De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

El estilo de vida próspero del predicador del evangelio anti-prosperidad de Estados Unidos

Por Julie Roys
John MacArthur

Durante décadas, John MacArthur ha criticado a los predicadores de la prosperidad, comparándolos con “traficantes de codicia” que dirigía los cultos del primer siglo. 

Recientemente, también apuntó a líderes evangélicos plagados de escándalos, como el difunto apologista Ravi Zacharias y expastor de Hillsong Carlos Lentz, diciendo que estas celebridades estaban en el ministerio solo por el dinero. Es por eso que los "mentirosos, los fraudes y los falsos maestros" están en el negocio, dijo MacArthur en un sermón reciente. “Los falsos maestros siempre lo hacen por la misma razón: ganancia sucia, dinero”. 

Sin embargo, de acuerdo con los estados financieros y formularios de impuestos obtenidos por El Informe Roys, John MacArthur y su familia presiden un imperio educativo y de medios religiosos que tiene más de $130 millones en activos y genera más de $70 millones al año en ingresos libres de impuestos.

MacArthur y su familia y empresas relacionadas han recibido más de $12,8 millones de fondos del ministerio y de donantes. Y MacArthur posee tres casas de lujo por valor de millones.

Solo en un año, MacArthur ganó más de $402,000 por trabajo de medio tiempo en su ministerio de radiodifusión, Grace to You (GTY), y otros $103,000 de The Master's University and Seminary (TMUS). Esto se sumó al salario de MacArthur de la megaiglesia que él pastorea, Iglesia Comunitaria de Gracia, así como regalías de libros y honorarios por conferencias.

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Además, en un escenario muy similar al de Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), la junta de GTY ha estado repleta durante décadas con miembros de la familia MacArthur. Al igual que RZIM, GTY también dejó de presentar los formularios de impuestos 990 del IRS en 2015, lo que permitió al ministerio mantener en secreto los salarios de los ejecutivos.

Grace Community Church (GCC) se niega a publicar sus estados financieros en violación de un estándar central del Consejo Evangélico de Responsabilidad Financiera (ECFA) del cual Grace era miembro.

Cuando me comuniqué con la ECFA acerca de GCC, el líder del equipo de cumplimiento, Jake Lapp, respondió que la ECFA requiere que sus miembros proporcionen una copia de sus estados financieros actuales previa solicitud por escrito. Agregó: “Hemos estado en comunicación con la iglesia con respecto a este requisito y esperamos que escuche una respuesta pronto”. 

Eso fue hace 10 meses.

Hasta la fecha, no he recibido respuesta de GCC, incluso después de enviar un correo electrónico a la iglesia nuevamente para solicitar estados financieros. Sin embargo, recientemente supe que GCC renunció a el ECFA menos de dos semanas después de que Lapp se comunicó con la iglesia para cumplir con los estándares de ECFA.*

También contacté al anciano de Grace Church y director ejecutivo de GTY, Phil Johnson, para preguntarle sobre algunos de estos asuntos. Johnson respondió que parte de la información que solicité es “un asunto de dominio público. Un verdadero periodista lo sabría”. (La composición de la junta directiva de GTY está disponible públicamente; las respuestas a mis otras preguntas no lo estaban).

Johnson declaró además que su correo electrónico, con fecha del 23 de marzo de 2020, sería “la última correspondencia que recibirá de mí. Ni nadie que hable en nombre de nuestro ministerio responderá preguntas por usted con respecto a cualquier historia que tenga la intención de escribir”. 

Millones en casas de MacArthur 

MacArthur fue atacado por primera vez por su dinero en 2014, cuando varios bloggers publicaron los salarios de MacArthur, llamándolos "reprensible” y señalando que MacArthur “gana más que el presidente de los Estados Unidos." 

En respuesta, Phil Johnson publicó una declaración en el Hierro más afilado sitio web, defendiendo el salario de su jefe (ver "El salario de MacArthur" a continuación).

Johnson también argumentó que "el estilo de vida (de MacArthur), no sus ingresos, es lo que las personas con mentalidad bíblica deberían considerar si quieren evaluar su carácter".

Agregó que MacArthur “ha vivido en la misma casa durante los últimos 35 años” y solo posee un automóvil.

“Ninguno de los que realmente ve cómo vive John lo ha acusado alguna vez de autoindulgencia o incluso pensó en sus sueños más locos describirlo como un amante del dinero”, afirmó Johnson.

Si bien es cierto que MacArthur vive en su casa de Santa Clarita, California, desde la década de 1980, la propiedad vale 1,5 millones, más del doble del valor medio de las viviendas de la zona.

La casa de cinco dormitorios y cuatro baños se encuentra en más de dos acres e incluye una cancha de tenis y una piscina. La casa tampoco es la única residencia de John MacArthur. 

John MacArthur House
La casa de John MacArthur de $1.5 millones en Santa Clarita

Desde 1996, MacArthur también ha sido propietario de una villa de $700,000 aproximadamente a una hora al oeste de Santa Clarita, según un documento El Informe Roys obtenido de la oficina del Tasador de Impuestos del Condado de Ventura. 

La casa de tres habitaciones y 2.5 baños está ubicada junto a un club privado de clase mundial con un campo de golf de campeonato, canchas de tenis, piscina y excelentes restaurantes. La casa también está a solo 11 millas de la playa. 

John MacArthur Golf Villa
Entrada de Golf Villas donde John MacArthur posee una segunda casa en California

La tercera y más grande casa de MacArthur, un rancho de siete habitaciones y 7.5 baños en cinco acres en Colorado Springs, se construyó en 2007, según Registros del condado de El Paso.  

La propiedad fue entregada a Círculo M Rancho—una sociedad limitada de responsabilidad limitada (LLLP) propiedad de John y Patricia MacArthur—por David Wismer Sr.  

Wismer es miembro desde hace mucho tiempo de TMUS' Junta Directiva y también se ha desempeñado como secretario de la Junta de TMUS.  

Hablé con Wismer y me dijo que en 2007, MacArthur se acercó a él y le expresó que quería construir una casa en Colorado Springs. Wismer dijo que es dueño de un rancho de 2,600 acres en Colorado Springs y que estaba feliz de darle cinco acres a MacArthur como regalo. 

Wismer dijo que MacArthur luego construyó una casa (valuada en alrededor de $800,000) en la propiedad de Colorado usando sus propios fondos. 

El salario de MacArthur  

Entre 2005 y 2015, MacArthur ganó alrededor de $3,4 millones en compensación de GTY y TMUS, con un promedio de alrededor de $320 000/año.

Además de eso, MacArthur también recibió un salario de Grace Community Church que estaba "bien dentro del rango medio-alto" para los empleados de la iglesia de California, según la declaración de Johnson de 2014.

Esto sitúa el salario anual combinado de MacArthur en un estimado de medio millón de dólares la mayoría de los años. Y en 2012, cuando recibió un salario especialmente alto y beneficios de GTY, el salario de MacArthur probablemente ascendió a tres cuartos de millón de dólares.

En la declaración de Johnson de 2014, explicó que el "salario y los beneficios" de MacArthur superaron los $400,000 en el año fiscal que terminó en 2012 porque la Junta de GTY le dio a MacArthur un "raro 1S t-edición KJB” ese año. La Biblia, dijo Johnson, fue un “regalo único que coronó 40 años de ministerio fiel”. 

Además, Johnson declaró que “Grace to You le pagó a John MacArthur cero salario o beneficios por los primeros 30+ años de existencia de nuestro ministerio.” 

Sin embargo, esta afirmación no concuerda con los hechos. 

Según un GTY 990 de 2002, el 990 más antiguo El Informe Roys pudo obtener: MacArthur hizo $88,336 ese año. Esto fue solo 16 años después de la fundación de GTY, no 30.  

Según ECFA, GTY fue fundada en 1986. (La sitio web de GTY dice que GTY se convirtió en una organización sin fines de lucro a principios de la década de 1980).

Phil Johnson
Director ejecutivo de GTY, Phil Johnson

Es posible que Johnson estuviera fechando el comienzo de GTY en el primer año en que MacArthur fue pastor de Grace Community Church (1969). Fue entonces cuando, según los informes, un voluntario comenzó a grabar los mensajes de MacArthur y a dárselos a los miembros de la congregación que estaban demasiado enfermos para asistir. Pero el ministerio ni siquiera tenía un nombre en ese entonces y probablemente no requería horas extra de MacArthur. 

Me acerqué a Johnson para explicarle la aparente contradicción, pero no respondió.  

Además, en su declaración de 2014, Johnson afirmó que en algún momento después de 2000, la junta de GTY “tomó la decisión deliberada de pagarle (a MacArthur) un salario completo en lugar de un salario reducido que se redujo arbitrariamente debido al hecho de que tenía otros ingresos”. 

Si bien es cierto que MacArthur recibió un gran aumento en su salario GTY en 2003 (72%), MacArthur nunca trabajó a tiempo completo en GTY. Las horas GTY de MacArthur variaban cada año de 10 a 30 horas por semana, según los propios 990 de la organización. 

Sin embargo, las horas que MacArthur afirmaba trabajar cada año parecen tener poca relación con el salario que recibía. Por ejemplo, en 2007, MacArthur afirmó trabajar 20 horas por semana en GTY y recibió $174,191. En 2008, según los informes, trabajó 10 horas por semana y recibió casi lo mismo: $177,083.

De manera similar, las horas de MacArthur en TMUS variaron de 10 a 40 horas por semana entre 2005 y 2015 y no correspondían necesariamente a la cantidad que le pagaban.

MacArthur registró una gran cantidad de horas para GTY y TMUS, especialmente considerando que también trabajó como pastor de GCC. En un año, 2012, según los informes, MacArthur trabajó un total de 60 horas a la semana en GTY y TMUS. Esto se sumó al tiempo que pasó pastoreando GCC, una iglesia con una asistencia promedio de más de 8,000 personas.

A continuación se muestra un cuadro compilado por El Informe Roys, mostrando tanto las horas reclamadas por MacArthur como los salarios que recibió durante los años analizados. 

(Aunque no se documenta a continuación, Phil Johnson recibió entre $160 000 y $238 927 por año entre 2005 y 2015 por su función en GTY. También recibió un préstamo sin intereses de $50 000 del ministerio para la compra de una casa, que fue totalmente perdonada durante un período de cinco años.)

John MacArthur SalaryUn asunto de familia

En su sitio web, el Estados ECFA, “Cuando un ministerio se encuentra con el fracaso, o peor aún, con el escándalo, sus dificultades casi siempre se pueden atribuir a una falla en el gobierno”.

Una característica clave de la buena gobernanza, según la ECFA, es mantener “la realidad, no solo el apariencia de gobierno independiente de la junta”. La ECFA considera que los miembros de la junta son independientes si no están relacionados por sangre o empleados de la organización. 

Sin embargo, durante décadas, dos de los hijos de MacArthur han formado parte de la junta directiva de GTY junto con su padre. Phil Johnson, un empleado clave de GTY, también ha sido miembro de la junta durante muchos años.

Desde 2002, la junta de GTY ha variado en tamaño de ocho a 12 miembros. Entonces, a veces, hasta la mitad de la junta era un MacArthur o un empleado de John MacArthur.

Uno de los hijos de MacArthur, Matthew MacArthur, permanece en la junta y figura en cada 990 desde 2002 como tesorero de GTY. 

El otro hijo de MacArthur, Mark MacArthur, también figura en cada 990 desde 2002 como miembro de la junta de GTY.  

En febrero de 2020, Mark MacArthur fue acusado por la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores de estafar a los clientes en un esquema de inversión de $16 millones. Todavía en agosto de 2020, Mark MacArthur fue todavía en la lista en el sitio web de GTY como miembro de la junta. Mark MacArthur es no enlistado como miembro de la junta hoy.  

En su declaración de 2014, Johnson afirmó que los miembros de la junta “con relaciones de sangre o conexiones laborales con John MacArthur se recusan de las decisiones salariales”. 

Sin embargo, no es solo John MacArthur quien se beneficia potencialmente de la presencia de sus hijos y Johnson en la junta. GTY también ha pagado millones a lo largo de los años al yerno de MacArthur, Kory Welch, ya las empresas que posee Welch, al igual que TMUS.

Millones para Kory Welch

En 2008, Welch era empleado de GTY, ganando $83,677 como director de transmisión de televisión. Welch, quien está casado con la hija de MacArthur, Melinda Welch, también disfrutaba de un préstamo hipotecario sin intereses de $20,000 con la condonación total de la deuda de GTY.

En 2008, no había otros contratistas que prestaran servicios de producción de video para GTY, según los 990 de la organización.

Kory Welch
yerno de John MacArthur, Kory Welch

Sin embargo, al año siguiente, Welch comenzó a trabajar para GTY como contratista de producción de video a través de una compañía que Welch había formado dos años antes, llamada El Grupo Welch. En 2009, GTY pagó a The Welch Group $741,000 por “servicios de posproducción”, casi 10 veces más de lo que GTY le había pagado a Welch el año anterior.

Desde entonces, GTY ha pagado a The Welch Group o a Dorma Productions (otra pequeña empresa propiedad de Welch) entre $659 000 y $790 000 por año por un total combinado de $8,3 millones entre 2009 y 2019.  

Otra empresa propiedad de Welch, llamada WeKreative, también ha recibido más de $1 millones en trabajos por contrato de TMUS. Desde 2016 hasta 2019, TMUS pagó a WeKreative casi $1.1 millones por "servicios de marketing, relaciones públicas y producción de video", según TMUS. informes de auditoría y 990s. 

Durante este tiempo (en 2018 y 2019), TMUS también contrató a Welch como director de operaciones y durante un tiempo como director de marketing, por lo que Welch recibió más de $138 000 en salarios y beneficios.

TMUS no respondió a las solicitudes de comentarios sobre el trabajo por contrato de Welch o el posible conflicto de intereses relacionado con sus puestos en TMUS. 

Además de estos trabajos y cargos, Welch es el director general de El fideicomiso benéfico John MacArthur (antes El Fondo de Gracia del Maestro). Esta es una organización sin fines de lucro de California creada "para apoyar varios ministerios de John MacArthur, según el estado financiero de 2019 de GTY".

El único miembro de The John MacArthur Charitable Trust es GTY y GTY elige a la mayoría de la junta del fideicomiso. El fideicomiso no presenta 990, por lo que no se sabe si le paga a Welch un salario por sus servicios.  

Dinero y Ministerio

“Muéstrame a una persona que predique el evangelio del dinero, el mensaje del dinero, el mensaje de la riqueza; te mostraré una persona que ha sido corrompida por el amor al dinero”.

Eso dijo John MacArthur en un sermón de 1987.

MacArthur agregó que "nunca jamás quiso estar en una posición para ver el ministerio con una etiqueta de precio". Por eso, dijo MacArthur, nunca pide dinero cuando predica en otras iglesias. "Ese es un problema demasiado abrumador para mi carne".

Sin embargo, está claro que MacArthur recibe mucho dinero de sus propios ministerios. Y aunque es posible que MacArthur nunca haya predicado el evangelio de la prosperidad, un evangelio que promete salud y riqueza, sus ingresos y su cartera se parecen mucho a los que lo hacen. 

MacArthur puede ser el predicador del evangelio anti-prosperidad de Estados Unidos, pero su vida, y la vida de los miembros de su familia, parece ser bastante próspera, y aparentemente tiene que agradecer a sus ministerios.

*ACTUALIZAR: La versión original de esta historia no informó que GCC había renunciado a ECFA. Además, se ha cambiado la imagen aérea de la casa de MacArthur en Colorado. La foto original era de una propiedad cercana, pero no de MacArthur.



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508 Respuestas

  1. I don’t have an issue with someone who works at a high level earning good money. What troubles me is the lack of openness and transparency, and the simultaneous indications of nepotism and self-dealing and accumulation of wealth. When you see these things alongside the hubris of the ecosystem the man has created, it’s impossible to not see that there are real red flags and problems here.

    None of it surprises me given some of the experiences I’ve had with his followers. But it does worry me because I think it does harm to the gospel. I happen to work for the state government in California, and the salaries of all state employee are public information, along with almost all other government financial information. I think the church should be at least as transparent as the government, hopefully even more so.

    1. JL, those are some of my thoughts exactly. If our government, with all its flaws and corruption, requires certain levels of transparency, then the church should be even better.

  2. Full disclosure: Julie Roys is my new hero. I admit I am a progressive evangelical presbyterian pastor, and I listen to a lot of exvangelical podcasts who just like to deconstruct the Christian faith. Julie Roys is a bit more conservative than I am, but she is exactly what we need — a mainstream evangelical, not a deconstructionist, who is exposing fraud in the Evangelical Industrial Complex in order to reform it.

    I have always considered JMac a false prophet. All you have to do is read the Sermon on the Mount to realize how many false prophets Jesus said there would be. I am a pastor. I believe Tim Keller is the best theologian out there, that the gospel must be the center of life and sanctification. John MacArthur is pure works righteousness. Much of my work is to undo and help people unlearn the crap they have learned from other pastors, and every congregant who has come under JMac’s spell is a massive mess to be cleaned up. Most of them are utterly unteachable and arrogant. Like Teacher, like student.

    btw I had Tim Keller as my seminary prof for three years. He is the real deal.

    J Mac’s salaries are not nearly as extravagant as the Hillsong pastor’s salaries, but that is not really the point. I put J Mac in the same category of L Ron Hubbard and Scientology, he is a cult leader in a non Christian cult. Who cares that he teaches the Bible. Anyone can do that. By their fruits you will know them. he is arrogant, narcissistic and totally full of himself. Stacking his boards with family members, running an empire — that is Jerry Falwell Jr territory. It is not likely that a J Mac menage a trois story will come out, although nothing will surprise me any more. But you knew the empire would come crashing down.

    To me, the most damning story to come out is J Mac’s covid denial, and now a TMS student is dead because of it. J Mac is responsible for this, criminal charges should be brought against him. J Mac, who rails against other evangelicals for “no place for truth,” has now entered into the Alice in Wonderland world of alternative truth and conspiracy theory. he can probably find you a bible verso to prove that the earth is flat.

    I am in the progressive reformed space, and J Mac considers himself reformed, Ha ha He is no more reformed than a barn door. he opposes everything reformed people stand for — he is dispensationalist, fundamentalist, separatist, works oriented cult. And his RIDICULOUS patriarchal view of women, he does NOT have the bible on his side. Telling women not to have authority over men and not to work outside the home. How did his wife last with him for so many years? No one truly educated follows him.

    Reformed people like R C Sproul cooperated with him at conferences, but they laughed at J Mac behind his back. They viewed him as a heretic, but their entire goal was and is to get a piece of J Mac’s revenue stream. Together for the Gospel used to have him speak, not because they like him, they just want his customers. The Evangelical Industrial Complex behemoths use each other to make more and more money. Eventually the empires always fall.

    It is not surprising that J Mac’s ministry will end badly, in scandal, they always do. God will not be mocked. And I believe J Mac’s covid denial, and the deaths now happening at the Grace Community Cult and The Master’s Seminary (the Master = J Mac himself) will result in scandal, arrest, lawsuits and the toppling of the J Mac empire. Someone should have told J Mac to hang it up at about age 70. Nothing good happens when you are over 70. But at 81 he is still going. Why? What will happen to the Kingdom if J Mac retires?????

    I know this is a bit tough. But, by their fruits you will know them. Put the empires aside. J Mac ails against rich Christian celebrities, but he is not different than they are. IN fact, worse. He poisons people with his false teaching. The rest of us will spend many years cleaning up the mess he has made in people’s lives. Well, he does not answer to me. One day he will have a conversation with God about all this. Best of luck to him.

    1. “I believe Tim Keller is the best theologian out there, “. That tells us all we need to know. Tim Keller is a woke globalist. The person you hate is not. You revering Keller shows just how sadly mixed up you are.

      1. “That tells us all we need to know. Tim Keller is a woke globalist. The person you hate is not. You revering Keller shows just how sadly mixed up you are.”

        Your boy, JMA, is a Trump-worshiping idolater. I am sure he makes burnt offerings to the orange riot inciter in the backyard of whichever of his mansions that he is staying at, at the moment. So, *pretending* what you say about Keller is true, and it isn’t, then the two are even.

    2. ETHAN

      Usted escribe..
      “I believe Tim Keller is the best theologian out there…”

      Do you mind if he has added some interesting things to the Bible?

      Dr. Tim Keller Senior Pastor, claims to be, Complimantarian. NO females in Leadership positions. But, “Redeemer Church,” pastored by Tim Keller Senior Pastor, has Female Deacons. To get around that, Dr. Tim Keller Senior Pastor, does NOT “ordain” them. NO, NO, he commissions them. And calls them, “unordained, commissioned deaconesses.”
      I kid you NOT. ;-)

      And here Keller uses the infamous word “Biblical ” to make it sound okay. ;-) Keller says, “There are several good **biblical** reasons for having *commissioned deaconesses* in a congregation.”

      Now, can anyone find “unordained, commissioned deaconesses”in the Bible? How can *unordained, commissioned deaconesses* be “Biblical?” If *unordained, commissioned deaconesses* are NOT in the Bible?

      Simple, Dr. Tim Keller calls himself Senior Pastor. Nuff said. He’s the top dog. Obey and submit. And “his” people submit to “his” authority, his leadership, his celebrity. Like they are taught.

      Keller’s reasoning for “commissioned deaconesses” being “Biblical” is… He says deacons are servants, NOT leadership, NOT judicial authority.

      But, In the Bible, the very words Calvinists, Comps, use to disqualify women elders is “Ignored.”

      1 Tim 3:12 KJV
      Let the deacons be **the husbands of one wife,**
      ruling (managing) their children and their own houses well.

      If anyone cares – they can read about it here…
      Be warned. Lots of double talk and triple talk, to make this sound “Biblical.”


      Jeremías 50:6
      “Mi pueblo” ha sido “oveja perdida”:
      ** SUS pastores **
      les he hecho *desviarse*

      1 Pedro 2:25
      Porque vosotros erais como *ovejas descarriadas;*
      PERO ahora son devueltos a
      el Pastor y Obispo de vuestras almas.

      {{{{{{ Jesús }}}}}}

      1. If you read Romans 16:1-2, you’ll see that Paul describes Phoebe (a woman) as a deacon. This is the same word used in the passage you cite, 1 Timothy 3:12. A passage like Romans 16:1-2 is probably the reason why Tim Keller (and many others) believe that women can and should serve as deacons.
        In the future, please be careful when trying to discredit other people.

        1. Hi Isaac

          Sorry… I guess I did NOT explain my self properly.

          I am questioning Why? If Dr. Tim Keller, senior pastor…
          Really, “believe that women can and should serve as deacons.”

          Why doesn’t Keller just “Ordain” them? As deacons?
          Why does Keller have permission to…
          ADD… errr… funny stuff…
          To the scriptures?

          Is that what “A Best” theologian does?
          Just make stuff up?

          Why does Tim Keller senior pastor call them…
          “unordained, commissioned deaconesses?”

          Where do you find…
          “unordained, commissioned deaconesses,” in the Bible?

          In the article attached to the link above… Keller says…

          What About Authority?

          But is the biblical evidence above enough
          to make a case for women to be ordained
          to the diaconate in the PCA?
          I (Keller) would say no. (NO)
          I affirm and support the PCA’s belief
          in male headship in the home and church.

          So, to get around that Keller calls women servants
          “unordained, commissioned deaconesses,”
          The women get a “Title” and recognition.
          And Keller gets women servants
          With NO judicial authority.
          ALL are happy.

          And Paul called Phebe a “diakonos,” A servant.

          Rom 16:1 KJV
          I commend unto you Phebe our sister,
          which is a servant
          of the church which is at Cenchrea:

          You do NOT need a “Title” to be a “Servant?”
          You do NOT need to be “ordained” to be a “Servant?’”
          You do NOT need to be “commissioned” to be a “Servant?”

          Just be a “Servant,” of Jesus Christ.

    3. You are wrong here. It is quite possible for someone to be a bad person but teach good doctrine. John Macarthur’s books are intelligent and sound in doctrine. It is well worth paying us millions of dollars to him. The problem is that he should not ask for millions. As John Wesley did, he should live modestly and accept a much lower salary than he could get by hard bargaining.

    4. I have never seen the word progressive, separatist or fundamental in the bible. Words created by satan. I read my Bible every day and will not be swayed by false doctrines and teachings. The bible is my highest authority. God is my teacher by the Holy Spirit. Ok, so that makes me a fundamentalist, seperatist in your eyes. Jesus said, love not the world or the things of the world. I don’t. So, I’m definitely a seperationist. John mc Arthur has another gospel, so I knew Jesus was going to expose him. You are being deceived by words like progressive, fundamentalist, seperatist. I follow the doctrine of Jesus by reading my Bible and I’m not being swayed by what a man says. The Bible says, God is our teacher.

      1. THERESE

        Yes… Much agreement…
        “The Bible says, God is our teacher.”

        John 6:45 KJV
        Está escrito en los profetas,
        Y serán TODOS enseñados por Dios.

        Deuteronomy 4:36 KJV
        Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice,
        that HE might instruct thee:

        Psalms 32:8 KJV
        I will *instruct thee and *teach thee
        in the way which thou shalt go:
        I will *guide thee with mine eye.

        John 14:26 KJV
        But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost,
        a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre,
        él os enseñará TODAS las cosas...

        John 16:13 KJV
        Pero cuando venga el Espíritu de verdad,
        he will guide you into ALL truth…

        1 John 2:20 KJV
        Ye have an *unction from the Holy One,
        and ye *know all things.
        *know = perceive, discern, discover.

        1 John 2:26-27 KJV
        These things have I written unto you
        concerning them that seduce you.
        27 But the anointing
        which ye have received of him abideth in you,
        and ye need not that any man teach you:
        but as the same anointing teacheth you of ALL things,
        and is truth, and is no lie…

    5. Nothing good happens after 70?!!! Yikes! Now THERE’s some respect for wisdom, experience, and finishing strongly. The rest of your comments may be accurate, but please consider revising your views on seniors – especially those who have served Christ for years.

    1. I wouldn’t even put John Piper in there. HIs Christian Hedonism is unfortunately a higher life view of the Christian life that no one can live up to, and which ultimately ends in despair. But at least he is sincere. Tim Keller is the only one left. Read The Prodigal God. We have nothing to offer. God have mercy on me a sinner. The gospel is all we have.

    2. John Piper appeals to people who don’t know the details of what he’s all about —in the same way JMac is a great preacher. Details, details, details is where it gets interesting —and toxic .

      Piper is into a very extreme complementarianism. He is on record that women cannot have jobs where she is in authority over a man. Period. He even gets specific that women cannot be police officers. It may hurt a man’s spiritual authority when a woman arrests some male thug apparently. You can’t make this weirdness up.

    1. One has to consider where the wealth comes from. Is it okay for a preacher to take what amounts to three, full-time salaries from organizations funded by donations to further the gospel? Does that honor donor intent? Also, the secrecy and enurement of MacArthur’s family from donor funds is concerning. Interestingly, I just updated my piece with new information that Grace Community Church has withdrawn from the ECFA. The withdrawal occurred less than two weeks after an ECFA compliance officer reached out to GCC informing them of the requirement that they needed to provide me with financial statements. So many red flags.

      1. “Donor intent” – that’s a very succinct phrase that summarizes the problem. Christians don’t usually donate to someone so that person can pay his golf club fees.

        1. Yes, do they stop to think about the people that are making sacrifices to God with their tithes and offerings? Like the widow and her mites? We should safeguard the honor of these gifts given to God.

      2. As much as i respect JMac, he is not above reproach and need to be accountable and transparent as God’s faithful servant. Good work JRoys

      3. julio,
        Thank you for your investment of time on this matter. However, it seems that you’ve only done half of the job. It would be probably very enlightening and perhaps very beneficial to do as thorough a job investigating his giving and generosity. I appreciate that, to many people, optics of a preacher having a lot of riches by our standards (not God’s standards as His riches are unfathomable) looks, well, questionable by those that are looking to find “chinks in the armor”. You mentioned that Mr Johnson got 50k interest free loan that was fully forgiven. As well, you mentioned another loan to his son in law that was fully forgiven. So, on your own report, let’s start there as a basic jumping off point with an objective value number to start this spreadsheet of Dr MacArthur’s generosity, giving (or forgiving) and that of his ministries.

        You’ve shown yourself to be resourceful and able at reporting the facts as you see them. Maybe it’s just my opinion but it just comes off a little disingenuous to report on this man’s financial uptake for the last 50+ years and yet no mention of financial “losses” by his own choosing. Nothing about any of his conferences that he scholarshipped for people, hundreds of thousands of books that have been given away, media ministry resources that have been generously shared across continents and speaking engagements that he received no compensation for except the joy of sharing the gospel with those that need to hear it. You can see it feels unbalanced with really one side of the picture being presented. It would seem fair to present both sides of this analogous coin unless the point if this article was intended to be unfair to the point of nefarious.

        I feel certain that this second half of the investigation will be a little more challenging as we are commanded to not brag about our giving but to give in secret. I am sure that Dr MacArthur’s character would indicate that he has followed that directive in general for decades of his life, probably not just beginning in 1969 at the beginning of his official ministry. So, I want to encourage you to be generous in your assumptions that whatever you discover as your final financial number value of his generosity of material and intellectual property shared over 5-6 decades of life that you would allow for exponential expansion of the number to account for all the kindness and generosity that has NOT been publicized.

        I think the real story here you will find will be what an amazing story of kindness and generosity the Lord has given to one faithful (not sinless) man who has been a strong advocate of godly principles and sound doctrine. The Lord has surely blessed Dr. MacArthur financially… that is obvious to even the casual observer. But to delve deeper into just how much he has been given that nobody knows about that was given away by his open hands with neither a jot nor tittle of documentation but just a sense of practical generosity and overwhelming kindness? THAT would be story worthy of publishing, gawking over and sharing with people far and wide about the unfathomable generosity of our good Father through the faithful life and ministry of one Dr. John MacArthur. Many people who possess a strong giving spirit bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit oftentimes are blessed abundantly in financial and other ways by the Lord because their heart is set on blessing others. This would probably demonstrate a similar outcome.

        I look forward to hearing the other side.

        Thanks for your work.

      4. Us givers have the option to note where we want money to go. None of your business. Keep your money, and be a good steward, we dont need your help, were fine with how its going. Go be you.

    2. Any minister who accuses brethren of greed must be able to demonstrate firstly, that his accusations are based upon fact and not surmise; and secondly, that his own life and conduct will stand up under close examination.

      If Mr MacArthur had not implied fault in others – as we are told he has done – there would be less need for an investigation into his own affairs.

      We are certainly called, as Christians, to judge the Church (1 Corinthians 5:12b); but only if we have attended to any motes in our own eyes first (Mat 7:5).

    3. Kofi, there’s someplace between broke and what is being reported here, and I think we know what would be reasonable and responsible. What is most disconcerting is the fact that things have been turned into a family enterprise. That’s why it’s never a bad idea to live modestly. Money and the things money buys can be very corrupting. The choice isn’t between poor and rich. It’s simply about doing the right and honorable thing.

      I love your writing and heart for Jesus. Keep up the good work.

    4. “Heaven forbid a preacher not be broke.”

      So, a pastor is considered broke if they own fewer than three multimillion dollar homes?

      Can’t you see how ridiculous your comment is?

  3. Non story. If his members saw him behaving in a worldly manner, saw him loving money, saw him turning from the Gospel, you’d have something to write about. I respect your role in bringing accountability, just think this is more harm than help. Without 2-3 witnesses and biblical charges.

    1. I have received emails from both GCC members and TMUS students, complaining about MacArthur’s lifestyle. They say MacArthur flies on private jets with his own security entourage and shows up on campus with a new car every couple of months. They’re all scared to speak on the record, though, which is concerning. But this is the same culture of fear and intimidation that the TMUS accrediting body found when it investigated TMUS. That’s why the school was placed on probation.

      “(T)he report depicted Master’s as an accreditor’s nightmare: an insular and oppressive institution where loyalty to the president and his church has sometimes trumped both academic and financial concerns.” https://www.chronicle.com/article/who-is-the-master-at-masters-university-and-seminary/

      1. No need to do anything about Covid, just trust God, but for some reason he needs security guards? I wonder what kind of security team the
        apostles had.

        1. Mark, great reply! they had no earthly security guards, their heavenly security was firm, and they were all horrifically murdered except St. John.

      2. Julie, this seems more insinuating and if they don’t want to go on record why even put it in comments? Do you have photo / video evidence from them?

        1. I absolutely heard John state on film that people have questioned and commented on him driving new cars all the time. He said the owner of a dealership offers these new autos to him to drive.

          This is a great example of John giving off questionable optics to his neighbors, general public, and Master’s University and Seminary students, etc. It is just human nature not to wonder or question why they are seeing him every few weeks or months in a brand new car. It just looks bad.

          Why not politely deny the offer by the dealer to drive different new cars around his ministry and schools and just buy his own car. No this is not sinful what he is doing by accepting the offer BUT John admits himself it LOOKS questionable.

      3. julio,
        I’ve got more insights than most. The bullying, intimidation and fear culture….you are on the right track. This current comment you are getting colder. John has had friends who own Galpin Ford and other local SoCal dealers who let him drive their cars, so he’ll cycle through different cars they loan him. I have never seen an issue with this. These are friends who appreciate him and loan him a car to drive. Similar thing with a private jet. A close friend is very wealthy and has private jets and takes John from time to time where he needs to go. Another thing, I don’t see an issue with.
        Focus on the fear culture and you’ll get somewhere.

        1. Thank you for your comment. Clearly, some people see the new cars and private jet travel as an issue and others don’t. It’s not for me to decide. But I do think if Phil Johnson is going to use MacArthur’s owning of just one car as evidence of MacArthur’s modest lifestyle, it’s disingenuous not to mention the arrangement with the car dealers.

          I have heard so many stories about the bullying and agree that it’s a huge issue. But when will people come forward and speak on the record? The bullying will continue until people stand up to the bully.

          1. It’s not typically John who is a bully. It’s the culture, that you and others are exposing, and propagated by Phil, and many others over the years. The most difficult part is that the “bullying” is done under the guise of “truth” and “sounds” biblical but when you see the pattern, you begin to see how folks get railroaded and run out of Panorama City, or Newhall…..

    2. Jordán,

      If all of those witnesses are brainwashed worshipers, they won’t care what they see, Dear Leader can do no wrong in their eyes.

    1. How is that relevant? The money donated to GTY, GCC, and TMUS is to be used for the mission of those ministries, not given in exorbitant salaries to MacArthur to redistribute as he pleases. But I hope he is generous with his millions. It would be great if he’d release his tax returns so we can see.

        1. “In a way, the world−view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird.”
          ― George Orwell, 1984

  4. You see there is ‘Big Eva’ and her lesser known sibling ‘Big Earna’. Although formerly estranged, they are now reconciled and meet up quite regularly now.

  5. No preacher is perfect, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (preacher or not) and I have had the experience, for example, of hearing a very good biblical preacher suddenly saying a very untrue unbiblical thing from the pulpit. We need discernment with any preacher but we also need to evaluate the totality of their ministries. Frankly, I would rather have a preacher who might go a little overboard with personal comforts than a preacher who ostentatiously rejects personal comforts to look like a man of the people so that he can more effectively preach heresies while being considered a cool guy.

      1. Neither excess nor an ostentatious rejection of excess to puff oneself up might be the ideal but anybody who was not born yesterday knows that this is not an ideal world (although I have known wonderful Christian preachers who managed just the right balance).

  6. It is unfortunate that John MacArthur’s spokesperson, Phil Johnson, could not respond in defense of his boss with “Considering biblical principles of stewardship and the overall objective every believer possesses to help fulfill the Great Commission, John has always insisted on taking only a fair salary from those who contribute (often sacrificing their own level of lifestyle) to his multifaceted ministries. John’s dogmatism and disciplines extend to the governance of his personal consumption of contributor resources.”

    Phil should have been able to gone on to comment about a huge additional aspect of MacArthur’s income (that Julie did not touch on in this article): “Since those ministries by in large promote John’s personal writings, for which he receives additional personal income in the form of book royalties, and because John does not believe in private inurement, he assigns all of his royalty income to the cause of Christ (since he writes those books while receiving a salary from the church).”

    Furthermore, it would have been good if Phil could have said, “John has invested the fair salary he has received from the church over the past 50 years and it is those funds that have paid for his level of lifestyle, not contributions from donors.”

    Unfortunately Phil was unable to say any of that. Those would be defensible positions in a not for profit ministry world that has enabled MacArthur’s vast wealth accumulation. If Phil could have proferred those kinds of responses to Julie’s questions it would have cleared his name.

    But the fact Phil could not respond that way serves to evidence a great exegetical preacher, undoubtedly one of the best ever in the history of the Church, who is on the road to not finishing well. As the body of Christ we should not tolerate the slippage one of our greatest expositors.

    Julie’s objective investigative insight is all the more alarming when coupled with the recent (several years ago now) probation of TMS and TMU by the accreditors. The accreditors in essence stated that probation would continue, and the possible stripping of accreditation in total, if MacArthur were to continue in leadership of the schools for reasons of past bullying and nepotism.

    This underscores the above concerns regarding MacArthur not being on the road to finishing well and becoming another black eye for our movement.

    Years ago my wife and I decided to begin segueing out of GCC when one of the long standing elders of the Church, John Bates, told us after we had expressed similar concerns (over 10 years ago now) that this was “John’s church.” We responded stereophonically, “Oh no its not!” That anecdote serves to underscore the sycophant culture of those who surround the great preacher and their inability to be a corrective, countering agent in his life. We all need that!

    With a lack of accountability MacArthur is ending up in the same boat as those whom he routinely calls out on the carpet within our increasingly fragile Evangelical movement.

    1. rafael,
      Well said. This is what happened at Mars Hill Church with Mark Driscoll, where i served as an Elder, and Mark told me to my face, “this is my church!”.

  7. Go to the Welch Group Corporation Twitter account: https://twitter.com/welchgroupinc?lang=en

    The Welch Group Corporation was formed in 2007 for the purpose of creating high quality video, TV and multi-media production.

    Then go to the Welch Group Corporation web page listed in the twitter acct: http://www.welchgroupinc.com/

    All that displays is: “The Welch Group” – lol

    This from a company that was formed 13 years ago for: “the purpose of creating high quality video, TV and multi-media production” – lol

    Now try Dorma Productions: https://www.dormaproductions.com/

    “Dorma Productions”
    “specializing in creating high-impact, response-generating media content all the details, coming soon”
    and a “Contact Us” button that doesn’t work!

    ?Coming soon”, That’s all U got? – lol. Com’n Korey it’s been 6 years!

    1. Hilarious that a media company that is advertising high impact , quality materials doesn’t have a functional website . Might make sense if it’s all a farce for billing one client your Father in Law controls ….geeez….not a lot smarts here to even try to make it look legit

  8. julio,

    “I have received emails from both GCC members and TMUS students, complaining about MacArthur’s lifestyle. They say MacArthur flies on private jets with his own security entourage and shows up on campus with a new car every couple of months. They’re all scared to speak on the record, though, which is concerning. But this is the same culture of fear and intimidation that the TMUS accrediting body found when it investigated TMUS. That’s why the school was placed on probation.

    “(T)he report depicted Master’s as an accreditor’s nightmare: an insular and oppressive institution where loyalty to the president and his church has sometimes trumped both academic and financial concerns.” ”

    Wow… I could say that I’m speechless but that would be a big lie, and I don’t want to be like MacArthur. Literally nothing stuns me about him any more.

    Julie, what’s your prediction on how long it takes before MacArthur offers (only to his 100% elect, proper, Trump-supporting faithful right-wing uber-complementarian TULIP sycophants, oops I meant flock) the choice to get “slain in the Spirit”?

  9. Anyone claiming that a preacher with three homes in wealthy enclaves worth millions of dollars and receiving an exorbitant salary for part-time work is normal is just dishonest. There are too many preachers talking against prosperity theology yet living the very lifestyle that prosperity preachers glorify. It’s hypocrisy to tell people to do as I say but not as I do.

    I’m very wary of any non-profit, including ministries, where the board is loaded with cronies, family, and friends. In addition the lack of transparency in publicizing financial documents and the son’s multi-million dollar investment scam raises a lot of red flags.

    Well before this blog ever came along there have been public discussions of corrupt leadership and a cult-like atmosphere at MacArthur’s church. The snarky, hostile responses church leadership gave in response to a public request for financial information, followed by a lie that the information is already public when it isn’t, should be deeply concerning to those attending or giving money to this outfit.

    MacArthur’s followers seem to feel he is beyond reproach and that he has the same authority as an apostle (one comment here actually likened him to Paul) is also deeply concerning.

    Sooner than later the truth is all going to come out about this “ministry” as it always does. He’s only delaying he inevitable. All things done in darkness shall come to light.

  10. When the money starts to roll in, it becomes easy to justify increasing salaries to make life easier (money usually does that). It is sad that MacArthur doesn’t follow the example of Billy Graham. Graham’s handling of money from his global ministry must be the bane of tele-evangelists existence. Even by the standards of the past 40 years, Dr. Graham has a modest salary and lived modestly, preferring to use the extra resources to further the gospel. All of this is troubling. One can reasonably conclude from how the Apostles conducted themselves, they too would be troubled.

  11. Billy Graham’s father owned a dairy farm. His wife’s father was a surgeon. My understanding is that a good part of their net worth was inherited. He also bought and renovated a log cabin retreat home in North Carolina on 200 ac in the 50’s when the land was cheap to get privacy for his family. When he died, he was one of the richest ministers in the country, worth an estimated $25 mil. He also lived to be 99; so he gained the full advantage of the increasing value of his home, property, investments, life insurance, etc. He did receive a good, but not extravagant salary, set by an independent board, and his organization set the pace for financial integrity. Some ministers are wealthy by virtue of astute investment, inheritance, explosive increase in property value, or marrying into wealth. So, we do need to be careful in our judgments. But I do think that those who earn their living from the Gospel should be especially circumspect.

    Another incredibly positive example was Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ now known as Cru.

    Bill Bright never owned a home or a savings account. He would not accept speaking fees. He donated all royalties from his books to Cru and liquidated his modest retirement funds to start a training center in Moscow. He raised his own support which remained modest. His organization had over 20,000 employees and 200,000 worldwide volunteers. He led Cru for 50 years. He could have easily monetized his position, name recognition, and success in building a large worldwide organization. He preferred to live simply and humbly. His net worth at death was $1.4 million, some estimate a little higher. I’m guessing this wealth came via life insurance policies he had to assist his wife after his decease. She lived another 12 years after his death.

    I’m not saying every minister of a large organization should go to this extreme, but it is refreshing to see such a selfless example and such a radical Gospel counter-culture life. He shows us the surrender to the American good life of wealth and extravagance can be resisted and conquered–while we also take seriously taking care of our spouses and loved ones.

  12. Great comments Ralph Drollinger. Agree 100% on being a phenomenal expositor. I’ve really enjoyed much of MacArthurs teaching but caught undertones of pride at times. A Pastor needs to be correctable, and teachable, like any Christian. Unsure if he is. One thing I do appreciate about MacArthur, and in his favor, I’ve never heard him ask for money. In all fairness I’ve only used his online resources, all free BTW.

    This story is a good thing – as some personalities in a congregation have the tendency to put church leaders on an altar – easier to look to a corporeal human instead of an invisible God. I view incidents like this as God saying; don’t follow the earthly messenger, follow my Son, Jesus Christ. An equalizer. The same could be said of great church fathers – all were flawed humans and exhibited such in various ways.

  13. I don’t understand Julie s outrage at Phil Johnson’s disclosure of her personal information when that is precisely what her whole article has done in regard to John MacArthur.

    1. Actually, though I clearly know all three of his addresses, I disclosed none of them. And I redacted his address from any documents I posted. And just to be overly cautious, I blurred out the signage on the entrance to his golf community. I have bent over backwards to protect him. Unfortunately Phil Johnson went out of his way to disclose mine.

      1. Can you file a legal complaint under anti-doxxing laws against Phil?

        California Penal Code § 653.2 PC – Electronic Cyber Harassment

        This is a state law for California that specifically targets cyber harassment, such as doxing. It makes it illegal for any person to use an electronic device, such as a computer, phone, or tablet to:

        Intentionally cause another person to fear for their safety
        Harass, torment, terrorize, or cause injury to another person with no legitimate purpose
        Make personal and identifying information or electronic messages of a harassing nature available to view or download

        Violating this law can result in up to one year in county jail, and/or a fine of up to $1,000.

        Something to think about.

        1. This makes for an interesting theological question. We should not sue fellow Christians, but instead should appeal to the church. That’s problematic when the acknowledge no church leaders above them, but that’s a side point. What is interesting here is whether we should report Christians who violate the civil law to the police. The Bible is less clear on that. It is commonly thought nowadays that we should, if the crime is child molesting. Does that apply to doxing also?

          I am genuinely uncertain and hope to see responses to this comment.

          1. Ever hear of the sin of omission?. What does the Scriptures say in Romans about the government and the Christian response to it? Also, if there is sufficient evidence for a criminal charge, good old Phil has rights of Due Process. I don’t see what the problem is here.

    2. “I don’t understand Julie s outrage at Phil Johnson’s disclosure of her personal information when that is precisely what her whole article has done in regard to John MacArthur.”

      Oh, look–another one of John Mac’s kept boys. You are probably Toady #1 (Phil Johnson himself) with yet another sock puppet. How cute.

  14. Wow…so many comments that are beyond the pale. Julie, thank you for your vigilance! There just is no justification possible, yet people do it. No wonder the sheep continue and will continue to be fleeced. Tithing is always positioned as giving to God and furthering His kingdom but somehow these deified pastors always live better than most who give to them…why, because God has blessed them more? They live off the giving of people with good intentions that are giving to God but somehow it goes into the pockets of the pastor, his family and those who protect them. As if God is the great redistribiter of wealth in the sky…blessing the “special ones” who claim they are “called”. I see Billy Graham is still the one that should be the example. Really? He was the origins of what we are dealing with today with celebrity pastors. A household name, an unhealthy tie to politics (encouraging Nixon’s anti-Semitic views among other things), building wealth to the tune of $25M+ (thats just what is plain to see..there’s always more), building a massive compound, and stacking his organization with family. He is the archetype whether he meant to be or not. I recall seeing his $300k+ salary in the 990 forms of BGEA many many years ago…not sure what that is in today’s dollars but none of this is modest. He may have been a well intended, good dude but he really set the stage and now we are dealing with it. Just because someone is charismatic and a good orator does not make them worthy of worship or greater blessing. Just means that they are a good communicator. They put their pants they same way we all do (and maybe take them off more often)! Let (s)he who has ears…

  15. First. There is nowhere in scripture that says you cannot prosper financially. Second. What is MacArthur PREACHING? That’s the point! Go back in every message he has ever preached and investigate there. When you find something pointing people to use Christ or the gospel as a means of financial gain, then make your report. That would be more beneficial than this write up. God bless

    1. If someone preaches good stuff Biblically and people donate, and they donate millions (Grace to You alone takes in 22 million a year ) and then there is malfeasance with these donations, that doesn’t bother you?

      Wow. The bar is so low in Christianity. As long as someone preaches “Biblically”…it’s all okay?

      Did you read the article ? Do you not think this is obscene that his Son in Law’s company was paid over 700K a year by this ministry? Secular companies are careful about this. It’s called conflict of interest.

      Kory Welch was on the payroll for editing /producing John’s sermons for GTY and it sounds like when he was it all legit …getting paid a little more than 80K a year . Seems like a fair enough wage to me. I have no issue with that or that Kory worked in the ministry . Employing family for fair wage is fine.

      Then all of a sudden he’s off the payroll and this work is provided by a vendor …Kory’s company…and now it jumps to 700+ annually. All of a sudden. What changed ?

      This is way beyond people doing well financially . This is stealing ministry money…people’s hard earned money that they wanted to be used for Christ. But it’s not called stealing because JMAc has all his family on the Board to approve it.

      Can you even comprehend how much 8 + million dollars is? To just one family member! And as Julie explained we don’t know anymore who is getting paid what because GTY stopped filing.

    2. Sophia,

      I thought women aren’t allowed to speak up and make their voice heard in John MacArthurland… that is IF you are a woman and aren’t another alias/sock puppet of Phil J., Mark MacArthur, etc.

  16. Jealousy makes us do evil things. I live in a country town in Kentucky and houses are fancier than that picture. I am happy to see after 50 years of faithfully preaching and working hard, he has a home and is able to provide for his family. (Both of which are completely biblical). If you would take as much time to research what God says in His Word rather than building a platform on jealousy, you’d know. Sad way to try to make a name for yourself by putting others down. I’ll make sure this week I send Grace toYou a donation. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. JBRUWN (dang, you sock puppets don’t even try to be creative),

      Julie can very easily do an IP check to prove whether or not you really live in a hick redneck crudhole in KY as you claim. If you are spoofing/hoaxing such an IP, there are ways of finding that out too.

      Think about that long and hard before you post more BS. Is the 15 bucks an hour or whatever you are getting from the reputation-management firm you work for really worth this risk?

  17. Transparency isn’t needed. Stop giving money and dry up the source. These grifters have Christians scared to death about not tithing. I know I survived a prosperity gospel church. I tithe. But it ain’t to no church. I give for services rendered and get all the fellowship I need and where two or more are gathered there is Christ. Don’t need to feed the beast in some megachurch. Megachurches were never in gods plan. Because they all become nothing but profit centers and not prophet centers. The rest goes to where Jesus said to spend it.

  18. I’ll admit my bias up front – I love the man, but I believe your article lacked context. Comparing John MacArthur to a prosperity preacher doesn’t seem fair. The granddaddy of prosperity teachers, Kenneth Copeland, has amassed over $600 million, including a jet collection. To put things in perspective, the J.M. earnings you cited are similar to those of a higher end real estate agent in Los Angeles. They’re not obscenely more than the average CEO in Los Angeles County ($238,000, before incentives). This, for someone who built a very large organization over many decades. Phil Johnson’s salary seems low to me for California, given his responsibilities. And as far as JM’s Son in Law’s video services – I own a production company, and we could never duplicate the amount of professional content they turn out for the amounts you mentioned, especially paying California wages. No one’s getting rich producing over 100 hours of high-quality, fully-edited multicam content for $700k.

    John MacArthur doesn’t hammer listeners for money, and goes out of his way to not affect giving to listeners’ local churches. I think John and Phil run solid organizations focused on saving souls.

    1. Hey Shawn. Then he and his over paid staff will happily sell all and live modestly? Duhhh here’s the difference real estate agents make money selling real estate. Grifters like Mac make money selling god. They allegedly represent god. Act and live modestly vs like the grifters they are. Copeland is the chief grifters and none of these low life’s represent or follow our lords humblness and are not prophets. If anything it’s copyright infringement. Are you that slow in your thinking?

    2. Sorry Shawn for being rude. I’m just tired of pastors living large and people making excuses for their wealth. Mega churches are the only churches that pastors and staff live in luxury and not modest and humbly. As I sincerely believe Christ would be living.

  19. Half-million/year? I wonder how many people who earn under $50K/year gave to his ministries. Christians should disadvantage ourselves financially so that we can advantage those who need it. It doesn’t appear John does this.

  20. What is amazing is how some Christians (that should know better) try to defend and justify the minister they admire no matter what. Rather than being objective and knowing how to evaluate biblically and honestly admit/acknowledge a fault in the minister they admire, using whatever reasoning they can find to justify the minister they like.
    According to Scripture, Christians are sojourners on this earth quickly passing by and as Jesus said, we are to lay up treasure in heaven AND NOT ON EARTH – something I’m sure John Macarthur also taught. Yet.. having.. how much treasure on earth is going on? You’re a sojourners and pilgrim on this earth that is passing by and you have how many houses? How much money and property stacked up when there are how many Christians that don’t even have enough to eat in India? Those that are fans of JM that are trying to justify him, please answer one question – if this is not LAYING UP TREASURE ON EARTH, what is?

    What’s just as amazing as seeing this exposing of JM’s wealth is seeing the fans of JM (who I would expect to be more biblically knowledgeable and discerning) defending and justifying JM here..

    John Macarthur’s side will accuse those on the Bill Johnson side that when accusations are brought to false ministers about their ministry, wealth, teaching, those people that follow those ministers are so blinded, they try to use whatever reasoning they can find to justify the minister they admire. They’re astonished when they see that side using whatever reasoning to justify their minister. Yet JM’s side, rather than being biblically discerning and acknowledging the faults, they do the very same thing…

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