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Christians Suffer On Both Sides of Israel-Hamas War

By Katey Hearth
hamas israel
On Tuesday, shelling by Hamas rockets continued in the city of Ashkelon, Israel, located on the Mediterranean coast. (Screengrab: Twitter)

As the death toll in the Israel-Hamas war continues to rise, Christians are suffering on both sides of the conflict, says Tom Doyle of Uncharted Ministries, a mission reaching out to both Jews and Muslims in the Middle East.

“[Many of our] friends in Israel are saying, ‘I have a cousin, I have a nephew that is missing or got called up into the military, and we don’t know where they are,’” Doyle says.

“In Gaza, there’s an underground church of Muslim background believers we’re praying for [because] we haven’t heard from them.”

Israel has ordered a “complete siege” of Gaza and called up thousands of reserve troops as war rages for a third day between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants.

Israel is expected to launch a ground incursion, and cut off electricity, food, and fuel to Gaza yesterday. A formal declaration of war on Sunday followed the deadliest raid on Israel’s territory in 50 years.

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On Saturday morning, “2,000 terrorists walked out of the Gaza Strip into Israel, then started kidnapping and killing people,” Doyle said. “Nobody knew what was happening. That was at the end of a Jewish holiday, and it was Shabbat.

“We haven’t seen anything this massive since the Yom Kippur War in 1973.”

Analysts fear the war will spill across borders.

Iran and its proxies praised the incursion on Sunday. “We’re praying that the northern border holds as Hezbollah is trying to attack Israel,” Doyle says.

“Hezbollah is armed to the teeth in Lebanon, and they’re also financed by Iran. Iran is the major player behind this (present conflict).”

We cannot alter the current events in Israel, Doyle says, but we know the God who holds the nations in His hands. Doyle urged Christians to pray for the war to end.

“It’s easy to choose sides and say things against the other side, but God loves Jews and Palestinians. There’s room in His heart to love them both,” Doyle said.

“Pray for (no further) loss of life on either side. Pray that the Lord would intervene, bring calm into this region, and keep it from spiraling into something worse than it already is.”

Julie Roys contributed to this report, which was originally published by Mission Network News. 

Katey Hearth is a senior staff writer at Mission Network News.



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15 Respuestas

  1. Gibbs rule from NCIS. rule #39 there are no such thing as coincidences. Note has fast protests are going on around the world against Israel. Banners and flags that look like they were instantly created for the protests seem to be everywhere. Reports coming out that Hamas is being supplied by weapons left in Afghanistan. Sorry folks but my aluminum hat is getting tighter by the day. And where did all these young angry AMERICAN youths get their anger from. Yeah rule #39 is screaming out to us all.

      1. Then prove the theory wrong. With Israel mossad and Gaza being only 35 miles by 5 miles in size nobody picked up on any activities? And everything was spontaneous. No practice no training on the para gliders. I don’t think so.

    1. Gary, I appreciate your critical thinking.

      Yes, all the many indicators are pointing to a pre-planned strategy with Israel wanting a reason to decimate Hamas and take over Gaza, which in turn, gains the public support (from all news outlets showing many innocent women and children slaughtered) and military assistance of the USA (distracting the people from the real issues at hand), which in turn, potentially leads to the final world-wide conflict that ends in one world government.

      Basic problem-reaction-solution manipulation that historically has been extremely effective controlling the minds of men.

        1. And don’t forget US invasion of Afghanistan was exactly “22” years prior on Oct 7, 2001. Nothing is a coincidence.

          I’d encourage you to listen to the amazing testimony of Nathan Reynolds as interviewed on the SGT Report. Will leave you amazed at how powerful God’s grace was in rescuing him from a bloodline of generational wickedness unknown to most families of the world. Left me in tears.

      1. One more thing bugging me. Hamas has to know that Israel will land on them hard. The Israel PM announced that no criminal charges will be filed against any soldier no matter what they do. There has to be more to this than Hamas tired of mistreatment (and yes both sides treat each other horribly) and fighting back. Israel has tanks and planes and ships. Hamas has rockets and guns. Something isn’t quite right with the whole thing. I could be wrong.

  2. The following opinion piece sums up the situation nicely. Praying for some mystical peaceful end with both sides walking into the sunset hand in hand is not just foolish, but dangerous. There will be considerable suffering and loss of life. That’s what happens when evil goes unchecked. History keeps repeating itself because of those who refuse to learn from it. https://www.thejc.com/lets-talk/all/the-hamas-pogrom-is-the-result-of-the-wests-refusal-to-accept-the-idea-of-evil-2HXpjrqVX2QVwC0q3WnTmO

  3. Praying for an end to war is fine, but it will not solve millenia of hatred between these people groups. Changed human hearts will. As we pray, let’s keep in sight the main Kingdom goal of all tribes, tongues and nations worshiping Jesus around the throne. Pray for visions, dreams, and other miraculous interventions that lead people in this war zone to the savior: muslims, jews, Nepali hindus, Thai Buddhists, etc.

  4. It shouldn’t take the people suffering being christians for christians to care. Hamas is horrifically murdering Israeli citizens. The Israeli government is horrifically murdering Palistinian citizens. Men in power using that power to kill people is horrific, no matter their religion.

    1. Jen, I agree with you 100%. But I also point the finger at the American evangelicals and fundamentalists. Since the seventies all I have read and heard from their thrones err I mean pulpits is Israel can do no wrong. They have attached themselves to the political world where whatever Israel wants Israel gets and if not completely and unquestionably for them, you’re going to burn in hell because Israeli is God’s chosen people. And of course, many of the kings err I mean pastors benefit financially. Hey Hagee, how do buddy on the gifts from Israel when you give your speeches. Any chance that may be tax payors money coming back to you? I remember I suggested a prayer for the Christians in Palestine. There was a pause, then prayer, which didn’t mention Palestine. I found the response from my fellow Christians disturbing.

    2. I completely disagree with you. “Comparable wrongs” arguments imply a moral equivalence that doesn’t exist except in the minds of those proposing the “comparable wrongs” argument. Do the wrongs of Hamas = the wrongs of Israel? Not to me. I am not one of the “Israel right or wrong” people, either. I do not think the State of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

  5. A Biblical perspective. Genesis 16:12-“He shall be a WILD DONKEY of a man, his hand AGAINST EVERYONE and EVERYONE’S hand AGAINST him, and he shall DWELL OVER AGAINST ALL his kinsmen.”-Practical observations (not interpretations):
    1. This is God plan for
    these people. Wild Donkey meaning they do not want what USA has tried to make them. A democracy. Or orderly. 2. They are not logical people. They seek destruction.
    3. They will hurt their own They will even be against their own people. Israel gave a warning to leave the area and Hamas would not allow them.

    America need to understand God’s design. He ordained these people ( ot all) to be as Romans states. “ God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice.” This summarizes the depravity and mindset of these people. The Bible got it right. We have the answers in the Bible.

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