De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

En texto citado, James MacDonald admite que la iglesia tomó dinero de Harvest Bible Fellowship, pero no admite culpa

Por Julie Roys
James MacDonald Harvest Bible Chapel
Deshonrado ex pastor de la Capilla Bíblica de la Cosecha, James MacDonald.

Hizo Capilla de la Biblia de la cosecha (HBC) robar dinero de Harvest Bible Fellowship (HBF), su antigua red de plantación de iglesias de más de 150 iglesias independientes?

Esta pregunta ha perseguido a la megaiglesia del área de Chicago desde que el pastor de Harvest, y ex presidente de HBF, james macdonald, disolvió abruptamente la beca en junio de 2017 en medio de acusaciones de mala gestión financiera y egoísmo. Técnicamente, la iglesia no podía robarle a la confraternidad porque aunque HBF era un 501c3 distinto, era una subsidiaria de Harvest y estaba controlada por la junta de ancianos de HBC.

Pero para las iglesias independientes de HBF, que dieron el 5 por ciento de sus contribuciones anuales a la confraternidad, había una expectativa de que Harvest usaría su dinero para plantar iglesias. Lo mismo ocurrió con otros dos grupos que contribuyeron a HBF. Estos incluyeron a los “40 hombres poderosos” de Harvest, un grupo de importantes donantes que dieron dinero a Harvest para acelerar la plantación de iglesias. También contribuyó a HBF la Convención Bautista del Sur (SBC). La cosecha es un iglesia colaboradora dentro de la SBC, al igual que algunas de sus iglesias nuevas.

Sin embargo, según david sabio, un ex pastor de HBF que participó en una revisión financiera de HBF en 2017, Harvest tomó de manera inapropiada al menos $1.8 millones de dólares de la confraternidad, que nunca reembolsó. Esta afirmación también ha sido reiterada por el Gran Comisión Colectiva—la red de plantación de iglesias formada por antiguas iglesias de HBF después de la disolución de la confraternidad.

Harvest niega este cargo. En su Actualización para personas mayores de octubre de 2017, la iglesia en cambio dice que recorrió “'la segunda milla' en la absorción. . . todo el impacto financiero” relacionado con la beca y su cierre. De manera similar, en una entrevista con la revista WORLD en noviembre pasado, MacDonald y el tesorero de HBC, Jeff Smith, dijeron que la afirmación de que Harvest debía HBF $1.8 millones era "inexacta".

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Sin embargo, recientemente, recibí un sorprendente mensaje de texto de James MacDonald donde dice exactamente lo contrario.

[pullquote]”In the text, MacDonald admits that Harvest Bible Chapel charged HBF $300,000 – $350,000 more per year than was ‘reasonable’ for ‘shared services.’ . . . This means Harvest overcharged HBF between $1.5 million and $1.75 million for just ‘shared services.'”[/pullquote]The text was sent on October 23, 2018, to scott pierre, pastor de una antigua iglesia de HBF en Florida, y también David Wisen, cuñado de Pierre. (Obtuve el texto a través de una citación emitida en defensa de demanda de cosecha contra mí, que desde entonces ha caído.)

En el texto, MacDonald admite que Harvest Bible Chapel cobró HBF $300,000 - $350,000 más por año de lo que era "razonable" por "servicios compartidos". Estos servicios incluían cosas como espacio de oficina compartido y una parte de los salarios de varios ejecutivos de Harvest que supuestamente trabajaron para la beca.

De acuerdo a un carta filtrada de Wisen, Harvest cobró a la beca por estos “servicios compartidos” durante al menos cinco años (de 2012 a 2016). Esto significa que Harvest cobró de más a HBF entre $1,5 millones y $1,75 millones solo por "servicios compartidos".

Pero el texto de MacDonald incluye otra admisión sorprendente.

En él, también admite que una actualización de los sistemas de administración de la iglesia, por la cual Harvest cobró a HBF $500,000, fue "sobrevalorada y menos ventajosa para las iglesias de HBF". Esto también contradice la actualización para personas mayores de octubre de 2017. Afirmó que el proyecto de sistemas "beneficiaría a muchas iglesias (HBF) a través de una aplicación", que proporcionaría "sitios web de mejor rendimiento y asimilación de tabletas".

En una entrevista conmigo hace varias semanas, Wisen dijo que no conoce ninguna iglesia de HBF que haya recibido la aplicación prometida de Harvest. Agregó que MacDonald les dijo a los pastores en un retiro de pastores en febrero de 2017 que Harvest ofrecería la actualización de los sistemas y la nueva aplicación a las iglesias de HBF de forma gratuita. Cobrar a HBF por una actualización que las iglesias de HBF no aprobaron, ni usaron, fue engañoso e incorrecto, dijo Wisen.

Pero el texto de MacDonald incluye otra revelación inquietante, una que va en contra de algo más que Jeff Smith y MacDonald afirmaron durante su entrevista con WORLD. En esa entrevista, Smith afirmó que "todos los fondos designados (de HBF) se desembolsaron correctamente de acuerdo con las especificaciones del donante", y se confirmó en una auditoría realizada por la firma de contabilidad. capín crouse.

Sin embargo, en el mensaje de texto de MacDonald enviado solo unas semanas antes de esa entrevista, MacDonald admite que Harvest "utilizó dinero de HBF que fue designado para el flujo de efectivo de otras cosas". También admite que el dinero de HBF, 40 Mighty Men y la Convención Bautista del Sur “no se separaron adecuadamente”.

Como explica Wisen, esto es esencialmente una admisión de que Harvest tomó dinero que los donantes habían designado para fines específicos, los puso en una olla común y luego los desembolsó como la iglesia lo consideró adecuado, a veces violando la intención de los donantes.  

Solicité una entrevista con Capin Crouse para discutir cómo pudo haber sucedido esto sin que se dieran cuenta, pero la firma no respondió a mi solicitud.

Del mismo modo, contacté a Harvest para comentar sobre el hilo de texto. La portavoz Sharon Kostal respondió con una declaración de Jeff Smith y el Comité Ejecutivo de Ancianos de Harvest. Decía: “El pastor James no estuvo involucrado en las decisiones que llevaron a este conflicto en particular. Tenemos la esperanza de que, en el tiempo de Dios, las relaciones entre aquellos en ese hilo de texto puedan repararse a través del proceso de pacificación en el que estamos involucrados”.

“No reconozco haber hecho nada malo. . .”

La declaración de Harvest repite lo que afirma MacDonald en su texto. Es decir, que MacDonald no tenía responsabilidad por las irregularidades citadas en su texto, sino que todo fue obra del exdirector financiero de Harvest, Fred Adams, y del exdirector de operaciones de Harvest, Scott Milholland.

“No reconozco haber hecho nada malo personalmente en el área financiera, nada”, escribe MacDonald. 

MacDonald afirma que Adams y Milholland ampliaron los servicios compartidos "sin mi conocimiento antes de que Brian White (exdirector interino de HBF) me lo dijera en marzo de 2017". MacDonald agrega que Adams y Milholland "justificaron (expandir los servicios compartidos) en función de lo que traíamos de SBC, pero no era justificable".

[pullquote]“(MacDonald) is like a mob boss. A mob boss never talks to anybody but his two or three guys. But no one ever talks to him directly.”[/pullquote]Similarly, MacDonald blames the systems expense on “Scott/Fred again taking advantage and answering to no one.” He also suggests that “a deceptive/criminally dishonest person” in Harvest’s information technologies department may have played a role. This likely is a reference to former CIO Jeff Parham, whom Harvest reported to authorities in October for allegedly desfalco al menos $270,000 de la iglesia.

Me comuniqué con Milholland para hacer comentarios, pero dijo que no podía responder debido a un acuerdo de confidencialidad con Harvest. También le envié un correo electrónico a Adams, pero no respondió. 

Sin embargo, cuando le pregunté a Brian White, ahora director ejecutivo de GCC, sobre la afirmación de MacDonald, dijo: “No puedo pensar en nada que suceda en Harvest Bible Chapel a ese nivel sin que James lo sepa. . . . Este es James. 'No tengo ninguna responsabilidad. Lanzo gente debajo del autobús'”.

De manera similar, Bob Langdon, quien se desempeñó como director financiero de HBF, dijo que MacDonald controlaba todo el dinero de la beca, pero lo hacía indirectamente a través de Fred Adams. “Fred fue creado para ser ese aislante”, dijo Langdon. “(MacDonald) es como un jefe de la mafia. Un jefe de la mafia nunca habla con nadie más que con sus dos o tres tipos. Pero nadie le habla nunca directamente”.

La afirmación de MacDonald de que dos o tres empleados deshonestos gastaron dinero de HBF independientemente de cualquier supervisión es otra afirmación que contradice directamente la actualización para ancianos de Harvest de octubre de 2017. La actualización afirmó que "todo el dinero dado por las iglesias de HBF" se "gastó de acuerdo con los presupuestos aprobados por los ancianos".

De manera similar, durante la entrevista con WORLD, Smith dijo que el comité de finanzas, que Smith preside, revisó “cada elemento del presupuesto”, que luego fue aprobado por la junta de ancianos.

Sin embargo, Earl Seals, un ex anciano de Harvest que participó en la revisión financiera de HBF, dijo que eso no es cierto. Seals dijo que durante la revisión financiera, le preguntó en privado a Smith cómo pudo permitir que el dinero de HBF se gastara de manera tan irresponsable. Seals dijo que Smith respondió que no sabía sobre los gastos atroces. Seals dijo que estaba sorprendido por la respuesta de Smith porque los ancianos confiaron en Smith para supervisar los gastos de HBF.

Seals dijo que tenía la intención de informar lo que había descubierto en la revisión financiera de HBF durante la siguiente reunión de la junta de ancianos. Sin embargo, justo antes de entrar a la reunión, Seals dijo que el élder Steve Huston le dijo que no compartiera nada sobre la revisión financiera con los otros élderes, ninguno de los cuales había participado en la revisión. (Seals dijo que Smith estaba ausente).

Aun así, Seals dijo que les dijo a los otros ancianos que la revisión había demostrado que gran parte del gasto de HBF era "imprudente". Pero antes de que pudiera decir algo más, Seals dijo que estaba cerrado y luego los ancianos le dijeron a la iglesia que todo estaba bien. Seals renunció a la junta poco después porque para permanecer sería necesario "respaldar la falsedad".

Los donantes se sienten traicionados

En su texto, MacDonald confrontó a Pierre y Wisen por no apoyarlo durante la debacle financiera de HBF. Específicamente, culpó a Wisen por aparecer en la revisión financiera de HBF de 2017 como “un antagonista del interrogador cuando prometió venir como defensor”.

MacDonald llama al silencio de ambos hombres ante las acusaciones en su contra “una traición tan grande como para empequeñecer a todos los demás durante 35 años de ministerio combinados”.

Sin embargo, Wisen dijo que llegó a la revisión ni como antagonista ni como defensor. Llegó como investigador neutral, tratando de determinar los hechos. Agregó que no traicionó a MacDonald; MacDonald y Harvest traicionaron a sus donantes.

Además de los elementos ya mencionados, Wisen dijo que se enteró durante la revisión que Harvest no había estado contribuyendo con el cinco por ciento de sus contribuciones a HBF como lo hicieron todas las demás iglesias de HBF. Wisen dijo que cuando se enfrentó a MacDonald, MacDonald afirmó que Harvest's no tiene que dar el cinco por ciento de sus contribuciones a HBF, sino que podría usar dinero de 40 Mighty Men o SBC para cumplir con su obligación.

[pullquote]”They say they’re being generous when they’re actually stealing . . . At least when you’re being mugged, there’s some integrity between you and the guy who’s robbing you that you’re being robbed.”[/pullquote]Wisen, who is an heir to the fortune of the late Robert Van Kampen, was one of the 40 Mighty Men donors. He said he gave to 40 Mighty Men because Harvest promised the money would be used to accelerate church planting, and give more financial support to church planting pastors. He said using this money instead to offset Harvest’s giving to HBF was a violation of that promise.

Del mismo modo, Seals, otro donante de 40 Mighty Men, dijo que también estaba ofendido por la forma en que Harvest gastó su dinero. Dijo que se sorprendió al saber que $500,000 que dio para construir un centro de retiro pastoral en Camp Harvest en Michigan en realidad se usó para construir un "centro de capacitación" que casi nunca se usó.

Wisen dijo que, en total, Harvest gastó alrededor de $2 millones de dinero de HBF en ese centro de capacitación, pero lo hizo sin siquiera informar a los pastores de HBF. Harvest también obligó a HBF a arrendar el centro de capacitación a la iglesia por $10 al año y estaba utilizando los fondos de HBF para pagar todos los servicios públicos del edificio. Sin embargo, cuando Camp Harvest alquiló el edificio a grupos externos, los ingresos por alquiler se destinaron a Harvest, no a HBF.  

“Dicen que están siendo generosos cuando en realidad están robando”, dijo Wisen sobre Harvest. Comparó su experiencia con la iglesia con la de ser asaltado y agregó: “Al menos cuando te asaltan, hay cierta integridad entre tú y el tipo que te está robando que te están robando. Pero en Harvest, ni siquiera tienen esa integridad básica para admitir que eso es lo que están haciendo”.



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108 Respuestas

  1. This is why I resigned and left Harvest in 2017. The level of deciet and lack of integrity at the highest levels of leadership sickened me.
    I spoke to Pastors and Elders about these very things, and it was ignored.
    So glad to see the truth exposed.
    I pray for healing and the future of HBC without The Mob boss.

    1. You are such a man of integrity, Jim. When you left, I knew something must be off. Thank you for speaking out when it would have been much easier to stay quiet.

    2. While you may be right about some of that Jim, are you so sure you are above reproach? Were you ever authoritarian?See Matthew 7:3, Proverbs 18:17 as well as the verses in Concerned comments below. And when the mediator you chose told you, “you rushed to judgement didn’t you ignore it? Some of this abuse took place while I was grieving the loss of a loved one.

    3. My reply accidentally got into the next one. It was for you Jim. I tried to be gentle. An accusation hardens the heart but a ? pricks the conscience.

  2. When is this all going to end? It’s time to bring integrity back, well wait a minute from all I have read I don’t think integrity was ever at the top level of Harvest to begin with. You can’t restore what we never there before, it’s time say no more and bring in the bull dozers.

  3. It’s time for the MacDonalds to step down, along with the Elders. The fact that all this happened for so long in full view, with elders either supporting or ignoring it, disqualifies all of them.

    The only way forward for Harvest is to repent, for all those involved to resign, and for the congregation to reconstitute itself with a structure of accountability and a new start under God-fearing and God-honoring leadership.

    1. May I inquire, if you are calling on James Macdonald to repent why does he also need to resign? Wouldn’t church discipline simply desire the repentance?

      1. He’s a pastor, he is held to a different standard to remain a pastor. He can repent and be welcomed back as a regular church member, but completely disqualified from leading a church. 1 Timothy 3: 1-7, Titus 1: 5-9.

        1. “Concerned” Please explain Philippians 1:15-18.
          15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.

          Please prove that Pastor James corrupted the Gospel and taught heresy.

          1. Don, several years ago at a meeting of Harvest men called by Pastor James, he told us that he wanted to include T. D. Jakes among gatherings of Christian leaders. At the same time he ADMITTED TO US that T. D. had not yet embraced the concept of the Trinity; rather, James was excited that T. D. was in his opinion coming closer to abandoning modalism (by the way, modalism rejects Trinitarian doctrine and is, therefore, heresy). He admitted to us that the Elders were divided as to whether or not to include T. D., but that he was going to move forward with the inclusion of T. D. as a ‘Christian leader.’ To hold a modalist up to the Body of Christ as a Christian, while admitting that the man did not believe in the Trinity, was itself heresy. I knew then and there that I could not continue attending where leadership was heretical.

          2. He should feel free to preach the gospel as we all should, though not sure he can be taken seriously at this point. I don’t think you grasp the depths of his issues. The Bible is clear about overseers/elders for a reason, to prevent the disaster that we are seeing unfold before our eyes. Same thing with not suing fellow believers, look what it did. How could you say his behavior would allow him to oversee a church. As far as “preaching, I can’t take a hypocrite seriously – but maybe that’s just me

          3. Paul was talking in terms of people that were targeting him and trying to discredit him personally. Go back and read that again from the beginning. Paul would in no way be ok with a pastor preaching to deceive and take advantage of his whole congregation. That’s why there are so many verses on instruction of the qualifications of elders, how to deal with wayward men of God!

      2. James MacDonald is not qualified to be a pastor. I can’t imagine he’s qualified to be entrusted with any kind of responsibility whatsoever. He is not trustworthy.

      3. In 2011 evidence pointed to the mismanagement of HBC’s finances forcing the church into more debt and has continued to do so, without repentance. With him being on the Elder board there wasn’t much they could do to control the situation. I thought all monies collected needed to be earmarked for its intended use and has to be used for that use only.

  4. Harvest / MacDonald / Elders = Thieves, Liars, Backstabbers, Frauds, Sons of Satan, Conspirators, Criminals, Pigs, Limp-wristed Wolves.

    Every single one of them.

  5. Fake “Elder” Mike Collett:

    Do you allow your venture capital partners and investors to be defrauded and lied to and scammed (as stated above) in the same manner as the church flock you pretend to oversee? Didn’t think so. Just the people and donors of Harvest are permitted to be financially raped and pillaged?

    “A mob/criminal organization.” Even the *insiders* call it this. Did you smile when you read that? You “oversee” that; you know what that makes *you,* right?

    Give up the “Peacemaking” total BS scam. Resign. Repent. Get saved. And recuse yourself from any church leadership role ever again.

  6. We were 12-year members at Harvest Bible Chapel, Niles Campus. We know (and love) Jim Rowan, who has commented here.

    Like many others, we were highly motivated by the vision & mission Harvest Bible Fellowship and gave generously to it. That James MacDonald treated HBF funds as his own piggy bank is outrageous, regardless of whether he can be prosecuted for crimes under the law. I believe there is precedent for a class-action lawsuit for this kind of misappropriation of funds. We would gladly join such a suit.

    Let’s also remember that James used at least $200,000 from Walk in the Word funds to start and maintain a white-tail deer herd on the Camp Harvest property in Michigan. Moreover, this is the same man who is largely responsible for the nearly $70 million in debt that HBC took on (which now stands at ~$40 million).

    James MacDonald, his sons Luke & Landon, ALL of the current HBC Elders, and the member of the Executive Leadership Team MUST resign NOW.

  7. I remember this pastor dude always preachin bout “secret sins”.
    Perhaps he’s losin his cabbage or his eggs are boilin.
    Enough. So sick bout readin his frowlicks. The dude should not pastor anymore. Perhaps we should start prayin for him to be born again. All those preachin messages I listened to. All those books I read.
    The dude is a phony. Like a three dollar bill.
    Did anyone find out the truth to why Stowell left preachin & pastorin there??

  8. You people have no idea.

    All of this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you really knew how much money the MacDonald mob family and their inner circle fixers and bag men and elders have siphoned off over **’the decades ** it would literally blow your mind. Satan himself could not have orchestrated a better theft.

    When it comes to bleeding Christ’s family dry, wringing out every last sheckle, James MacDonald & Co. are insatiable. And quite proficient at it. PT Barnum was an amateur compared to MacDonald. (Though the similarities are quite fascinating and worthy of study.)

    May God have mercy on all of their souls.

    1. You are so right! The deeper you get into the “inside circle” of James MacDonald, the sicker you see it is. The things that Julie has reported are NOT EVEN CLOSE to the WORST! I’ve seen and heard so much worse!

      James is a complete FRAUD! He is mean, vindictive, vulgar, petty, greedy, violent, angry, unloving, unforgiving…the list goes on and on! He lies so often, he doesn’t even know the truth anymore!

      The best and only option for HBC is for ALL of the MacDonalds to be run out of town! And the Executive Committee Elders and XLT needs to follow them! HBC must be broken up into separate independent churches with local pastors and elders. They must open up ALL of the records and confess ALL of the sins!

      It is the ONLY way!

    2. To the Harvest insiders on this site: If you have direct knowledge of criminal activity and eyewitness accounts you have a duty to report this to the police. The FBI has already been notified. The more people that notify the authorities the more eyebrows will be raised and an investigation can begin.

  9. The mafia deals in fear

    Fear that stems from Examples of physical brutality and murder

    James McDonald is a fraud. In the world of gangsters he couldn’t hold Al Capone drivers jock

    Everyone needs to wake up and realize that what you are afraid of… The only fear the James’ trades in.. Is based on lies…

    He is a nobody.. In the world of street gangs hes what they call a story book gangster

    He has no clout on the street. The only place James McDonald has gangster like influence is in the Hearts and minds of the christians that he has scammed and Spiritually abused

    He ripped everyone off publicly
    He Messed with everyone’s faith publicly
    He has slandered and defamed the name of Christ publicly.

    The whole story must be told publicly.. The only thing stopping you, if you have information about the depths of this evil man’s deeds is yourself.. You have already weathered the worst of what this Fake profit James McDonald can do to u

    Call him out.. No condemnation necessary Christian brothers and sisters.. The truth will do all of the Condemning work for us..

    Its Sick

    James is still banking on the depth of spiritual abuse that he has perpetrated in our lifes to stop us from calling out the worst of what hes done


  10. Mancow Mueller just announced that James, Luke, Landon and Rick Donald are all gone and this will be announced this coming weekend?

    I do not believe it. Controlling narcissistic people do not walk away – they might pretend to walk away, but this is just unbelievable so far.

    1. You are right about narcissists not walking away. There’s a part of me that thinks and hopes a few elders lit the by-laws on fire in front of the Executive Committee and said, “look at me… I am the captain now.” There are all kinds of ways insiders could further embarrass the MacDonalds and reveal more stuff, but that might be (or ‘might have been’) the only way to fire James. Hey, at this point……

    2. They are partially responsible for the debt. They can’t just freely walk away.
      L and L might have been blind to their dad’s faults but Rick Donald was his right hand man from the start and is responsible as James MacD. Shouldn’t he have been confronting him?

      I wonder if Harvest leadership will blame Julie Roys and others?

  11. There are smaller churches that operate just like the larger ones. Particularly in the African American Community where vast networks of Churches have only one individual who controls EVERYTHING and virtually EVERYONE. And he is called PASTOR. I know. I belong to one.

  12. Ok I’ve sounded on this before and I will keep saying it. Some of you are getting closer to how bad this really is but so far only Randy Williams has hit the nail on the head. You guys are saying this is only the tip of the iceberg and you are correct. Again, let me be very clear. Harvest is NOT a church. It is a CULT. Yes, that is what I said. It is a CULT. I know that is hard to accept especially for some of us that have been committed for years. I strongly suggest you guys go back and read the Elephant’s Debt post titled “deer in the headlights or divided board? Pay attention the the comment raised about Harvest being a cult. I was sucked into a cult in my early 20’s at the lowest part of my life. The first symptom you will discover once you’ve been been “deprogrammed” by the truth (Julie Roys you have no idea how many people are being spared by your work and thank you!) is complete shock and denial. Why is that? Well nobody can believe that it could happen to THEM! It’s very important to TALK about it in order to recover. Yes even people at Niles have been brainwashed. Again read the post I mentioned above and research it with cult experts/FBI and piece it together. Start to think ON YOUR OWN, CRITICALLY.

    1. You are right on, except. Except Randy Williams was and for very long time a part of the cult, a propagator of the cult. Randy Williams was one of the most gullible goons of guru MacDonald and only recently woke up and pierced his slimy cocoon.

      Now, what we really need is the same happening with Jeff Smith, the purse holder and overseer of all financial and sinister maleficence of MacDonald clan Inc.

  13. Incredibly sad… I literally feel sick with the revelation about HBC.and fellowship.. Just another indication how satan works to deceive and destroy….. this is the time and season we are living in… we must use great wisdom and discernment ….. and pray for the Holy Spirit to be at work within ourselves and our churches…. what appears to be definitely missing in JM is the fruit of the spirit…. we should definitely see these qualities in our church leadership and if it is not present something is wrong…..
    May God guide this fellowship and church on the road ahead and may Christ be exalted in all people as you seek a new road and path forward for the sake of the ONE who laid down his life for each one of us….

  14. If Mancow’s just-tweeted update is accurate, it’s on to Round 2…


    Mike Collett and every other fake Harvest elder must also immediately resign.

    This THREE DECADE OLD con, heist, and absolute sh*tshow did not happen in a vacuum. Each and every one of them are either guilty of the gross support-MacDonald sin of commission, or omission. Doesn’t matter, each is a gross immorality. They gotta go. Now.


    MacDonald & His Departing Little Band of Thieves must be prevented from setting up a new con and grift shop somewhere else. They have done more than enough damage to Christ’s Kingdom. This must end here.

  15. Wow! Don ERacer…..you need to go back and look at all the scripture you have been posting and read it in context. Please stop using God’s Word to fit your views and thought life. You have pointed the finger at many people in a negative and condescending way. Please focus on God and realize that James MacDonald is human and can fail. This is not how a biblical church should be run. God is Truth and Love. He is also the God of order and as far as I can see, none of these things are happening within the leadership. It breaks my heart.

  16. I compare the Harvest collapse to the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York. Everyone saw the planes fly through the two towers, which left a gapping and glaring hole. If you recall, the towers did not immediately fall after the initial hit. The hit did so much damage, slowly burning and weakening the foundations of the building. Then merely hours later, once the towers fell, they fell immediately in a cloud of dust and debris that could be seen from miles away. You may also recall that there were also smaller surrounding buildings that also collapsed as a result of the attack. Even though they were not “directly” hit by the planes, they were victim of collateral and irreparable damage.

    So, where are the parallels with the Twin Towers terrorist attack and the Harvest Bible Chapel debacle? The initial “hit” to Harvest Bible Chapel that has left a gapping and glaring hole has been the exposure of hypocrisy, fraud, bullying, lack of transparency, authoritarian leadership and fiscal mismanagement of James MacDonald, elders, pastors and leadership. Much of this “hit” has been a result of the ongoing reporting by the Elephant’s Debt and more recently by Julie Roys. Just as the twin towers instantly fell down in a matter of seconds after burning and weakening the foundations for a number of hours, so will the organization called Harvest Bible Chapel. Harvest will fall and collapse under its’ own weight of lies, deceit, fraud and debt.

    If it is true as it has been reported that James MacDonald will be resigning or fired after this weekend, the remaining elders and leadership have an almost insurmountable task facing them if any vestige of Harvest Bible Chapel is to remain. Here are some thoughts for the elders and leaders at Harvest to consider:

    1. Complete and unadulterated transparency. No more spin. No more euphemistic language. NO MORE LIES. The Harvest Bible Chapel Board of Elders need to completely and wholly be transparent about the events and actions that led to this debacle. It is neither loving or protective of the congregation to withhold all details of sin, lies, deceit, fraud and mismanagement. If the elders are sincere in being transparent, then share all the good, bad and ugly (warts and all) of this situation. Anything less than full transparency by the elders will only solidify what many believe to be true, which is their own complicity and duplicity in these matters.

    2. Removal of key pastors, elders and leaders that have been and continue to be complicit in this scandal. Specifically, all pastors and elders that pledged unequivocal loyalty and allegiance to James MacDonald should either make the right decision and “Resign” or be “Removed”. If they fall into this category, they have either sinned by “commission” or “omission” or both. Either way, there is no path for them to remain in any type of leadership position at Harvest.

    3. New Elder Board and Leadership. Let’s wipe the slate clean in an orderly fashion. All current elders, in a systematic and orderly fashion begin to roll off the elder board. We can no longer have elders that have been complicit in action or silence remain on the board. New elders need to be in place and will have voting power. Existing elders that will be rolling off can serve only to provide any history or information for the new elder board. They would have no authority in future decision-making. All existing campus pastors and key leaders need to be re-vetted if they are found worthy to remain in a pastoral or leadership position. Any pastor or leader found to be actively complicit in the deceit, fraud and financial mismanagement of the current demise of Harvest Bible Chapel should be immediately dismissed with no severance compensation.

    4. Discontinue the role and function of the Executive Committee and XLT. Equal voice and vote for all members of the Elder Board and not by a few hand picked ‘yes men”. The Senior Pastor (or his sons) do not hold any type of “veto” power over the elder board.

    5. Complete transparency of the budget. No more “Black Budgets” and “Pie Charts” that lack transparency or accountability. The budget, which includes all salaries, benefits, expense accounts are posted and available for the congregation to see. I would add that the elders should go back and share all the financial information and dealings of the church since its’ inception back to 1988.

    6. Launch and cooperate with a full investigation. A full and complete investigation of any fraud or fiscal mismanagement should be initiated and reported to local, state or federal authorities. If it is determined that a fraud has been committed, the elders should pursue full restitution by those that have defrauded the church. There should be no concern of pursuing a lawsuit, as we have precedence to do so. I recently read an article on why it’s ok and justifiable to sue other Christians.

    7. Comprehensive Fiscal Audit. Someone other than Capin Crouse or ECFA. Need I say more?

    8. Stop building/adding on and planting more churches. The church is carrying at least $42 million in debt, with a rapidly declining church attendance, which translates to a decline in giving. Harvest will not be able afford and maintain their current facilities under the current conditions, so building and adding new church plants will only accelerate the almost inevitable closing of Harvest Bible Chapel.

    9. Consolidate campuses and streamline personnel. The greatest expenses in an organization are in places and people. It’s time to close some of the 8 campuses and consolidate down to 1 or the most 2. Sell off or liquidate unused and costly facilities and put that towards existing debt. Harvest has endorsed Dave Ramsey and his “Peace University” and I am sure that Dave Ramsey would support this type of action. In closing church plants, you will not have the need for all the extra personnel. Harvest will literally save millions of dollars in salaries, insurance and fringe benefits. In consolidating campuses, you will also save millions of dollars in maintenance and upkeep costs.

    10. Sell off and eliminate all non-essentials ministries and take proceeds and apply to the debt. As difficult as it may be to stomach the idea for some, but Harvest Christian Academy(HCA) must close at the end of this school year. It is not self-sustaining ministry that can be funded through tuition alone. HCA is being subsidized in part through the tithes and offerings of the congregation. The savings from the closing HCA could also reach millions of dollars, which should be applied to existing debt. In addition, HCA takes up half of the office building in Elgin. Once you close HCA, find a company or companies to rent out the office space. Funds generated through the renting should be applied to existing debt. Harvest Bible Chapel should close and sell off Camp Harvest in Newaygo, Michigan. Needless to say, there is no need to be building new training centers or maintain Freedom House or for White Tail Deer Herds for crying out loud. All proceeds of sale of property should be applied to existing debt. Harvest Bible Chapel can still provide a camp experience to children by sending them to other Christian Camps in Michigan or Wisconsin. It is not a crazy idea, as many if not most churches do this.

    11. Close Vertical Worship Band. This must be disbanded (excuse the pun) immediately. No more tours and recording fees etc. In the past, Harvest Bible Chapel produced CD’s, which were live recordings of worship. Yes, it would maybe not to the level that we have now with Vertical Worship, but under the circumstances a needed action. Take all funds saved and apply to existing debt.

    12. Close Vertical Church planting/Mission Harvest. Besides the obvious cost savings associated with maintaining this ministry, should Harvest Bible Chapel on any spiritual or moral ground continue trying to replicate the deception, corruption, fraud and mismanagement to other churches? Needless to say, all funds saved in closing Vertical Church planting/Mission Harvest should be applied to existing debt.

    In my opinion, even if these 12 recommendations were enacted, I am still not sure that Harvest Bible Chapel will survive. I have no desire to see the fall of Harvest. I fully understand the seriousness and implications of making these recommendations. At the same time, I also understand the seriousness and implications if we continue along the path that we are currently on. Yes, we might lose some good people. Yes, we may have to temporarily or permanently discontinue some current ministries. This would be sad in some cases, but in some cases it may be a blessing. If Harvest Bible Chapel is to survive, drastic and courageous decisions need to be made. Harvest needs to be rebuilt on the True Foundation, which is Christ and not the house of cards that is collapsing under the weight of sin, deceit, fraud and debt.

    I end this post with the following verses:
    “Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and say, “Who is the LORD?” or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God.” Proverbs 30:8-9 (ESV)

  17. Don, why are you choosing to be quarrelsome? You yourself apologized to Julie for your words, asked her forgiveness and said you would repent.

    What if it is not Julie, yet the LORD and the HOLY SPIRIT who are exposing this matter so that Pastor James and Harvest can repent?

    It’s perhaps the Lord’s great mercy being shown to James that he may yet repent of the deep-seated fear and pride that has caused this mess…a chance for Mercy before judgement.

    When I happened to sit by Pastor James’s tanks at a restaurant this past summer, I sought God’s voice on what to pray, and it was that James would repent of his pride.

    Creo que el Señor está llamando a los afectados por lo que está pasando en Harvest a leer Ezequiel 34, 35, 36 y 37.

    Through Ezekiel, the Lord called out the great corruption happening in Israel. The Lord would judge there. But He also said that He would make a covenant with His human sheep in of His pasture. (Ez 34:25, 31) and to restore the Valley of Dry Bones that was the House of Israel.

    “Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: As I live, declares the Lord God, surely because my sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep,

    Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep at their hand and put a stop to their feeding the sheep. No longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouths, that they may not be food for them.”
    ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭34:7-8, 10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    “”As for you, my flock, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and male goats. Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture, that you must tread down with your feet the rest of your pasture; and to drink of clear water, that you must muddy the rest of the water with your feet? And must my sheep eat what you have trodden with your feet, and drink what you have muddied with your feet? “Therefore, thus says the Lord God to them: Behold, I, I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. Because you push with side and shoulder, and thrust at all the weak with your horns, till you have scattered them abroad, I will rescue my flock; they shall no longer be a prey. And I will judge between sheep and sheep. And I will set up over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he shall feed them: he shall feed them and be their shepherd.”
    ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭34:17-23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    The Father’s mercy is not beyond fat sheep. Or Dry Bones.

    Read Ezekiel 34-37.
    Heed the Word of the Lord.

  18. It’s perhaps the Lord’s great mercy being shown to James that he may yet repent of the deep-seated fear and pride that has caused this mess…a chance for Mercy before judgement.

    When I happened to sit by Pastor James’s tanks at a restaurant this past summer, I sought God’s voice on what to pray, and it was that James would repent of his pride.

    Creo que el Señor está llamando a los afectados por lo que está pasando en Harvest a leer Ezequiel 34, 35, 36 y 37.

    Through Ezekiel, the Lord called out the great corruption happening in Israel. The Lord would judge there. But He also said that He would make a covenant with His human sheep in of His pasture. (Ez 34:25, 31) and to restore the Valley of Dry Bones that was the House of Israel.

    “Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: As I live, declares the Lord God, surely because my sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep,

    Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep at their hand and put a stop to their feeding the sheep. No longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouths, that they may not be food for them.”
    ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭34:7-8, 10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    “”As for you, my flock, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and male goats. Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture, that you must tread down with your feet the rest of your pasture; and to drink of clear water, that you must muddy the rest of the water with your feet? And must my sheep eat what you have trodden with your feet, and drink what you have muddied with your feet? “Therefore, thus says the Lord God to them: Behold, I, I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. Because you push with side and shoulder, and thrust at all the weak with your horns, till you have scattered them abroad, I will rescue my flock; they shall no longer be a prey. And I will judge between sheep and sheep. And I will set up over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he shall feed them: he shall feed them and be their shepherd.”
    ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭34:17-23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    The Father’s mercy is not beyond fat sheep. Or Dry Bones.

    Read Ezekiel 34-37.
    Heed the Word of the Lord.

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