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Beth Moore Shares She Is ‘Seriously’ in Need of Surgery and Asks for Prayer

By Liz Lykins
beth moore surgery
In November 2023, Beth Moore speaks at Living Proof Live event in Birmingham, Alabama. (Video screengrab)

Bible teacher and best-selling author Beth Moore announced she is “seriously” in need of surgery for a years-long back condition in a correo published Friday on X.

She said that after meeting with a “highly recommended” neurosurgeon in Houston, the doctor informed her she would need surgery to help heal her back and spine issues. Moore said she has “dealt with chronic pain ranging from a constant ache to near agony for a number of years.”

Moore serves as the president of Living Proof Ministries, an organization she founded in 1994 to teach women to know and love Jesus through the study of scripture. In recent years, Moore has made headlines for leaving the Convención Bautista del Sur and publishing her memoir titled, “All My Knotted-Up Life.”

Moore said she is unsure when the surgery will be but anticipates it could be as soon as August.

“This has gone on so long, I can’t even imagine being out of pain. I’m so happy and full of hope that I won’t have to live like this forever!!” she wrote.

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In the post, 67-year-old Moore also asked for her followers to pray for her.

“Just pray for me as the Lord leads and know that he is my joy and keeps my spirit buoyed and my frame strong,” Moore said. “He is well able to get me through 8 more weeks! I love you guys in our active little community so much.”

In the past few months, Moore has been sharing updates about her health to her nearly 1 million followers on X.  

en un correo last Wednesday, Moore further described her symptoms by sharing that the nerves in her back are compressed causing pain all over and numbness in her feet. She said at times, this causes her to “walk like a cavewoman.” She added, “This is a humbling time.”

She first posted about her chronic pain in May. In that correo, Moore explained that she has seen numerous doctors and had MRIs to try and find solutions to her “multiple skeletal issues.”

“I’ve dealt with physical pain for a long time as part of what God has allowed me in order to rely on him. Definitely one of my thorns in the flesh,” Moore said. “I have a high threshold for pain. But last night for the first time in many years I cried to Keith about it.”

Beth Moore
Beth Moore speaks at Transformation Church, a nondenominational multiethnic evangelical megachurch near Charlotte, North Carolina, on June 2, 2019. (Photo courtesy of Transformation Church)

She added that while she has tried taking medicine to combat her pain, she needs a high dosage that “dulls” her mind.

Despite this, Moore said, “My spirit is well. My insides are happy and cheerful in Christ Jesus.”

“I love where he has me and what I’m working on presently and sense the leadership of the Holy Spirit in it. I can still laugh and enjoy my people and my dogs,” she continued. “All is well except that I’m in a good bit of pain. But only from my neck to my heels. Lol.”

Moore reassured her followers that her health concerns will not cancel any of her upcoming Living Proof events.

“The Lord and I have been managing this condition around events for a long time and I can’t wait to be with you and worship God with you and study scripture,” she said.

For decades, Moore has been known for her best-selling Bible studies and sold-out Living Proof events for women, El Informe Roys (TRR) previamente reportado.

Previously a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, the author now attends an Anglican church and has tweeted sobre sus experiencias como recién llegada a una tradición litúrgica.

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins escribe for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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12 Respuestas

  1. Well, I will not hesitate to pray for Beth! Back pain is no joke. While it seems like all is well with her soul, it is not well with her back!

  2. Beth Moore is a gem. I have appreciated watching her growth in grace in the last decade or so. Leaving the SBC was principled and brave of her.

  3. All I am going to say is that the media hypes it up whenever a “Christian” celebrity gets sick and wants prayer. But God is not a respecter of persons. He does not give all of his attention to celebrities as we do. A celebrity gets sick. We fawn over them and thousands pray. Meanwhile thousands of regular people who actually are Christians get sick too. They want prayer. We ignore them. The media ignores them preferring to publish news about those who really do matter. I Honestly find this disturbing and wonder if anyone else does too? Can we pray for the least of these who are Jesus instead of the greatest, richest and most famous of these? Prayer is good but it the forgotten masses that really, really, really need it most.

    1. I don’t think the problem is the media. The problem is if we ONLY pray for celebrities. That’s on US. I pray for “regular” people as well as those like Beth Moore (I have been touched by her ministry) who ask for prayer. Why shouldn’t I?

    2. Thanks Ralph. We have made stars of mediocre people who present themselves as Christian super people who believe they can rewrite God’s truth. Beth Moore now presents herself as having a foot in the Woke World.

      1. While mediocre sounds like a condescending judgment – in the end, in light of the cross, aren’t we ALL mediocre sinners who have been set free?
        And what’s the “woke world”? Are we STILL applying the word “woke” on anything progressive?
        Or are we saying we prefer those who “stay asleep” to injustice?

        1. Woke-ism is a pseudo philosophy which embraces sin. Abortion, sex outside of marriage, same sex marriage , puberty blockers and trans-surgery for minors are against God’s laws. Beth Moore has waffled on LGBTQ issues which means people are being led to believe sexual purity is optional for Christians.

          1. That is not the definition of woke. Woke means to be aware of injustice, particularly racial injustice. That’s sin?
            I guess it’s more righteous to be asleep or unaware of it? Um, ok.
            I am grateful Beth has shone a light on the SBC’s misbehavior as it relates to matters of racial injustice and sexism. I am sad that is deemed as “sin.”

            But thank you for clarifying how the term woke has been misappropriated and twisted into something completely unrelated.

      2. While you are at it, why don’t you call her a communist. That is another word so misused it now devoid of all meaning. You could combine the two and call her a woke communist.

        1. Communism/Marxism is an atheistic philosophy diametrically opposed to Christianity and family. Countless millions of Jesus believers have been slaughtered under such regimes. If you read the Communist Manifesto or the history of Communism you might not be sympathetic.

          1. And countless believers have been falsely accused of being Marxists/Communists by fellow believers who disagreed with them.
            See Martin Luther King Jr, who was labeled a communist by “Christian” segregationists.
            It’s sad how Christians are just throwing labels around with little awareness, potentially slandering one another.
            First it’s woke. And now it’s communist.

  4. Imagine a well known person simply asking for prayer. And then people complaining that said person is well known.

    And then other accusing them of being mediocre and “woke” (whatever that means).

    There needs to be some simple instruction about what to do with a prayer request.

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