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Pastor Mike Breen Resigns from Ohio Church Over Alleged Clergy Sex Abuse

Por Josh Pastor
mike breen
Mike Breen preaches at Promise Land Church in San Marcos, Texas, in 2018. (Photo: Facebook)

Pastor, author, and Christian entrepreneur, Mike Breen, has resigned as lead communicator at Apex Church in Dayton, Ohio, over alleged “sexual misconduct” with a “vulnerable” church member.

Eso es según un Jan. 15 statement desde 3DMovements (3DM), an international coaching ministry for churches and pastors that Breen founded in 2004. Breen is no longer associated with 3DM. However, he leads a similar organization now, called Discipling Culture Collective.

mike breen
Mike Breen (Photo: Apex Church)

“Mike Breen carried on an extended sexual affair with a vulnerable member of (Apex) church, which he has been leading,” the 3DM statement read. “Mike has confessed to the allegations of sexual misconduct and resigned from his leadership position at Apex.”

The 3DM statement added that Apex Church hired an independent agency to investigate the allegations against Breen. The investigation reportedly “found evidence that Mike also abused his power through bullying and intimidation, along with a reluctance, and sometimes a refusal, to seek reconciliation.” 

El Informe Roys (TRR) reached out to Apex Church for comment. The church responded that it had been advised by an attorney not to “share further information at this time.”

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” by Christa Brown. To donate, haga clic aquí.

apex church dayton ohio
Apex Church in Dayton, Ohio (Photo: social media)

However, the church told TRR that Breen was placed on leave of absence “immediately upon learning of the accusations of sexual misconduct.” Breen resigned within a week, Apex added.

On Jan. 7, leaders of Apex Church Anunciado to the congregation that Chad Osborne, who has preached often at the church, would serve as the new teaching team lead.

On Jan. 14, Apex shared a summary of the investigation report with its congregation, the church told TRR.

Apex also shared information about Breen’s misconduct during his tenure as pastor with 3DM, which then posted the information on its website. Apex did not post any statement about Breen’s misconduct on its own website.

3DM removed its statement on Breen a week after posting it and sending it in an email to 3DM supporters, though an versión archivada is still available.

“Some Board members felt the email was sufficient,” 3DM Board Chair Bob Rognlien explained in an email to TRR. “This does not imply any retraction . . . we stand by the statement.” 

When asked if Breen’s conduct qualifies as adult clergy sexual abuse, Rognlien responded, “Yes, absolutely.” He added: “We reject any misuse of clerical power and stand with the victims of abuse. That is why we felt compelled to make a public statement about this situation.” 

Prominent figure in evangelical, Anglican circles

For the past 30 years, Breen ha sido on-staff at multiple churches in the UK and US and leader in the missional movement. 

For 10 years, Breen served as senior rector of St Thomas’ Church, Crookes, which reportedly was England’s highest-attendance church during Breen’s tenure. 

Breen assumed the pastorate there in 1994, after the previous vicar, Chris Brain, allegedly abused some female parishioners.

During his time at St. Thomas, Breen became a proponent of fostering so-called “missional communities” which he definido in his books as “a group of 20–50 people forming an extended family on mission together.” This ministry model became a focus of his books, lectures, and conference speaking for the next two decades. 

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Mike Breen preaches at the Presbytery of Seattle in Seattle, Washington. (Photo: Facebook)

In 2004, Breen moved to the US, initially pastoring at Community Church of Joy in Glendale, Arizona. Two years later, he accepted a position with the Leadership Network to train pastors and plant churches. Breen led the ministries he founded, 3DMovements and The Order of Mission, for about a decade.

Breen also lectured at Fuller Theological Seminary in the early 2000s and subsequently studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in the Chicago area. His ministry has often made headlines, from El cristianismo hoy y Líderes de la Iglesia, to a feature in The Guardian titled “The sleek shall inherit the Church.”

In 2014, Breen handed off leadership of 3DM to others. However, 3DM continued to promote Breen’s teaching materials as recently as 2018 y 2019.

Breen also owns and operates 3DM Publishing, which has published dozens of titles, including two by current 3DM board chair Rognlien. 

Rognlien said Breen’s publishing company has “created a lot of confusion” because it’s “completely separate” from the non-profit 3DM group. He said the board has asked Breen to stop using the 3DM brand name, but the ministry founder has declined to do so. 

Time at Apex

When Breen accepted the senior pastor position at Apex Church in January 2019, he alabado how the church had followed a “three-dimensional, missional” ministry approach. 

He called Apex “one of the very few churches in America built on the premise that the church should be expressed both in house churches (Missional Communities, Families on Mission) and in Sunday gathering . . .” The church sitio web lists about a dozen home-church groups that are part of Apex Church.

mike breen
Mike Breen preaches at Apex Church in Dayton, Ohio. (Photo via Facebook)

Numerous sermons preached by Breen remain on the Apex Church website and YouTube channel, with the most recent in July 2023. 

In the church’s email to TRR, Apex credited Breen, saying, “The congregation learned much from his teaching and breadth of experience.”

The church added, “We are praying for healing for Mike and his family as well as the congregation.”

Periodista independiente Josh Shepherd escribe sobre fe, cultura y políticas públicas para varios medios outlets. He and his family live in the Washington, D.C. area.



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3 Respuestas

  1. What is with those with PhD’s (including those with honorable doctorates) committing or being accused of committing violence and/or serious sexual sins? Along with Mike Breen, you have Gilbert Bilezikian, Bill Hybels, Ravi Zacharias, Byron Yawn, Art Azurdia, Daryl Ray Stagg, Bruce Douglas Konold, Michigan Episcopal Bishop Prince Singh, SBC’s Johnny Hunt, Thomas Minar, John Robert Griffin III, Lawrence “Clay” Hopkins and Joseph M. Krol.

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