De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

Una suite de lujo, un préstamo cuestionable para un oficial y juegos de azar: la inquietante verdad sobre el liderazgo en MBI

Por Julie Roys

Como ministerio cristiano sin fines de lucro respaldado por donantes y dedicado a equipar a los creyentes para hacer discípulos en todo el mundo, el Instituto Bíblico Moody (MBI) debe mantener los más altos estándares éticos entre sus líderes. Lamentablemente, este no ha sido el caso en los últimos años.

Desde mantener una suite de lujo para un miembro famoso de la junta hasta préstamos cuestionables a oficiales y apuntar a denunciantes, el liderazgo de MBI ha supervisado un sistema de beneficios, privilegios y castigos que es una afrenta al evangelio. Y, lamentablemente, esta red de influencia y corrupción no solo ha obstaculizado la capacidad de la junta para hacer frente a los crisis actual frente al instituto, pero contribuyó a ello.  

La junta se involucra en el "autonegocio"

Aunque reglas del servicio de impuestos internos prohibir que las organizaciones sin fines de lucro presten dinero a los funcionarios y miembros de la junta, o les proporcionen instalaciones y servicios, la junta de MBI aparentemente ha estado involucrada en esta práctica, llamada "auto-negociación", durante años.

En 2009, el instituto otorgó al presidente Paul Nyquist un préstamo de $500,000 de interés únicamente para comprar un $1.08 millones condominio “Contiguo al instituto.” Esto fue en un momento en que el instituto estaba experimentando un estrés financiero significativo, que solo se ha exacerbado en los años siguientes. Recientemente, el instituto anunció que cerrará su campus de Spokane y recortando un tercio de su cuerpo docente debido a problemas financieros. 

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[pullquote] “I’m always against loans to corporate officers and directors. . . . If it’s not paid back, then that certainly puts it into the category of self-dealing. I’d be very uncomfortable in an audit in a situation like that.”[/pullquote]When asked generally about the practice of loaning to officers (not MBI in particular), Attorney Rich Baker, a partner with mauck y panadero, un bufete de abogados de Chicago conocido a nivel nacional por representar a instituciones religiosas, dijo: “Siempre estoy en contra de los préstamos a funcionarios y directores corporativos. . . . Si no se devuelve, eso ciertamente lo coloca en la categoría de autonegociación. Me sentiría muy incómodo en una auditoría en una situación como esa”. Según lo último Formulario de impuestos 990, durante los últimos nueve años, Nyquist no ha pagado nada de su préstamo de $500,000. 

Cuando confronté a Randy Fairfax, actual presidente de la Junta Directiva de MBI, sobre el préstamo de Nyquist, dijo que había hablado con abogados y contadores que cuestionarían la opinión de Baker. También dijo que había estado involucrado en la decisión de otorgar el préstamo a Nyquist, y que el instituto lo hizo solo después de consultar con profesionales legales y contables que aseguraron a MBI que el préstamo era legalmente permisible. Agregó que el instituto ha informado el préstamo todos los años en sus formularios de impuestos 990.

El IRS permite una excepción a ciertos tipos de compensación a los llamados "personas descalificadas”, siempre que la compensación sea “razonable y necesario a la realización de la finalidad exenta” de una entidad sin ánimo de lucro. Sin embargo, la casa de Nyquist vale más del doble del precio medio de venta de viviendas alrededor del instituto. Y, su compensación total en 2010 fue $309,630, y aumentó 9.4% a $338,735 en 2016.

Envié un correo electrónico al director financiero de MBI, Ken Heulitt, para que me aclarara el préstamo de Nyquist, pero no recibí respuesta. También le he pedido una entrevista a Paul Nyquist, pero no ha respondido. 

Según los informes, entre 2000 y 2008, el instituto se dedicó de nuevo a la venta por cuenta propia proporcionando jerry jenkins, autor de la popular Dejado atrás libros y entonces presidente del consejo de administración de Moody's, con una suite de lujo en el último piso de Jenkins Hall. En 1999, Jenkins donó una cantidad de dinero no revelada a Moody, lo que permitió al instituto comprar el edificio que lleva su nombre. Y según un artículo de 2006 en el Chicago Tribune, MBI luego convirtió dos antiguas unidades para personas mayores en el último piso del edificio en una suite para el uso de Jenkins y su esposa, algo que, según los informes, los funcionarios estatales encontraron "preocupante". 

[pullquote]”According to Konrad Finck, former facilities manager at MBI, Jenkins and his family members used this ‘glitzy’ suite as a ‘second home.'”[/pullquote]According to Konrad Finck, former facilities manager at MBI, Jenkins and his family members used this “glitzy” suite as a “second home.”  Finck said that other than those who cleaned the apartment and maintained it, only Jenkins and his family members had access to it.

Si MBI hubiera permitido que otras personas usaran la suite, y si Jenkins hubiera usado el apartamento solo cuando estaba en la ciudad por asuntos de fideicomisario, no se consideraría un trato propio. Sin embargo, Finck dijo que la familia dejó su ropa en el armario y lo amuebló con sus propios muebles. Además, la esposa de Jenkins se quedaba en la suite cuando estaba en la ciudad, y un hijo de Jenkins también la usaba. 

La suite tenía acabados de primera línea y una “gran ducha a ras de suelo”, que se convirtió en la “manzana de la discordia” para Finck. “(Jenkins) seguía quejándose de que se filtraba”, dijo Finck. “Fue en ese momento que comencé a tener sentimientos muy negativos sobre todo el asunto porque él era muy exigente”.

Finck dijo que otros en el instituto también comenzaron a expresar su preocupación por el apartamento. “A algunos de nosotros nos pareció que no era del todo según Hoyle. Quiero decir, ¿él estaba pagando el alquiler? . . . No nos parecía que lo fuera”.

En algún momento alrededor de 2008, Finck dijo que alguien en el instituto presentó un "informe de denunciante" anónimo internamente en MBI. Como resultado, la alta gerencia supuestamente puso fin al uso exclusivo de la suite por parte de Jenkins. 

Finck dijo que dejó el asunto después de eso y asumió que el uso de la suite por parte de Jenkins había cambiado. Sin embargo, Finck conocía la identidad del denunciante. Y en un momento, dijo que un alto directivo de Moody lo llamó a su oficina y le pidió que divulgara el nombre del denunciante, pero Finck se negó.

“Sé que Jerry estaba muy molesto por (el denunciante)”, dijo Finck. “Sé que estaba tratando de averiguar quién lo había hecho, quería hablar con la persona que había hecho el informe. . . . Para mí, incluso pedir eso era totalmente inaceptable porque todo el acuerdo con el sitio web (denunciante) era que no se le pediría que se identificara. Debería haberlo sabido como presidente de la junta”.

Jenkins rechazó mi solicitud de entrevista, pero ofreció la siguiente declaración: “Este desafortunado malentendido fue investigado a fondo hace años por el consejo de administración y la administración, y recibí una disculpa por cualquier implicación que alguna vez mantuve para mi uso exclusivo o considero mío el apartamento de invitados en Jenkins Hall.

Envié un correo electrónico a Ken Heulitt, director financiero de MBI, y Brian Regnerus, director de comunicaciones estratégicas de MBI, solicitando detalles de esta investigación y aclaraciones sobre el uso de la suite por parte de Jenkins, pero no recibí respuesta. También le pregunté al fideicomisario emérito Paul Johnson, quien supuestamente sabía sobre la investigación de MBI, si estaría dispuesto a hablar conmigo al respecto, pero no respondió. 

Luego, ayer al mediodía, recibí un correo electrónico de Greg Thornton, vicepresidente senior de medios de MBI, informándome que "después de consultar con el Comité Ejecutivo de Moody Board, el liderazgo está terminando su empleo". No me dieron ninguna razón y me informaron que mi jefe, el Gerente de Programas Dan Craig, estaría en mi casa en dos horas y media para recoger mi computadora portátil.

MBI eliminó la prohibición de los juegos de azar sabiendo que su presidente estaba apostando

Durante varios años, he estado profundamente preocupado por el aparente comportamiento poco ético y la colusión entre la administración de MBI y su directorio. En 2013, serví en el comité de empleados que revisó los estándares de empleados de MBI y sugirió cambios en el liderazgo. Después de numerosas reuniones, nuestro comité recomendó eliminar las prohibiciones contra el consumo de alcohol y tabaco, pero insistió en que se mantuviera la prohibición de participar en "juegos de azar institucionalizados" en base a Ef. 5:3-7

Varias semanas después de hacer estas recomendaciones, Greg Thornton, quien había facilitado las discusiones del comité de empleados, me llamó a su oficina para una reunión privada. Debido a que yo había expresado mi mayor oposición a eliminar la prohibición de los juegos de azar, Thornton dijo que quería reunirse conmigo personalmente para informarme que la alta dirección había eliminado la prohibición de los juegos de azar, en contra de la recomendación del comité.

En septiembre de 2013, Moody anunció sus nuevos estándares para empleados. Y un mes después, Revista MUNDO informó que Jerry Jenkins había admitido apostar tanto en su casa como en torneos de póquer de casino.

[pullquote]”I asked him if MBI officers were aware that Jenkins was gambling when they decided to remove the gambling prohibition.  Thornton admitted that they knew.”[/pullquote]After this revelation, I met privately with Thornton again.  I asked him if MBI officers were aware that Jenkins was gambling when they had decided to remove the gambling prohibition.  Thornton admitted that they had.

Desde entonces, Jenkins se disculpó con la junta, la facultad y el personal de MBI por los problemas que causó su juego. También se comprometió a "nunca volver a patrocinar un casino", pero no se comprometió a dejar de apostar. Jenkins también retuvo su puesto como presidente de la junta, pero en 2015, después de un año de transición entrenando a Randy Fairfax para que lo sucediera, renunció y ahora se desempeña como fideicomisario.

¿Zorros cuidando el gallinero?

Dada la historia de Jenkins y el préstamo sospechoso entre la junta y Nyquist, no sorprende que Jenkins y su sucesor, Fairfax, inicialmente ignoraran la evidencia de irregularidades de la administración de Nyquist, que salió a la luz este otoño.

En octubre, antes de una reunión en el campus de la junta directiva, un recién graduado de MBI envió un correo electrónico a Fairfax y al miembro de la junta Juli Slattery, alegando que MBI había “comenzado a comercializar el fundamento seguro de la Palabra de Dios . . . para el frágil fundamento de las mareas culturales del día.” La carta documentó numerosos ejemplos de esto, incluidos varios relatos inquietantes de las clases del profesor y presidente del Programa de Ministerios Urbanos, Clive Craigen. Según los informes, el correo electrónico se reenvió a Jenkins, pero no a algunos de los otros miembros de la junta, y no dio lugar a ninguna acción.

Luego, el 25 de octubre, envié un correo electrónico a Slattery informándole de posibles irregularidades en el instituto e instándola a compartir la información con otros fideicomisarios y encargar una investigación completa. Mi correo electrónico hablaba de una reunión el 5 de abril entre la administración y el Comité de preocupaciones de la facultad “después de que un número considerable de miembros de la facultad (quizás 30 o más) enviaron cartas al Comité de preocupaciones de la facultad a principios de 2017 expresando serias preocupaciones”. 

Estas preocupaciones incluían “acusaciones contra (el preboste Junias) Venugopal por cambiar sus expectativas, mal manejo de individuos y grupos, prácticas de contratación injustas, mandatos sin discusión, desestimar preocupaciones sobre la deriva teológica en el instituto, violaciones del gobierno compartido y falta de respeto por la facultad. .” 

Como prueba, adjunté una carta de un profesor de Moody al rector adjunto Larry Davidhizer, en la que se hace referencia a la reunión del 5 de abril y también expresa su consternación por la forma en que la administración manejó la reunión. Según se informa, Venogupal cerró la discusión, él y los decanos trataron a los profesores de manera antagónica, y Nyquist terminó la reunión con un comentario divisivo agradeciendo a los leales a la administración. La carta también hace referencia a un incidente en el que Venugopal supuestamente reprendió a 18 profesores que habían acudido a él con un problema relacionado con la teología y preguntó por qué aquellos que buscaban proteger la declaración doctrinal serían tratados de esa manera.

[pullquote]”Fairfax later told me that he responded by calling and talking to Nyquist, but then dropped the matter without forwarding any of the information I had sent to the rest of the trustee board or talking to even one faculty member . . . ” [/pullquote]Slattery told me that she forwarded the contents of my email including the professor’s letter to Jenkins and Fairfax.  Fairfax later told me that he responded by calling and talking to Nyquist, but then dropped the matter without forwarding any of the information I had sent to the rest of the trustee board or talking to even one faculty member.  He also admitted that he had not requested any of the 30 or more faculty letters submitted to the Faculty Concerns Committee. To my knowledge, neither had Jenkins or Slattery.

El 15 de diciembre volé a Detroit para reunirme con el fideicomisario emérito Paul Johnson y el vicepresidente de la junta Rick Warren (un hombre de negocios de Michigan, no el famoso pastor) para poder compartir con ellos el contenido de mi investigación. En ese momento, Warren no había oído nada de la reunión del 5 de abril con el Comité de Asuntos de la Facultad, ni de los problemas que la habían conducido. Johnson había oído hablar de él días antes, pero solo porque tuvo una conversación telefónica con el profesor de teología Rich Weber y luego recibió un documento de 65 páginas de Weber que detalla muchos de los problemas. 

Jenkins afirmó recientemente en un comentario sobre un artículo publicado por la mensaje cristiano, “Para cuando la Sra. Roys fue a Warren and Johnson, varios de nosotros, los fideicomisarios, estábamos discutiendo los problemas serios que ella y muchos otros habían planteado”. No sé quiénes eran estos fideicomisarios que estaban teniendo estas conversaciones con Jenkins, pero aparentemente no involucraba a Johnson ni al vicepresidente de la junta.

Desde mi punto de vista, no fue hasta después de que Weber envió el documento y me reuní con Warren y Johnson que la junta comenzó a tomar alguna medida. Pero en lugar de impulsar el proceso, tanto Fairfax como Jenkins lo desviaron al criticarme por supuestamente violar el "protocolo" y acudir directamente a los fideicomisarios. Fairfax me confrontó por violar el protocolo durante una conversación telefónica el día después de que me reuní con Warren y Johnson. De manera similar, Jenkins envió una carta poco después de mi reunión con Warren y Johnson a toda la junta quejándose de que había violado el protocolo.

[pullquote]”Trustee boards are supposed to hold administrations accountable and protect whistleblowers.”[/pullquote]Trustee boards are supposed to hold administrations accountable and protect whistleblowers.  Fairfax and Jenkins did just the opposite. And disappointingly, when I sent a document to the trustees informing them of Fairfax’s and Jenkins’ actions and inaction, nothing happened.  But then again, some of those on the current board probably approved Nyquist’s loan. Certainly all must know about it.  In addition, some more veteran members probably are aware of Jenkins’ alleged improper use of the MBI suite.

Estos tristes hechos son los que finalmente me impulsaron a hacer pública esta información. Me alegra que los miembros de la junta finalmente estén dispuestos a investigar y abordar los problemas muy serios de la administración actual. Pero, ¿qué pasa con los problemas extremadamente serios con la junta? He seguido el “protocolo” de Mateo 18. He hablado con administradores y numerosos fideicomisarios. Los he confrontado con evidencia de malas acciones y los he instado a reconocer sus pecados y renunciar. Pero no lo han hecho. Y ahora es el momento de rendir cuentas.

Las palabras que Dios habló a los iglesia en sardis hace dos mil años parecen especialmente apropiados para Moody hoy:  

Yo conozco tus obras; tienes fama de estar vivo, pero estás muerto. ¡Despertar! Fortalece lo que queda y está a punto de morir, porque he encontrado tus obras inconclusas a la vista de mi Dios. Acordaos, pues, de lo que habéis recibido y oído; retenlo, y arrepiéntete.

La junta completa de MBI está programada para reunirse mañana en el campus de Chicago del Instituto Bíblico Moody. Oro por el bien de Moody, pero más importante por el Reino y la gloria de Dios, que estos líderes confiesen, se lamenten y reconozcan todo lo que han hecho y permitido. Creo que Dios puede reconstruir Moody y lo hará, pero solo si sus líderes responden con humildad y contrición en esta hora crucial.

Continúe orando por Moody y sus líderes. Oren también por los profesores, el personal y los estudiantes, quienes ciertamente están sufriendo y luchando como resultado del estado actual de las cosas.   

Corrección: una versión anterior de esta publicación señaló que Paul Nyquist hizo $233,252 en 2009, lo que significaría que su salario aumentó 45% entre 2009 y 2016. Sin embargo, el empleo de Nyquist comenzó en abril de 2009, por lo que su salario de 2009 fue por un año parcial.  



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109 Respuestas

  1. Letter of the law (mam made) vs intent of the law (God made) is Pharisetical hypocracy in full view! It may not be technically illegal but is it what God would approve? Christ followers are Ambassadors living in and representing the Kingdom of God. To make excuses that it’s ok by the legal system of man is no excuse! I see no example of Jesus demanding a fine place to stay when he came to town. I see no evidence of Paul demanding special treatment from his flock, it was Pharisees that demanded extra, more and special treatment. Such a shame. Allowing the first sins early on then demands that other sin be allowed because how do you call out one without calling out the other! Of course improper teaching and theology become allowed, you can’t pull the sliver out when they can turn around and expose your beam! Prayers for wisdom for those who are not blinded by excuses and for humility to come to the proud. Unfortunately for the board and MORE so for the students, money speaks and if supporters back away due to lack of movement toward correction, it is the Kingdom of God that gets knocked. God’s work will get accomplished on earth, I am praying that Moody will still be here to continue in it.

  2. It seems to me the trustees have only two options at this point….
    1) Remove Nyquist and his enablers,and preserve and restore the historic Gospel mission of MBI or
    2) Continue to rally around his failed leadership,flawed theological points-of-view and bullying tactics and, as result, see the complete destruction of the great school and ministry.
    One more thing: a new board of trustees who are engaged and payinh attention to what is going on.

  3. Thanks for keeping us posted. Having been forced out by MBI myself in a previous administration, I feel your pain. I remember the man who fired you as a fresh-faced up-and-comer in the print division many years ago, and I also worked at a Christian school where Venagopal exhibited the same kind of behaviors that he apparently is still exhibiting at MBI. My family has links to MBI that go back to the 1940s. It’s so sad to read what’s happening now, and to know so MANY employee friends who have been let go.

  4. My child is currently going to MBI… I wonder if she will even be able to graduate? How can they think they are doing right in the sight of the Lord? Is God, God… to them? If I were them, I would fear God!

  5. I’d like to add that the recent layoffs dont even count all those employees of strong conviction who have been fired, demoted, and laid-off in the past several years. A few years ago, my husband tried to stand firm against the tide of compromise in his department only to be demoted to a position that would no longer support our growing family. Thankfully, God used it for good by teaching my husband to be a Daniel in this generation–he grew in courage to becomecthe pastor he is now (praise God!). That said, we weep for Moody and pray for a return to its mission and values. Where will it stand when my children are looking to train for ministry? Will it stand at all?

    1. D, this is what we are fighting for. Thank you for speaking out, more people need to do this too.

    2. What is also sad is that this trend has been going on for some time and so many commentators act like this is the first time they’ve heard anything or suspected anything like this could possibly happen. First beer and smoking are acceptable, bullying from Dr. So and So, misappropriation of funds. Years ago I heard that there were six phases of a project. Enthusiasm, panic, search for the guilty, punishment of the innocent and praise and honor for non-participants. sounds like what just been described above. We need more people like Daniel.

      1. William Orris — your missing project phase is “disillusionment”, it goes right after “enthusiasm”. That gives you six !

  6. This is deeply disturbing information and sadly not unheard of in large Christian organizations.

  7. If Nyquist and his Cronies aren’t removed soon, I am pulling my financial support from Moody…pronto!

  8. Angela. The only way this happens is to build a fire under the trustees by contacting them any way you can

  9. Well, this definitely changes where I might apply for a higher degree. Moody was in contention, but if the administration and board are doing these things and demoting those who hold to solid theology, why go there? That is a sad situation and I have seen this same thing happen in the past. I am not impressed, but am impressed by your courage, Julie. Thank you and I’m sorry you had to do it. I remember the pain myself in another situation.

  10. What scares me about his whole situation is the possibility of “throwing the baby out with the bath water.” I would hate to see the wonderful Biblical influence Moody has had over the years be thrown away do to the inappropriate behavior of some.

    No wonder the Bible lets us know the visible church must contain the wheat and the tares together until God’s final reaping. I wish I knew how to dig out the whole truth. I pray for wisdom for everyone and pray that God will discipline those who have not honored His name at MBI.

  11. This is sad… even if only half is true, it is wrong. It is the responsibility of all leaders to speak out against the small things before they become big things that will destroy a ministry. There should never be “gray areas” within the ministry.
    It is not easy to go against the grain, and speak out, and sometimes your career may suffer, but if something is wrong it must be stopped. God will honor you for protecting His ministry.

  12. God has raised his servant Julie Roys to be a voice of a prophetess to the leadership at Moody Bible Institute. This appears to be the culmination of years of drift at the school from godliness into worldliness and from biblical correctness into political correctness under the Nyquist Administration. Julie follows years of efforts by others to confront this drift. Behind her voice is the voice of many who have been part of the Moody legacy.

    Rather than hearing this collective rebuke and call to repentance, the leadership at MBI has proven the allegations against them to be true and has demonstrated the hardness in their hearts. Rather than humbly receiving the rebuke they decided to fire the person God sent to deliver it to them.

    Moody Bible Institute is at a crossroads. The full Board of Trustees meets tomorrow. Their actions at this moment may take MBI across a point of no return.

    Soon God’s message to MBI may no longer be repent, but as in Matthew 23:37-38 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate.”

  13. To say that the Jenkins’ building has a “luxury suite” is completely laughable.

    As a Moody graduate (and my husband is one as well), we have both been inside of Jenkins. I can recall sitting on the floor of a 1-bedroom apartment (in their living room) in Jenkins’ with a total of 6 people crowded ON THE FLOOR and cramped in like sardines for a missions meeting!

    For those who are not Moody alumni, you should know that Jenkins Hall is a very humble (to say the least) apartment complex in which married Moody students, Moody grad students, and IMMIGRANTS who are SENIOR CITIZENS live. The rooms which they would have converted according to Julie’s article were probably rooms “left behind” (pun intended) when senior citizen immigrants who lived there died…

    As a Moody graduate, I am proud to call the Moody Bible Institute my Alma Mater and I STAND WITH AND FULLY SUPPORT MOODY.

    For anyone reading this article, I strongly believe that Satan is using people to attempt to destroy the Moody Bible Institute. Today an article was posted by a popular blogger (not Julie) who has been actively responsible for the destruction of a very large God-fearing church on the West coast, and is actively trying to destroy the largest missions movement in history. I am choosing not to name these two organizations, as his blog is not worth your time. He has been on Julie’s program before and per his blog, they have been correspondence since she was fired yesterday. I do not find the fact that they are and have been in touch coincidental, as this individual is known for seeking to destroy Godly organizations.

    Please, we are the Body of Christ. Jesus’ prayer in John 17:22 – 23 was for unity in the Body of Christ. I have only seen disunity being bred through these postings. With humility, I earnestly implore you, pray for unity for Moody. Pray for God’s power to be demonstrated over the power of Satan in this attempt to destroy the 132+ year legacy of the Moody Bible Institute and its Godly founder D.L. Moody himself.

    My prayer and FIRM ASSURANCE is this, that…


    As Christians we are called to demonstrate discernment, to be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16.

    I urge you to note where this discussion does not line up with behavior that is taught in the Bible, and then to demonstrate your own pursuit of unity and the expansion of God’s work through MBI.

    For the advancement of His everlasting kingdom,
    Melanie Allum, Class of 2012

    1. Actually… Julie’s claim about Jerry’s room is true. As a contractor for Moody I have stayed in that suit. I believe it is 14F, which is on the top floor, in the east corner facing campus. It is extremely nice, so much so, that the first time I walked in there I couldn’t believe it, and texted pics to my wife. – I will see if I can find those.

      But this is true.

      1. “As a contractor for Moody I have stayed in that suit.”

        So then you acknowledge that this article, which states that the Jenkins were the only ones allowed to stay there, is false.

        1. We would like to point out that Dallas Jenkins, Jerry Jenkins son, does not deny or defend ANY of the claims Julie has put in her article. Nor does he say she’s lying or anything else… but is only concerned with the timing of this Contractor Peter. Dallas you know the truth, and we know it too. Seems like Moody has their own 1% and your day of reckoning has come.



      2. I can’t wait to see them, I have been there and understood why Moody’s invited guests preferred to stay at a hotel for their comfort.

  14. Is anyone concerned they are jumping the gun? I don’t know if these “charges” are true or not and neither does anyone else commenting. If they are then yes things should be corrected. Haven’t really heard from anyone besides disgruntled former employees. A MBI alumni

  15. It is the mark of a toxic, spiritually abusive environment, whether it be a church or in this case, an organization, where those that have the courage to point out a problem do themselves become ” the problem” in the eyes of those who are propagating the wrongdoing. Julie, I am so proud of you for being courageous and following through,even though I am sure you were aware it would probably cost you your job. Thank you for caring enough about the Lord’s honor and His work, to put your reputation and employment on the line. Praying for God’s will to be done. And may He bless you in deep, wonderful ways. Keep doing His work! (And personally, with you gone from the lineup at WMBI, I have even fewer reasons to listen to its broadcasting. I am glad Family Radio is available with better music and solid programming.)

    1. Out of the mouth flows issues of the heart – will you stand fast with us in His mercy knowing the truth is being made known and all things being made new that are pruned. His mercy triumphs over judgement.

      The voice of God is everlasting and is to be seen and heard with the heart of Him who gave it to us. Isn’t it? That is our call being made in Him.

      WMBI is a blessing in Christ to weary world. Pray with us; will you?

      Love, Laura

  16. I am saddened that “FAKE NEWS” has creeped into Christian Journalism. The Holy Spirit grieves when one of his own is persecuted falsely. I pray truth will be revealed before more damage is done to the godly men and women who have given so much of their lives to follow God’s leading in guiding this school for His Glory.

  17. I am a current student at Moody. It’s my senior year, I am a TESOL major and have met with Mrs. Nyquist a few times throughout my Moody career.

    I would just like to say that I would be so so so cautious in laying out these accusations about the President&administration.

    First, I think it’s safe to say that we are ALL sinners, we ALL deserve death, hell, eternal separation from God. We ALL have big problems and we ALL need Jesus. Secondly, this article truly breaks my heart. Not because I believe what is written, but because of the accusations made that are not justified and only given through one person’s perspective. Hurting people hurt people. Julie, I pray that God can mend your heart. He loves you. He wants what’s best for you. Wether it’s true or not, His heart breaks over misgivings, gossip, and misleading accusations.

    As believers, we MUST stand for God’s truth, yes. But must not look at situations and make judgements based off of one perspectives perceived accusations. I truly believe that God is allowing this because of the true blessing Moody has been for so many years. I was taught solid theology, by solid professors, who love the Lord with all of their hearts. I have LOVED my Biblical training. It breaks my heart knowing that articles such as these may bring them fear for their calling to be at a blessed and annointed institution.

    That being said, we are ALL far from perfection. We all need refining and we all need to lean on the grace of God to carry us through. Please, readers, take these words with a grain of salt and just PRAY for Moody! Trust that God IS doing a good work. And don’t be too hasty to believe words of one perspective. Whether it is right or not, it’s hurtful and harmful to the school and administration that it is not being given their choice to deal with the matter properly. Let us keep trusting Him! Truth will set free!

    1. Kindsey is right. As believers in Christ we should be careful not to simply believe everything that we read online, and most certainly such comments are “hurtful and harmful to the school and administration.”

      I’ve been watching these blogs and what I see as a constant pattern is quick comments trying to say destructive things towards MBI. In any situation where cuts have to be made, it is normal to have employees become disgruntled and it seems to me that there is a community of people who are monitoring and posting simply to make it seem as if they are the majority…

      I too was deeply saddened over cuts that MBI has had to make and I grieve deeply with the Moody community; however, it is important that we exercise discernment. Rather than continuing such gossip, we should instead pray for God’s hand of blessing to be on Moody and for unity to prevail and God to protect the Moody Bible Institute from such assaults and make her shine as the diamond she has been in His kingdom work.

      We are not here to tear down the body of Christ, but rather to build Her up. Pray for Moody to stand through this trial.

  18. Lord in your mercy, every one of us are humbled, and praying in repentance and grief over this sin. With the body of Christ, the brethren; our brother’s and sister’s in Jesus Christ we are praying. Lord cover and renew us. Amen.

  19. Praying for all you asked. your courage is commendable and the Lord knows. Luke 12:1-7 has been comfort to me in a similar situation: turned on and called ungracious for attempting to hold Christian leaders to biblical standards. There is diminished fear of God throughout evangelicalism. It’s very sad but we must not fear and we must hold fast to the truth!

  20. I’m not an alum of MBI, but have visited the campus/church and appreciated Moody from afar. A friend told me about what was going on when she sent me your previous post.

    I’ve been the person who pointed out the truth in another Christian situation and was forced out. I was lied about to the board. I lost a job I liked and needed.

    But God.

    He vindicated me several months later when the truth came out. I received apologies from those who believed the lies. It couldn’t fix everything, but I firmly believe that God is not mocked or amused when His children who tell the truth are hurt in the process.

    I pray God will also vindicate you and will provide beyond all that you could ask or imagine.

  21. Julie, Thank you for caring enough about Moody Bible Institute and the work God is doing there to shine a light into the hidden areas of men’s lives. As someone else above said we are all sinners, even those who serve in leadership positions at the Institute. The question is 1. Are they admitting their sin and seeking forgiveness? Or 2. Are they denying their sin and seeking to make others the scapegoat for their actions? It is actually very simple: Did he take a loan from the Institute? Did he gamble? Did they use their position/power to try to silence or fire people for telling the truth? Very easy questions to answer. I am praying for the board that God will provide clarity and courage to do the right thing. There is a time to clean house and let leaders go when they cover up their sins and seek to find fault with those who told the truth. May God allow the truth to be revealed and accomplish his will at Moody Bible Institute!

  22. Julie, it is obvious that you would loose your job. If you worked anywhere else in the world, say Chick-fil-A for example, and you posted a terrible article, with mostly untrue claims and already settled arguments. Then yes, your boss would fire you too and come collect your uniforms in an hour. You reap what you sow and all you have sow is rumors, lies, deceit, malicious evil, and you’ve been sowing it all for the glory of the devil not God. It’s clear that Satan has a bigger hold on your heart right now than God. My advice is get on your hands and knees and ask for forgiveness. Even now you could still earn your position at moody back if you posted a blog dispelling all of your rumors and lies and asked for forgiveness from God and moody leaders. They would forgive you and welcome you back. I know that because they really are committed men of God’s word and would welcome home the lost son that you have become. Come home Julie before it’s to late and Satan locks you away in his pocket. If you choose to stay this course then may God have mercy on your soul and may you have peace to know that you deserved to be fired and any institution would do the same. Even whistleblowers at your beloved Medill have been fired in the past, I hope you know that and weren’t hidden from that at Medill… maybe you missed the day in class where they talk about that… ackward….

  23. It seems to me that it was a big mistake to allow Jerry Jenkins’ combination of being a big time money donor and a wielder of power on the trustee board at the same time. I think it’s his presence on the Board that makes some of these things worse than they otherwise would be. But if this were all just about a glitzy Jenkins suite or gambling I don’t think we would be having this conversation. To me the worst thing is the Machiavellian maneuvering by MBI’s leadership, the way these layoffs were used to purge their most vocal critics (some of whom had raving reviews from every student I ever heard speak of them), the firing of Julie being confirmation of that, and the way MBI has been transformed into a haven for worldliness and political radicalism (forsaking its Christ-centered mission). And the radical politics have nothing to do with pursuing godliness or biblical morals (such as defending the sanctity of life or the sanctity of marriage), but quite the opposite, they have to do with shoving worldly ideologies that are even too extreme for many mainstream liberals down MBI students’ throats (racist ideologies such as “white guilt” and “white privilege”, etc..see Morgan Freeman’s comments on youtube calling it out for the nonsense it is). Approval of abortion and gay marriage by Moody staff is now tolerated in practice even though it still may be against policy (See the Broken Twig website). Saul Alinsky would be proud, while the Holy Spirit grieves. MBI has seen the rise of a toxic divisive bully culture Berkeley would be proud of. This letter from a 2017 Moody grad is just heartbreaking. It is atrocious what the Nyquist administration has done to MBI. When I was a student just over a decade ago morale was high and there was no such division on campus. Such things were rare to nonexistent. As an outside observer I have noticed some of the things this student describes. Not too long ago I noticed an MBI student celebrating gay marriage on facebook. I questioned him and a debate ensued. He wholeheartedly supported gay marriage and condemned opposition to it. Most MBI students paying attention to the dialogue gave him support. No current MBI student chimed in to rebuke him. One MBI student private messaged me to thank me and to express the intimidating and corrupting presence this student I debated had on campus at MBI. It has become clear to me that the Nyquist administration is responsible for the division, decline, and potential demise of MBI, not Julie or most of the critics of this administration https://thebrokentwig.wixsite.com/snap/single-post/2017/12/14/Student-Exposes-MBIs-Liberal-Shift

    1. Outstanding comment Eric. Spot on. The way things are supposed to work, and the way they DID work at Moody for several decades was where the board was made up of Godly people who held the administration accountable. Today though, the main requirement for being on the board is that you’ve made a ton of money. These rich people are of course used to getting their way and thus they call the shots. They give paul n a posh, luxurious residence and a large salary increase and in effect, buy his allegiance to them. Great system huh?

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