Grammy-award winning worship leader Matt Redman and other prominent Christian leaders from the U.K. are commending survivors speaking out in one of the largest abuse scandals to rock the evangelical church there.

The scandal involves 65-year-old Mike Pilavachi, founder of Soul Survivor, a U.K. Christian youth festival that ran from 1993—2019 and attracted about 30,000 people from around the world each summer. Soul Survivor also inspired Survivor Records, which launched popular artists like Redman, Tim Hughes, Tree63, y YFriday.
Pilavachi, who also pastored Soul Survivor Watford, is now facing allegations he abused young men in his care, bullying them, giving them full-body massages, and pressuring them to engage in extended wrestling matches. Last month, Pilavachi quit Soul Survivor and stepped back from ministry at his church, after the Church of England announced that its National Safeguarding Team was investigating him.
At first, the Church of England stated that the matters concerning Pilavachi were “non-recent” and “occurred a considerable time ago.” But since then, the church has stated that the allegations span at least three decades and are as recent as 2020, the Telegraph reported.
Justin Humphreys of the leading U.K. safeguarding charity, thirtyone:eight, told El Informe Roys (TRR) that he’s heard from dozens of people claiming to have been impacted by Pilavachi’s abuse either “directly and indirectly.” (Thirtone:eight is not investigating Pilavachi, but is offering its support and advice to victims who contact the organization.)
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On Tuesday, Redman, who founded Soul Survivor with Pilavachi when Redman was just 19, tweeted: “Deeply impacted by the recent reports concerning Mike Pilavachi and Soul Survivor. Having spent some of my formative years in that environment, I felt it was important to acknowledge these news stories. But most of all I wanted to commend those who are hurting and have so courageously stepped forward.”
Redman added that he can’t comment on his own experience while the investigation is ongoing. But he urged those “needing to be heard” to contact the National Safeguarding Team with the Church of England.
El Informe Roys (TRR) reached out to Redman through his wife, Beth, asking if he had participated in the investigation. Matt Redman responded that he didn’t want to make any further statements at this point.
— Matt Redman (@matt_redman) May 2, 2023
On Wednesday, Tim Hughes and his brother Pete Hughes also released a statement supporting survivors.

Tim Hughes is a an Anglican pastor in the U.K. and worship leader known internationally for his #1 CCLI song, “Here I Am to Worship.” Pete Hughes is lead pastor of Kings X Church, an Anglican church in London. Both men were very involved in Soul Survivor at one time.
“As brothers who have been deeply shaped by Soul Survivor and worked with Mike Pilavachi over a number of years, we want to acknowledge the tragic stories that are coming into the light, and the bravery of those who have come forward,” the brothers stated.
Like Redman, they added that they cannot comment on their own experiences during the investigation. But they urged “anyone who needs a safe place” to contact the National Safeguarding Team or thirtyone:eight.
TRR reached out to Tim Hughes, asking if he and his brother participated in the investigation but did not hear back.
— Tim Hughes (@timhughes77) May 3, 2023
Allegations rock evangelical community in the U.K.
The allegations involving Pilavachi have rocked the evangelical community in the U.K. Pilavachi was considered a “hero” of “young Christians growing up in the 1990s, 2000s and early 2010,” one British media outlet reported. Plus, he was celebrated by the Church of England, and in 2020, was awarded a prestigious Lambeth Award.
Pilavachi’s prominence, coupled with the extensive size and reach of his alleged abuse makes the scandal “unprecedented,” said thirtyone:eight’s Justin Humphreys.

De acuerdo a the Telegraph, alleged victims claimed Pilavachi had a “horrible cruelty and obsession” with men who often served as Pilavachi’s “official or unofficial interns.”
These young, attractive men in their late teens to early twenties were reportedly groomed by Pilavachi, who made them feel “special” and convinced them that he was key to their success and happiness.
Pilavachi’s special attention given these men was reportedly an “open secret” within Soul Survivor, yet because of the nearly cultic reverence for Pilavachi, no action was ever taken. Insiders at Soul Survivor would refer to these young men as “Pilly boys,” “Mike’s boys,” or “Mike’s favorites,” the Telegraph reported.
Several alleged victims told the Telegraph that Pilavachi urged them to receive full-body oil massages in their underwear while Pilavachi straddled them in his bedroom. They also reportedly said Pilavachi would subject them to intense wrestling matches that could last up to 20 minutes.
One alleged victim spoke with the Church Times about receiving a massage: “I told myself it was Mike, so of course it was fine and I agreed. We went up to his bedroom where he invited me to strip down to whatever felt comfortable, but suggested my underwear. I’d ended up lying on his bed in my boxers, receiving a full body massage with oils under dim lighting, which I simply couldn’t enjoy. I was 18 or 19 at the time and Mike was in his 40s.”
This same man said that soon after the massage, Pilavachi “dropped” him. He went from “being the golden boy to the black sheep,” the Times reported.
Others reported psychological abuse, as well. Alleged victims told the Telegraph that Pilavachi would praise them effusively and promise them an exciting future in ministry. But later, Pilavachi would turn on them, they said, ignoring, gaslighting and ghosting them.
Concerns about investigation & public discourse
Humphreys said a number of the people calling his organization have expressed concern about the investigation being conducted by the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Team. He says they specifically mentioned the silence from the church when the allegations first surfaced—and then the church’s use of minimizing terms like “non-recent” when the investigation was announced.

Humphreys also noted that the current investigation is not independent since Pilavachi served as a pastor within the Church of England and the National Safeguarding Team is an entity of the Church of England. Humphreys said he hopes that when the current investigation is concluded, the church will commission an independent investigation.
Last Sunday, Soul Survivor Watford Senior Pastor Andy Croft seemingly addressed some of these concerns, the Church Times reported.
“We want you to know that we are especially aware of how much those who have come forward have been affected and of how much they are suffering, as are all who are directly involved in this investigation,” Croft said.
Croft added, “We cannot comment on an ongoing investigation, though we can say that more recent allegations have come to light. We want to underline our commitment to excellence in our present safeguarding practice and culture. We’ll continue to do all that we can to meet the high standards that we are aiming for, and to ensure that Soul Survivor is a safe place for all.”
Humphreys said he’s also concerned about the “tactics” some are using on social media “to goad” key figures and influencers with ties to Soul Survivor into speaking publicly.
He said there’s always a possibility these people may have been harmed themselves. And he noted that most of the alleged victims he’s spoken with are “heartbroken, devastated, and fearful of speaking out.” He said public pressure can do “unimaginable harm” to victims and urged people to be more sensitive.
Julie Roys es una reportera de investigación veterana y fundadora de The Roys Report. Anteriormente, también presentó un programa de entrevistas nacional en Moody Radio Network, llamado Up for Debate, y ha trabajado como reportera de televisión para una filial de CBS. Sus artículos han aparecido en numerosas publicaciones periódicas.
7 Respuestas
It’s my understanding that England already recognizes coercive control as a form of abuse and prosecutes it as a crime. So I am thinking this is more serious there, than it would be in the states. (Barring that he sexually molested boys/men)
What Janet says above, touching on substantive differences between UK and USA law, also speaks to cultural and constitutional differences between the two societies. These differences might have a bearing on the TRR project of “reform” of the Christian Church.
My sense is that the journalistic reporting by TRR in the US, has more chance of mediating reform, while in the UK that same reporting may instead yield outcomes more weighted towards abandonment of Church and Christianity by individuals. I think such difference in outcomes attaches to differences in polarisation in the two societies, where those differences in polarisation in turn attach to differences in constitutional arrangements.
There’s been false brothers in the church since the beginning (2 Tim 4:10). “Repent!” is good counsel for most people, but it’s even more applicable to leadership (James 3:1)
My honest, honest observations from my Christian walk of 22 years is that unless you don’t have a personal integrity before God Himself, you are deceiving yourself and the people around.
Addiction to food, sex, entertainment, fame, etc are enemies of the walk with the Lord.
It is huge mistake, fatal I would say, to minimize sin in ourselves and others, especially ministry leaders.
Let’s sincerely stop with the hero worship of leaders. Instead return in repentance to the true and sincere worship of God. And yes honor the leaders of the church, but fear God. Please say no when we need to.
More homosexual active men in the churches. And we are supposed to accept the lifestyle or be severely criticized by the Left in this country. Sin is sin and it must be confronted and dealt with. More people need to speak up about their experience.
Great article.
This is not a “homosexuality” issue. There are countless heterosexual evangelical Christians who have used/are using their position of power to abuse people (Ravi Zacharias, Carl Lentz, Brian Houston, Matt Chandler, Mark Driscoll, etc.). I agree with you that sin must be dealt with–the disgusting sin of “Celebrity Christianity” and of those in power using power to abuse others. And yes, more people do need to speak up! (But let’s not point the finger at our Christ-following LGBTQ+ family members)
Wayne: Where are all of the active homosexual men in churches? Most homosexual men know they are hated and do not go to churches. But it is always convenient to blame the left.