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Restauración de la Iglesia.

Pastor convertido en 'liquidador ungido' acusado de robo de $1.4 millones en Home Depot

Por Bob Smietana
Rev. Robert Dell has been accused of coercing people into stealing from Home Depot — and then selling stolen goods on a highly rated eBay store. (Photo: Mike Kalasnik / Flickr / Creative Commons)

los Anointed Liquidator, a virtual store on eBay, has a 100% approval rating and has registered more than 35,000 items sold over the past decade, according to its page on the online retailer’s website.

But for all its great customer service, the Anointed Liquidator appears to have broken the biblical commandment against stealing.

An organized crime ring in Florida has allegedly stolen more than $1.4 million in merchandise from Home Depot and resold the haul through Robert Dell, former pastor of the Rock Church in St. Petersburg, according to Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody. Dell allegedly fenced the items through the Anointed Liquidator eBay store, which has been active since 2011.

“This pastor clearly skipped over the commandment—thou shall not steal,” Moody dijo in a statement. “Our FORCE taskforce shut down his criminal operation stealing millions of dollars worth of merchandise from Home Depot stores across the state to resell the items on eBay.” 

According to Florida officials, Dell worked with four accomplices to steal power tools made by Milwaukee and DeWalt, as well as other products in seven counties, taking from several stores a day.

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Dell is identified as a pastor and founder of a drug treatment center. However, the Rock Church says that Dell left the church years ago.

“Just to clear the record,” read a statement on the church’s website. “Robert Dell is NOT the pastor of the rock church. He wasn’t the founding Pastor Either. He was the Pastor when it was named the Rock Community Church and Transformation Center, and hasn’t been a Pastor for the last 2 1/2 years.”

robert dell
Robert Dell. (Photo courtesy of Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office)

But Florida officials said that Dell allegedly used his spiritual authority to coerce people into taking part in his scheme.

“According to the investigation, Dell demanded the crimes under threat of abuse and used the positions of being a pastor and founder of a (halfway) house to manipulate other vulnerable people to participate in the criminal scheme,” the attorney general’s statement said. “Home Depot suspects Dell operated this scheme for more than 10 years, resulting in the loss of more than $5 million.”

Dell is charged with “racketeering, conspiracy to commit racketeering and dealing in stolen property as an organizer.” State officials also charged Dell’s wife and mother as co-conspirators.

Officials from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services also worked with the investigation.

“Organized retail crime is a growing problem for retailers, and The Home Depot is fighting it on all fronts, “ Scott Glenn, a vice president at Home Depot, said in a statement. “We’re proud to partner with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to work together to stop dangerous criminals from stealing from our stores.”

The investigation was part of the state attorney general’s efforts to address retail crime.

The Anointed Liquidator eBay store is still online and lists hundreds of ratings from customers who bought nail guns, impact wrenches, grinders and other power tools, earning praise for being “Prompt, Polite, & Professional!”

“We are sold out, but here are some other stores you may be interested in,” the store’s website read.

Bob SmietanaBob Smietana es reportero nacional de Religion News Service.



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6 Respuestas

  1. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. So sad and tired to see how these phonies are masquerading as pastors to further their greed. Of course, this is nothing new and these have always been around. But it’s still sad to witness this happening as the faith of many may be shattered on account of this charlatan.

    1. No wonder why many ‘view’ Christianity as nothing more than “a scam”…in serious and obvious decline. But for those individuals who place their beliefs “in fairytales”…it will continue to remain relevant…I suppose. It is what it is…

      1. 1 Corinthians 1:18:

        “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.”

        No “fairytales” in sight, William. Just the truth of God and the love of his Son, Jesus. Christianity depends on Christ. The gates of Hell cannot prevail against it. Christianity is a relationship, not a religion. In reality, Jesus has already overcome the world.

  2. Satan and his minions have infiltrated everything, including churches and Christian organizations. God is in the process of removing the tares from amongst the wheat.

  3. it’s interesting that I never read of these frauds and grifters and prosperity gospel types in the Muslim or catholic world. Only in the American evangelical industrial complex.

  4. at some point we’ve got to recognize that the white american evangelical system attracts power and wealth hungry narsicists, and churns them out at an alarming rate. this is not an anomaly- this is the fruit of the white american evangelical tree. a bad tree cannot produce good fruit- and this bad tree continues to produce bad fruit with incredible consistency. when will we cut down this tree? or at least stop being surprised that it’s producing bad fruit?

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