’s why it is coming up at this time. I’d wonder what others think of this conjecture?

    1. I’m not sure that a conjecture is a good thing at this time. I am very disappointed that it took this long for him to do what he should have done long ago, but at least he has done it now.
      It remains to be seen if he remains contrite and humble and truly stays in the pew where he belongs from here on out.

    2. Dawn, my wife and I were justing communicating that very message to each other….after we prayed for my long-time friend, Dr. Tony Evans. We love Tony and his family, and trust that God will ultimately get the glory, as Dr. Tony is the real deal, even if he has fallen short in this situation.

  4. None of this makes any biblical sense. For starters, repentance is a very emotional, once-in-a-life-time event which can NEVER be repeated. Heb. 6:4-6 All of us have sinned hundreds or thousands of times, many years ago. We were born sinners, & did it ‘naturally’ due to that sinful nature we inherited from Adam. Rom. 5:12-21. When we search for God with all our hearts Jer. 29:11-14 with God being the focus, not us. Agape love demands that we stop sinning. See AGAPE on Substack or Facebook’s Life Abundant. What’s the point of having elders who sin, offer counsel to another sinner? Gal. 6:1 There is NEVER any forgiveness in the absence of repentance. 2 Chron. 7:14, Mk. 1:4. Lk. 3:3, 24:46-47, Acts 2:38. Tony almost says the right words but obviously does not know what repentance is, like every other ‘Christian’ of today. No third party can help a sinner repent. It is a very personal matter between the sinner & a holy God who CANNOT have any contact or communication with sinners or their sin.
    For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness; with you, evil people are not welcome. The arrogant cannot stand in your presence. You hate all who do wrong, you destroy those who tell lies. The bloodthirsty and deceitful you, LORD, detest. Ps. 5:4-6
    PLEASE read my book ‘A Nation Broken’ from Amazon or B & N to find God’s true message of working out one’s salvation with fear & trembling. Believe me, this is NOT about royalties for me. It’s ONLY about the love God has put in my heart for Americans, after researching ‘American Christianity’ Across the States, from 1992 to 2011.

    1. Colin, God the Son touched and communicated to sinners just fine. Context is everything and the NT has many places where believers repent of asked to repent. In fact, you refer to Gal 6:1 as one of those places which actually contradicts your premise that there is only a repentance at conversion. You also seem to believe in perfectionism. 1 John 1:8 gives you a warning there for thinking that. Most of the New Testament wouldn’t have been written if the believer is at a perfect state upon conversion.

      1. I would be careful of Colin’s book. Just go to Amazon and read the one lengthy review of the book and why it has only received 2 stars out of 5 stars.

        1. Pat wrote what he hopes is a scathing review of my book bc he got VERY upset with me on a chat, & threatened to do this. His review explains that what I read in the bible, & believe, as he does, can be contradicted in the bible. He believes only the contradictions!! He says that to be born again we MUST turn from our sins, but then tells us that we continue sinning after that!! The bible is the Holy Spirit inspired word of God & CANNOT have ANY contradictions. He is upset bc I call the bible ‘God’s life instruction manual!!’ Anyone with any discernment will see Pat is far from being a trusted source of truth.

          1. Colin, Christians are called to repent as seen in the admonition by Jesus to the church at Ephesus. It is an imperative (command) in the grammar and the original word is “metaneo” which is the usual word for repent and means to change direction. In fact, John in his first epistle points out that if anyone claims to not sin they are a liar, therefore we are instructed to confess our sins (1 John 1:9).

      2. THANK YOU Joe. I would encourage everyone to recalibrate and focus on 2 things. Love God as best you can. Love your neighbor as yourself. How have we gotten so far off this path????

      3. Part of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to obey everything He commanded us. Matt:28-19-20. .Be perfect as God is perfect. Matt. 5:48 Stop sinning, Jn, 8:34, Lk. 13:3 & 5, Be afraid of God, Matt. 10:28 Give up EVERYTHING you have. Lk. 14:33. 1 Jn. 1:8 does NOT mean that we can’t stop sinning, Keep reading & u find that the very reason John wrote the letter was so the recipients would stop sinning. 1 Jn 3:4-10 KJV assures us that we CANNOT sin when we are in Christ!!. The men who compiled the modern versions added words to that chapter so they could twist the truth, bc they were sinners.
        Jesus was ‘fully man,’ & in that capacity could meet with sinners, but God CANNOT. Ps 5:4-6
        Gal. 6 may be about someone who had not fully repented.. Heb 6 makes it clear that repentance is a one-time event. Paul felt a fire in his gut if he heard of one of his ‘flock’ sinning. 2 Cor.11::29 It’s ONLY those who have repented who receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38

      1. Humans ‘just don’t choose to be perfect.’ Believe me, I know that is totally impossible. I tired harder than anybody for decades. When we get to know God well we can’t help but want to please Him. When that is VERY REAL, any sin after that is so incredibly, devastatingly painful emotionally that one stops sinning bc one never wants to experience that again.
        ‘See AGAPE on Substack or on Facebook’s Life Abundant

        1. Colin I really want to understand where you’re coming from. Are you saying that you never sin? I’ve seen others ask this question of you as well but I still haven’t seen an answer.

  5. Naw, it’s more than this. I don’t believe Tony committed sin that requires him to step down. He would have dealt with this years ago. I think he wants to simply move in a different direction. This is an excuse, not a reality.

    1. “I think he wants to simply move in a different direction.”

      If that is the case, then lying to his fans, followers, and congregation is – pardon the term – a sin.

  6. Something doesn’t quite make sense. If the moral failing happened years ago, isn’t that when repentance should have happened? Also, he must be planning a comeback since he talks about restoration. Just terribly sad.

  7. I am sure that we are wondering what could have been such a heavy burden on Pastor Evans soul that he felt it necessary to step away from his pastoral duties. However, it is unnecessary for us to know as this is between Pastor Evans and God. Pastor Tony Evans has blessed me over and over again with his powerful expository preaching and teaching of the word of God, and I pray that he will be restored in his relationship to the Lord and the congregation that he has served for so many years.

  8. This is a sad state of affairs. I’m disappointed how he waited years to step down when he knew years ago that he had disqualified himself. This points to the lack of integrity regardless of how he’s presented himself in his letter.

  9. Here are the next steps:

    1. Step away from ministry for 3 to 6 months.
    2. Radio Shows, books, videos etc. still go on.
    3. 1 month before coming back announce a sermon series on King David and how David was restored.
    4. No questions are taken by leadership.
    5. Only grace can be discussed.

    The Evangelical Industrial Complex says that is the way it is going to happen……..

    1. Actually, his radio show has stopped airing any new episodes since this announcement – across all platforms.
      It’s one thing to be angry or bitter, but let’s not let that lead to spreading rumors or untruths.

      1. I think it is more of a realization that for most cases of celebrity/megachurch pastors (and even “regular” pastors), the same playbook is used over and over again (regardless of what denomination, if any, the pastor is a member of). It’s formulaic and canned, almost like a SOP from a PR/Damage Control firm in dealing with a crisis. Not once do you see any of one of these pastors actually do the right thing and voluntarily walk away from the pulpit permanently. The only way that happens is if they go to prison for many years (and sometimes not even then).

      2. From the Christian Post…. (one cannot make this stuff up)…..

        While Evans may be stepping down temporarily, he will remain active in his Christian Bible teaching and resource ministry, The Urban Alternative. In partnership with Christian travel management company Inspiration Travel, Evans and The Urban Alternative will host a Mexican Riviera Cruise planned for Nov. 9-16, with tickets starting at $1,198 per traveler.

        1. Across every major platform that airs TUA (including the TUA site itself), they are just reairing old episodes (I’ve listened for years and remember these messages). No new content posted since this announcement. And the cruise was canceled.
          I get being disappointed – I have a whole mix of feelings on this – but let’s not spread misinformation.

  10. This must be the weakest confession in the history of public confessions- he does not even use the word ‘confession’, or even ‘sin’; rather he fell short of a “standard” and did not use “righteous judgement”.

    Actually, it’s not a confession of sin; merely an exercise in “brand protection”.

    1. I don’t believe he needs to confess all the sordid details to the world. We have no idea what has taken place privately among his closer circles, an ultimately between him and God.

      1. I never mentioned him need to spill all the details- let’s be clear on that. My point was, and still is, that there was not even an admission that he has sinned. Unfortunately, many leaders, like him, will use every word but “sin” when they “fall” or “stumbled”. What’s so wrong with admitting he sinned?

        You are correct when you say that we do not know what has occurred privately between his closer circles; yet given his high profile, and his public comments around men needing to be accountable, he does owe his church follower’s more than what he offered in his statement.

        If there was ever a time where he needs to practise what he has preached, that time is now.

  11. This truly saddens me.
    I don’t understand the need to step down now instead of when the “sin” occurred.
    If this is a disqualifying sin, did he not know that it was a disqualifying sin years ago? If so, he continued to pastor under the weight of committing a disqualifying sin? Was this a one-off or pattern?
    I’m sad for his new wife.
    Was she aware of this when they married?

  12. 74 years old, amassed a fortune over several decades, new younger wife. Mighty convenient time to be burdened about a “years ago” sin.

  13. This is very sad, and a powerful reminder that all have sinned – including pastors. As believers, let’s remember we have been given grace and mercy so that we can extend it to one another.

    And given we do not know what this sin is (and I don’t believe we are entitled to know unless we are the ones specifically sinned against), we must be careful about demanding his apology look or sound a certain way to us (who are we to demand this and what do we really want?). We must also not let speculations fuel gossip or mean-spirited conjecture. I mean, commenting on the age of Dr. Evans’s new wife? Let’s be better than the world on matters like this.

    1. Well said Marin. My speculation likes to think the best of him so I’m thinking this may have been a debatable matter – something that doesn’t come anywhere close to what we have been witnessing over the years. So that would explain the delay. I’d also recommend to you that it could be the different perspective of his new wife that may explain the difference.

  14. I knew this would be the lead story on here today and the responses to it in this comment section are no surprise, either.

    “I tell you, on the day of judgement you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter;..” Mt 12:36. Yes, I realize that include me, too.

    1. Whoa Michael! A level-headed post. You’re the guy, who wouldn’t even look up, beating his chest at the altar. God bless you pal. We need more of you in the church today.

  15. Pharisaical cynicism just reeks in these posts. So many self righteous opinions who have not done 001% of what TE has done in his life and ministry. Sad. Disappointed. And yes, disillusioned. Pray for the brother.

    1. You hit the nail on the head. And I didn’t realize all these folks had access to all the info you and I must not have….

      1. Situational ethics: the position that moral decision making is contextual or dependent on a set of circumstances.

        True – we are all in the flesh and therefore prone to sin. Also true, we are all prone to speculation.

        “He” opened the door to speculation.

        True – we shouldn’t prejudge without the facts, but neither should you be so quick to exonerate, without knowing the nature and duration.

        “He,” having all of the facts, determined it was worthy of stepping away.

        Neither should you be condemning of people who are aware of the bigger picture. We can all love him, but we should love God more.

        “Remember, you serve the Lord Jesus Christ, not a man.” – Tony Evans

  16. My take is that something was about to get exposed, or maybe his new wife found out about (either being told by her husband or someone else) and she convinced him to fess up. I am guessing it is a “moral failure” (aka adultery) that happened while he was married to his deceased first wife). I would presume both Tony Evans and his first wife Lois kept it to themselves (assuming she knew about it) and may even agreed to only bring it up after she passed away.

    As aside, how difficult is it for him say that he committed a biblically disqualifying sin (if it was), or say that I am stepping away from the pulpit because I am not hospitable, can’t rule my household well, etc. (which may or may not be a sin)? The point is you can be biblically disqualified from being a pastor even if you did not commit a sin per se.

    1. Charles there is so many assumptions in your comments – how do you gather all that from the little that has been shared,. I know that we are used to hearing all the sordid details, but we simply do not know what led to him stepping away now.
      There is an unhealthy cynicism among so many who are commenting here. I know we read about all kinds of horrid behaviors from pastor figures on this site, but given the little that we know should we not simply pray for him.
      What if you are wrong?

  17. Why do we seem to become blind to our own sin when we focus on others’ sin? My hope and prayer for this brother is that he would hear Jesus say, “Go in peace, your faith has made you whole “

  18. Michael and Tim,

    Of course it would be the lead story. It is all over the internet. It made national news because he is widely known and revered.

    “Pharisaical cynicism”? “self righteous opinions” He had an exhibit in the National Bible Museum for goodness sake! He has a Bible with his name on it! Why then isn’t more expected from him?

    He is appreciated, and well compensated for the work he has done for the Kingdom. “who have not done 001% of what TE has done in his life and ministry” kinda underscores where we are. It is his profession, what he is “well” paid to do.

    Ordinary Christians, living out our faith without compromise, serving without fame or fortune, being a witness, and giving to support these ministries, is pleasing and worthy before God too. Who do you think serves to make these ministries and churches successful?

    The comments seem supportive and disappointed. Those two sentiments can co-exist.

    “To whom much is given, much is required.” I am sure celebrity status comes with many perks.
    Being famous and beloved doesn’t make you less accountable, it makes you more accountable!

    It doesn’t make you more valuable to God, it makes your ability to cause others stumble – greater.

  19. We’re running out of leaders. Most of these train wrecks could’ve been avoided easily. It’s the rule Billy Graham placed upon himself. Don’t be alone with a woman you’re not married to! I’m sure someone will know of something more up to date, but Billy Graham has been dead for years, and there’s still no talk of immorality about him. Do you think nobody has tried to find any? Is it rather, because there’s no evidence to be found? His old fashioned method WORKED! We desperately need something that works.

    1. “ but Billy Graham has been dead for years, and there’s still no talk of immorality about him.”

      That is false. He was good friends with Richard Nixon…which had its consequences. “ A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” Joseph Goebbels

      “ Many are too satisfied of the accomplishment of Graham to question his influences and affiliations as something to consider. However, we must question how Graham got his notoriety in the public and how a Christian got past all the persecution strongholds to rub shoulders with high-ranking dignitaries and get media publicity that led to his popularity. The scriptures say friendship with the world is enmity against God. He certainly was friend to the world with his connections. Yet this man can cross boundaries without question. That kind of success can only be attributed to having sponsorship from high profile sources.”

      Quote from Jim Duke’s article.

    2. The Billy Graham rule is one way to protect against false accusations but it does nothing to stop abuse.
      (We have no idea what was the nature of Tony Evans actions. It could have been anything, not necessarily sexual)

      1. Billy Graham didn’t care about sex he was after power. He said the reason he never brought up controversial topics with the Presidents he liked to rub shoulders with. was because he’d never be invited back again. Graham and his son were/are used as political pawns…willingly. Remember Franklin said, “Jesus would take the vaccine” dear GOD!

  20. This is so sad to hear! It is an embarrassment to the name of Jesus and His church, Oakcliff Church, to Tony’s family and to his life and reputation. A reminder to all of us to be careful in our walk with Jesus. None of us are above falling according to Scripture.

    “Let the one who thinks he stand, take heed lest he fall.” (1 Cor 10:12). A warning against spiritual pride which is a significant sin before God.

    “Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Gal. 6:1-2)

    “Should restore” = present, active, imperative (command), second person, plural.

    “spirit of gentleness” = which is part of the fruit of the Spirit listed in Gal

    So much of what is written here is a violation of Gal 6 which is a command so that those who violate this command of God are sinning as well.

    Those responses are also indicative of a lack of the gentleness which is an evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in one’s life.

    The Holy Spirit has been grieved and we should be grieved as well.

  21. Kenly,, I Rwandan article about Graham and Nixon,many political leaders sought out Graham for various reasons. Overall it appears that Graham didn’t understand the full corruption of politics. He believed that Nixon was Christian was shocked when he heard the vulgarities of the Nixon tapes. From that Graham reportedly forever distanced himself from getting too close to anyone leader. ALL OF OUR LEADERS both in scripture and in our present time have clay feet. Chuck Colson even discussed how they dealt with meeting religious leaders who came to the White House in his book Born Again.

  22. And so we need to pray for Tony’s repentance. Yes, Christians are called to repent as we see Jesus addressing the Ephesian church in Revelation.

    Jesus addressing Christians in the Ephesian church tells these Christians to “repent.” Rev. 2:5 “repent, and do the works….” The word repent is metanoew = is a regular word for repent meaning “change of mind, though attitude, actions” in regard to sin. It is an Aorist, Active Imperative, second person singular meaning that each individual is commanded to repent (as opposed to whole church).

    So when Christians lose their way, they are called upon to repent of their sin, to turn around, to change their actions in regards to sin and to do deeds of repentance.

  23. It is impossible for those who have been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God & the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, bc to their loss, they are crucifying the Son of God all over again & subjecting Him to public disgrace. Heb. 6:4-6

    1. You have failed to address the Revelation 2:5 instruction to Christians in Ephesus instructed by Jesus to repent. Hebrews 6:4-6 is a difficult passage and there are a number of ways to understand that passage. Clear instruction by Jesus helps us to interpret the difficult passages.

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