An Alabama pastor and mayor posted pornography, graphic memes, and explicit photos of himself in women’s clothing online, according to a report by 1819 News, a nonprofit Alabama news site.
The media outlet shared evidence yesterday that F.L. “Bubba” Copeland, the mayor of Smiths Station, Ala., and pastor of First Baptist Church in nearby Phenix City, leads a double life.
The news site shared screenshots from Copeland’s now-deleted Instagram and Reddit account, where he posted pictures and memes as a transgender woman, “Brittini Blaire Summerlin.” Copeland also reportedly linked to transgender fiction and erotica that he authored.
El Informe Roys (TRR) reached out to Copeland and First Baptist Church for comment. No response was received by press time.
Posting on Reddit and Instagram, his accounts previously included posts of Copeland in various female outfits, some of which featured him in women’s underwear.
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Copeland’s accounts featured several memes with transgender and heterosexual pornography, according to 1819 News. On one post, Copeland included the caption, “Do what you have to do to get f****d,” and “Once you’ve been mounted properly there is no going back.”
He also presented himself as a “transgender curvy girl” and often commented about his medical transition from male to female. On Instagram, he invited people to contact him to “chat.”
Additionally, Copeland frequently commented on other posts, referring to himself as a “thick transgender woman” and encouraging other transgender individuals to go on Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Copeland confirmed that he operated the accounts and was featured in the pictures in an interview with 1819 News, the news site reported. He reportedly told the publication that it was only a means of “getting rid of stress” and called the postings a “hobby” and a “fantasy.” He also said his erotica was “purely fiction.”
Copeland initially denied knowledge of the accounts, 1819 News reported. However, he admitted to them after the organization shared the screenshots. At the time, Copeland reportedly said only his wife was aware of the accounts.
Copeland explained that he does not feel like a woman and hasn’t undertaken a medical transition. He instead hoped to use Instagram to “make friends,” he said.
“It’s a hobby I do to relieve stress,” Copeland told 1819 News. “I have a lot of stress, and I’m not medically transitioning. It’s just a bit of a character I’m playing. . . . I don’t go out and seek solicitation or anything like that.”
“What I do in private life has nothing to do with what I do in my holy life,” Copeland continued. “Does this have any effect on me being mayor, that I sometimes put on a dress or sometimes put on makeup? Does that have anything to do whatsoever with me being mayor or being a pastor?”
Copeland continues to serve as a pastor
Copeland continues to serve as the pastor of First Baptist Church and even addressed the recent 1819 News article in Wednesday’s evening service.
Copeland said he had “nothing to be ashamed of” in a video of the service posted on Facebook and YouTube.

“I’ve been an object of an internet attack,” he said. “The article is not who or what I am. Yes, I have taken pictures with my wife in the privacy of our home in an attempt at humor because I know I’m not a handsome man or a beautiful woman either.”
He apologized for “any embarrassment” that has been caused by his private life being made public. He added he has “nothing to be ashamed of.”
“This will not cause my life to change. This will not waiver my devotion to my family, serving my city, serving my church,” Copeland said. “I’m sorry for what my actions have caused. I’m thankful for the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people who have reached out to me today in love.”
He finished his speech by claiming that 1819 News took his quotes out of context.
First Baptist explains the church is “committed to reaching and transforming people through Jesus Christ,” on its Facebook página.
Copeland works as mayor, store owner
Copeland also operates the Country Market in Salem, Ala.
Copeland has called the Smiths Station area his home the majority of his life, according to Smiths Station’s city sitio web. He has a degree in hotel and restaurant management from Auburn University.
Smiths Station, a part of Lee County, made headlines in 2019 when an EF-4 tornado went through the county and claimed 23 lives. The incident brought then President Donald Trump to the area, where he met with Copeland, and they took a photo together.

A year later, he posted the photo with Trump to Facebook and wrote, “Never in a million years did I think my first term as mayor would include dealing with a deadly tornado, global pandemic, and several student suicides,” he said.
“There is no instruction manual for this job. However, I do have my own personal manual and that is my Bible. God will sustain you through anything as long as you commit your life to Him.”
Copeland told 1819 News he hopes to serve another term as mayor.
UPDATE: On Friday, 1819 News reported that Copeland wrote fiction about murdering a real-life businesswoman in his town and posted pictures of local residents, including minors, on porn sites. The same day, Copeland took his life, according to 1819 News.
Freelance journalist Liz Lykins escribe for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.
32 Respuestas
A couple of unanswered questions in this:
1) When he was portraying his alter-ego, did he go after transgenders and transvestites, attack the LGBT community, trash same-sex marriage & adoption, etc. from the pulpit in his preaching, videos, talk shows, etc? If he did, then he is as big a hypocrite as Ted Haggard, and likely projecting.
2) Did anyone every bother asking why this guy was the pulpit in the first place or did not step down (you know that above reproach thing). If not the church, the office of mayor, etc?
I am sure being outed, combined with his cognitive dissonance, forced the issue and he ended up killing himself. And to be honest, it is hard to feel sorry for him. But I guess Christians pay lip service to the biblical notion of responsibility for one’s actions.