De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

Mis 10 mejores publicaciones de 2017

Por Julie Roys

From the Women’s March to an interview with Lee Strobel to articles about modesty and judging – my blog covered quite the range of issues this year.  I’m very grateful that more than two-million of you visited these pages, and below I’ve ranked the articles you shared the most.  If you missed any of these articles or podcasts, be sure to catch them now!

1. Women’s March Reveals Godless Nature of Feminism

Madonna dropping F-bombs and talking about blowing up the White House. Actress Ashley Judd proudly proclaiming, “Yeah, I’m a nasty woman – a loud vulgar, proud woman.” And mothers marching with their daughters while wearing female genitalia on their heads.  The recent Marcha de las mujeres was enough to make most anyone think twice about supporting women’s causes, especially those who are Christians . . .


2. The Case for Christ Movie Reveals Lee Strobel’s Intensely Personal Journey to Faith

His books making the case for Christ and the Christian faith have sold more than 14-million copies. And now the story of Lee Strobel, the atheist reporter-turned Christian apologist, has been made into a feature film called El caso de Cristo. Lee is someone I’ve known for nearly 30 years, and I was thrilled to be the first journalist to screen his movie and then interview Lee about it. Listen to this gripping podcast telling Lee’s very personal and raw journey to faith . . .


3. Bernie Sanders Seeks to Disqualify All Christians From Public Office

Senator Bernie Sanders doesn’t think Christians are fit to serve in public office. In a shameful exchange, Sanders grilled Russell Vought, President Trump’s nominee for Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, about his Christian beliefs. When Vought refused to disavow his belief that Muslims “stand condemned” because “they have rejected Jesus Christ,” Sanders became livid . . .


4. Is Man Vying to Be First Muslim Governor Part of a “Stealth Jihad”?

Abdul El-Sayed, potentially the nation’s first Muslim governor, sounds like the quintessential progressive politician. The problem, however, is that El-Sayed has substantial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood in both his past and present. So the suspicion that El-Sayed may harbor Islamist convictions and be a Trojan horse are not unfounded, especially given the reality of what some have dubbed a “sigilo yihad” . . .

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” by Christa Brown. To donate, haga clic aquí.


5. Can Christians Talk About Modesty Without Shaming Women?

In this guest post, author Sheila Wray Gregoire explores the difficulty Christians have teaching modesty without also shaming young women.  She writes, “When my youngest daughter Katie was 11, she had hit puberty and was developing rather rapidly. In response, a kind Sunday School teacher took her aside to tell her gently that she would now have to be careful how she dressed for church. She wouldn’t want any men looking down her shirt, after all.  Katie was mortified. ¿Los hombres cristianos adultos querrían mirar debajo de su camisa? It took some backtracking for her father and me to persuade her that not all men were perverts . . .”


6. What Christians Can Learn From School’s Mishandling of Pregnant Teen

It’s one of those stories that makes you want to cry and scream at the same time. A Christian school in a small town in Maryland is punishing one of its seniors by refusing to allow her to participate in graduation ceremonies next month. Her crime? She got pregnant – and unlike many in similar situations, Maddie Runkles is continuing her pregnancy, rather than trying to hide her sin by aborting her child.  The story, which was published in Los New York Times, has infuriated scores of Americans. It also sadly has reinforced negative stereotypes of Christians as legalistic and hypocritical jerks, who simultaneously rail against abortion, while shaming those who choose life . . .


7. Banned From the Women’s March, Pro-Life Student Group Marched Anyway

Prohibida la Marcha de las Mujeres Estudiantes de por vida from its event. But the young, innovative group of activists got revenge by planting themselves — and their oversized banners — at the front of the march. The move got the attention of thousands on social media, who shared the image on Facebook and Twitter. In this podcast with kristan hawkins, president of Students for Life, Kristan tells all about the fascinating — and at times, terrifying — experience her group had at the Women’s March . . .


8. 5 Ways Christians Should Judge

Whenever I criticize anyone for practically anything, I hear that Christians are not supposed to judge.  But is that really true?  Sure, in Mateo 7:1, Jesús dice: “No juzguéis”, pero en 1 Corintios 6:2-3, the apostle Paul says, “(T)he Lord’s people will judge the world. . . How much more the things of this life!”  So what gives? Are Christians supposed to judge or not judge? And just what is the Christian standard? . . .


9. My Inaugural Hope That Trump Will Prove Skeptics Like Me Wrong

I wasn’t a fan of Donald Trump as a candidate.  I was appalled by some of the things he had said about women, immigrants, and the handicapped – and I still am.  Yet when he won the election, I was relieved that Hillary would not be president.  And I saw hope for the first time in eight long years that pro-life justices would be appointed to the Supreme Court, Obamacare would be repealed, and America would once again have a pro-growth, pro-business environment. It’s interesting to read what I wrote last February and then reflect on the political defeats and victories of the past year.


10. Why I Won’t Participate in ‘Day Without a Woman’

Thousands of women around the country skipped work, wore red and attended rallies in honor of “Un día sin una mujer”, el primer gran evento de los organizadores del Marcha de las mujeres since the march in January. I was not one of them. I refused to take part in this incredibly hypocritical event.  March 8 was not a day without “a woman,” but a day without 160 a 200 millones de mujeres — all erased from this planet in utero due to sex-selection abortion. Yet abortion – the most misogynistic practice on this planet – was not even mentioned by event organizers. That’s because “reproductive rights” was one of the central “principios de unidad” of A Day Without a Woman . . . 



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2 Respuestas

  1. Two of our children attended MBI, I listen to Moody Radio 24/7 and I am a monthly supporter. When MBI compromised their standards by allowing alcohol and tobacco I wrote a letter objecting to this change. I felt this was the first step in caving into the world’s culture. I am sorry to see this happening to MBI but I Lord is still in control in every situation. I love your program, Julie, and I hope you will continue with your career.

  2. Hey, this article is not very interesting. I don’t know what your intention was, but I’ve read cereal boxes that were more interesting. Please post some more of the stuff you used to post. This is my least favorite of your past 50 blog posts.

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Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” by Christa Brown.