De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

Pastor de jóvenes de Florida arrestado por tercera vez por voyerismo en video

Por Associated Press
David Nims, former youth director at Calvary Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, remains under arrest on charges of video voyeurism. (Photo: Escambia County Jail / WSVM)

Un director de jóvenes de la iglesia Florida Panhandle que ya enfrentaba cargos de video voyeurismo después de que se encontró una cámara oculta en un baño fue arrestado nuevamente, dijeron las autoridades.

David Nims, de 37 años, permaneció en la cárcel del condado de Escambia el martes luego de su arresto el viernes por ocho cargos más de video voyeurismo, el Pensacola News Journal. reportado.

Fue el tercer arresto por cargos similares en menos de dos meses para el director de jóvenes de la Iglesia Bautista Calvary en Pensacola. Los videos mostraban a personas usando el baño de la iglesia, dijeron las autoridades.

Nims fue arrestado el 7 de junio después de que un niño de 14 años vio una cámara debajo de un fregadero en el pasillo de jóvenes de la iglesia, según un informe de arresto. Fue liberado de la cárcel más tarde ese día después de pagar una fianza de $10,000.

Los investigadores del alguacil del condado de Escambia arrestaron a Nims nuevamente el 11 de junio después de que encontraron más de 100 imágenes de pornografía infantil mientras ejecutaban una orden de allanamiento en su casa, según muestran los registros.

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Nims fue encarcelado, retenido con una fianza de $10,000 y puesto en libertad el 14 de junio, según muestran los registros.

El periódico informó que el último arresto de Nims también está relacionado con la orden de registro que se ejecutó en su casa en junio.

Durante la búsqueda, los agentes encontraron una tarjeta SD y cuatro tarjetas micro SD en el bolsillo del pantalón de Nims. Las tarjetas contenían videos de al menos ocho personas que fueron filmadas sin su conocimiento mientras usaban el baño de la iglesia, según un informe de arresto.

El periódico informó que al menos tres de los videos mostraban a menores en el baño.

No se supo de inmediato si Nims tiene un abogado para hablar en su nombre.

En junio, el pastor de la iglesia Walt Magaha le dijo al periódico que su congregación estaba “triste” por el arresto.

“Estamos listos como iglesia para brindar atención y ministrar a cualquier persona o víctima que se presente a medida que se nos informe”, dijo.



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10 Respuestas

  1. Schools and churches is where you will find the most pedophiles simply because that is where they have access to children. The problem at the church level is that most people do not believe in the depravity of man. Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it.”

  2. I can’t even begin to understand how this is happening in the Christian world. Mega pastor’s cheating their parishioners(James Macdonalds and more like him) youth pastors hurting children, this is despicable and unforgiving. Anyone who hurts children need to be put away never to hurt another child ever again. The people who knew of this and left them in their position should also have to and for themselves! I’m so mad and so sad

  3. I tried to leave a reply and was booted out. I am so upset that I was unable to leave my comment because I didn’t know your URL. You have made it very difficult to comment.

    1. Your first comment did not post because you did not give your last name. We’re not trying to be difficult. We’re simply asking people to attach their names to their comments, the same way our sources do.

  4. I personally think the reason we are seeing so much of this in churches these days is simply we are a soft target. The average church is so into numerical growth that they quickly fall into the “ everyone has to have a ministry “ mindset. Suddenly new believers or unbelievers are being recruited into positions they don’t qualify for and are teaching children, working with youth groups and being given way too much access to the most vulnerable among the flock. I have seen way too many novices upset the Apple cart and cause enormous hurt and damage. We need to get back to scriptural Elder-like qualifications for all teachers and workers in the church in that they are blameless , ie have a track record of serving the Lord. Just because some guy wants to work in the nursery or with the youth, doesn’t mean it should be allowed. If you can’t attract qualified candidates for these positions, shut them down. Lots of churches have parent run youth groups, where parents host pool parties, game nights etc in their homes with MULTIPLE Parents there supervising. This works well and is light years ahead of turning the youth over to a full time novice playing pastor with our kids. We bring pastor wannabes on staff and let them practice eldership on our kids. Very bad idea.

    I remember a guy that worked for me saying he was going to be a pastor because “ it’s a great way to date lots of hot women “. Today he is a pastor of a church with a few thousand in attendance and I still wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

    Don’t trust people because of a title or position. Trust track records. Pervs don’t put in years of work and dedication before showing themselves. They give off a lot of clues along the way too so be watchful over the weaker members of the church you attend. If you see something strange or that gives you a check in your spirit, get involved and make sure the kids are safe. We owe it to the children, young single ladies and vulnerable new believers to be all about protecting them.

    1. Randy, your comments are extremely well placed and right on the mark, especially when you said that “we need to get back to scriptural Elder-like qualifications for all teachers and workers in the church in that they are blameless…. Just because some guy wants to work in the nursery or with the youth, doesn’t mean it should be allowed.” I think that most of the problems highlighted by articles on this site come down to issues with leaders who simply are unqualified based on their character.

  5. My question is this:


    Fortunately, 3rd time is the charm and he will not be allowed to post bond. And even better idea would be to have this CHOMO put in to general population. It will save the expense of a trial.

  6. When I got to the bottom of the article and saw that the pastor said the congregation was “saddened” I was deeply troubled.

    I realize that he may have not thought it through but “saddened”?? Really?? That’s the best word ya’ got? How about “outraged” or “disgusted” or “sickened” or “violated”?

    “Saddened” that their/your staff pastor is sexually exploiting your congregation!? Wow. Where’s the outrage on behalf of your flock?

    I’m pretty confident from scripture that our God is disgusted, sickened, and repulsed. He will forgive true repentance but until that moment (if it ever comes), He’s not “saddened” by the sexual perversion that is permeating so much of “Christianity”.

    In fact Jesus said it would be better that a millstone be tied around this pervert’s neck and then be cast into the sea for what he has done. Imagine all the people who want nothing to do with the church because of self-serving sexual predator “pastors”.

  7. Three arrest for the same crime but I did not see anything in the article about him being fired at any point. Please don’t tell me he still has his job at the church.

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