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Texas Pastor Arrested Twice for Groping Females During “One-On-One Prayer”

Por Jéssica Eturralde
gerardo gonzalez prayer groping
Texas pastor Gerardo Gonzalez has been arrested by police in McAllen, Texas, and charged with multiple counts related to sexual assault. (Photo: Hidalgo County Jail)

Police have arrested a Texas pastor for allegedly groping at least four female attendees during one-on-one prayer at his church.

According to Hidalgo County Jail records, Gerardo Gonzalez was arrested by police in McAllen, Texas, on September 7 and charged with four counts of indecent assault. Two days later, he was arrested on two additional counts of sexual assault by police in nearby Mission, Texas.

The September 7 charges stem from allegations by several women who say Gonzales assaulted them during one-on-one prayer during, or after, church services at Despertar Ministries. Despertar is a church service Gonzalez leads weekly in the ballroom of the Wyndham Hotel in McAllen.

De acuerdo a un declaración jurada de causa probable, one woman told police that on August 20, Gonzalez called her to the podium for “one-on-one prayer.” Gonzalez then reportedly stood in front of her, placing his right hand on her shoulder and his left hand by her genital area.

According to the affidavit, the woman said Gonzalez had a habit of moving the podium to the side. Then he would put himself and the person he was praying with behind the podium, so no one else could see their lower bodies, the woman said.

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The document said a detective spoke with Gonzalez, who admitted moving the podium to the side and standing close to attendees during their one-on-one prayers. He also admitted placing his hands on their hands, shoulders, head, or back of their necks.

Gonzalez said his wife is always present at his side and will place her hand between their bodies if he is praying for a female, the document states.

However, when detectives spoke with Gonzalez’s wife, she reportedly said she does not place her hand between Gonzalez and the person he is praying for, nor is she always there by his side. She said at times, she is distracted by other attendees and is only sometimes watching him directly.

According to the affidavit, three other female victims reported that Gonzales had assaulted them.

One woman told police that on August 9, Gonzalez escorted her to the stage and positioned her behind the podium, the affidavit said. The woman claimed that while praying, Gonzalez placed her hands over his genital area and began to move them up and down to arouse himself. He then adjusted his pants and went to the restroom.

A third woman said that on April 2, she, too, was called to the podium for one-on-one prayer. Gonzalez reportedly placed one hand on her neck, grabbed her hand, and pulled it toward his genital area. The woman stated she could feel Gonzalez continuously pulling her body against his, which made her feel uncomfortable, the document says.

The fourth woman told police that on August 9, Gonzalez called her to the podium for a one-on-one prayer. When behind the podium, he reportedly placed his left hand on the back of her lower head. He then grabbed her hands and moved them towards his genital area, the document states.

The woman said in the report that she heard the sound of footsteps and turned to see the pastor’s wife approaching them. Gonzalez reportedly ended the session without finishing the prayer.

McAllen police arrested Gonzalez on September 7, setting his bond at $20,000. Records show he was released from jail the following day.

Two days later, Mission police arrested Gonzalez on two counts of sexual assault. Those charges stemmed from a woman who said Gonzalez assaulted her at his home in Mission and at the church in McAllen, Valley Central (CBS4) reported.

Court documents say that a Mission police officer met with a woman on September 5, who claimed Gonzales assaulted her at his home about two weeks earlier, according to Valley Central.

The woman reportedly told police that on August 15, Gonzalez instructed her and her husband to meet Gonzalez at his home for prayer.

Once at his home, Gonzalez had the woman’s husband stand behind the woman with one hand covering his eyes, the document says. Gonzalez reportedly warned the husband that if he opened his eyes, “the prayer would not work.”

The document says the woman claimed Gonzalez reached into her pants and touched her genital area before placing the same hand on her face. He then allegedly grabbed her hand and placed it inside his pants.

The woman also reportedly told police that Gonzalez “was aggressive towards her” at Despertar and gave her a tight hug. She said Gonzales also touched her breast and genital area while both of them were standing behind the podium after the church service.

El Informe Roys (TRR) contacted Despertar Ministries for comment but did not hear back.

Records show that Gonzalez’s bond for the two new charges is $400,000. He remains in custody as of Wednesday.

Jessica Eturralde es una esposa militar de 18 años y madre de tres hijos que se desempeña como escritora independiente, presentadora de televisión y cineasta. Las firmas incluyen Yahoo, Huffington Post, OC16TV.



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