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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

Fire Severely Damages Historic Virginia Church Days Before Christmas

por David Paulsen
fire virginia church historic days christmas
A photo released by the Diocese of Virginia shows firefighters on the scene of a fire Dec. 19 at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Oak Grove. (Photo: Facebook)

A fire severely damaged an Episcopal church in the Diocese of Virginia early Dec. 19, forcing parish leaders to scramble to find alternative accommodations for Christmas services just days before the holiday.

No one was in the building at the time the fire broke out at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Oak Grove, according to a diocesan email, which described the damage as “extensive.” A photo shared by the diocese shows firefighters on the altar surrounded by ashy debris, soot-covered walls and smoke still billowing up to charred rafters.

Oak Grove is a small community near the Potomac River about halfway between Richmond and Washington, D.C. Bishop E. Mark Stevenson is traveling to the church to provide pastoral and logistical support alongside the Rev. Rod Gordon, St. Peter’s rector, the diocese said. Neighboring Episcopal churches have offered to open their doors for St. Peter’s to worship there through Christmas and beyond as the congregation determines next steps for its fire-ravaged church.

The cause of the fire wasn’t immediately known.

“We pray earnestly for the people of St. Peter’s and the Oak Grove community,” Stevenson said in a written statement. “Losing a house of worship is heartbreaking. And we also know a church is more than a building, it is a family of believers who gather to offer praise and worship to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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“In this season of Advent as we prepare for the coming of Jesus into the world, we have a sure and certain hope that Jesus is joyfully present with us, even in this time of sorrow. May God bless the people of St. Peter’s, the first responders who acted quickly, and all who will assist in the journey before us.”

St. Peter’s, which describes itself on its website as “a small church with a big heart,” had been preparing to celebrate the building’s 175th anniversary in May. It was built in 1848-49 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The parish’s history, however, dates back even earlier to 1653, when it was established by early British settlers, according to the church’s website.

Este artículo apareció originalmente en Servicio de noticias episcopal.

David Paulsen is a senior reporter and editor for Episcopal News Service.



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