De Muth


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Pennsylvania Pastor Escapes Death After Attacker’s Gun Jams

Por Sylvia St Cyr
gunman church pennsylvania
In the middle of a service, a gunman interrupted Pastor Glen Germany when preaching at Jesus' Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania. (Video screengrab)

A pastor in Pennsylvania is thanking God for life after a man pointed a gun at him during the latest Sunday sermon. 

Pastor Glen Germany leads the congregation at Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania. This past Sunday the unthinkable happened when a man calmly walked to the front of the church and pulled out a gun, aiming it at Pastor Germany. 

The church’s message is live-streamed for people to watch at home, which meant the entire incident was caught on film. 

“I was like, this is not happening,” Germany told the local news station

The attacker was smiling at the pastor when he walked up to him, according to Germany. While the man pulled the trigger with the intent to kill the pastor, the gun jammed. 

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“I’m thankful to God that I’m still here because he definitely pulled the trigger,” Germany told a different news source.

Twenty-six-year-old Bernard Polite is facing attempted murder charges. After the initial attempt on the pastor’s life, a deacon can be seen tackling Polite to make sure nothing escalated further. 

“He’s a hero,” says Germany of the deacon who sprang into action. 

While still processing all that happened, Pastor Germany shares that he has forgiven his attacker. 

“This guy was just dealing with spirits he said, and he came in and wanted to shoot somebody.”

Germany had never met Polite before in his life. Police are looking into another shooting after they found a body in Polite’s home. 

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en CHV Radio

Sylvia St. Cyr es locutora de radio en CHVN, un medio cristiano en Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá.



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4 Respuestas

  1. That brought back some bad memories. A friend of mine, also a Southern Baptist pastor, died back in 2009 when a man wandered into the sanctuary in mid-sermon, pulled out a gun, and shot him. I’d never heard of a church shooting before that; unfortunately, it hasn’t been the last.

  2. My. My. My. Look at YHVH. Yay GOD. Isn’t HE just…………… AH. YES. PRAISE THE LORD. FOR HE IS good and HIS mercy endures forever!!!

    I have seen this EXACT sort of miraculous incidents happen to me in my dreams (and then some) like ALL. THE. TIME.

    Certain of them teach that the gifts and power of the Ruach HaKodesh has ceased and quieted. Well……tell them, to get ready, to prepare for “shock and awe” of raw power. When I, the LORD, show my face once again as in ancient times. I will show myself thru certain of my servants. All shall fear.

    …..for the gospel is not only in enticing and persuasive word of man’s wisdom & speech, but in demonstration of power of the RUACH. Hallelu-Yah. 1 Cor 2: 4. Beware of counterfeits thou.

    Exciting times ahead albeit in the midst of troubling times as well.

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