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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

Iglesias de Florida entre las primeras en salir de UMC por una nueva denominación conservadora

Por Emily Miller
Florida UMC conservative
Florida UMC Foundation in Lakeland, Florida. (Screenshot from Google Maps)

A statement publicado en facebook Tuesday by the Wesleyan Covenant Association’s Florida chapter caught the attention of the Florida bishop for the United Methodist Church: “107 Florida Methodist Churches Depart United Methodist Church,” it began.

The Facebook post came just a few days after the launch of the Global Methodist Church, a new conservative Methodist denomination formed, in part, by the Wesleyan Covenant Association, a coalition of self-described “orthodox, evangelical” United Methodists.

“We are not leaving The United Methodist Church. The United Methodist Church has left us,” Jay Therrell, president of the WCA-Florida, said in a written statement, blaming a “decades-long rise of theological liberalism, the selective enforcement of our denominational laws, and a strong surge in the promotion of partisan politics.”

But the bishop of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church took to Facebook the next day to remind Florida United Methodists that leaving is not that simple. The departure of any church or clergy from the denomination is not instantaneous, he said, but must first go through its annual conferences.

“No significant changes occur in our relationship apart from the actions of these authorized bodies,” Bishop Ken Carter said en una carta posted on the Florida conference’s Facebook page.

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Florida’s annual conference will meet June 9-11 in Lakeland, Florida — the first time it’s gathered in person since the COVID-19 pandemic began two years ago.

In the past three years, about 1% to 2% of churches in the Florida and Western North Carolina conferences have formally started the process to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church, according to Carter, who is resident bishop of both conferences.

Ken Carter UMC conservative
Bishop Ken Carter. (Photo via FLUMC.org)

“We’ve had a small number of churches that have done the work to disaffiliate from the denomination — and every church is important,” he said.

“We anticipate there will be more churches who will disaffiliate, and we’ve worked hard to send a message that all are welcome in the church and that the processes are intended to be open, public and transparent.”

As past president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, Carter was one of 16 United Methodist bishops and advocacy group leaders who negotiated a proposal to split the denomination after decades of debate over the ordination and marriage of LGBTQ United Methodists.

Delegates were expected to vote on that proposal, called the Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation, at the 2020 General Conference.

Then came COVID-19 and three postponements of the General Conference, the last of which prompted a group of conservative United Methodists to anunciar they were done waiting.

global methodist church conservative
Logo of the Global Methodist Church. (Courtesy Image)

Those conservative United Methodists lanzó la Iglesia Metodista Global on Sunday. At least one European conference and a retired bishop already have joined, according to reports, though the new denomination has not released any numbers.

“Our churches long for the day of being able to unite with like-minded Christians who focus on sharing the Good News of Jesus and help people to be transformed by His salvation,” Therrell said in the WCA-Florida statement on Facebook.

Reached by phone by RNS, Therrell clarified that church councils at 107 United Methodist churches have told the WCA-Florida that they have decided to begin the process to join the Global Methodist Church. That would be about 20% of all churches in the Florida Conference, according to the WCA-Florida.

Working with David Gibbs IIIpresident and general counsel of the Centro Nacional para la Vida y la Libertad, each of the churches has sent requests to disaffiliate to the Florida conference, according to Therrell.

Some churches’ requests could be voted on at this summer’s annual conference, he said. Some are hoping the conference will call a special session later to create terms for conservative churches to leave that would be similar to those in the Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation.

Therrell said the chapter cannot name those churches. A map on the Wesleyan Covenant Association website shows 38 churches in Florida whose congregations or pastors have affirmed the association’s doctrinal statements.

jay therrell conservative UMC
Jay Therrell. (Foto cortesía)

Florida is a diverse state, the WCA-Florida president said, and the churches in its WCA chapter are equally diverse: large and small; urban, suburban and rural; predominantly white, African American, Latino, Haitian and Korean.

“The church councils of these churches have made the decision to initiate the process, and there are a couple of different exit ramps that the Book of Discipline provides that all ultimately end with an annual conference approval and vote of some kind at the local church,” he said.

Currently, the United Methodist Book of Discipline, the denomination’s rulebook, permite annual conferences to instruct the board of trustees of a church to deed that church’s property to other Methodist or evangelical denominations in certain circumstances.

La sesión especial de 2019 de la Conferencia General también aprobó un plan de desafiliación que permite a una congregación hacer una “salida graciosa” de la denominación a finales de 2023. Puede salir con su propiedad por “razones de conciencia” relacionadas con la sexualidad después de pagar las cuotas del resto del año, las cuotas del próximo año y su pasivos por pensiones.

“We think that the longer churches wait, the riskier it gets,” Therrell said.




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5 Respuestas

  1. If this is a CHURCH issue, then how a Bishop can say that those church bodies “can’t” leave is beyond me. If you are a Bible reading Christian, then you already know that it’s wrong to acknowledge LGBTQ+ as a legitimate choice in the church. Marriage recognizes it as such. So, the entire denomination is not holding to their own policies, assuming their “Bible” is the King James Bible. *Not debating the LGBTQ issue personally just pointing out that you can’t force a group to uphold a contract you don’t honor yourself, Mr. Bishop. And since WHEN has it been Biblical to hold a church body hostage to some denominational expectation?

    1. I left the Methodist church decades ago, and I still have a liking for many of the people that I knew back in those days that are members of the church. This new denomination has described itself in a link in the article, I would suggest people look at that link—“self-described”
      It plans to remain a Methodist denomination just one that is not quite as liberal as the United Methodist Church is.

      I see it prefers NRSV over the KJV, for example. It is not going to look like the Southern Baptist Convention.

  2. All the Methodists have left the Method for which they were named. The probably don’t even know how simple, obedient, and reproductive it was. They all do the pulpit and pew thing, which is the opposite. Their practice has been a lie of their name. You have to hunt on Google to find what the Method was. Jesus practiced the method with his disciples. Paul practiced the method with those he taught. After 3 years Jesus and Paul would leave and they would do everything Jesus and Paul did.

  3. To tell the truth, it is really sad that 107 Florida Methodist Churches Depart United Methodist Church because these are really global changes which can entail different consequences. I think that it is a really serious step and it is really important to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons for such a decision. Of course, it is caused by various factors and reasons, but it was quite unexpected. It is truly wonderful that Therrell said such important words in the WCA-Florida statement on Facebook because I think that it will be a huge step forward for the churches and it will help them to reach a new level. I think that uniting with like-minded Christians is a necessary thing because it means a lot for the churches and it will open new prospects for them, contributing to their development.

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