De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

ECFA finalmente suspende la acreditación de Harvest Bible Chapel

Por Julie Roys

los Consejo Evangélico para la Responsabilidad Financiera (ECFA) ha suspendido Capilla de la Biblia de la cosechade acreditación después de mi informe la semana pasada sobre apropiación indebida grave de los fondos de la iglesia para apoyar james macdonaldestilo de vida lujoso. También la semana pasada, yo se enfrentó a la ECFA por continuar acreditando a Harvest a pesar de mis repetidas apelaciones durante varios meses a ECFA para investigar irregularidades financieras en la iglesia. 

El viernes, la ECFA emitió un comunicado en el que anunciaba que Harvest ya no puede declarar que es miembro de la ECFA ni exhibir el sello de membresía de la ECFA. La ECFA también dijo que debido a la nueva información, tiene "preocupaciones" de que la iglesia pueda estar "en una violación grave" de cuatro de las Siete Normas de la ECFA.

Me sorprende que la ECFA haya tardado tanto en actuar. Por ejemplo, en diciembre, yo reportado que Harvest había utilizado fondos donados a Caminar en la Palabra, Ministerio de Radiodifusión de MacDonald, para pagar una manada de ciervos en Cosecha de campamento en Míchigan. Esto, a pesar del hecho de que MacDonald había afirmado en un video publicado anteriormente en el sitio web Walk in the Word que "cada dólar" que los donantes dan a Walk in the Word "va directamente a comprar el tiempo de aire para difundir las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo". ” Esta fue una violación flagrante del Estándar 7.2 de la ECFA, que establece: "Las declaraciones hechas sobre el uso de obsequios por parte de una organización en sus campañas de obsequios benéficos deben ser respetadas". 

[pullquote]”The fact that ECFA didn’t discover these violations itself is bad enough. But the fact that the group failed to act even after I reported these glaring violations is inexcusable.”[/pullquote]Similarly, in February, I reportado una admisión por parte de MacDonald de que Harvest había tomado $300,000-$350,000 más por año de lo que "era razonable" de Harvest Bible Fellowship (HBF), la antigua red de plantación de iglesias de la iglesia, para reembolsar a la iglesia por supuestos "servicios compartidos". También informé sobre la admisión de MacDonald de que Harvest había "usado dinero de HBF que fue designado para el flujo de efectivo de otras cosas".

El hecho de que ECFA no haya descubierto estas violaciones en sí mismo es bastante malo. Pero el hecho de que el grupo no haya actuado incluso después de que denuncié estas flagrantes violaciones es imperdonable. Lo que se necesitó para finalmente forzar la mano del grupo fue mi informe de que MacDonald había financiado safaris africanos, vacaciones en Florida y otras compras de lujo con fondos de la iglesia. ¡E incluso entonces, el grupo tardó casi una semana en actuar! 

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Hurt and Healed by the Church” by Ryan George. To donate, haga clic aquí.

Dado este impresionante ejemplo del fracaso de ECFA, no puedo imaginar cómo alguien podría confiar en la capacidad del grupo para hacer que cualquier iglesia o ministerio “responsabilice” como afirma. El presidente de ECFA, Dan Busby, tiene mucho que explicar. Todavía estoy esperando una respuesta de Busby a mi solicitud de entrevista. 

A continuación se encuentra la declaración completa de ECFA sobre Harvest Bible Chapel, así como sus Siete Estándares.

Declaración del presidente de ECFA, Dan Busby

Con respecto al estado de acreditación de Harvest Bible Chapel

“Según la información recibida el 11 de marzo, la junta directiva de ECFA suspendió la membresía de Harvest Bible Chapel a partir del 14 de marzo de 2019.

“El 28 de noviembre de 2018, ECFA abrió una investigación formal de Harvest Bible Chapel para revisar su cumplimiento de Los siete estándares de administración responsable de ECFA. Durante una visita a la iglesia en diciembre, examinamos minuciosamente la información que se nos proporcionó y consideramos que la iglesia cumplía con nuestras normas.

“Dada la aparición de nueva información, nos preocupa que la iglesia pueda estar violando gravemente los estándares 2, 3, 4 y 6 de ECFA. Durante la suspensión indefinida, la iglesia no puede representar que es miembro de ECFA ni mostrar la membresía de ECFA. sello. La investigación ha estado y seguirá en curso durante la suspensión mientras trabajamos para determinar si Harvest Bible Chapel debe cancelarse, informarse sobre los pasos necesarios para cumplir plenamente o si de hecho cumplen con nuestros estándares y deben, por lo tanto, ser restaurado como miembro de pleno derecho”.


Los siete estándares de ECFA

Estándar 1 – Cuestiones doctrinales: toda organización deberá suscribir una declaración de fe por escrito que afirme claramente un compromiso con la fe cristiana evangélica o deberá demostrar dicho compromiso de otra manera, y deberá operar de acuerdo con las verdades y prácticas bíblicas.
Estándar 2 – Gobernanza: toda organización estará gobernada por una junta responsable de no menos de cinco personas, la mayoría de las cuales serán independientes, que se reunirán al menos semestralmente para establecer políticas y revisar sus logros.
Estándar 3 – Supervisión financiera: toda organización debe preparar estados financieros completos y precisos. La junta o un comité compuesto por una mayoría de miembros independientes deberá aprobar la contratación de un contador público certificado independiente, revisar los estados financieros anuales y mantener una comunicación adecuada con el contador público certificado independiente. La junta deberá ser informada de cualquier debilidad material en el control interno u otros riesgos significativos.
Estándar 4 – Uso de Recursos y Cumplimiento de las Leyes – Toda organización deberá ejercer la gestión y los controles apropiados necesarios para proporcionar una seguridad razonable de que todas las operaciones de la organización se llevan a cabo y los recursos se utilizan de manera responsable y de conformidad con las leyes y reglamentos aplicables, tales conformidad teniendo en cuenta los mandatos bíblicos.
Estándar 5 – Transparencia: toda organización deberá proporcionar una copia de sus estados financieros actuales previa solicitud por escrito y deberá proporcionar otras divulgaciones según lo exija la ley. Los estados financieros requeridos para cumplir con el Estándar 3 deben ser revelados bajo este estándar. Una organización debe proporcionar un informe, previa solicitud por escrito, que incluya información financiera sobre cualquier proyecto específico para el cual haya buscado o esté buscando obsequios.
Estándar 6 – Establecimiento de compensaciones y transacciones con partes relacionadas: cada organización debe establecer la compensación de su líder principal y abordar las transacciones con partes relacionadas de una manera que demuestre integridad y propiedad de conformidad con la Política de excelencia en el establecimiento de compensaciones y transacciones con partes relacionadas de ECFA.
Estándar 7 – Mayordomía de Donaciones Caritativas –
7.1 Veracidad en las Comunicaciones. Al asegurar obsequios caritativos, todas las representaciones de hechos, descripciones de la situación financiera de la organización o narraciones sobre eventos deben ser actuales, completas y precisas. Las referencias a actividades o eventos pasados deben tener la fecha adecuada. No debe haber omisiones materiales o exageraciones de hechos, uso de fotografías engañosas o cualquier otra comunicación que tienda a crear una impresión falsa o un malentendido.
7.2 Expectativas e intención del donante. Las declaraciones hechas sobre el uso de obsequios por parte de una organización en sus campañas de obsequios benéficos deben ser respetadas. La intención de un donante se relaciona tanto con lo que se comunicó en la apelación como con las instrucciones que acompañan al regalo, si la organización lo acepta. Las solicitudes de donaciones benéficas no deben crear expectativas poco realistas de lo que realmente logrará una donación.
7.3 Comunicación de regalos caritativos. Cada organización deberá proporcionar a los donantes reconocimientos de obsequios apropiados y oportunos.
7.4 Actuar en el mejor interés de los donantes. Cuando se trata de personas con respecto a compromisos sobre obsequios importantes, los representantes de una organización deben tratar de guiarlos
y asesorar a los donantes para que consideren adecuadamente sus amplios intereses. Una organización debe hacer todo lo posible para evitar aceptar a sabiendas un obsequio de un donante, o celebrar un contrato con él, lo que supondría una dificultad para el donante o pondría en peligro el futuro bienestar del donante.
7.5 Compensación porcentual por obtener donaciones benéficas. Una organización no puede basar la compensación de los consultores de recursos de administración externos o de su propio personal directa o indirectamente en un porcentaje de las contribuciones caritativas recaudadas.



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86 Respuestas

  1. I’ve never been that impressed by the ECFA. They have great standards, but it takes forever for them to discredit a ministry that is not following them.

  2. I believe that The ECFA is just another part of the Evangelical Industrial Complex….If they couldn’t see that Harvest Bible chapel is corrupt from Jmac to the XLT to the elders and many of the Yes men pastors ,then they didn’t want to….and I’m not happy about that …….many people make decisions about giving based on what the ECFA says ,or should I say…..used to make decisions based on what the ECFA says …..is it true that if The EFCA gives a church their stamp of approval the church pays the EFCA to be a member in good standing???

    1. I will still stand by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pastors and churches might do wrong but please don’t look to men but look to Jesus Christ

  3. Thanks to Julie in helping the ECFA do their job that they forgot back in November 2018. They allowed HBC with three more months of financial deceit with their stamp of approval. Glad to see the membership withhold their tithes with offering down 40 percent and $600K deficits in January and February. Trust that the leadership will evaluate where they can reduce the budget and debt. Also legal action should be taken against JMac and others to recover any monies that were illegally allocated. Do it soon before personal funds are transfer to offshore and Cayman bank accounts.

    1. Gjac

      Do you think that the ECFA really even wants to “do their job?” It seems like the ECFA is basically content to take money and exist and stamp approval for various groups and not be proactive.

  4. Amanda is correct, JMac’s personal website has link to WITW, HBC and ECFA. Can someone inform ECFA immediately of this discrepancy and deceit before he cheats anymore people.

  5. Dan Keller said: “…The ECFA is just another part of the Evangelical Industrial Complex…”

    Totally agree with that opinion.

    My thinking has really changed over the last few years, and I keep going back to the simple way church was done in the New Testament. Small, local groups of believers who gathered together to praise God, learn the scriptures, pray and help one another as needs arose. They had supportive relationships with other small congregations. They settled their differences with wisdom and kindness, as they waited expectantly for the return of Jesus Christ.

    Now in horror, I see that today’s “church”, at least in America, has turned into a giant devouring, money-making business machine, plague with every kind of dishonesty, greed and abuse. Large ministries and mega-churches are formal business structures with their own leaders and staff, people whose level of integrity (or gross lack thereof) are virtually unknown to contributors. The leaders are only known by their carefully crafted persona on stage, radio, TV or promotional materials.

    And then we have the ECFA, an example of a completely superfluous “ministry” organization that takes fees from other wealth producing professional “ministries” to endorse them. What would Jesus say about that? I’m being completely sincere. I think he would be very angry that his followers are sold the idea that they need to have a 3rd party endorsement (paid) in order to feel unjustifiably confident in sending money to other mega-ministries (paid) out of which a number of unidentified wolves get their wealth (paid), leaving unmet the genuine needs of the poor and hurting. Something is very, very wrong.

    When I attended HBC, I gave above and beyond a tithe. How much of that money went to serving real needs, I don’t know? I assume most was squandered. As a result, I will never tithe again. In fact, I’ve stopped believing in the concept of “tithe”. It is used to manipulate Christians. Now, I buy groceries and personal need items for a few special people. I give smaller cash gifts to small specific causes. That’s it.

    1. You are right SOJ, tithing is an OT law meant for the nation of Israel. We are to give from our hearts whatever we purpose not under compulsion. I fully believe it’s used in some churches as a guilt trip, it was at Harvest, to insure a steady, healthy cash flow. Supporting some giant organization where you cant even get a look at the budget is insane. If you want to give 10% or 50% totally up to you. iMac frequently told us, I wouldn’t want to be caught with Gods money at years end, as if it was a curse. And that you have never given an offering if you haven’t completed your tithes, oh and it must be off the gross. Total deception and manipulation.

  6. Song of Joy….I totally agree with you I will NEVER Tithe again either …after taking time to study the scriptures I believe the Tithe is an old Testament way of providing for the priesthood, because the levitical priests had no income……so if the Tithe is for today where are the Priests??? Where is the store house to store the tithe??? Is it all stored in Jmacs 10 car garage? Every mega church pastor is a multi millionaire two weeks ago Dave stone preached at Harvest , He’s scheduled to speak there again soon….Hes worth over 40 million dollars..what a scam.Greg laurie, Franklin Graham,Dave Stone,Jmacs good buddies Mark Driscol,Steven Fertic and Levi Lusko, the list goes on…..all of them MULTI MILLIONAIRES……….I should have known this along time ago, we are warned about these kind of sleazebags /Heritics all through the Bible,New and old testaments alike…I Just didn’t want to believe it…..We all need to be Bereans….Now I am.

  7. Song of Joy is Right Nowhere in the Bible do we read about the Church meeting in big “Church Buildings”, but we read about small gatherings in people’s homes….I’ve been meeting with a group of about 14 people in my home and my Friend Paul’s home for almost 2 years…no staff , no maintenance people, no overhead, and no ONE LEADER pontificating to the masses …but instead all of us go through the scriptures together all of us keep each other accountable for our walk with Christ, we all have opportunities to use the Gifts That God has given us to serve in the Body of Christ, instead of watching one guy use his gift every Sunday…and best of all….all of us are growing in wisdom and maturity, and it hasn’t cost us a dime.

    1. I remember when I was a member of Harvest and participating in a small group how one week a change was made harvest wide where all small groups had to follow a weekly topic schedule imposed by the top (james) mind and conversation control. The group meetings would begin with a topical instruction video from headquarters for that week. Guess they were afraid we would think for ourselves. We all obeyed like lemmings.

      God thank you for rescuing us from these UNREPENTANT CINO’s……CHRISTIANS IN NAME ONLY.

      Now Lakewood bible chapel is turning their pulpit over to a MacDonald son this Sunday. This is who the leader of that church thinks he needs to expose his members to? Lunch to follow…..main course is crow!

      “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate to themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

    2. Thank you Song of Joy! , Thank you Dan! I am sensing VICTORY!!! IF we can tell just one more of God’s lambs the truth found in HIS Word concerning what true GATHERINGS look like and the edification and exhortation they can offer each and every one that will seek the TRUTH……
      This is what I have shared elsewhere:

      HEY, HEY, HEY !!! Don’t bring God into this! THIS WAS and IS a MAN – MADE WORLDLY SYSTEM FASHIONED AFTER A BUSINESS MODEL using the Gospel and HIS HOLY NAME (taking the name of the Lord in vain) as your product. Marketing of said product was done through some Sunday meetings, conferences, books, coffee bars, “schools” etc etc etc etc and etc. WE WERE ALL DUPED … WAKE UP!!! GET OUT and RUN FAR, FAR AWAY INTO THE ARMS OF OUR SAVIOR and GREAT SHEPHERD!
      Do you really want to have satan laughing at you and our LORD? DO NOT GIVE ONE MORE DOLLAR TO THE DECEPTION , GOD is absolutely NOT in the SYSTEM, GET OUT QUICKLY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE…… say it isn’t so… IT IS! STUDY FOR YOURSELF and RUN!

      WAKE UP!! YOU ARE DECEIVED anywhere in the country that this is going on , GET OUT AND RUN FOR YOUR ETERNAL LIVES if you still can………..

      THERE IS ONLY ONE NAME ( that means ONE name ONLY) and ONE GREAT SHEPHERD , OH and by the way … we get a NEW NAME and we are to sing a NEW SONG , so don’t let anyone or thing try and hang a name on you , but you are BELIEVERS and even perhaps the ELECT which comes by OBEDIENCE starting with coming OUT and being separate then obeying HIS commandments which shows that you love HIM! Which means you love one another………….

      Somebody please gather HIS dear sheep and put them in warm kind gentle homes perhaps in groups of 15 or less and learn or re learn about the Great Shepherd and HIS WORDS and ways. Find a man or lady that truly loves and cares to be a facilitator and let the sheep exhort one another and glorify their Lord and Master, EVERY JOINT SUPPLYING , no big shots, preferring one another, study HIS WORD, Know the TRUTH , it makes you free and Thank God every moment because you escaped the greatest deception perpetrated upon HIS people and those that would like to be HIS, to this moment….

      “We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren 1 John 3:14
      “Who is my Brethren ? They which do the will of my Father” Mat 12:48-50

      With much love

  8. The huge loan that HBC had taken should have been a red flag apparent to all. In my family, we were “allowed” to take out loans for 2 things 1) education and 2) home ownership. Everything else needed to be delayed until money was saved. As a young adult, I often struggled, but on the tail end of my life, that sort of stewardship of life’s gifts has paid off. The “church” needs to do that.
    Dan Keller, I do love the small group idea…..to be honest, for a few decades in my life, I fell away from the church because I didn’t “fit”. The MegaChurch(tm) complex would seem to have truly lost its way but the majority of people don’t recognize it. They get lost in in the loud music and lights and fog machines.

  9. So true that “they get lost in the loud music and lights and fog machines.” The widespread indifference to or hostility toward people who are not fans of the “loud music and lights and fog machines” culture is not Christian.

      1. No, Fabio, I think that loud music in church is fine if people like it. What I strongly object to is the mentality that says that, even though a service is provided every Sunday for people who like that sort of thing, it also has to be forced on people at the other service at the church (this happens chronically at a very large very famous Evangelical church that I know well). This shows more regard for amplified guitar noise than it does for people.

    1. Fabio, it ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT work both ways, you are deceived , where in the pure Word of God does it say to look like the world? IT DOES NOT , what it does say is to be separate and come out.
      The World System Business Machine of today is deceiving you and millions of others truly worshipping the wrong entity if one would COME OUT, BE SEPARATE , then one one could see and hear clearly and be obedient to HIS truth. If one remains in the system one is lost through one’s own disobedience of the truth…….THY WORD O GOD IS TRUTH

  10. This is disgusting! Every single Christian organization connected to Harvest Bible Chapels should be investigated. Corruption, kickbacks, blackmail, who knows what else, needs to be called out.

    PEOPLE! We now need someone to oversee and investigate the “Christian” organization who is supposed to oversee and investigate our churches!

    The ECFA should be reported to the FBI and IRS. And the President needs to be fired and his financials should be investigated.

    I am in a serious crisis of faith in the church. It’s not simply because of scam James and others pulled as much as it is the silence of the churches and Christian organizations. They sin in silence until they are caught. And the others stay silent (Moody) as cowards to afraid to speak against it.

    The church is in a crisis and everyone better get on board with calling this sin out or risk judgement. Allowing false witness of Christ is a big deal.

    Keep digging Julie Roys. This is an assignment bigger than you but God has you on it for a purpose. He will protect you and guide you as He has done. Praying for your strength and courage to stay in His obedience. It is difficult as a woman to bring forth truth against men. I stand with you!

    1. “Every single Christian organization connected to Harvest Bible Chapels should be investigated.”

      Agree- this should include those churches that have remained part of the vertical network that were following the Harvest Franchise recipe – these churches have much to hide – US and Canada – there is much to uncover Julie keep digging.

  11. Franklin graham is a very corrupt man
    I know tge graham family
    Franklin very corrupt but good at faking out christians that r pure stupid

    1. I can’t speak to Franklin Grahams corruption but I would like to make people aware that the operation Christmas Child shoe box project is a money wasting scheme which does not further the gospel. Why? Because unless those boxes go to refugees or those in a war zone (and most don’t) the kids receiving them are way too sophisticated for cheap trinkets or combs and pencils which they already have. Kids receive mittens and hats too irregardless of whether or not it’s even cold where they live. I have observed first hand that kids receiving these boxes aren’t interested in what was in them. They threw away the tracts, left behind the trinkets and did not pay attention to the gospel presentation given from the stage (before receiving their boxes).

      Please think carefully before participating in that “ministry” ever again. It makes You feel good, but aside from wasting a lot of time and money those boxes perpetuate the notion that being a Christian is about getting and giving stuff. if you want to make a real difference invest in workers overseas whom you know personally. People who transform communities through discipleship.

    1. Totally agree. Franklin Graham , who people constantly praise, is as greedy as all the other ‘preachers’ out there. Why does he need a salary of one million dollars to preach the gospel. I wonder if he would be as willing to serve God if his salary was ‘only’ $100,000? I seriously doubt it.

      1. It is ONLY suppose to be zero , that’s nothing , 0 , other than that one is deceived of the truth
        FREELY you have received (eternal life maybe?) FREELY give , perhaps your body as a living sacrifice , which is only your reasonable service , all scripture, do the homework , save your soul by being obedient, lose your soul by being disobedient, quite simple really!

  12. I understand the justifiable anger about the corruption at Harvest. However, I am also concerned about some people’s response of cynicism to the Church as a whole and to the idea of being less generous as they once were out of fear of being scammed. “The righteous shall live by faith.” (Rom 1:17) The most important times to remember this verse is while we are navigating through our biggest problems, when we are especially tempted to walk by sight.

    Many people attend whichever church they attend because they found a place where they thought they could get the most out of it. For those of you who are looking for a new church, please consider looking for a place where you can give the most to it. Part of how Jesus discipled the twelve was that he gave them something to do. Robert Coleman wrote very well about this in some of his books. You can also look for this yourselves when you read the gospels.

    The church where you might be the most fruitful could be a church that has a lot of problems, a small church, a house church, a new church plant, etc.

    Jesus selected people who were notable for being ordinary and unimpressive in talent. The work of God in their lives is what made them grow. Talent is overrated in the kingdom of God.

  13. I believe every now “autonomous” church that was originally trained and planted by Harvest Bible Fellowship should make its line by line financials completely transparent, immediately! This includes all Great Commission Collective churches whose pastors knew James personally.

    It’s not enough to point the finger at James demanding he repent. Stop hiding behind the talking point of “we’re autonomous.” You have the DNA of Harvest Bible Chapel leadership style and some of you knew Pastor James was a problem for YEARS, yet you kept promoting him and his events to your flocks under your care!

    Don’t you realize we have the internet? We can see the various GCC churches rushing to change their names… using some of the same talking points! Why didn’t you distance yourself from James years ago?

    You can no longer rely on the ECFA stamp on your website and vague year-end budget reports. You are not running large for-profit corporations, so you don’t get to make access to financials and information about leadership structure impossible or difficult to get. This is not your kingdom.

    And the recent GCC trip to Dominican Republic last month is super troubling. Yes, you prayed and worshiped, but then there are dozens of pictures of enjoying yourselves in a tropical paradise. No one has any idea how that trip was paid for. Did it come from tithes from our churches to GCC like it’s a vacation club? Who knows? The optics and timing show you are completely tone-deaf or worse, don’t care. As Pastor James is taken down for things like his spending, you appear to do the very same things!

    Now some of us wonder about which leaders have credit cards? How are they used? When we see leadership going out to eat together or taking day trips or whatever, don’t you think we’re a little concerned?

    It’s time for all churches with former HBF association to prove they are “above reproach.”

  14. Christ was full of grace and full of truth. All I have seen modeled on this blog is a lench mob out for blood. God says vengeance is His. There is nothing christian about this. Actually it’s kinda scary how obsessed you are and gleeful at this bodys destruction.

    1. Sounds like you’re one of the minority still wanting to keep your head in the sand and pretend it will all just go away, Annette.

      HBC DESTOYED ITSELF–from the inside, not any outside force.

      1. ACTUALLY ANNETTE IT’S KINDA SCARY HOW YOU THINK and the lack of understanding of the truth of HIS WORD , YIKES!
        Your quotes are amazingly “christian” (small c like you wrote) weak and “slippery”, sounds good but not the whole truth now is it?

  15. The temptations related to money, sex, and power are endemic to megachurches. And the allure of temptation and sin is not eliminated in microchurches for the simple reason that we are all human. What seems to be muted in contemporary versions of the gospel is the call to “stop sinning” (John 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:34 NIV). An overemphasis on the grace of forgiveness and a neglect of any mention of the grace of transformation and deliverance from sin is bearing bad fruit.

  16. It may not be wise to invite Governmrnt to be involved in these situations. Reputable audit companies can be used. Secular agencies often lacks integrity themselves, they may exercise excessive or unfair control over churches if it sets a wrong example.

    Christians should police ourselves effectively and churches with such bad financial management should stop operations and pay back what they owe.

    God will not be mocked, and those who teach or lead will be judged even more severely.

    In case of sexual abuse of children, then law enforcement should be involved.

    1. I am not a fan of government interference. However, THIS whole situation has happened because Christians policed themselves with zero accountablitly or integrity. I have a healthy fear of God and the IRS as a business owner. These Christians in charge, had zero fear of God and understood they had no accountability to the IRS.

      James M all his elders, and many of his fellowship pastors have committed fraud against church members. This is criminal. If the church wasn’t exempt, some of these people would be criminally prosecuted.

  17. We continue to see that “big church” causes big problems. For anyone saying,
    It’s time to forgive leaders and move on,” you’d never say to your doctor “I’m glad you got that cancerous spot, let’s not worry about monitoring the rest of my body for signs of cancer.” Many people have been seriously wounded and I’m afraid more people are still being hurt and deceived.

    Today’s vlog by ProChurchTools reports that digital giving platforms for churches are taking 2-5% of every tithe ABOVE what they charge for the service. They estimate that is $30 million a year in extra revenue sharing fees being taken from money we are giving for God’s purposes. What kind of sick, money grabbing culture have we allowed “big church” to create?

    God, please lead us through reform, not for vengeance, but so our churches we may worship You in Spirit and Truth.

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