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Illinois Youth Pastor Arrested on Child Sex Abuse Charges, Still Employed By Church

Por Josh Pastor
andrew haines pastor
Andrew Haines of Marseilles, Illinois, has been indicted on multiple felony child sex abuse charges. (Photo: LaSalle County Sheriff's Office)

An Illinois youth pastor, who’s been indicted on multiple, felony child sex abuse charges, remains listed as a staff member on his church’s website five months after his arrest. 

Andrew Haines, 39, of Marseilles, Illinois, was arrested on Nov. 9, 2023, on five felony charges, including four counts of predatory criminal sexual assault and one count of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, according to registros de la corte.

Haines, who has pleaded not guilty to the charges, was released on home confinement conditions late last year. For several years, Haines has served as youth pastor and music director at Fox River Lutheran Church in Sheridan. 

Haines was indicted on all the charges, which are related to the alleged abuse of a girl under the age of 13. The incidents allegedly occurred in October 2019 and again in a 30-day span from late August to late September of 2023.

As of publication time, Haines remains listed online as a staff member of Fox River Lutheran Church.

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fox river lutheran church pastor haines
Fox River Lutheran Church in Sheridan, Illinois. (Photo: Facebook)

El Informe Roys (TRR) reached out repeatedly to Fox River Lutheran Church via phone and email for comment. Haines replied from a church email address, saying he “would be happy to provide some relevant information if you could tell me who alerted you to this story.” 

TRR informed Haines that it is not our policy to disclose the identity of anonymous tips. He did not reply as of publication time, and no other church staff member has replied either. 

According to the church’s Facebook página, Haines first preached at Fox River Lutheran Church during Sunday services on Nov. 26, 2019, and continued to preach up to Oct. 1, 2023. Haines was first listed as youth pastor in September 2020, according to an archived sitio web de la iglesia.

andrew haines pastor
Social post from Fox River Lutheran Church in Sheridan, Illinois, dated Apr. 8, 2020. (Screengrab)

Haines is also a recording artist who “weaves spiritual and scriptural themes with acoustic driven music,” according to his sitio web. Haines has recorded with several musicians who worked with the late Rich Mullins, including GMA Dove Award-winning singer-songwriter Mitch McVicker.

Fox River Lutheran Church has hosted several live concerts featuring Haines and McVicker, dating back to May 2019. Haines has also opened for well-known Christian singers including Carolyn Arends and Andrew Osenga. 

Several local media outlets reported on Haines’ arrest in November, including Shaw Local News Network, WSPY News, WCSJ News, y WCMY; none of the news reports noted that Haines has been employed by a local church.  

Haines is set to appear for a status hearing on his criminal case at the LaSalle County Circuit Court on April 19.

Periodista independiente Josh Shepherd escribe sobre fe, cultura y políticas públicas para varios medios outlets. He and his family live in the Washington, D.C. area.



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5 Respuestas

  1. Checked again today and he is still listed on their website.

    Either the church doesn’t care or their webmaster is too lazy to update their site.

    The least they could do is put up something saying he is on administrative leave or something.

    1. Nobody has been found guilty this case goes deeper than what you see here. He is not receiving income from Fox River Lutheran so knock it off all of you who are judgmental. In our country you are presumed innocent and shame on you Christians who open your mouths before all the facts come out! My gosh are we supposed to be different as believers? Or are we to act like a bunch of judgmental hypocrites? And to you Josh Shepherd, shame on you, all you quote is what’s being reported in the liberal press from your cozy office chair. Let the case play out then add your comments.

  2. Why Haines would want to know who alerted TRR is bizarre. It’s not as if someone dimed him out. The story is all over the ‘net. This doesn’t look good for the accused: “Hall also noted that although the victim was taken into protective custody and Haines was placed under a no-contact order, Haines was captured on video within a restricted area. From the La Salle County Jail, Hall said, Haines was heard on recorded calls asking for messages to be relayed to the victim.” https://www.shawlocal.com/illinois-valley/2023/11/22/marseilles-man-charged-with-sexually-assaulting-a-child-gets-pre-trial-release/

  3. It’s a matter of respecting the privacy of all involved. If you attended services at FRLC you would know their stance. You’re reading into things without any information on what is being done.

  4. And the Pharisees show up in the comment stream mad that anyone is asking question about their very dirty laundry. Child molestation is a big deal. I have had to deal with it myself with those around me. Being angry at Christians that others are wondering “what the hell is going on there?” just makes you look at least as bad as a child molester. The people apparently never read the sections of the scriptures where Jesus called the religious leaders of His day “snakes.” Woe to you who act like snakes! Not my words. The King’s very words.

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