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Joni Eareckson Tada Released from Hospital: ‘God Rescued Me!’

By Liz Lykins
joni eareckson tada hospital
Bestselling author, radio host, and ministry leader, Joni Eareckson Tada, has been released from the hospital after a 16-day stay caused by double pneumonia. (Courtesy Photo)

Bestselling author, radio host, and ministry leader, Joni Eareckson Tada, has been released from the hospital after a 16-day stay caused by double pneumonia.

“Like many of the people we serve who struggle with constant health challenges, I can say with them, ‘God rescued me!’” Tada wrote on a Facebook post. “After 16 days in the hospital struggling with double pneumonia, I am home, happy, healing, and resting.”

The 73-year-old shared a photo of her and her husband, Ken, outside the hospital. While Tada has oxygen tubing in the photo, she wrote “The hospital provided oxygen for me, but it’s only temporary.”

She expressed gratitude to her husband and friends for their care. She also shared how she held onto God’s promises throughout: “At night, the promise from God in Isaiah 43:1-2 was such a great source of comfort: ‘Do not be afraid, for you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.’ Yes, Jesus was with me through every scan, x-ray, blood draw, and breathing treatment,” she said.

Tada’s struggles with pneumonia were first announced in a Sept. 5 correo by her ministry, joni y amigos, which shared, “Joni is recovering from a bout of pneumonia but has been in good spirits as she heals.”

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Now out of the hospital, Tada said the experience reminded her of the importance of sharing the Gospel with others. “It’s why we do what we do at Joni and Friends, and I couldn’t be happier than to be on the frontlines with you and every friend of the ministry.”

Joni and Friends is a Christian nonprofit that provides programs and services for thousands of special needs families around the world, according to its website. Tada established the organization in 1979 after she became a quadriplegic when she was 17 years old due to a diving accident in 1967.

Her book detailing her accident and recovery, “Joni”, has been translated into more than 40 languages and made into a feature film.

In addition to living with quadriplegia, Tada luchó contra el cáncer de mama first in 2010 and again in 2018. However, in June 2019, Tada shared the “milagroso” news that she was cancer-free.

Most recently, in 2020, Tada overcame COVID-19, El Informe Roys (TRR) previamente reportado.

Tada has been given numerous awards for her advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities, including the William Wilberforce Award from the Colson Center on Worldview and the Daniel of the Year award from WORLD Magazine. Tada also has been inducted into the Locutores religiosos nacionales Salón de la Fama. 

A month ago, she and her organization were awarded the prestigious Ukrainian White Cross “Honor et Gloria” medal of honor on August 29, according to a Joni and Friends presione soltar.

Given on behalf of the Ukrainian government to non-Ukrainians, the award recognizes people who have played a significant role in aiding the country during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Other recipients include volunteers, rescuers, philanthropists, and specialists who have actively helped and supported Ukraine.  

Along with this, Tada is a renowned artist and painter. After her diving accident, Tada learned to paint by holding the tools in her mouth to create her pieces.

Tada and her husband Ken, who were married in 1982, reside in Calabasas, California.

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins escribe for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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3 Respuestas

  1. In a time when there is so much awful news of abuse and false teaching and other terrible failures in the church, Joni and Ken’s testimony is such a light!

  2. In 2017, Joni wrote an article titled “After 50 Years in a Wheelchair, I Still Walk With Jesus.” Make that 56 years and counting for this heroine of the faith.

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