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‘I Can Feel Your Prayers’: Tori Kelly Posts Update After Health Scare

por Mike Thom
tori kelly
Tori Kelly performing at Amp 98.7 Kringle Jingle, Michigan, 2015. (Photo: Creative Commons)

Singer Tori Kelly says that while the past few days have been frightening, she’s also been encouraged by the outpouring of prayers and support since collapsing last week and being hospitalized due to blood clots.

“Hi friends . . . as you may have heard, I’m dealing with some unexpected health challenges,” Kelly escribió on Instagram. “It’s been a scary few days but I can feel your prayers & can’t stop thinking about you.”

The two-time Grammy Award winner says that her health has improved in the days since first collapsing eight days ago, on Sunday, but also says “unfortunately there are still some things to uncover. I’m so grateful for the amazing doctors & nurses who have been looking after me.”

Kelly is a devoted Christian, and while much of her music is secular she is very open about her faith, which can often be seen in her songwriting. Her latest EP, Toros, was set to release Friday, and while the release is still going ahead she expressed sadness over having to cancel events leading up to the release.

She has recorded Christian music before, with her album Hiding Place earning her a Grammy for Best Gospel Album. Her song “Never Alone” from the same album also won a Grammy for Best Gospel Performance/Song.

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“Of course I’m heartbroken about all of the things I had planned for this week of releasing my EP, but I know my health must come first,” she wrote. “Until I see you again, I still want you to enjoy a project that represents the happy place I’ve been in the last few years. I won’t let this hurdle prevent the music from yours on Friday!”

“I love you all so much & I am truly overwhelmed by all of the love & care I have received. thank you from the bottom of my heart!” 

Media outlet TMZ first reported that Kelly collapsed while out for dinner with friends in Los Angeles. She reportedly experienced a racing heartbeat and passed out.

Her husband, André Murillo, shared an update on Wendnesday on his own social media, saying “Tori is smiling again and feeling stronger. Not out of the woods but we see the sun. Just waiting on a few more answers.”

Kelly first began attracting attention after posting videos on YouTube as a teenager. In 2010 she made it through to Hollywood week on American Idol. 

Este artículo ha sido reimpreso con permiso de CHV Radio.

El periodista Mike Thom es director de programa en CHVN en Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá.



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