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New Study Finds Christian Nationalists To Be More Complex Than Media Portrayals

Por Jack Jenkins
christian nationalism nationalists
(Photo: Brad Dodson / Unsplash / Creative commons)

A new study estimates that about 30% of Americans are open to the ideas associated with Christian nationalism, but the study’s authors say those who adhere to or sympathize with the ideology are a more complex group than media portrayals and even other studies have found.

Christian Nationalism: A New Approach” is the work of Neighborly Faith, an organization founded to help evangelical Christians build stronger relationships with people from other religious groups. In a webinar on Monday, Neighborly Faith researchers said they took a more detailed look at Christian nationalism than previous efforts, beginning with the criterion typically used to identify Christian nationalist leanings. Where most surveys ask six questions, the Neighborly Faith survey asked 14.

The six-question rubric, Neighborly Faith Director Chris Stackaruk said, makes it “very difficult to differentiate what is Christian nationalism versus what is socially or theologically conservative Christianity.”

In addition to the original six questions, Neighborly Faith asked respondents whether they believed America has a “special God-ordained purpose,” whether U.S. culture is “fundamentally Christian” and whether “Christian values” should be “solely and explicitly endorsed by the government.”

Neighborly Faith split respondents into six categories: Christian nationalist “Adherents” (11%) and “Sympathizers” (19%); Christian “Spectators” (18%) who sympathize with “traditional Christian views” but are less likely to engage politically; “Pluralistic Believers” (19%) who are more religious than the average American but oppose government endorsement of Christianity; “Zealous Separationists” (17%) who “strongly oppose” commingling of church and state; and “Undecideds” (16%).

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neighborly faith nationalism
Neighborly Faith split survey respondents into six categories: Christian nationalist “Adherents” (11%) and “Sympathizers” (19%); Christian “Spectators” (18%); “Pluralistic Believers” (19%); Zealous separationists (17%); and “Undecideds” (16%). (Graphic courtesy Neighborly Faith)

The researchers acknowledged that some of their data closely matches a 2023 PRRI/Brookings survey that estimated that 10% of Americans are Christian nationalist adherents and 19% are sympathizers. But Neighborly Faith’s methodology, its researchers said, allowed for a more nuanced look at Christian nationalism using a definition calling it “a movement advancing a vision of America’s past, present, and future that excludes people of non-Christian religions and non-Western cultures.”

Kevin Singer, Neighborly Faith’s president, said its study showed that Christian nationalists often “romanticize Christianity’s influence on America’s development” and believe the U.S. benefits from “God’s special favor.”

Other definitions of Christian nationalism take a harder line. Samuel Perry and Andrew Whitehead, authors of “Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States,” defines Christian nationalism as “a cultural framework that blurs distinctions between Christian identity and American identity, viewing the two as closely related and seeking to enhance and preserve their union.” Amanda Tyler, of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, has charged that it “carries with it assumptions about nativism, white supremacy, authoritarianism, patriarchy, and militarism.”

kevin singer
Kevin Singer (RNS photo/Emily McFarlan Miller)

But Singer noted that the Neighborly Faith study revealed adherents of Christian nationalism show surprising levels of support for some pluralistic ideals. While adherents were less likely overall to support the idea that the U.S. should take in refugees “even if I do not share the same beliefs as them,” for instance, more than half (51%) nonetheless supported welcoming refugees at some level.

What’s more, Christian nationalist adherents and sympathizers were roughly as likely as any other group (around 50-55%) to say they are moderately or very likely to participate in or attend events encouraging interfaith dialogue or understanding.

In a virtual panel discussion about the study, Kaitlyn Schiess, author of “The Ballot and the Bible: How Scripture Has Been Used and Abused in American Politics and Where We Go from Here,” framed those findings as a hopeful sign for critics of Christian nationalism. They point to “real inroads,” she said, for pastors and others concerned about the ideology to tap into a shared “desire to work across lines of religious belief for the common good.”

Even so, Singer was quick to note that troubling trends are disproportionately present among Christian nationalist sentiments and adherents. “Our study is, by no means, saying that Christian nationalism is a preferable worldview to have or to endorse,” said Singer. 

Christian nationalist adherents, researchers found, were the most likely to express the highest preference for a “strong leader who does not have to deal with Congress and elections” (37%), and more than half said the opposing party “lack(s) the traits to be considered fully human — they behave like animals.” According to the study, adherents and sympathizers also “exhibit a tendency to dislike many outgroups, and prefer their government to favor Christianity over other faiths,” with adherents in particular favoring the idea of having Christian clergy review and advise on laws (59%) and having “America’s Judeo-Christian founding explicitly established in the Constitution” (49%).

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“What is your present religion, if any?” (Graphic courtesy of Neighborly Faith)

The study also offers an unusually detailed profile of Christian nationalists. Adherents are 70% non-Hispanic white, for instance, and have the largest concentration of evangelical Christians (71%). Among those who sympathize with Christian nationalist ideas, 60% say they are evangelicals, and adherents were also more likely to be married than others in the survey, by 62% to 49%.

Nonreligious individuals — those who said they were atheists, agnostics, nothing in particular, spiritual but not religious or “something else” — were the best represented among the Zealous Separationists — those who oppose fusions of church and state — comprising 65% of that group. Separationists also exhibited comparatively high levels of political participation, whether in protests or voter registration drives.

Christian nationalist adherents and sympathizers, however, were only a few points behind separationists in political participation and collectively outnumber them (adherents and sympathizers collectively represent 30% of the population nationally, whereas separationists represent 17%). Roughly half of adherents also reported having shifted their buying habits due to a social or political issue, the highest of any group.

Christian nationalist adherents and sympathizers were also the most likely to say they voted for former President Donald Trump in 2020 and also more likely to have voted at all (67% and 68%, respectively) compared to other groups. Separationists voted at 64%, however, and showed the highest support for any specific candidate (61% said they voted for President Joe Biden). 

As for party affiliation, around 17% of the Republicans or those who lean Republican were classified as Christian nationalist adherents, with an additional 30% marked as sympathizers and 21% Christian Spectators. On the Democratic side, 30% were Zealous Separationists, 25% Pluralistic Believers and 15% were Christian Spectators.

Neighborly Faith partnered with Technites for the survey, which was conducted between June 16 and June 21, 2023. It polled 2,006 U.S. adults and an oversample of 303 evangelical youth ages 18 to 25 for a total of 2,309 respondents.

jack jenkinsJack Jenkins es un periodista galardonado y reportero nacional de Religion News Service.



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19 Respuestas

  1. Colossians 1, Christ came to set up a spiritual kingdom vs a physical one. Galatians said those with the faith (not race) of Abraham are the True Israel. Christian belief is about faith not race. The Bible does not teach God’s hand on America. But on Americans “IN CHRIST”. There is a physical kingdom and spiritual identity intersects with political perspectives. Governed by corrupt individuals. David a man after God’s heart did corrupt political things. No more corrupt than Biden/Trump. King Saul made Trump look like a prude. Those kings point forward to a King that could transform hearts and not political prosperity. Our government/media/corporations are one ball of corruption and engender conspiracies then blame its people. David did too. My race does not matter as a Christian/American. As a Soldier/ minority and former border patrol. I had to protect my countrymen. My physical kingdom. I believe in a nation with borders/ laws. I engage in this country which has swerved from its foundation. I do not believe it will get better but worse. God has turned people over to debased thinking (Romans 1). Biden puts “I” in “corruption” and Trump puts “ I” in “narcissistic”. Neither will save you. Accountable for every choice. I would vote for Trump over Biden. Not for saving, but because Biden is more corrupt. Not a perfect choice but biblically the better decision. Label me.

      1. Biden doesn’t so much have “followers” as he has “people who voted for him”. Many of whom did so just to avoid another trump presidency.

        there aren’t many people who worship Biden. I think she’s done a pretty good job, but for sure don’t agree with everything he’s done.

    1. One could vote for neither. Do a write-in or 3rd party. Remember choosing the lesser of 2 evils is still choosing evil. And I dispute that voting for Trump is a biblically better decision.

      1. Biden has abused the office. In a previous article I gave a plethora of documentation via links of Joe Biden using his position for self gain. Trump is an egocentric candidate. It’s not a choice of lesser evil. But a choice of better results. Neither save. But one represents values derived from biblical beliefs and values. Who is worse? Trump or King David? Think. King Solomon may be apropos. But look at the Bible. They all point to the need for a King that transform ls hearts not policies. Trump is not a savior and Biden is not the devil. Still with conviction and confidence. I will vote for Trump. Label me. But that’s lazy because it minimizes complexity to simplicity that is convenient. Fact of the matter which I hope for all. Research your convictions thoroughly and discuss before you become judge and jury with someone who has considered the situation

        1. James –

          I respect your decision. I ask for the same respect for those of us who have considered the issues – I particularly paid attention to impacts on the poor and women – and landed on Biden as the better candidate. Please refrain from the same lazy, convenient labels or assumptions you wouldn’t like thrown at you either. Just respecting we have a difference of opinion. Treating others as we’d like to be treated.

          1. Marin, I’ve been labeled soooo many times. So I’m not going to refrain. It’s not based on perception but on post via this platform.

          1. Marin, Jen and Tricia,
            I’m not going to refrain. Because it happens all the time when I comment. So if that’s not you don’t be offended. Try again-




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          2. James:
            “Because it happens all the time when I comment” is not a Biblically based reason to label others. It’s “well they do it too!”, which is the reasoning of a kindergartener. Didn’t we learn to stop doing that in Sunday school?

            What happened to simply obeying scripture, which says to treat others as you’d like to be treated? You asked not to be labeled, so don’t do it to others either. Or does scripture not matter here?

        2. Trump and his minions tried overthrow and stop a Constitutional process on Jan 6th. But I guess you are ok with sedition and treason. He just said on his Truth Social post that presidents of the United States should have full immunity from prosecution even if they “cross the line” while in office. He thinks Presidents should have absolute authority and immunity. Sounds like a king or emperor or a Mussolini. And you are one of his adoring Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale or Braunhemden.

  2. “… the survey … conducted between June 16 and June 21, 2023. … polled 2,006 U.S. adults and an oversample of 303 evangelical youth ages 18 to 25 for a total of 2,309 respondents.”

    The narrative of the article from JJ, is interesting, and maps well into important issue; so useful.

    However, the analysing of any statistical results, is made complex by various factors.

    The issues researched are such that, societal and global events occurring in and around the period 16th to 2st June 2023, might have skewed respondents answers to research questions and categories available to answers. To control for this, we would need sustained periodic polling.
    The sample size is small. The field of such research is small, and vastly overshadowed by what is driving (often polarised) views on the researched issues.
    The probity of research and what use is made of its nominal findings, are always at risk, across the researched issues having been weaponised in what is an existentially intense cultural and ideological war.

    The categorisation of respondents as Christian nationalist “Adherents” and “Sympathizers” and Christian “Spectators” and “Pluralistic Believers” and Zealous separationists and “Undecideds”: is unlikely to be seen as “neutral” by all currently participating in ideological and cultural war. The judgement of those standing aside from this war, also having to be determined.

    Why those who support constitutional separation are termed “Zealous”, while those leaning into support for Fusion of faith and all else are divided across nuanced difference, will be an immediate red flag for some.

  3. Interesting, but at least based on this article, I am not seeing the relevance of some of the “nuances” here. For example: “The six-question rubric, Neighborly Faith Director Chris Stackaruk said, makes it “very difficult to differentiate what is Christian nationalism versus what is socially or theologically conservative Christianity.”” Yet the 14 item rubric identified the same percentages of people as “adherents” and “sympathizers” as a study using the six-item approach. What, then, is the utility of the 8 additional criteria?

    Similarly, what is the functional difference between “exclud[ing] people of non-Christian religions and non-Western cultures,” conflating “Christian identity and American identity” or holding nativist assumptions? Tomayto, tomahto?

    1. This poll is flawed in it’s research methodologies- it has a small, not random sample size. And the results seem to be a case of confirmation bias. When one forms the questions and categories to find nuance among christian nationalists, one will find nuance among christian nationalists.

      There are others using better research methods around christian nationalism, in fact, David Gushee has a new book out on it.

  4. Hi James –

    It is foolish to attempt to rationalize with many of the commenters. Like much of the disinformation spread through the last, almost, 10 years I suspect most still believe in Russian-Trump collusion, the laptop, etc. The left can attempt to storm the White House, attack federal court houses, and disrupt proceedings at the Capital- but nothing to see here. Was the FBI always in place at Twitter to monitor speech? Francis Collins lied and has no accountability. One could go on…

    I believe almost all that voted for Biden support his policies regarding Women’s’ health, transgenderism among children, and the loss of parental rights. Ask them and they will say the economy is better under the current administration (what inflation?). Open borders? No problem. Don’t worry about the poor/unemployed- they will get their fair share. They were going to vote for him regardless of who ran as a Republican.

    Education? I am sure everyone is doing better. If not, DEI will get them a seat at the table regardless.
    Concerned about the standards being lowered? We have the best leading our colleges. Just don’t pull back the curtain.

    Christian Nationalists are a target of the left for political purposes. Just a few years ago we were told the military needed to stand-down to address ‘White Supremacy” in the ranks. What was discovered? Who was removed? Nothing/no one. They may have some odd ideas- but they are not a threat.

    We need an article of the Progressive Christian movement over the past 100 years. How they want to meld same-sex marriage, transgenderism, abortion, egalitarianism, even universalism into the faith.


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