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Calendar Featuring Conservative Women in Bikinis and Pinup Poses Sparks Controversy

By Liz Lykins
Promotional image for the Conservative Dad's Real Women of America 2024 Calendar, produced by Ultra Right Beer. (Screengrab)

A “woke-free” beer company has sparked controversy by promoting a calendar featuring conservative women in bikinis and seductive poses.

Some conservative Christians are calling the “Conservative Dad’s Real Women of America 2024 Calendar” “soft porn” that contradicts biblical values. Meanwhile, some moderate and progressive Christians say the calendar exposes contradictory attitudes within the conservative movement.

The $20 calendar was created to celebrate conservative women who fight “woke extremist to preserve real women,” according to the product’s webpage. Swimmer and anti-trans activist Riley Gaines stars as the cover of the calendar, with 10% of the product’s sales going to her center to “protect women’s sports from extreme leftist ideology.”

Gaines wears a red, white, and blue bikini in her photos while she lounges by a poolside in a pinup pose. The product also features images of former National Rifle Association spokesperson Dana Loesch wearing a t-shirt and hoisting two firearms. Social media influencer Ashley St. Clair poses in a black lacy top while in a bubble bath.

Ten of the “most beautiful conservative women” are pictured in the calendar. Ultra Right Beer, the company behind the calendar, was formed in the aftermath Bud Light’s unsuccessful partnership with trans activist, Dylan Mulvaney.

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seth weathers ultra right beer calendar
Ultra Right Beer CEO Seth Weathers appears in a promotional product ad. (Video screengrab)

Evangelical commentator and podcaster Allie Beth Stuckey called some of the calendar’s images “soft porn.”

“You can probably guess what I think about a calendar branded for ‘conservative dads’ filled with pictures of women, many of them married and many of them very scantily clad. Hate it,” she escribió on X (formerly Twitter). “I also find the discourse ridiculous, as if we’re all supposed to pretend we don’t understand the purpose of a calendar of posed, full-body pictures of women.”

While some of the models in the calendar are “doing great, courageous work” for conservatism, Stuckey said she doesn’t see the value in this project.

“Of course, these women are gorgeous, and of course I’m all for celebrating true femininity in an age that can’t define ‘woman,’” Stuckey said. “In my view, this doesn’t accomplish that at all.”

However, Tim Whitaker, a progressive Christian and creator of The New Evangelicals, dicho El Informe Roys (TRR) he finds Stuckey’s words ironic. Stuckey has featured Gaines on her podcast in the past and Whitaker said it’s likely Stuckey will work with the swimmer again.

Back cover of the Conservative Dad’s Real Women of America 2024 Calendar, produced by Ultra Right Beer. (Screengrab)

Whitaker said he found other aspects of the calendar to be ironic, as well. The calendar’s goal is to show how leftist ideology harms women, he said, yet the calendar sexualizes the models.

“It just further objectifies women as like these sex object for men to look at, which goes against that the values that they claim to be fighting,” Whitaker said. “

Marriage-advice podcast host Sheila Wray Gregoire, author of She Deserves Better, agreed.

The calendar essentially tells women that they exist for male pleasure, Gregoire said.

“When conservatives say that the way you fight leftist ideology is to put women in their place, which is what this calendar is doing, I think that tells you all you need to know about how they view women,” Gregoire said.

sheila wray gregoire
On October 13, 2023, Sheila Wray Gregoire speaks during Restore Conference at Judson University in Eligin, Ill. (Photo: Lee Furney)

Additionally, it gives the message that for Christians to be politically conservative, they need to be sexist, she said. The calendar isn’t celebrating women; its marginalizing them and silencing them from political conversations.

“Conservative Christians need to speak out about it and distance themselves from it,” Gregoire said. “Unless you distance yourself from it this is going to become a larger and larger portion of your voting block.”

After its release for the holiday season, the product received so much backlash that the controversy has been dubbed “calendargate” and even has its own Wikipedia page.

Denny Burk, professor of biblical studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, also criticized the calendar in a piece for WORLD Magazine Opinions.

“The answer to gender confusion and LGBTQ affirmation on the left is not the endorsement of heterosexual immorality on the right,” Burk escribió. And make no mistake, trying to lure fathers into leering at barely dressed women is exactly what Jesus has forbidden to His followers: ‘You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’; but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart’ (Matthew 5:27-28).”

Burk said that while he himself is a conservative, this calendar is not a “faithful discharge of our duty under Christ.”

ultra right beer calendar
Promotional email for the Conservative Dad’s Real Women of America 2024 Calendar, produced by Ultra Right Beer. (Screengrab)

However, others, such as conversative media personality Megyn Kelly, have pushed back in favor of the calendar.

“A lot of people on the internet are upset about this – conservative women are saying this is not what we need,” Kelly dijo on her show. “I’ve got to be honest, I couldn’t care less about people doing it. I think this is great.” 

The calendar also boasts that its “100% MADE IN AMERICA!” and that viewers should look through it for “fun non-woke messages.”

Christian activist Morgan Ariel went so far as to call the calendar “demonic” in a post on X.

“Question for women: When are you going to desire to be loved, cherished and valued by a man as opposed to being sexualized and objectified by them?” Ariel wrote. “Your integrity should be worth more to you than a check received for a photoshoot that devalues you.”

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins escribe for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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7 Respuestas

    1. One step in the right direction would be for all who seriously claim to want to follow Christ to stop voting for Trump, trumpism and/or the GOP… no matter what kind of manipulations & heartstrings that entity tries to tug on. (Note: this does not mean you vote for the other party)
      When the barstool ‘conservative’ oligarchy (Trump, Bannon, Paula White, Gaetz, et al) learns that real Christians aren’t going to stand or vote with them anymore, then this house of hypocrisy comes tumbling down… that’s when the embarrassment stops… (and that oligarchy of spoiled frat boys and millionaires who only worship sex, money and power only gets any traction or grifting $$$ from like-minded low-lifes)

      1. Not that I want to vote for him, but what happens if I don’t? The other party will win. And you see where that has gotten us. Offer another winning choice, please!

        1. Another winning choice? Follow Jesus and His way (which all political parties decidedly don’t follow). Why do you want or have a need for a kingdom-of-this-world winning way? The kingdom of God doesn’t need a ‘winning choice’…

          We win by losing, just as Jesus did. In this particular context, we all win, even in a ‘worldly’ sense, when blatant hypocrites lose (ie the GOP). Again, per Jesus’ harsher criticism of hypocrites, we’re further ahead if the more honest sinners win, than if the greater heathens, the hypocrites running around with their God talk, win. That’s always a worse outcome, imo. (I think one proof of this is how some very secular countries around the globe are actually far more ‘christian’ in word/deed than the fraud that is the ‘christian’ USA and all its vocal christianeze and politicians, yet boasts some of the highest levels of degradation and violence and injustice, in the world and also boasts a large majority of yammering ‘christians’ who seem to want to do very little about those things but instead produce disgusting things like this calendar and wholeheartedly join a personality cult with things like this being banners! for their cult!
          Lord of heaven and earth, would you please grant us so much more losing!

          1. Considering the folks that put together this calendar, those who marketed it, and the ones who would buy it, are full blown MAGA-loving Trump cultists, I am not surprised. Considering they defend Trump for his behavior, attitudes, and comments (Grab Em…) towards women as merely Locker Room Talk.

            Hardly conservative nor Christian….

  1. I am infuriated. I agree with Sheila Gregoire. I can’t find the words, and I feel demoralized. It’s pretty simple: Women are women – image bearers of God. It is NOT OUR BODIES that make us real or not real women! This calendar actually falls in line with what they are trying to fight. If your body looks like a woman, you’re a woman. I thought that was what they disagreed with.

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