De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

OPINIÓN: Mi respuesta a Phil Johnson de Grace to You, Part One

Por Julie Roys
Phil Johnson
Grace to You Executive Director Phil Johnson (Video screengrab)

El director ejecutivo de Grace to You, Phil Johnson, apareció esta semana en un video con Justin Peters aparentemente para dejar las cosas claras, después de mi 3 de febrerord artículo revelador El estilo de vida caro de John MacArthur, múltiples salarios elevados, falta de transparencia y nepotismo.

los video fue lo que he aprendido que es el clásico Phil Johnson, repleto de asesinatos de personajes, medias verdades y pistas falsas, pero lamentablemente carente de hechos.

Las primeras palabras de Johnson fueron contundentes, refiriéndose a mí como alguien que "pretendía ser un reportero de investigación que ya tenía un largo historial de intentos de torpedear la reputación de John MacArthur".

Johnson no establece este supuesto “historial” con pruebas. Tampoco menciona que de las dos docenas de artículos que publiqué sobre MacArthur, una docena eran artículos periodísticos directos, que informaban sobre las batallas legales que MacArthur ha enfrentado con las autoridades gubernamentales.

Un artículo fue extremadamente positivo, mostrando cómo MacArthur fue uno de los pocos líderes cristianos que hace años advirtió el Instituto Bíblico Moody sobre su imprudente asociación con el famoso predicador ahora caído en desgracia, James MacDonald.

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Johnson tampoco menciona que de mis muchas investigaciones, ninguna ha resultado falsa, sino que ha expuesto a lobos como james macdonald, Ravi Zacharias, y Bryan Loritts.

A lo largo del video, Johnson me acusa de elegir hechos para que se ajusten a mi narrativa, pero, irónicamente, eso es precisamente lo que Johnson hace en todo momento. Sin embargo, no solo omite detalles importantes; Johnson también hace afirmaciones que son falsas.

En la primera parte de mi respuesta, abordaré las acusaciones personales de Johnson en mi contra. En la segunda parte, explicaré por qué sus respuestas a los problemas financieros planteados en mi artículo del 3 de febrero no logran resolverlos.

Acusación de “chantaje”

Johnson admite en su video que busqué repetidamente respuestas de él y de su ministerio a los problemas financieros que examiné en mi artículo reciente. Sin embargo, Johnson dice que no me respondió porque exigí respuestas al día siguiente y “no responde bien a los chantajes”.

La verdad es que la primera vez que contacté a Johnson fue en febrero de 2020. Me di cuenta de que Johnson estaba activo en Facebook, así que le envié un mensaje privado para preguntarle si hablaría conmigo sobre algunas preguntas financieras que tenía.



Al mismo tiempo, también contacté a David Fisk, director financiero de Grace to You (GTY) y Grace Community Church (GCC).

Semanas después, ni GCC ni Johnson habían respondido. Sin embargo, Fisk me había enviado los estados financieros de GTY y el 20 de marzo respondí con una lista de preguntas.

En el video, Johnson dice que Fisk le envió las preguntas y Johnson tenía la intención de responder. Luego declara:

Y luego envió otro tipo de acusación: una de sus características es que envía una lista de preguntas y dice: "Necesito sus respuestas para, ya sabe, mañana al mediodía porque voy a imprimir esto, con esta historia”, que no respondo bien al chantaje. Y fue entonces cuando le respondí y le dije: “Mira, tenía preparada una respuesta a todas tus preguntas. Pero ahora que lo he buscado en línea, veo que todo lo que ha escrito sobre John MacArthur ha sido un intento de desacreditarlo. Entonces, no voy a responder sus preguntas y, además, nadie más de nuestro ministerio responderá las preguntas que tenga”.

La narrativa de Johnson es desconcertante porque nunca envié un segundo correo electrónico, exigiendo una respuesta al día siguiente. Sin embargo, en el correo electrónico original, que se envió un viernes, pedí una respuesta para el final del martes siguiente, es decir, dentro de cuatro días.

David Fisk Grace to You

Sin embargo, durante esos cuatro días, publiqué un artículo sobre un tema diferente: informé que un pastor que había asistido a la Conferencia de Pastores de 2020, Alexey A. Kolomiytsev, había muerto de COVID-19.

Ese artículo desató un torrente de tuits negativos por parte de Johnson y sus seguidores. Johnson me acusó de salir “a propósito” de mi camino para “agitar a las turbas de Twitter”. Otros me llamaron reportero "pirata".

Me criticaron por no darle a Johnson suficiente tiempo para responder a la consulta que le había enviado a través del mensajero de Facebook. Luego, me criticaron por enviar una consulta a través de Facebook, en lugar de un correo electrónico. (Llamé a la iglesia y también envié un correo electrónico a MacArthur).

Tan pronto como recibí el comentario de Johnson sobre la historia, que ciertamente fue después de unas horas porque estaba en una reunión, actualicé el artículo y publiqué la actualización en Twitter. Pero eso no detuvo el vitriolo.

El lunes 23 de marzo, Johnson me envió un correo electrónico lleno de caracterizaciones desagradables e informándome que ni él ni nadie de su ministerio responderá mis preguntas.

Respondí con un correo electrónico conciliador, disculpándome por no darle a Johnson más tiempo para responder a la historia inicial, pero Johnson no respondió.

Ahora he aprendido que el ataque personal es el modus operandi de Johnson.

Rusty Leonard, el fundador de MinistryWatch, me dijo que a principios de la década de 2000, recibió un correo electrónico "despiadado" de Johnson simplemente porque MinistryWatch le dio a GTY una calificación de tres estrellas.

Brannon Howse, fundador de Worldview Weekend Radio, afirma en un publicación de blog de 2017 que Johnson lo intimidó sin piedad simplemente porque Howse criticó al amigo de Johnson, el apologista James White.

En 2019, Paige Rogers se convirtió en el objetivo de Johnson después de que escribiera un artículo para el Informe NOQ, exponiendo las principales contradicciones entre el relato de MacArthur de la noche en que el Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fue asesinado y el relato de Charles Evers. De manera predecible, Johnson golpeó a Rogers, calificando su artículo como un "artículo de éxito" y comparando a Rogers con "reporteros de escándalos de chismes" y "monstruos de rencor".

Ahora me doy cuenta de que Johnson es un matón y necesito ignorar sus insultos. Pero en ese momento, la experiencia fue extremadamente desconcertante. Hizo que me retirara temporalmente de la investigación de GTY y MacArthur, que estoy seguro era la intención de Johnson.

Para que conste, una segunda persona que asistió a la Conferencia de Pastores de 2020 también contrajo COVID-19 y murió poco después de la muerte de Kolomiytsev.

I informó Johnson y GCC de la muerte de la segunda persona el 4 de abril. Sin embargo, el 23 de abril, MacArthur y Johnson publicaron un video en el que MacArthur afirma que Kolomiytsev es "la única persona que conocemos que salió de la Conferencia de Pastores y tenía ese virus y finalmente murió".

Doxing de Johnson

Ese correo electrónico mordaz que Johnson me envió el 23 de marzo de 2020, apareció en línea en formato de carta hace dos semanas. La única diferencia entre el correo electrónico y la carta publicada en línea fue que la carta redactaba el nombre de David Fisk, pero agregaba la dirección de mi casa, el membrete de GTY y la firma de Johnson. (La dirección de mi casa ahora está borrosa en la carta en línea).

En su entrevista con Peters, Johnson admite que doxado yo cuando publicó la carta. Luego promueve la lesión al alentar a las personas a buscar mi dirección en línea y alegando que estoy explotando la situación por "victimización".

Johnson también me acusa de engañar a MacArthur, lo cual no es cierto. Todos los documentos que he publicado en línea han redactado la dirección de MacArthur, y publicar imágenes aéreas no identifica la ubicación de alguien como lo hace una dirección. 

El comportamiento de Johnson es un ejemplo sorprendente de cómo no tratar a alguien después de haberlo hecho mal. Pero su mal comportamiento es mucho más grave que eso. 

Johnson nunca se ocupa de la abrumadora evidencia de que fabricó la carta con mi dirección. Esto haría que el doxing de Johnson no fuera un mero descuido, sino un ciberataque calculado.

Como señalé en un artículo anterior, Johnson nunca me envió la carta que publicó en línea, lo que admite Johnson.

En el video y en Twitter, Johnson afirma que imprimió una copia de la carta en marzo pasado. Luego, hace dos semanas, escaneó la carta de meses de antigüedad a PDF para poder publicarla en línea.

Sin embargo, el PDF original que Johnson publicó no es simplemente una imagen escaneada de una copia impresa, como afirmó Johnson. Los metadatos revelan que la carta se creó digitalmente el mismo día que publiqué mi artículo sobre las finanzas de MacArthur.

Johnson ahora ha modificado su historia, diciendo en Twitter que escaneó el correo electrónico a PDF y luego hizo una “copia limpia” en Microsoft Word. Johnson afirma que eliminó la copia de Word, por lo que no hay forma de probar o refutar su historia.

Phil Johnson Tweet

Sin embargo, lo que es especialmente revelador de la carta en línea es que el logotipo de GTY es una imagen incrustada que se insertó en el PDF. Del mismo modo, la firma de Johnson tampoco es una imagen escaneada, sino una firma digital “húmeda”, como señaló recientemente David West en Twitter.

Entonces, incluso si acepta la historia de Johnson, está claro que Johnson se tomó muchas molestias para "recrear" una carta con mi dirección para poder publicarla en línea. Además de supuestamente escanear la carta a PDF y convertirla a Word, también agregó un membrete GTY y su firma electrónica, luego redactó el nombre de Fisk, pero no mi dirección.

Sin embargo, si Johnson creó una carta a partir de mi correo electrónico, lo que parece probable, no solo hizo todas estas modificaciones, sino que también agregó mi dirección personal, que aparentemente buscó en Internet para encontrarla.

En este punto, desafía la lógica pensar que Johnson me engañó por accidente.

¿Información seleccionada?

Johnson también me agrede en su entrevista con Peters porque supuestamente ignoré un documento en el que supuestamente Johnson “respondía muchas de las preguntas” que le había enviado a GTY.

Johnson también tuiteó un reclamo similar, acusándome de no vincular a "versiones completas de los documentos de los que seleccioné citas".

Estas afirmaciones carecen de credibilidad por varias razones. Primero, no hay evidencia de que el documento "completo" que Johnson publicó el 5 de febrero de 2021 estuviera disponible en línea antes de que yo publicara mi artículo. Tuiteé a Johnson hace dos semanas, pidiéndole que proporcionara pruebas de que lo era, pero no ha respondido.

En segundo lugar, el documento al que vinculé en mi artículo, que fue una declaración que Johnson publicó en 2014, es muy similar al "versión completa Johnson publicó en línea

A continuación se muestra una comparación lado a lado de los dos documentos. (Los documentos son largos, por lo que incluir los documentos completos no es práctico. Siga los enlaces anteriores para leer las versiones completas).

Johnson Statement

Por último, los comentarios que Johnson dice que ignoré son prácticamente textuales lo que cité en mi artículo.

En el video, Johnson afirma:

¿Y cuáles son los hechos que absolutamente no ayudan a (Roys) la narrativa que he hecho una y otra vez: no evalúas la administración de una persona, en función de cuánto dinero ganan, cuál es su salario? Evalúa si son amantes del dinero o no observando su estilo de vida. Y me atrevo a cualquiera que mire el estilo de vida de John MacArthur y lo acuse de una vida extravagante.

Esto es lo que imprimí en mi artículo:

Johnson también argumentó que "el estilo de vida (de MacArthur), no sus ingresos, es lo que las personas con mentalidad bíblica deberían considerar si quieren evaluar su carácter". . . .

“Ninguno de los que realmente ve cómo vive John lo ha acusado alguna vez de autoindulgencia o incluso pensó en sus sueños más locos describirlo como un amante del dinero”, afirmó Johnson.

En lugar de demostrar que seleccioné solo citas que mejoraron mi narrativa, Johnson en realidad demuestra lo contrario: que representé su posición de manera justa en mi artículo original.

También se incluye en mi artículo original la explicación de Johnson del salario de $400K+ de MacArthur de GTY en 2012 porque el ministerio le dio a MacArthur una rara Biblia King James. Sin embargo, he descubierto nuevos detalles sobre ese regalo, que revelaré en la segunda parte de mi respuesta a Johnson.

También responderé a la defensa de Johnson de los millones de dólares que GTY ha pagado a empresas propiedad de Kory Welch. Y presentaré nueva información para ayudar a evaluar el argumento de Johnson de que MacArthur merece regalías por sus sermones, a las que supuestamente MacArthur ha renunciado.

Espero que la audiencia de Johnson resulte "noble" como el Bereanos y verifica todo lo que Johnson y yo hemos presentado. Confío en que, si lo hacen, verán exactamente lo que yo he visto: que Johnson desvía, ataca y tuerce la verdad. Dada su posición en Grace to You y Grace Community Church, esto es extremadamente preocupante.

*Un error que Johnson notó en el video fue la imagen aérea de la casa de MacArthur en Colorado en mi artículo original. la foto correcta es ahora publicado. Sin embargo, la afirmación de Johnson de que la casa de MacArthur en Colorado está en dos acres en lugar de cinco no coincide con la información provista por Condado de El Paso ni el fideicomisario de TMUS, David Wismer, Sr. 



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141 Respuestas

  1. I’m so sorry, Julie, that you’ve had to endure this.

    And I am shocked, appalled, heartbroken—so many other feelings I cannot find words for—over Johnson’s behavior. It’s as if the pandemic situation has opened my eyes.

    Thank you for the work you do, Julie!

  2. Julie great job of reporting. I listen to John MacArthur and he is a great biblical teacher. However, your question were legitimate and required a direct explanation which Phil did not give stating policy but yet he gave the ministry and explanation. Also, he justification to have John’s son on the board was because of check writing availability and ensure John’s legacy is the weakest justification I have ever heard. We all know the truth that pastor love a board of friends and relative in order to have no opposition to what they want. Phil also said it was unreasonable to publish salaries which I laugh at. I work for the gov’t in CA and mine is published on the web. Your article did not question Dr. MacArthur’s faith but the transparency of the church and GTY. So if you want to be transparent then publish salaries based on position but we know why they don’t want to do that. Keep up the good work all Christians need reporting like this. All the best and you are in my prayers.

    1. I feel the same way, Greg. Not only that, Peters and his “Clouds Without Water” series was very helpful in it’s expose of the word of faith cult. In addition to the Covid denialism, the political worship and the hypocrisy of lashing out when the same light of scrutiny is fixated on them is distressing and sorrowful. The commenters defending them with the same kind of personal attacks, rabid name calling etc. only proves this point that these people have become the same corrupt perverters of God’s truth they spoke against.

      1. Peters spending his life “exposing” Word of faith “cults” (which anyone with a modicum of discernment can tell for themselves) is a deliberate smokescreen and red herring to distract people from the most dangerous teaching of all, which is Calvinism. These men appear in suits (and in front of huge libraries, as Johnson does), crow about their “qualifications” (“Dr” MacArthur) as if Christianity were a university degree, and speak swelling words of vanity, thus ensuring people accept them as truth bearers.

        They are not truth bearers. Anyone who has read the Bible (a good synopsis of this crucial point is found in 1st Corinthians 1:17 – 2:16) should know that the carnal, unregenerate man’s wisdom isn’t God’s wisdom but is in fact “foolishness”.

        Calvin admitted that he took his theology more from Augustine than from the Bible. He quotes Augustine every four ages of his “Institutes…”. Nobody reading the Bible on its own could come up with Calvinist doctrine. Calvin would have xalled himself an “Augustinian”. Augustine came up with the basis for TULIP during his later pagan period. He also went back to Manachaeism (i.e pagaism) for his theory of election. None of the early church fathers had that view.

        So many people have been conditioned into Calvinism that they equate it to the Gospel. I pray they become “good Bereans” and examine the Scriptures for themselves.

        1. MHeuston,

          I’m a Calvinist. This means I believe that Jesus is Lord. It means I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. It means I believe that when I heard the Gospel call, the Holy Spirit regenerated me from my spiritual grave, which resulted in me trusting in Jesus for my salvation and committing myself to him as Lord of my life.

          Yes, Johnson and Macarthur are Calvinists. But I don’t think that Calvinism is the thing responsible for any wrongdoing they have done.

          1. One Salient Oversight,

            Not too quibble too much, but GCC, Johnson, and Macarthur are poser Calvinists IMHO. Sure they have Calvinist soteriology, but that is about it. None of the church ecclesiology, covenant theology (they are both hardcore dispies), church governance, creedal statements, liturgy, etc. that historic Calvinists (such as those of the Continental (e.g., Dutch Reformed) or Scottish (e.g., Presbyterian) types). They want the Calvinist soteriology but are fundamentally loosey-goosey Baptists in everything else.

            And the irony is most of these Neo-Calvinstas that have given historic Calvinism are this type of poser. That does not mean that all Baptist types with Calvinist soteriology are Calvinistas of course.

    2. Right on Greg,I went to a church for many years and a new pastor took over and you had to request the yearly financial statement, it showed Absolutely nothing of who made what, I feel this is very sneaky, the church should be the most transparent place going, why would they even dare to make it so secret.

    3. Master Smith, my church does not publish “salaries based on positions” on their website. And many churches I know of including one which has three times the membership than ours does not do so too. Mostly it is feminists who think they are Christians cos they think they can juggle both the roles together, are the ones beating the drums over publishing salaries. Why would they like to do that. Just to appease you. Get a life Master Smith. Better yet go out and make friends and witness why you believe in the Lord to others. But for that you must be knowing God and God must know you. Your writing prove other wise though. Good for you, you do not have to prove your faith in the Lord to me :D

      1. DEEPSEAFISHING, your uncharitable comments reak of the same stench as those of Phil Johnson. Before you start making insuating comments about the salvation of others you might want to check your Bible about loving others. Better yet, I will help you out.

        Si alguien dice: “Amo a Dios”, y odia a su hermano, es un mentiroso; porque el que no ama a su hermano a quien ha visto, no puede amar a Dios a quien no ha visto.
        — 1 Juan 4:20

  3. I watched the interview, I was surprised at how many times Johnson said, “I’m not sure “and his demeanor was not what I was expecting. My thought was, if there is nothing to be embarrassed about the compensation that these individuals are receiving from GTY, and various ministries, why so embarrassed about the truth?.
    This interview by Johnson was upsetting to say the least.
    How dare ordinary Christians hold the ministry accountable!!!!
    That’s the impression I got from Phil Johnson, sad really.
    Keep up the good work Julie.

  4. Even if all your facts were wrong, we are called to love our enemies.I am often reminded of I Peter 2:23-25 if I am mistreated. But is that how they have responded?. No. Bullying. Accusations. Character assassination. Which shouldn’t that raise even more red flags for people? You stated the facts in your articles. Nothin more. But I am amazed that no one cares. People continue to defend the famous over and over.

  5. You’d think someone at Grace would pull him aside , and say, “Look you’re embarrassing yourself and all of us.” The fake document episode is beyond description. About the interview, if he doesn’t have sensible answers for these things, best to say and do nothing. I guess he thinks we’re all that dumb.

    Keep it up Julie. This strange behavior means you’re asking exactly the right questions. The guiltless don’t act so bizarrely.

  6. Nice work, Julie!  They must be running scared over at the GCC!  Phil realized he needed help so he reached out to Justin Peters (a member of the EIC).  Who is Phil going to call next for help?  Donald Trump?  Why doesn’t JM just come out from the shadows and talk with you?   

  7. Wow, Phil Johnson is to the MacArthur Crime Family as Tom Hagen (played by Robert Duvall) is to the Corleone Crime Family in the Godfather movies.

    I am a pastor who does church revitalization, which means I often work in hostile situations. I have a saying, “when you work in a snake pit, you have to be smarter than the snakes.” Julie, you are! That is the gift of wisdom that comes from the Spirit. Bullies like Phil “Tom Hagen” Johnson have spent so much time bullying their way to get what they want, they don’t know what to do when they meet up with someone smarter than them — such as someone who can discern from metadata a fabricated letter.

    You know, we just learned something from ex president Trump, the man who tried to pull a coupe. He always gets away with things, he is never held accountable. The only way to take him out is through $$$$$$$. People need to withhold their money, and bring on the lawsuits. That is the probably the only way that the MacArthur Crime Family is going to be held accountable.

  8. Phil Johnson revealed his true character years ago when he called Ingrid Schlueter a ‘discernment diva’. He and his Calvinistic dude-bros should keep quiet considering their theology has God ordaining all these events from before the foundation of the world.

    He is not helping the cause of Christ at all.

    1. Yes. Unfortunately, Ingrid Schlueter had to endure the arrogance of Phil Johnson and others. Why? Because she reported ‘truth’. She was and still is adept at seeing past the façade of many professing Christian teacher/preachers.

      Praying for Julie Roys as she continues to serve the Lord with integrity.

  9. Unlike RZ, MacArthur, his family mafia, and all his henchmen such as Johnson WON’T escape justice in this lifetime. They’re going down, fast and hard. Satan may be strong but God and his Kingdom and stronger and He is with you, Julie. Thank you for fighting the good fight.

  10. Comparing articles I was initially a bit confused on the release of financial statements.

    With regards to financial statements both articles seem to be talking about the same general time period.

    The distinction is between “Grace To You” financial statements, of which it appears a least some have been released, and the “Grace Community Church” financial statements which it appears have not been released.

    From this article:

    “the first time I reached out to Johnson was in February 2020…. At the same time, I also reached out to David Fisk…. However, Fisk had sent me GTY’s financial statements, and on March 20, I replied with a list of questions.”

    Desde https://julieroys.com/prosperous-lifestyle-americas-anti-prosperity-gospel-preacher/

    “Grace Community Church (GCC) refuses to release its financial statements …. That was 10 months ago.

    To date, I have not heard back from GCC…”

    10 months before February 2021 is April 2020.

    From the ECFA link: “Grace Community Church of the Valley Sun Valley CA 04/02/2020 Voluntary Resignation”

    Not sure about TMUS – I haven’t gone back and reviewed the articles for TMUS financial statements.

  11. It is incredibly disappointing to see Justin Peters fail to hold Phil Johnson accountable during that interview. Peters never asks Johnson to provide evidence for his claims, nor does Peters call Johnson to account for his character attacks on Julie Roys. Moreover, MacArthur may be considered a fine preacher by some, but I have serious doubts as he so hypocritically called out Ravi Zacharias from the pulpit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5zWLaV9BjY), yet he puts his own children in positions of power in his organization/church and lines the pockets of his son-in-law. He also lives a very wealthy lifestyle, probably far above that of many people in his congregation who give sacrificially so he can have his multiple houses, etc.

  12. Julie – I have had experience with Phil Johnson so I understand what you’re going through. But the doxing – that is beyond the pale. Are you pursuing legal remedies for that? Doxing is a crime in California.

    1. Darrell:

      I watched the YouTube video. Johnson’s attitude about the doxing incident is telling. He admits that he did it, then proceeds to justify and rationalize his behavior. Basically he blames the victim. He admits he did it but there is obviously no remorse, humility, regret, compassion, nothing that would suggest any sort of repentance for his bad (and illegal!) behavior. On the contrary, he and Peters share a hearty guffaw over it, as if Roys somehow is only getting what she deserves. It’s truly appalling.

      I have been a long-time listener and supporter of GTY. This has been eye opening.

  13. If what Phil Johnson said was true, and the $400K income just happened because they bought him an antique Bible, that is still very concerning.

    The amount of money spent on an antique Bible was obviously in the range of a few hundred thousand dollars if it resulted in that years $400K income. Obviously antiques are interesting and important, but a few hundred thousand dollars? That is money that could have been used to employ gospel workers.

    John Macarthur isn’t Jesus, and those who gifted him the antique Bible are not breaking perfume over his feet, which means I’m not Judas for asking this question.

  14. Got to understand Johnson’s attitude and approach during an hour lunch at America’s Keswick back in the mid 2000’s. Johnnie Mac had just written about the ‘Emerging Church’ (which means Johnson and others actually did the work) and I couldn’t take the nonstop BS session during the lunch. I challenged him on some of his assertions and he attempted to quiet and shame me by appealing to authority instead of responding to the issues raised. Luckily, I was an older student who grew up on the wrong side of the street and I don’t get intimidated. I fired back and he started his typical attempt at blame the messenger (me) and that was when I told him (and the table full of biblical students I was with) that a godly person argues the facts and the truth and not by fallacies of logic and ad hominem attacks.

    Johnson hasn’t changed a bit it seems. Godspeed Julie and please consider filing a complaint and allowing the law to punish him for doxxing you.

  15. While I don’t like Phil Johnson’s hostile approach to you, Ms. Roys, your reports accuse John MacArthur of having a covetous lifestyle. Being rich is not a sin. Now, should there be a cutoff point when it comes to pastors’ salaries? That I don’t know. Unlike Joel Osteen, JM does not preach a false gospel. Unless you can prove JM’s greed or love of money, you’re going on speculations, questioning his character. Phil Johnson is being protective over JM and I don’t blame him.

    1. Alicia like I shared on another post, after reading your 3 other posts , you truly sound like a man hiding behind a woman’s name. Your comments have a particular ugly worldly stench about them and they are coming out of you.
      Would you happen to be a certain particular kind of religious foul spirit that has absolutely nothing to do with the Sweet Sweet Spirit of the Living God?
      What’s it like being void of the Spirit ? What is it like being of a reprobate mind ?
      I bet you really enjoy it don’t you…….. ” Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.”

    2. Oh and while we are at it Phil , somebody commenting on this site shared that you are and I quote “one of the ugliest human beings I’ve ever known of in my life, and I don’t just mean “on the inside”
      I was wondering a couple of things:
      1) Do you remember when exactly it was that you got so ugly ? and
      2) Do you remember when the wickedness set in ?

      If you don’t remember I can help you ! It says here in Psalm 58:3 “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they
      go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies”

      Well that solves my problem but I’m afraid your problems are only just beginning but don’t worry they will only last to just before the beginning of Eternity (maybe, maybe much longer , who knows?, I know you don’t)

    3. Alicia, yes, being rich is not necessarily a sin, but that is not what this article or any of the others regarding MacArthur or Johnson are about. Rather, facts have been presented. Have you found any of the data to be untrue?

      Speaking of sin, do you believe Johnson sinned in any way, e.g. lying, abusive language, bullying and false character attacks, doxxing, etc., in his response to Julie and the information presented?

      Look into Johnson’s track record over many years concerning what multiple people have identified in various situations as some of his grievous sins. At least 3 examples, with links, are provided in the article above relating to his abusive, false character attacks. Here’s another one, from someone who has also said Johnson lied about talking to sexual abuse victims associated with Sovereign Grace Ministries, about MacArthur and Johnson’s lies related to MLK’s assassination and abuse of reporter Paige Rodgers, whose additional testimony about this can also be found online:


      Johnson has hundreds of thousands of annual $$$ reasons to be protective of MacArthur. What does it say about MacArthur’s character to have employed and worked closely with Johnson for decades as church leaders?

      Taken in total, the sum of the data presented here and elsewhere about MacArthur adds up to him preaching a false gospel with his life, regardless of what one thinks of his theology and biblical exposition, unless you believe the gospel is about enriching yourself and family from multiple donor-related, clandestine ministry streams, and lying and abusing people to do it.

      1. BINGO !!!!!!!!!!
        ” WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT MacArthur’s character to have employed and worked closely with Johnson for decades as church leaders?” Thanks Micaiah (above)
        what does it say about Justin Peters being so enamored with uncle phil ? Yuck

    4. Alicia – you are correct that being rich is not necessarily a sin. But becoming rich off of the Word of God is. Can you provide any example from the Bible where a person became rich off of the Word, other than false prophets?

      1. Members of God’s Church should care about His Church and what He cares about, for His glory and the benefit of His kingdom and other people. Jesus had harsh words for religious leaders whose lives did not agree with God’s Word, as did other prophets throughout the ages.

      2. LISA This matter originally arose because Mr MacArthur allegedly accused Carl Lentz and other fallen ministers of being motivated by the love of money.

        Allegedly having said this publicly, JM must therefore reassure all Christian members of the public that he, himself, is without fault in this area.

      3. Uh Lisa , THERE IS ONLY ONE CHURCH , somebody on this site must be living a righteous enough life to be in that church and to ask questions.
        By your statement above it actually says or means we are all separate , I might be separate from you but I’m absolutely for sure separate from johnny mac and uncle phil and ALL those like them.
        By the way, why would someone named “Lisa” come on this site and make one comment (so far) just to show that they don’t know what they are talking about ?
        Somehow it just doesn’t make sense does it ?

    5. Her original article concerned HYPOCRISY because MacArthur regularly calls out prosperity preachers, and did so again prior to her article.
      When someone doesn’t love money, they don’t accumulate 3 houses, 6-figure salaries and apparently $14 million in wealth.

      It’s an absurd argument to suggest one acquires all these things but is dismissive of them at the same time.

      But I guess double mindedness is the norm for for Calvinists whose entire doctrine is based on contradiction.

      “Woe to you who are rich” (Luke 6:24)

      And I wish folk would read ALL of the following passage and the warnings therein and commands (“FLEE THESE THINGS”)

      “….supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
      But godliness with contentment is great gain.
      Porque nada trajimos a este mundo, y es cierto que nada podemos sacar.
      Y teniendo comida y vestido, estemos contentos con ello.
      Pero los que quieren enriquecerse caen en tentación y lazo, y en muchas codicias necias y dañosas, que hunden a los hombres en destrucción y perdición.
      Porque raíz de todos los males es el amor al dinero, el cual codiciando algunos, se extraviaron de la fe, y fueron traspasados de muchos dolores.
      But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness” (1 Timothy 6:5b-11)

    6. Alicia,

      “Unlike Joel Osteen, JM does not preach a false gospel.”

      You don’t think “we are 100% right and infallible and we speak with God’s own authority on all issues” is a false gospel? It seems to me we had a little something 500 years ago called the Reformation, just to deal with that heresy.

      The difference between the MacArthur mafia and most Catholics is that the latter generally tries to be pleasant in their authoritarianism.

    7. How can she prove his love of money objectively when he chooses to hide his income? Wasn’t Johnson abusing the word of God to please his boss by defending the indefensible? Let assume JM is a right teacher. Right teaching does not equal to right living. JR deserves to be believed as she was able to substantiate her facts with undeniable evidences.

  16. Phil Johnson is a hard man, yes hard, full of knowledge concerning theology and Calvinism, but hard.

    You can memorise the whole Bible, and say all the Christian things, still without love it is just noise.
    The devil is a better theologian than all of us and he is still a devil.

    Phil believes that everything that happens has been God’s own doing, that God caused it all.
    So why on earth is he even concerned about anything that anyone says about John Mac and GCC etc?
    I mean it was God who caused person A to say these things about peeps B?

    He is a big bully, he has always just insulted and attacked those who said anything against his hero John Mac.

    So where on earth is the love in his heart? No conviction and no shame with Phil when he publicly insults and belittles another human being that was made in the image of God.
    Love your neighbour is not just a nice sounding quote, it is a command form Jesus!
    To not lie is a command from Jesus!

      1. Althea are you talking about this “The devil is a better theologian than all of us and he is still a devil”
        If you are , your theology is off cuz I don’t know who “Old Nick” is.

        “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
        2 Cor 11: 13-15

  17. Julie, one thing that should be noted is that Phil is not just a GTY employee but an elder of Grace Church, according to the website of Grace Church.

    I bring this up because he stated in his video with JP that everything decided about the Shep Conf was decided by the church – “that’s their conference “.

    That strikes me as a bit disingenuous to say while representing GTY when you’re also an elder of the church.

      1. You’re not crazy. Also check out a picture of Dan Phillips, one of the Pyromaniac bloggers who blogged with Phil. Similar looks.

  18. It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money.
    — 1 Timothy 3:1-3

    Based on this, Phil Johnson is more than disqualified from being an elder, but I guess that only applies to whoever is in his cross hairs. Even if I thought he was right, his response has been so uncharitable and ungodly, it would be enough for me to never listen to JM or GTY again.

  19. When dealing with men like Mr. Johnson, the first thing that goes out the door is the truth.
    Considering that he is supposed to be a pastor, how does he exhibit the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control? (Gal.5:22-23)
    In 1 John 3:10, God says “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.
    Instead of obeying Christ’s commands of Matt.5:44 , I see him acting murderously. In 1 John 3:15 God says “Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.”
    Mr. Johnson needs to repent for his sinful, wicked, and vindictive behaviour. Somehow I doubt he will

    1. Well said, Jack. I was also thinking of 1 John 4:20–If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.

  20. julio,

    BigMac, Johnson & their ilk become like gods enthralled w power & answer to no one, a position Our Lord reserves only for himself. With all their $$ & power I sadly fear they will eventually do as Ravi did & sue for defamation.

    Buckle your seat belt & plz seek legal…

  21. I was fooled for a time by Justin’s soft spoken “dear brothers and sisters” demeanor, and I did learn from him but I did not always agree with him. That is until I dared to question him in the comment section of one of his videos.
    First he tried to talk down to me. When that didn’t work he very quickly turned off the “aw shucks” personality and attacked me with sarcasm and lied about the original statement that I disagreed with. When that didn’t work and I tried to return to the original question he ignored me.
    Later I saw him use a similar technique on someone that disagreed with him. First he denied he said what he was questioned about and talked down to the questioner, then he insulted him. The questioner backed down and apologized to him. Which told me Justin has had success handling anyone that questions him with this technique. I called him out with a quote of his original statement that he claimed he did not make, but he ignored me. Then his followers stepped in with their typical accusations of being a tool of Satan, passages about not touching God’s anointed and people that cause division in the church, as well as threats of hell if I don’t repent. I quit listening to him.
    I tried to listen to this one with Mr. Johnson but his voice is just an irritation now. I read some of the comments and could see that he successfully riled up his minions against Julie.
    One of things I discovered is that many of the followers of deceiving Christian leaders cannot read very well or have problems with reading comprehension, leaving them vulnerable to manipulation.
    I read a book last year called Mobbed. Although I don’t recall that it addressed this type of mobbing I still recommend it.

    1. Thank you JMN , I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with “aw shucks” justin peters
      It sure is amazing when someone just scratches the surface of these “gee sounds like a christian” entities , I say entities because… well….. they exist and are very much part of the deception on this earth today.
      I made a comment up above yours not really knowing any details:
      ” What does it say about justin peters being so enamored with uncle phil ? Yuck”

      Well there it is AGAIN true true true true true as it was the 1st time I heard it a long long time ago…..
      Better be careful where you are FLOCKING !

      1. There are three that I know of in this flock, Phil Johnson, Chris Rosebrough and Justin Peters. I don’t know about Phil but Chris and Justin have a large army of followers that sing their praises regularly which seems to have inflated their egos and pride.
        I know who Tim Hurd is and his followers are also loyal minions of both him and MacArthur, but I have never seen him on videos with the others.
        Julie stirred a very large nest of vipers.

  22. It’s very sad that MacArthur has lavished properties. MacArthur strongly disobeyed the California government and its state laws in the midst of pandemic. Grace Community Church leadership in Los Angeles is in deep crisis. I pray for MacArthur to retire and spare the members soon. He is accountable to God, Julie.

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