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Man Who Killed Pastor in Reckless DUI Accident Sentenced to 18 Years

Por Josh Pastor
aaron strong jose silva reckless DUI
On April 20, 2023, Jose Silva (right) received an 18-year prison sentence months after he pleaded guilty to homicide by use of vehicle with a prohibited alcohol concentration. Local pastor Aaron Strong (left) died in the crash last October. (Video screengrab / Fox6)

A Wisconsin man whose reckless driving under the influence of alcohol killed a local Lutheran pastor and father of two has been given an 18-year sentence. 

Months ago, Jose Silva, 23, pleaded guilty to homicide by use of vehicle with a prohibited alcohol concentration. Last Wednesday, Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Jean Marie Kies sentenced Silva to 18 years imprisonment, including 12 years of confinement and six years of extended supervision.

“I have to send a message that reckless driving will not be tolerated,” said Judge Kies.

On October 12, 2022, Silva ran several red lights in downtown Milwaukee and struck a vehicle, sending it into nearby parked cars. When police tested Silva, they found his blood alcohol concentration was more than twice the legal limit at .193. Data from his vehicle showed he was driving about 70mph in a 30mph zone. 

The crash instantly killed the driver, Aaron Strong, 40, lead pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Milwaukee. Strong had just dropped off his two children at school prior to the crash and was driving to the church. 

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aaron strong
Pastor Aaron and Abbie Strong (Photo via social media)

His wife, Abbie, addressed the court on Wednesday. “I’m thankful he didn’t kill more people,” she said of Silva. “He killed my person, my best friend. The sentence you give him is temporary. Mine is permanent.”

According to a local news informe, so many people showed up at the sentencing hearing that Judge Kies ordered anyone without a seat to watch from the hallway. 

Two of Silva’s sisters reportedly testificó as character witnesses on his behalf. Silva also spoke at his sentencing, saying: “All the pain I’ve caused with this never seems to leave my mind. I’ve hoped and prayed many times for things to be different. I pray for them often.”

As part of the judge’s sentence, Silva was ordered to serve 100 hours of community service following his prison term. 

Strong said the severity of the sentence surprised her. “I couldn’t believe it,” she told a local news station. “It’s a lot. It’s a lot for Jose’s family, there are no winners here. Nobody’s going home happy today. We are all heartbroken and we all are devastated by the acts of October 12.”

Aaron Strong has been remembered as a devoted pastor and family man, including at his church’s first service following his death, on October 16. 

Associate pastor Brian Hackmann dijo: “Pastor Strong was usually on the sidewalk with a smile on his face, ready to greet people, or here in the lobby, greeting people by name. And that wasn’t here today.” 

Following Strong’s death, the church started a GoFundMe page to assist the family with short-term and long-term expenses. The page’s goal of $100,000 was quickly exceeded and raised over $158,000 to benefit the family.

“It has been amazing to see God’s love in action, and to see how the message of the cross has spread around the world,” wrote Abbie Strong, in a posted statement. “We grieve with the confidence that we will see Aaron again when we join him at our Savior’s side.” 

Periodista independiente Josh Shepherd escribe sobre fe, cultura y políticas públicas para varios medios outlets. He and his family live in the Washington, D.C. area.



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