De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

James MacDonald es despedido: un día para llorar, orar y suplicar por un avivamiento

Por Julie Roys

Me desperté esta mañana con varios mensajes de texto informándome que James MacDonald había sido despedido de Harvest Bible Chapel. Mi primera emoción fue de alivio. Finalmente, unos 10 meses después de que un ex pastor de Harvest me contactara y me instara a investigar al pastor de la mega iglesia, MacDonald se quedó fuera.

Ya no puede aprovecharse de las ovejas que se suponía que debía proteger. Ya no puede usar el dinero de los miembros de la iglesia para llenarse los bolsillos. Ya no puede enfurecerse con empleados inocentes y hacer que la gente crea las mentiras que ha difundido sobre aquellos que lo desafían.

Las Escrituras alientan a los creyentes a regocijarse en el juicio de Dios (Salmo 96:13; Apocalipsis 18:20) y esta mañana sentí un poco de eso. Pero se templó rápidamente.

Tristemente, miles hoy están tambaleándose de dolor. Una iglesia está en ruinas. Los evangélicos están públicamente avergonzados, otra vez. Y quedan más hombres en posiciones de influencia que han hecho cosas reprobables.

No, hoy no es un día para regocijarse; es un día para hacer una pausa y reflexionar. Un día para llorar. Un día para orar. Un día para sentarse ante Dios y rogar por un avivamiento, tanto personal como colectivamente como Su Cuerpo.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” by Christa Brown. To donate, haga clic aquí.

Es un día solemne. Y en ese espíritu, ofrezco los siguientes pensamientos y sugerencias que han estado rumiando en mí durante algún tiempo:

  • Continuar la limpieza en la cosecha

Si bien me alienta que los ancianos finalmente sacaron a MacDonald, debería haberlo despedido hace cinco años. Fue entonces cuando ocho ex élderes enviaron un letra a la junta de ancianos sentados, advirtiéndoles que MacDonald fue descalificado para el cargo. Sin embargo, en lugar de investigar a MacDonald, la junta excomulgó a algunos de los mensajeros. Y sorprendentemente, dos de los ancianos que participaron en un video calumniando a esos hombres, Steve Houston y Paul Inserra, permanecen en la junta. Houston incluso preside el Comité Ejecutivo de los Ancianos.

Además, Jeff Smith, el presidente del comité de finanzas que está claramente no pudo supervisar correctamente las finanzas de la iglesia, sigue siendo un anciano. También lo hacen Fred Ananias y Scott Stonebreaker, quienes despedido injustamente Pastor John Secrest de HBC Nápoles. Y no olvidemos que toda la junta de ancianos prometió recientemente su apoyo incondicional para MacDonald, mostrando un grave malentendido de lo que significa ser un anciano. Todos ellos deben renunciar y se debe establecer un equipo de transición.

Además, la disminución de los miembros de Harvest equipo de liderazgo ejecutivo, incluidos los dos hijos de MacDonald, deberían renunciar. Estos hombres trabajaron muy de cerca con MacDonald y ciertamente sabían de su comportamiento reprobable. En el mejor de los casos, no hicieron nada. En el peor de los casos, lo protegieron y castigaron a sus críticos. Si Harvest va a tener alguna esperanza de reformar su cultura, necesita hacer borrón y cuenta nueva y un liderazgo fresco. Estos hombres tienen que irse.

  • Arreglar la “Máquina Evangélica”

Los hombres que rodeaban a MacDonald en Harvest no fueron los únicos que lo aislaron de la responsabilidad. como yo escribió el año pasado después de hacer sonar el silbato en el Instituto Bíblico Moody, hay toda una infraestructura evangélica, o “máquina de celebridades”, que vergonzosamente protege a los poderosos. Lamentablemente, los líderes evangélicos conocen desde hace años el comportamiento miserable de MacDonald. Los escuché repetidamente hablar de eso a puerta cerrada.

MacDonald debería haber sido eliminado de la radio en 2012 cuando su juego salió a la luz por primera vez. Recuerdo haber hablado con los líderes de Moody al respecto y me aseguraron que MacDonald estaba arrepentido, solo para descubrir más tarde que había estado juego con el presidente de la junta de Moody's.

Pero más recientemente, escuché una grabación que es quizás el ejemplo más repugnante de esta colusión y protección que jamás haya presenciado. Espero y rezo para que Mancow publique los 50 minutos completos de audio que tiene. Como mencioné, he escuchado ese audio completo. E incluye dos conversaciones separadas con hombres en posiciones poderosas dentro del evangelicalismo. Se ríen junto con MacDonald's comentarios viles y ser cómplices de su campaña de desprestigio contra mí y contra otros. Este tipo de comportamiento es reprobable e inexcusable y debe terminar ahora entre los líderes evangélicos. La buena red de viejos no es buena. es pecaminoso

  • Renovar un compromiso con la santidad

Como dije recientemente en mi  entrevista con Drew Marshall, servimos a un Dios que es a la vez amoroso y santo. Sí, el amor obligó a Cristo a morir en la cruz. No deseaba que ninguno pereciera. Pero Su santidad también lo obligó. Si su santidad no hubiera requerido que el pecado fuera castigado, Jesús no habría tenido que morir.

A veces pienso que olvidamos esta verdad en la iglesia. Olvidamos que Dios tiene normas, y que romper esas normas tiene graves consecuencias. Tantas veces en los últimos meses, he escuchado a cristianos excusar un comportamiento inexcusable diciendo que nadie es perfecto. Pero como he dicho muchas veces, 1 Timoteo 5:20 es claro: los ancianos que continúan pecando deben ser expuestos públicamente.

Eso no es duro. Eso no es cruel. Es Cristo protegiendo a Su Novia y Su propia reputación. Dios odia el pecado. Y aquellos en el liderazgo deben poseer un saludable temor al juicio de Dios. Asimismo, los que siguen deben esperar y exigir santidad en sus líderes.

  • Apoyar la verdad

en un declaración ayer, Christianity Today instó a Harvest a realizar una investigación independiente, que según la revista “sacaría toda la verdad” en una “atmósfera más saludable que la que estamos presenciando ahora en las redes sociales y en los programas de radio”. Además, a lo largo de la debacle de Harvest, Harvest se ha quejado repetidamente de los "blogueros de ataque" y los "chismes".

Aunque reconozco que no todo lo que se publica en blogs, twittea o transmite ha sido edificante, la verdad es que nada hubiera sucedido sin personas apasionadas que emplearan estos medios. Les he dicho repetidamente a los chicos de La deuda del elefante que me paré sobre sus hombros. Nunca podría haber hecho los reportajes que hice si Scott Bryant y Ryan Mahoney no hubieran investigado y publicado obstinadamente durante más de seis años. Del mismo modo, según admitieron los propios ancianos, si Mancow no hubiera transmitido ayer los impactantes clips de audio, la destitución de MacDonald podría haberse prolongado mucho más. Dado el historial de los ancianos, no estoy convencido de que hubiera sucedido en absoluto.

Los cristianos a veces se sienten muy incómodos al informar públicamente sobre noticias negativas, incluso cuando son verdaderas y necesarias. Entiendo que. Y soy un gran defensor de informar de manera responsable: nombrar fuentes, verificar los hechos dos veces, buscar comentarios de ambos lados. Pero creo que debemos admitir que cuando un sistema no funciona, como sucede en Harvest, a menudo no hay otro recurso. Y en vez de denigrar a los que hablan, necesitamos apoyarlos. Los que dicen la verdad en público son fundamentales para la reforma. Como dice Efesios 5:11: “No tengáis nada que ver con las obras infructuosas de las tinieblas, sino más bien reprendedlas”. Estoy agradecido con todas las fuentes que declararon sobre MacDonald, y con todos los que dicen la verdad que publicaron o transmitieron. Gracias.

  • Consolar a los que sufren

Por último, necesitamos consolar a los que sufren. Sé que muchas personas que asisten a Harvest o que han sido impactadas por la predicación de MacDonald están abrumadas hoy. Como me comentó recientemente una persona a quien MacDonald guió al Señor: “Es como descubrir que tu esposa es una asesina en serie”. La desilusión, la traición y la pérdida pueden ser insoportables. Este es un momento muy vulnerable para muchas personas y estoy seguro de que Dios llora por cada alma herida.

Lo siento mucho. Estoy seguro de que las palabras no logran calmar el dolor que sientes en este momento. Y entiendo si estás enojado conmigo. Tal vez desearías que esto nunca hubiera salido a la luz.

Sin embargo, quiero animarte a que fijes tus ojos en Jesús. Nunca olvidaré un momento en que estaba sirviendo en un ministerio de jóvenes y descubrimos que un popular pastor de jóvenes en una iglesia vecina había abusado de varias niñas bajo su cuidado. Fue horrible. Lo conocíamos. Conocimos a su esposa. Conocíamos a los niños en su ministerio. Y nos afligimos, y oramos para que Dios no permitiera que esta traición a la confianza alejara a los niños de Jesús. Sorprendentemente, tuvo el efecto contrario.

En una reunión de todos los jóvenes que habían estado en el ministerio de este hombre, un adolescente se puso de pie y declaró: “Nunca adoramos ni seguimos a Jeff. Seguimos a Jesús”. Y eso se convirtió en el grito de guerra de todos esos niños en ese ministerio. Y Dios usó esa terrible traición a la confianza para purificar esa iglesia y guiarlos a una devoción más enfocada a Jesús que nunca antes.

Esa es mi oración por Harvest hoy. Sé que muchos de ustedes en la iglesia aman apasionadamente a Jesús. Eres devoto a Su Palabra. Te sacrificas por Su misión. Y Dios puede reconstruir algo hermoso de estas cenizas. Esa es Su voluntad. Y Él lo hará si permanecemos enfocados y sometidos a Él.  




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136 Respuestas

  1. The part about the person led to the Lord through MacDonald. This is more a testimony to the power of the Gospel than anything else. Paul rejoiced that the Gospel was preached from whatever motives because he knew the power it has to transform. I wish this person could see that and the lesson learned is to stop putting our trust in the messengers. There is nothing biblical about the current American church model that thrusts so much power onto one charismatic man and elevates him to the role of lead pastor. I’m sorry I see don’t see this position anywhere in Scripture. I don’t have answers but I wish more people could see this. It is a situation ripe for abuse and preys on the fundamental human need to follow a hero. So we follow the wrong hero. I was guilty of this.

  2. I couldn’t agree more with your comments, Julie.

    Anyone on XLT needs to go. They were, at best, silent in the face of horrifying behavior from a pastor.

    Second, the audio you allude to about other leaders who joked around with MacDonald as he made other vile statements needs to be made public.

    Third, we all need to comfort the hurting, and pray for revival. Pointing them away from MacDonald, the HBC Elders, and HBC XLT should be one and the same as pointing them toward Jesus.

  3. I’m not so sure this is all that much a surprise as ever since the elephant room 2 debacle James has long expressed a dissatisfaction with the ministry. He had what may have been thought of as a private conversation with a media guy from Canada, I don’t remember his name, but essentially he expressed a desire to leave the ministry then but couldn’t since Harvest was so big and relied on him so much. I believe, even though he’s left in shame and embarrassment, he’s probably breathing a sigh of relief that it’s finally over and that some of this behavior is/was the resentment manifesting itself. He’s clearly disqualified himself, I get it. But, lets remember Psalm 127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. If you don’t think God didn’t build Harvest with James MacDonald as a partner I’m not sure what to tell you. Things may have gone south but there was a time when this was all very special. We should grieve over its demise.

      1. Actually, according to the NT He does:

        And He called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing.
        Luke 9:1-2

        Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. And *working together with Him,* we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain—
        2 Corinthians 5:20-6:1

        But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, if somehow I might move to jealousy my fellow countrymen *and save some of them.*
        Romans 11:13-14

        For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more. To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might win Jews; to those who are under the Law, as under the Law though not being myself under the Law, so that I might win those who are under the Law; to those who are without law, as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, *so that I may by all means save some*. I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it.
        1 Corintios 9:19-23

        This is what the Scriptures say about true apostles of Christ. There are also false apostles as this sad story of failure in ministry shows. The problem is not that God might have partners through whom He works by the Holy Spirit to do His saving work in the world, but that some might pretend to be partners with God when they are in reality serving not God, but themselves.

  4. Whether it is a huge denomination or a storefront church run by some guy with a lot of self confidence, we need to be ever mindful of the fact that church leaders are not little gods. They are people and sadly, in some cases, they are very sinful people. The focus must always be on God as revealed in Scripture. The Bible recommends an abundance of counselors for a reason.

  5. Thoughts are with the people in the church. It seems likely that the best thing for them would be for all leadership (including all MacDonalds) to step away, open the books, and allow for a time of repentance in the church. Then together they can pray for a day of new leadership and Spirit-filled revival.

  6. Thank you for this recent post Julie, my heart is filled and full of satisfaction in the way you wrote this statement today. Thank you. This even brought me to tears of the humility that you carry and as you point us to Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.

  7. Amen! Amen! to your articles. Thanks for covering the story. We all are depraved. The sins of the elders insulating MacDonald are far greater than MacDonald.

  8. I agree that we should mourn like Samuel did after he prophesied that God had rejected Saul as being king. God even even asked Samuel how long he was going to mourn over Saul’s failure.

    I do wonder what the motivation was for firing MacDonald. I really doubt it was due to integrity but more due to loss of revenue and members.

  9. I took a long time for Harvest to act regarding Dr. James M. By rights they should have censured him 20 years ago. I am appalled that this has gone on for this long. But he is a hard man to rein in…
    …And I know that there will always be people following him no matter where he goes or does – a loyal group will follow. Sadly, you can fool some of the people all of the time. There will be those who will drink his Cool-aid no matter what.
    A sad blight on evangelicalism…

  10. Thank you Julie! I’m so sorry for all you have endured! You are a champion!! And I pray that these evangelical leaders will too be exposed! I think God wants every tentacle ties to this ripped out like a deveined shrimp!!

  11. Isn’t it a fact that MacDonald’s contract with HBC does not allow anyone to “fire” him???? Is the report
    we have just received from the HBC elders true OR has MacDonald severed his relationship for his
    own purposes?

    1. True. What existing By-laws were executed or re-developed to finally execute his termination, given there apparently was no apparatus to do so previously?

  12. Very well said Julie and exactly what needed to be said. My prayer for Harvest would be the removal of all Elders who prolonged this day. Someone should see if a Character ,Christ like Elder, like Dave Corning would come in on an interim basis with other former Elders who left, to do the forensic audit with integrity and maybe he could convince Dr Joe Stowell to come and preach for a season to heal the church and the hearts of those there. Integrity matters going forward and these two men have it in abundance.

  13. Mark my word, he’ll be back pastoring soon. One or more of the campuses will break off from main campus, support James, and take him back as leader soon.

    1. I don’t believe this is over. He won’t be back at the main campus, but I believe he’ll try to make a comeback, maybe even at one of the other harvest campuses that breaks away. I’m guessing he’ll confess and repent and figure out a way to be a pastor again somewhere.

  14. Like you Julie – I feel this is a bittersweet day. I know this is the right outcome, but my heart truly grieves for all the loss. I truly loved James, even though I had seen his flaws. Some of that because I know my own shortcomings, but also because I was blinded to the truth for a season. I have watched this unfold, and have prayed throughout it all. Your response is well tempered and well reasoned. I will commit to pray for these dear sheep that have lost their shepherd, no matter that he was disqualified. I will also pray for the shepherd and his family, that they come to true repentance, forsake their deception and commit to seeking professional help. This is tremendously painful on every side. My final thought is that every elder and pastor complicit in this hideous mess is removed immediately from leadership. They are ALL disqualified as well, as they not only allowed this to occur, but covered it up, and gas-lighted those who dared to question the powers that be. In the end, I desire only God to be glorified.

  15. Apologies for not being able to muster up any tears while MacDonald’s co-conspirators still sit in positions of authority and financial control at Harvest…

    One fast question: Has the FBI raided Harvest, the MacDonald home, or the elders homes, seeking the child porn that MacDonald very convincingly threatened to put on the computers of his detractors?

    When MacDonald is in a jail cell, every single one of the elders are gone, hopefully some of them sharing a cell with MacDonald, then we can talk about mourning.

    Until then, this war rages on, Satan still controls Harvest, and I have no doubt he has some evil plans…

  16. You people are sick and twisted. If you are Christians id rather be an atheist. Wow. Julie are you not one he was suing for defamation of the church?

    1. What/who are you referring? JMac? Elders? People who now want to see justice served? Those who seek healing/ & repentence from the offenders? The pickings on latter list seem fairly healthy & understandable?

    2. Stop drinking’ the kool-aid!

      6Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7Therefore do not be partakers with them; 8for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light 9(for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), 10trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.

      14For this reason it says,
      “Despierta, durmiente,
      y resucitar de entre los muertos,
      Y Cristo te alumbrará”.

      15Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, 16making the most of your time, because the days are evil. 17So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

  17. Julie and Mancow still have to protect themselves from being sued. Who knows if MacDonald will come back vengeful and try to sue them again, or if the other MacDonalds and his remaining supporters who are still in control of the church would take to the courts again.

    I am sure they need to be very careful how they expose it – particularly when it’s about someone, MacDonald, who admitted to Muller he was using frivolous litigation to maliciously hurt people who he knew didn’t have pockets as big as his, and who would find it very difficult to defend themselves legally against a large organization like HBC.

    Plus, the fact that much more might be coming out may serve as continued motivation for the Elders, XLT, and his sons to do the right thing and step aside.

  18. Thank you, Julie. I appreciate you acknowledging that (1) this isn’t over yet, (2) HBC Elders fired James MacDonald only after being forced, and (3) holiness matters. I’m grateful, too, that you pushed back against the errant notion of there being one best (or worst) medium for exposing church corruption of this magnitude. For many former & current members (self included), there was no other way to warn others and tell the truth. The lawsuit shut down TED, local papers weren’t covering the story, and social media became the only viable outlet for disseminating facts to counter the HBC spin. All media are tools that can be used beneficially or destructively. Not surprisingly, HBC told people to stay off social media. To give such a directive in 21st America is controlling and oppressive.

    I am relieved (not rejoicing) that James MacDonald has been removed from the HBC pulpit. It may not be enough to keep him from setting up shop elsewhere preying on unsuspecting sheep, but it’s a start.

    Next, ALL HBC Elders must resign. If that means they announce their resignation and leave in waves over 1-2 months for practical reasons (a la Willow Creek), that’s fine. The XLT also needs to go. This includes Luke & Landon MacDonald, Jeff Sharda, Jeff Donaldson, and Mo Zachariah. (Mo stepped down from the XLT very recently but had been on the team since September/October 2017.)

    James MacDonald has LONG been disqualified from the pulpit. It’s an affront to anyone who has ever stepped into a Harvest Bible Chapel—and proof of the Elders’ incompetence—to imply that decision to remove James required magical prayers, extra-Biblical insights, and “various trusted outside advisors”.

    Clean the WHOLE house and open the books.

    1. “James MacDonald has LONG been disqualified from the pulpit. It’s an affront to anyone who has ever stepped into a Harvest Bible Chapel—and proof of the Elders’ incompetence—to imply that decision to remove James required magical prayers, extra-Biblical insights, and ‘various trusted outside advisors’.”


      Once again, thank you Jessica for being a voice of reason. If the current elders, and campus pastors at Harvest had a fraction, even a small fraction of the discernment that you do, perhaps not so many people would be clamoring for their soon and swift removal.

      Leaders of Harvest, over and over, your blind (and not so blind) allegiance to James MacDonald…and complicity in enabling him…and duplicity in deceiving others in your flock…has disqualified you long ago from the privilege to lead others in church.

  19. I appreciate everything you have done.

    Here’s where I get lost…

    “As I mentioned, I have heard that full audio. And it includes two separate conversations with men in powerful positions within evangelicalism. They laugh along with MacDonald’s vile comments and become accomplices in his smear campaign against me and others. This kind of behavior is reprehensible and inexcusable and needs to end now among evangelical leaders. The good, old boy network is not good. It’s sinful.”

    Regarding the audio…Why is it on Mancow to share what you have heard with your own ears?

    I for 1 am sick of “the process”.

    I have a ton of respect for you but you lose me when u say you know…you’ve heard…It has to change…But some1 else needs to tell the rest of us what you already know.

    Just finish it. Or give it to me and I’ll be “that guy”

    1. I second “That Guy James.” I’m also volunteering to post it.

      Publishing this is vital for a reason separate from the HBC debacle. Other “men in powerful positions within evangelicalism” are behaving in direct opposition to Ephesians 5. Thousands are currently suffering from the putrid rotten fruit that is produced when the sins and bad behavior of powerful evangelical leaders are covered up by those who know about these deeds.

      Men in powerful positions in Big Eva have big microphones and a broad span of influence. They are also shaping the Big Eva leaders of tomorrow, which could literally involve thousands of young impressionable pastors seeking to emulate this behavior. In turn, they will be shepherding hundreds of thousands of innocent, trusting sheep with the belief that disqualifying behavior isn’t just okay to engage in around other pastors, it’s actually cool and makes you more like the fabulously wealthy celebrity leaders.

      Keeping this secret isn’t just a disservice to all the pastors and sheep under the spiritual authority & leadership of these powerful men. It’s also a disservice to the men themselves. The reason men like James were able to spiral so far out of control is because too many feared exposing him. These leaders will be subject to a James 3:1 judgment. For the good of these men’s souls & the sheep under their care, please consider posting the recording or at least recap what was said. You aren’t just deterring those men from continuing their foul behavior, this would help deter younger pastors & staff from following in their footsteps. Truth and light is the only way to stop more abuse. Powerful leaders need to believe they can’t keep hiding their dirty deeds in the dark.

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