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Florida Pastor & Son Found Guilty for Participating in Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

Por Jéssica Eturralde
pastor charged capitol riot nationalism political violence
A supporter of then-President Donald Trump carries a Bible outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

A federal jury has found a Florida pastor, his son, and another church member guilty of participating in the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot.

The jury found Pastor James “Jim” Varnell Cusick Jr., 72, of Global Outreach Ministries Church in Melbourne, his son Casey Cusick, 35, and David John Lesperance, 69, a repairman who was a member of their church, guilty of multiple charges. These include knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building or on Capitol grounds without lawful authority, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

De acuerdo a Florida Today, all three men plan to appeal.

Police arrested and charged Cusick Jr., his son Casey Cusick, and Lesperance in June 2021.

Cusick Jr., Cusick, and Lesperance appeared in pictures posing with other people while they were in the capital city on January 6, 2021. Federal agents tracked participants in the Capitol Hill riot using cellphone images, surveillance camera footage, and other high-tech tools.

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cusick insurrection capitol charged riot
Surveillance footage released by authorities identifies James Cusick Jr. (left), Casey Cusick, and David Lesperance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. (Video screengrab)

De acuerdo a charging documents, an anonymous tip mailed to the FBI on January 22, 2021 said Cusick Jr. and Cusick participated in the riot. A second anonymous tipper informed federal agents on March 26 that Lesperance had accompanied them.

Earlier, on January 19, the FBI interviewed Lesperance at his home near Cape Canaveral, Fla. According to the FBI, Lesperance admitted to entering the U.S. Capitol on January 6 and told agents his pastor was with him.

“Lesperance told law enforcement that he had his cell phone on his person while he was at the U.S. Capitol and that he took photographs and video during that time using his cell phone but later deleted them out of fear of negative repercussions,” the complaint says.

Agents were able to identify Cusick Jr. through research and other tips, including the anonymous letter sent days later naming him and his son as participants in the riot, according to the complaint.

Investigators confirmed through phone records obtained with a warrant that Cusick Jr. and Cusick also used their phones in “a geographic area that includes the interior of the United States Capitol building” on January 6, 2021.

According to the statement of facts in each case, authorities identified Cusick Jr., Cusick, and Lesperance through body camera and closed-circuit television footage taken inside the Capitol building on the afternoon of the insurgency.

Cusick Jr. is a member of the Association of Faith Churches and Ministers, and both he and his son graduated from Rhema Bible Training College in Tulsa, Okla. Jim graduated in 1979, and Casey in 2014.

los listed address for Global Outreach Ministries is in a residential neighborhood in Melbourne, Fla. Business filing documents for the ministry are inactive. Pastor Cusick Jr. was listed as the ministry president and his son Casey as vice president.

De acuerdo a Google, the ministry is “permanently closed.”

cusick guilty
Global Outreach Ministries based in Melbourne, Fla. listed James Cusick Jr. (left) as president and Casey Cusick as vice president. (Photo via social media)

Cusick Jr., his son Casey Cusick, and Lesperance are three of over 1,000 people arrested in connection with the Capitol breach on January 6.

The riot happened on the day that then-Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress were supposed to count the electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election.

Representatives and senators fled the area out of fear of further violence as rioters, many of whom were from Florida, tore down equipment, attacked Capitol police, urinated in the hallways, and stole items from the building.

El Informe Roys reported shortly afterward as evangelical leaders from diverse Christian organizations condenado the behavior and “religious” tone of many of the attendees. One year later, TRR chronicled responses of other leading evangelical leaders to the riots at the U.S. Capitol.

The sentencing date for the three men is scheduled for October 12.

According to court records, the three are still out on bond for misdemeanor convictions.

Jessica Eturralde es una esposa militar de 18 años y madre de tres hijos que se desempeña como escritora independiente, presentadora de televisión y cineasta. Las firmas incluyen Yahoo, Huffington Post, OC16TV.



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35 Respuestas

  1. I am so curious how christians, even faith leaders, can justify trying to overthrow the government, you know, biblically. Jesus lived under Rome and didn’t usurp its authority. he didn’t refuse to pay taxes or storm the capital. he didn’t tell his people to rise up against the corruption of Rome. he didn’t even fight any culture wars about morality, when Rome was CLEARLY and totally corrupt.

    how have we strayed so far from the way of Jesus?

    1. In 1776, Christians and faith leaders organized to overthrow the government of His Majesty, George III. Were they straying from the way of Jesus, too?

  2. Some christians want to be powerful themselves. They want to be in power to impose their version of the truth on other people. Jesus as a servant, and his company of sinners and outcasts have n
    They want the freedom to do their own thing and to prevent others from doing theirs

    1. See my comment above –

      Welcome to white American evangelical fascism…that standard in your local evangelical church these days…sad to say.

      It is up for those who are far more interested in the Kingdom of God to expose this evil…as we are called to do Eph5.11

  3. If you engage with self-identifying Christians who are supportive of former President Trump and the perspectives informing the events in which this trio participated, their views remain extreme. So extreme, so wrong-headed from my point of view, that for once I found I couldn’t articulate a push-back response. I was simply defeated, regards discussion, by the dynamics and testimony of their believing and faith. Left me feeling bad about myself. It’s not good to be judging that some others are just completely wrong, that we have nothing in common.

    1. What did President Trump do that was damaging to this country or Extreme?
      He fixed the border problem, he made us energy independent.
      got out of the Paris climate accords, he put millions of people back to work and got the economy started again.

      1. Trump didn’t fix anything. He damaged the country beyond repair. Support for him at this point is support for domestic terrorism and facism.

      2. If you have to ask this question, please find the right side of history.
        Last time christian nationalism went this unchecked in any political party in any time in history, the holocaust happened.

      3. David, could you please answer this question?

        If people like Trump have to lie, cheat and steal to bring about God’s will in America, are they really doing God’s will?

        1. Interesting question. Here’s another one: Democrats never seem to claim that they want to bring God’s will to America. Does that make it okay for them to lie, cheat and steal?

  4. My question is this. What percentage Evangelicals in America would openly condemn what this pastor (And many others) did on January 6th?

    I shudder to think that many would choose to remain silent on the issue.

    1. I am going to go with 3%……most evangelicals will not say anything because they are afraid…. or they think the people who stormed the Capital are Patriots… but these are the same people who think the FBI, DOJ, IRS, EPA.. etc etc. are corrupt…. and Dear Leader Trump is innocent…

  5. I don’t trust our government. Corruption is rampant. I’ll obey the powers that be as far as the Word will allow me, but I don’t trust them, especially the present administration.

    1. it doesn’t actually matter if the government is corrupt. Paul wrote in Romans to obey the government that you’re under- and he was under Rome, who was actively persecuting believers. Jesus did not rally or rail against Rome and he was put to death by them. You can mistrust the government all you want, but literally the only biblical response is to obey them and advocate for justice through in non-violent ways.

      1. No. Corrupt rulers must be resisted. Romans 13:3 describes the role of government: “for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil.” Romans 13:4, “for he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, San avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” The colonists saw evil and oppression in the King’s rule and resisted and fought…and here we are ☺️
        Having been born in Cuba ???????? I can tell you first hand that submission to evil government is evil in itself

        1. “Confirmation Bias” is the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.

          Cuba is one of the “most” corrupt nations. America is one of the “least”.

          This article is proof that false propaganda is a form of corruption that leads to consequences in a nation that “seeks” to root out “actual” corruption.

      2. jen m

        “…but literally the only biblical response is to obey them…”

        Does this obedience include the breaking of God’s commandments at their command?

      3. “Jen manlief
        July 20, 2023 at 5:25 pm

        it doesn’t actually matter if the government is corrupt. Paul wrote in Romans to obey the government that you’re under-”

        That statement would include obeying Trump, while he was in office.

    2. “Confirmation Bias” is the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.

      Cuba is one of the “most” corrupt nations. America is one of the “least”.

      This article is proof that false propaganda is a form of corruption that leads to consequences in a nation that “seeks” to root out “actual” corruption.

  6. Riffing off an Abe Simpson rant-

    “I used to be a conservative.
    Then they changed what a conservative is.
    Now what I am, isn’t a conservative anymore.
    And what conservatism is, seems strange and scary to me.”

    1. lorena,
      I’m there with you. In the past I would engage on social media with comments starting with “I’m a conservative but… ”
      I still find myself typing that out sometimes and then erasing because the term doesn’t represent me anymore.
      I’m not liberal, I don’t have any affiliation in any political grouping that I can align myself with

  7. As Christians we are to have discernment – a gift from the Holy Spirit. It’s sad to me that so many Christians believe the media narrative without question. They call Jan 6 an insurrection but where were the weapons & why has the 1400 hours of video been withheld? Many FBI agents were involved in promoting this “riot” similar to the FBI inspired kidnapping plot of Gov Whitmer. The DC police ushered people into the Capitol bldg so most who went in thought they were being lawful. BTW does this website censor comments that they disagree with as I had a comment a few days ago that was within their parameters, but it’s not listed here.

    1. Ugh! To insinuate the Holy Spirit was the guide in that horrendous day must be, has to be, should be, considered BLASPHEMOUS!

      People plead guilty, were found guilty, of their “CRIMES.” People have been sent to prison, including for “Sedition – conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state”. Some have had the decency to repent and beg for forgiveness.

      1400 hour? What in the world… ? Did you see the ‘real time’ coverage of thugs breaking windows, spraying bear spray on law enforcement, climbing walls, breaking down barriers, assaulting law enforcement with “the flag?” Did you see the footage of government officials running and hiding?

      Worst than all, did you see Biblical emblems present as if God was not dishonored!

      1. “ Did you see the ‘real time’ coverage of thugs breaking windows, spraying bear spray on law enforcement, climbing walls, breaking down barriers, assaulting law enforcement with “the flag?” Did you see the footage of government officials running and hiding?”

        Debra, I would love to hear about your research beyond just seeing footage that allows you to confidently conclude these thugs weren’t paid provocateurs, and that the capital police (derivative of “polis” or “politics”…aka “following their master’s orders”) weren’t in on the theater as well?

        1. I don’t have the energy to try to reason with you. You have traded “the truth for a lie.” Some of those you are calling “paid provocateurs” are sitting in jail, meanwhile the Svengali is sitting on his gold-plated toilet, or on his private plane eating McDonalds.

          People are paid to perform for cash and accolades. Paid to go to prison and be disgraced? Ump! I almost feel sorry for you all except you’re dragging God into this. For that, He will deal with you.

          If you were a part of that despicable day, it is a matter of time before you’re identified by your disgusted neighbors, family and friends too. Get ready. Attorneys are expensive. Pitiful! Ordinary people sending their hard-earned money to pay the legal fees of someone who has servants.

          None is so blind as those that refuse to see. May God bless you. You’re gonna need it.

          1. “ I almost feel sorry for you all except you’re dragging God into this. For that, He will deal with you.”

            Debra, My loyalty and allegiance is to Christ, and cannot participate in fraudulent schemes, so I gave up on voting and supporting any presidential candidate years ago since the system is fundamentally corrupt in so many ways.

            FWIW- I did happen to warn a couple people I knew who were thinking of going to the J6 event not to go. One went and one did not.

            Have you ever studied the subject of how most all governments today use psychological operations to manipulate the minds of the people? If not, I would suggest you do. J6 has all the earmarks of one.

    2. Beverly, did you watch the Congressional hearings last year? Almost all the witnesses were Republicans and many worked for the Trump administration! Please put down the Koolaid being sold by the radical right!

      1. Tom Pomykala,
        Unfortunately people who needed to hear the January 6th hearings the most were the least likely to be tuning in. It was all but ignored on right wing media and Trump defenders had already determined that it was just a liberal attack.

        I really don’t know anyone could watch the footage and not see the violent forceful nature of the breach. How do they explain the Ashley Babbitt shooting while at the same time saying the capital police were inviting them in?

        1. What you watched was selected footage. There are several documentaries that tell the real story. I think you can access them at the website Operation Love. Please check it out.

          1. N Wilson,

            They aren’t interested in the truth, could be in reference to:

            2 Thess 2:

            8 Y entonces se manifestará aquel Inicuo, a quien el Señor matará con el espíritu de su boca, y destruirá con el resplandor de su venida:

            9 Aquel cuyo advenimiento es por obra de Satanás, con gran poder y señales y prodigios mentirosos,

            10 y con todo engaño de iniquidad en los que perecen; porque no recibieron el amor de la verdad para ser salvos.

            11 Y por esto Dios les enviará un poder engañoso, para que crean la mentira:

    3. Thank heavens for you Beverly. I thought I had entered the twilight zone while reading these comments. A coup has taken place in our country and evil reigns. Yes, you obey Caesar only up to the point of disobeying God. This was not an insurrection it was a demonstration that was much less violent than what had been going on around the country where people were killed, buildings including police departments were burned down. Cities were occupied remember Chop? May I quote? “Protestors seized city streets, attacked police offices, and declared a new ‘Autonomous Zone’ after nearly six-straight weeks of non-stop rioting.“. “ “Some demonstrators have locked the doors from the outside of the Justice Center and are lighting fires on 2nd Avenue. They are also tampering with the roll up doors of the Justice Center on 2nd Avenue. This is a life safety issue. Remove the items now!” posted the Department at 2:14AM.”
      I don’t know where the writers of the comments here get their news but they better poke their heads out of their fluffy white clouds and look around. The FBI, ANTIFA were involved. No weapons were ever found the people who died died at the hands of the police. Both Ashleigh Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland were victims.

  8. kenly wayne,

    Your values determine your evaluation. If you value the opinions of someone over the Bible, then you can be influenced to commit actions contrary to God’s will.

    David didn’t kill Saul when he had the opportunity because he valued Saul’s position as being ordained by God. God removed Saul in His way, in His time.

    If you believe our government, which has a myriad of guardrails in place, which is a democracy,
    which keeps our society civil, which provides aid to the helpless, but is imperfect because humans are sinful, is evil, then I suppose you can be influenced to unsuccessfully attempt a coup, to try to override God’s hand, to accomplish “your” will.

    The motives of false teachers are self-centered – not God centered. Therefore, I would not give credence to them. Their power is based on the cooperation of its followers. God is all powerful, all knowing, and in “total” control.

    “If you want to know a man, see his friends.” That might offend you since it is a “Chinese” proverb. Lol! But be careful how you choose your friends.

    I appreciate your discourse always being gracious.

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