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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

Megachurch, con sede en Chicago, da la bienvenida a James MacDonald a la comunidad

Por Julie Roys

La semana pasada, Iglesia Pacto Nueva Vida invitó al ex pastor deshonrado, james macdonald, para hablar en su retiro de hombres. Y hoy, la megaiglesia de varios sitios supuestamente dio la bienvenida a MacDonald y su esposa a la comunión, los llevó al escenario y oró públicamente por ellos.

Kim Matthews, una mujer que recientemente había comenzado a asistir a New Life Covenant con su familia, dijo que fue testigo del evento esta mañana mientras asistía al servicio de las 10:00 am de la iglesia en Humboldt Park. Otra persona se acercó a mí en Twitter y dijo que fue testigo de lo mismo.

Me comuniqué con New Life Covenant para hacer comentarios, pero nadie respondió.

Según Matthews, un pastor de New Life Covenant que ella no conocía subió al escenario esta mañana después del sermón del ex pastor principal, Wilfredo “Choco” De Jesus. (De Jesús renunció recientemente a su cargo en la iglesia para convertirse en tesorero general de las Asambleas de Dios.) El pastor del Pacto de la Nueva Vida invitó a MacDonald y a su esposa, Kathy, a unirse a él en el escenario.

James y Kathy MacDonald

Matthews dijo que el pastor le dijo a la congregación que la junta de ancianos de New Life Covenant había votado unánimemente para dar la bienvenida al "Pastor James" y su esposa a la iglesia. Ella dijo que el pastor luego le pidió a la congregación que extendiera sus manos hacia los MacDonald, lo cual hicieron, mientras el pastor oraba por la "curación" de los MacDonald.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” by Christa Brown. To donate, haga clic aquí.

Matthews, quien dijo que leyó los muchos relatos de las malas acciones de MacDonald, dijo que estaba sorprendida por lo que presenció y abandonó la iglesia lo más rápido posible después del servicio porque estaba a punto de llorar.

“Estaba tan molesto, estaba viendo rojo”, dijo Matthews. “Estaba enfermo del estómago en la iglesia. No podía creerlo.

[pullquote]“I was so upset, I was seeing red. I was sick to my stomach in church. I couldn’t believe it.”[/pullquote]MacDonald has filed for arbitration against Capilla de la Biblia de la cosecha—la megaiglesia del área de Chicago que despedido en febrero por conducta “dañina para los mejores intereses de la iglesia”. El expastor célebre ha sido acusado de numerosos delitos, entre ellos malversación de fondos de la iglesia cubrir lujo personal artículos y viajes, personal de intimidación, haciendo muy inapropiado comentarios y mantener un patrón de engaño.

La semana pasada Pastor del Ministerio de Cosecha Líder greg bradshaw dijo que Harvest y MacDonald permanecen en la “etapa de preparación del arbitraje”. También dijo que Harvest no había tenido contacto con New Life Covenant con respecto a MacDonald hablando en el retiro de hombres de New Life Covenant. Me comuniqué con Bradshaw y un anciano de Harvest para obtener una actualización, pero aún no he recibido respuesta.

pastor wilfredo de jesus

MacDonald y el pastor De Jesus tienen una relación que se remonta al menos a 2014 cuando De Jesus habló en uno de los eventos de Harvest's Summer for the City. Me he comunicado repetidamente con De Jesus para hacer comentarios, pero él no ha respondido.

Matthews dijo que ella y su familia vinieron a la iglesia New Life Covenant después de escuchar a De Jesus hablar este verano en Iglesia de punto alto en Naperville, Illinois. Ella dijo que como su esposo es afroamericano y ella es blanca, la familia buscaba una congregación más diversa.

“Pensamos que lo habíamos encontrado”, dijo. Ahora dijo que su familia está buscando una nueva iglesia y agregó que está conmocionada porque inicialmente había abrazado una iglesia que abrazaría a un pastor impenitente y deshonrado.

“Si ponen a este tipo a cargo. . . él lo derribará todo”, dijo. Matthews agregó que no cree que la mayoría de la congregación de New Life Covenant sepa sobre las fechorías que cometió MacDonald. 

Personalmente, estoy tan asombrado como Matthews de que New Life Covenant haya dado la bienvenida a MacDonald a la comunidad. 1 Corintios 5:11 es muy claro acerca de cómo tratar a los pecadores no arrepentidos que dicen ser hermanos: “Pero ahora estoy escribiendo usted no asociarse con alguien quien dice ser un hermano pero es sexualmente inmoral o avaro, un idólatra o un abusador verbal, un borracho o un estafador Con que hombre Ni siquiera come."

New Life Covenant tiene una asistencia semanal global de 17,000 y mantiene más de 110 ministerios.



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82 Respuestas

  1. I’ve not been following…..has there been repentance? I think praying for healing is appropriate. I’d be curious to hear what was shared at the men’s conference.

    1. No evidence of repentance at all. MacDonald misappropriated millions from Harvest and now he wants more and has filed for arbitration against the church. He hasn’t apologized to any of the people he’s abused. This is egregious.

      1. And James MacDonald’s former church still hasn’t stated that they believe James is disqualified from ministry. Nor have they named his specific sins against the church.

        Some HBC Congregants who have spoken with Elders say a DQ statement is coming soon. Hope so.

        New Life attenders would do well to call their own leaders to holiness & discernment.

      2. Thank you, Julie, for citing First Corinthians 5:11. Time after time, I have witnessed professing Christians fail to hold fellow believers accountable who are guilty of scandalous sin and refuse to repent! It’s always, “business as usual, pretend everything’s hunky-dory.” God only knows how the American church’s failure in this area has hurt our witness and grieved the Spirit. Thank you again. Stay strong. Doo Wop Coke Fan

      3. How the heck Jule do you know James hadn’t repented did God tell you. You dont know squat. Christians shouldn’t act like you toward other Christians, God forgives but you don’t and you call yourself a Christian. Your disgruntled get over it and quit bashing people

        1. Dear Big D,

          How about you use your real name since I’m using mine? Seems fair.

          As for how I know James hasn’t repented…
          1. He’s suing Mancow.
          2. He has not apologized to me, the authors of The Elephant’s Debt, or their wives for suing us.
          3. He hasn’t apologized to his congregation for misusing millions of their dollars to support his lavish lifestyle.
          4. He hasn’t made restitution for the millions he misused.
          5. He hasn’t apologized to Josh Weidmann whose picture he stabbed multiple times in front of witnesses.
          6. He hasn’t apologized to Betsy Corning for using her picture as target practice.

          I could probably list 20 or more reasons, but I’ll leave it at that. However, for more reasons, see MacDonald’s own sermon on repentance: https://julieroys.com/video-james-macdonalds-repentance-doesnt-appear-to-meet-standard-he-expressed-in-sermons/

  2. “Healing” is the buzzword. Accountability regarding the Biblical qualifications of being an elder apparently already forgotten. Pretty much happens almost everytime in evangelical circles.

  3. I wonder how much $$ he got for speaking at the men’s retreat? At least he can get better looking clothes and a razor. Say, does anyone know if HBC changed its name? I keep hearing on Moody Radio about a concert to be held at Harvest New Beginnings.

  4. Birds of a feather flock together! I just don’t know anymore. Independent organization’s (mega churches) accountability are often greasy. I want to say they’re not biblical but I’d probably be wrong.

  5. Yet again – I’d love to know how many peons (regular members at Harvest) were subjected to church discipline and excommunicated. Why not James? He’s committed egregious levels of theft and abuse. He should be subjected to the same level of discipline that Harvest would enact on its members.

  6. Also, not trying to be a jerk, but the leadership at New Life Covenant isn’t diverse. Just because there’s no white people doesn’t make is diverse.

  7. Can’t even describe what I’m thinking and feeling right now. What is happening to the Lords church? If we aren’t in the last days right now we will never be.

  8. John 13:35 Jesus said, “They will know you are my Disciples by your love for one another”.
    Jesus statement here recognizes people are watching! They are watching from inside the church and outside the church. He says the measurable is love. I’m trying to see how love is best demonstrated by criticizing this man and his sin. That is between him and God! Our primary responsibility here on earth is to love! The bar starts with our enemies and moves on from there.
    How easy it is for us all to cast the first stone. I’m reminded of another Jesus moment that had something to do with a speck and a plank.
    Love always wins! God will take care of the rest!

    1. This is unbiblical sentimentality & part of why the church is a mess right now. Here’s what the Scriptures say:

      1 Cor. 5:9-13: “I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister[c] but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. ‘Expel the wicked person from among you.'”

      1 Tim. 5:20: “But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning.”

    2. Hello, Here I am reminded that God has as much wrath as He does love. We cannot ignore, nor be complacent about the sins of our brothers and sisters in Christ. When WE are unrepentant, according to Scripture….WE must be called out. I believe that our misunderstanding of the word “judgement” being “judgmental” and “judging others…” contributes to how we respond.

  9. More shenanigansism from Pentecostalism. James MacDonald unrepentant bully crook will either use Pentecostals to lunch himself as a tongues tongues speaking, hands on healing, visions seeing charismatic charlatan preacher or just spend some time there to wash himself a bit with a new PR to relaunch himself later into Evangelicalism.

  10. Looks like New Life Covenant (NLCC) is the Hispanic version of Harvest (HBC) where a dictatorial Pastor lead his puppet elder board. “… that the elder board at New Life Covenant had unanimously voted to welcome “Pastor James” and his wife into the church”. HBC should actively warn NLCC of James McDonald’s behavior in his dishonorable discharge and show that they are serious in not letting him continue his fraud on others “All that is necessary for the forces of evil to take root in the world is for enough good men to do nothing. All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent. All it takes for Evil to prevail in this world is for enough good men to do nothing.” .

  11. God forbid we dare live out Galatians 6:1, oh wait it just disappeared from my Bible, never mind…crucifixion may proceed.

  12. Whether it’s the Old Testament or the New Testament, I believe that I am called to love God with my our heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love others as myself. It means both doing right and being right with God. Love doesn’t mean I allow people (Christian or non Christian), to do or say anything that is against God’s vision for the world without taking action in both prayer and behavior. I believe that how many people use tolerance or non judgment in our culture today is akin to apathy. I believe that love requires that I pray for my own heart to changed by God’s mercy–by any means necessary, and the same for all other people. Am I entirely ready to have God remove all my defects of character? Have I humbly asked Him to remove my shortcomings?

    Pertaining to Christians, in the words of the apostle Paul, “Who is weak without my being weak? Who is lead into sin without my intense concern (2 Corinthians 11:29)?” Let’s remember that it’s one thing to be knocked out of our lane and commit a sin, and quite another to have a practice of transgression–deliberately doing what is wrong.

  13. I, for one, do not care if James Macdonald/his wife joins a church. That is not the issue.

    The issue here is that you have a Representative of a hospital / soul care facility who has demonstrated serious ethical and moral character problems/issues for many years and has made some bad choices that negatively affected a lot of people.. …..and this Representative of hospital / soul care facility now wants to be able to teach Health Care Ethics at University of Chicago .

    In addition, this same Representative led the hospital into tens of MILLIONS of Dollars into Debt, while he himself earned Millions of dollars in revenue from the very same “now financially hurting Soul Care facility.” He was banned from the hospital industry due to character issues and he made a lot of….many bad choices, and now he wants to be a public teacher? Over what ? Teacher over Hospital Ethics?

    He is the wrong person !! For me, that is the problem !! He lacks qualifications of both character and competence due to his years of bad choices.

    The Naples Florida “we are Pro-James” ( read 1 Corinthians 3:3-4 about this ) crowd will say, “but you are wrong here….James MacDonald never worked at a hospital !!”

    And I reply:

    “You are right: James MacDonald worked for the Lord, and led his church to financial Ruin, while living the celebrity life earning millions from tithes and offerings from middle class who had NO Idea that they were being conned by a man who admired TD Jakes views on money !!

    Look here. I now know and realize that we are way past the day when we could say,

    “here is what the Bible says about the qualifications of an elder/teacher, etc..etc. And James Macdonald flunks the character test repeatedly.”

    I now know most churches emphasize Person and “Celebrity” over God’s Word. I see that, and I understand that happening at New Life Community, and soon to be at Naples Florida.

    But for crying out loud, if the same people are going to keep saying James Macdonald should be a Preacher, please, please stop complaining if somebody in the Secular arena lacks morals and still wants to teach !!

    If these same people are going to look the other way and elevate James MacDonald to the role of preacher with all of his many disqualifications, then please don’t complain if you see a Non-Christian org or entity do the very same thing !!

  14. The fact that New Life Covenant Leadership, which includes a “Treasurer” of the Assemblies of God denomination, invited a disgraced pastor who led church into 42 million dollars into debt while he himself and his family members lived extravagant lives and earned MILLIONS of dollars from same church is very disturbing .

    James MacDonald’s leadership caused him and his immediate family members to become multi-millionaires,while his former Harvest church which fired him is now multi-millions enslaved into DEBT .

    Does Assemblies of God denomination approve of inviting a disgraced pastor to teach Christian men at a so-called Men’s retreat ?

    Does the Assemblies of God denomination approve of the exorbitant, wealthy lifestyle of James MacDonald ?

    After all, James MacDonald told elders, “I would rather lose thousand than to disclose my income” ( paraphrase ……google: “Elephant’s Debt” )

    Does the Assemblies of God denomination approve of the pattern of multiple witnesses who went on record warning others about the un-biblical character of James MacDonald?

    Does the Assemblies of God denomination want their present and future leaders to act like James MacDonald?

    Does the Assemblies of God denomination approve of encouraging churches to go into bondage into debt, while at the very same time the so-called “LEADERS” are paying for trophy Alaska bears to be killed and stuffed , all paid for by the tithes and offerings of the congregation?

    Does the Assemblies of God denomination approve of the “Health and Wealth” gospel that was embraced by James MacDonald at the Elephant Room conference in which TD Jakes showed up?

    Does the Assemblies of God denomination approve of teaching that deny the orthodox position of the Trinity?

    If the answer to any of the above questions is “no”, then that only raises the next question of:

    Then why does a prominent, NATIONAL Leader ( “General Treasurer” ) invite a disgraced pastor to teach men from his church??

    ¿Por qué?


    Wilfredo “Choco” De Jesús has served as general treasurer of the Assemblies of God since 2019. He is a member of the Executive Leadership Team. De Jesús oversees the Division of Treasury.

    He served as lead pastor of New Life Covenant Church in Chicago from 2000-2019. During that time, the church grew to 17,000 adherents globally through church campuses, plants, and more than 75 ministries that reach the most disenfranchised: the poor, homeless, prostitutes, drug addicts, and gang members. Prior to this position, De Jesús served as district youth director for the Midwest Latin District (1989-1996) and as executive assistant to the CEO of Chicago Public Schools (1997-1999). He was nominated to serve as a Chicago alderman in 2009 and ran for mayor of Chicago in 2010.

    De Jesús is the first Latino to serve on the Executive Leadership Team. In 2013, he was named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world and recognized for his leadership and influence within the evangelical and Latino communities. De Jesús is the author of Amazing Faith, In the Gap, Stay the Course, and Move into More.

    De Jesús holds a doctorate degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida.

    He and his wife, Elizabeth, have three adult children and four grandchildren.

  15. It should bother us when the Assemblies of God (AG) Chicago church belonging to a National Leader of the “AG” reaches out to a disgraced pastor who was fired for joking about weaponizing child P000rn, bullying many many people, and countless other acts……….Is this the future trend of the AG denomination? To be like James MacDonald ? If the answer is yes, and the National Leader of the AG denomination wants his denomination to be Harvest Bible Church version 2, then I fear for all the sheep who will be fleeced and have their faith destroyed by wolves !!

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