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Korn Guitarist Brian Welch Celebrates 19th ‘Spiritual Birthday’ on Social Media

By Liz Lykins
brian welch
(Screengrab: Facebook)

When Brian “Head” Welch, a guitarist in the popular nu-metal band Korn, announced he’d become a believer in 2005, many fans scoffed. Some even thought the picture Welch had posted of his baptism in the Jordan River was a joke.

Now, 19 years later, Welch says his faith “is just as powerful and secure today” as it was at his conversion. And in an Instagram post Wednesday, Welch shared a photo of his 2005 Jordan River baptism with the comment: “Happy spiritual birthday to me!”

Korn, founded in 1993 in Bakersfield, California, by Welch and four other musicians, is a band known for pioneering and making the nu-metal genre mainstream. The band has sold more than 40 million records worldwide, gone on multiple global tours, and been awarded two Grammy awards, according to Radio Times.

Welch came to Christ in 2005, which initially led Welch to leave Korn at the height of the band’s musical career, The Phoenix Times informado. 

The world was shocked when Welch shared how faith was behind his departure, The Phoenix Times added. Welch said he wanted to dedicate his life and career to Jesus. He then went on to release three Christian solo albums and formed the Christian metal band Love and Death in 2012.

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While on tour with the Christian band, Welch performed with Korn again in 2012 at a music festival in North Carolina. He ultimately rejoined Korn in May 2013, playing guitar in its 11th studio album, “The Paradigm Shift,” according to The Phoenix Times.

korn brian welch
In 2012, Brian “Head” Welch reunited with Korn at a music festival in North Carolina. (Photo: Facebook / Chad Martel)

Welch said in his recent Instagram post that he is excited to celebrate the spiritual journey that he has gone on through his musical career.

“This pic was the number one most downloaded photo on @yahoo the day it came out,” Welch noted, “probably because of the ridicule that I brought on myself — a metal guitarist getting baptized in Israel, resembling the popular white American image of Jesus Christ haha.”

Welch explained that while people likely that the baptism photo was a practical joke, what had happened to him “on the inside” was no joke.

“It is just as powerful and secure today — 19 years later!” Welch said. “Coming to the end of myself was so precious because it helped me come to a profound realization: 1. I truly despised myself 2. my (sick), depressed, addicted view of my existence had to die. Laying my life down in the Jordan River waters in Israel symbolized that death to self.”

Welch had previously struggled with drug and alcohol addiction until he said that God used his daughter to save him, Líderes de la Iglesia informado.

“New life will never be birthed until a death happens; a laying down of one’s pride and egotistical state of mind,” Welch continued in the post. “I want to thank you all for being on this journey with me and having my back, whether you are on a similar spiritual journey or not.”

brian welch
Brian Welch (Photo: Facebook)

Welch’s post has received thousands of encouraging comments, including one from Juan Cooper, co-founder of the Christian rock band Skillet.

“This is so incredibly powerful!! I love your testimony and your humility. I also love your faithfulness brother. All for The Kingdom and the glory,” Cooper commented on the post.

Jonathan Roumie, an actor known for his role as Jesus in the show The Chosen, also commented: “Love this man,” alongside several celebration emojis.

Other users remarked how Welch’s story has impacted them.

“When I was a teenager, I hated that you left Korn. I was so angry because Korn was my life,” the user, Nathan Vincent shared. “As I grew I began to understand and I loved your solo album. In the last few years, life has been challenging for myself and my family and I’ve come to embrace Jesus as my Lord and Savior.”

Vincent continued, “I’m so sorry that I had negative thoughts towards you, but I just didn’t understand at the time. I am so beyond happy for you that you have found a happy and healthy life. Thank you for everything you have given me in my life. Nothing but the best you for.”

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins escribe for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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Una respuesta

  1. This is great. Sometimes celebrity conversions end up being a passing phase. It’s encouraging to see one who is still in the faith after nearly two decades.

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