De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

James MacDonald continúa con su diatriba; Se defiende usando el hashtag “#JRgossipsl**”

Por Julie Roys
James MacDonald
Deshonrado ex pastor de la Capilla Bíblica de la Cosecha, James MacDonald.

El pastor célebre caído en desgracia, James MacDonald, continuó con su diatriba contra mí y El Informe Roys el martes, llamándome repetidamente "#JRgossipslut" y afirmando que soy "NO un cristiano” sino “un apóstata”.

El despedido y descalificado el ex pastor de Harvest Bible Chapel también publicó una diatriba de 1600 palabras justificando su uso de "imágenes sexuales" en mi contra.

“Si te irrita el lenguaje fuerte hacia este #JRGOSSIPSLUT. . . es porque no está lo suficientemente familiarizado con los profetas bíblicos y su sensibilidad está sintonizada con la cultura informática del mundo occidental de 2021”, escribió MacDonald. “O posiblemente seas un 'cristiano de letra roja', que ni siquiera lee todas las letras rojas y ha creado un Cristo cultural aparte del bíblico”.

Mientras decía que solo me estaba confrontando a mí, MacDonald también llamó a los "detractores" que "nunca hacen lo correcto y se encuentran conmigo cara a cara"; “antiguos amigos” que “nos traicionaron a mi esposa ya mí”; ancianos que destruyeron “vidas y reputaciones”; y “otros líderes/pastores de HBC” que no cumplieron con “su deber bíblico” de reconciliar y restaurar.

“Mi atención se centra total y completamente en el único catalizador de esta destrucción. . .” MacDonald escribió. “Tendrías que estar de acuerdo, la he dejado parlotear durante mucho, mucho tiempo, más allá del daño, más allá de la destrucción, más allá de las consecuencias y hasta bien entrada la curación”.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Hurt and Healed by the Church” by Ryan George. To donate, haga clic aquí.

MacDonald también se refirió a El Informe Roys como un “ministerio de piedra de molino” en sus tuits y advirtió que aquellos que me apoyan “compartirán su juicio”.


Respuestas abrumadoramente negativas

Las respuestas a la diatriba de MacDonald han sido abrumadoramente negativas.

Alguien llamado Scott tuiteó que poseía un libro de MacDonald's, que ahora planeaba quemar. “Un supuesto 'hombre de Dios' sería lo suficientemente sabio como para nunca usar literalmente ese tipo de lenguaje al referirse a una mujer”, escribió.

Una esposa y madre, Angie Hodges, tuiteó: “¿No escribiste un libro llamado 'Señor, cambia mi actitud antes de que sea demasiado tarde'? Tal vez sería bueno orar por eso ahora mismo porque este hashtag (#JRgossipslut) es asqueroso”.

Una cuenta anónima, Robin Robin, referenciado informes de la personalidad de la radio de Chicago Mancow Muller y el ex guardaespaldas de MacDonald, Manny Bucur, que MacDonald una vez trató de contratar a un asesino a sueldo. Robin también señaló MacDonald's intimidación de los empleados y Estudiantes de la Academia Cristiana de la Cosecha, y la grabación de "micrófono caliente" en la que MacDonald bromea sobre poner pornografía infantil en la computadora del entonces director general de Christianity Today.

“¿Pablo y los profetas también atacaron a su yerno, arremetieron furiosamente porque un estudiante en clase no les estaba prestando atención, conspiraron para plantar pornografía infantil en un enemigo. . . intimidar a los empleados, etc, etc, etc…? Julie Roys NO es nuestra única fuente”, tuiteó Robin.


Justin Sytsma, director de adoración y divulgación en una Iglesia Presbiteriana en Ontario, Canadá, tuiteó:: “Oye, James, ¿todavía estás molesto porque ella expuso tu comportamiento malvado y pecaminoso? ¿Ya te has arrepentido públicamente de tu pecado público?”

La cuenta @sbcotton simplemente tuiteó una caricatura de MacDonald con el comentario: "Muy pastor, de hecho, #MinisterOfTheGossip".

Analizando supuestas “mentiras”

MacDonald afirma que tiene pruebas que exponen todas mis "mentiras". 

Sus tuits del martes indican que cree que la auditoría independiente realizada por Harvest Bible Chapel, y sobre la cual reportado, llegó a conclusiones falsas.

La auditoría encontró que la iglesia había mantenido dos cuentas corrientes privadas que le dieron a MacDonald $3.1 millones desde enero de 2016 hasta febrero de 2019.

Una era una “cuenta ejecutiva”, que le proporcionó a MacDonald una compensación diferida y también pagó algunos de sus gastos personales, según la auditoría. La otra era una cuenta de reserva para Walk in the Word (WITW), el antiguo ministerio de transmisión de MacDonald.

La iglesia informó que $1.9 millones de la cuenta de reserva de WITW se destinaron a MacDonald y los miembros de su familia para cosas como reparaciones de automóviles, motocicletas, gastos de cazay ropa y anteojos para James.

Harvest dijo en el momento de la auditoría que buscaba el reembolso de MacDonald por gastos que nunca deberían haberse pagado con fondos de la iglesia. Para otros gastos, la iglesia dijo que emitió MacDonald W-2.

Aparentemente refiriéndose a esos W-2, MacDonald afirmó en un tweet el martes: “HBC se reunió conmigo para la reunión w2, 24/2/20 resolviendo todas las $104K de preguntas en 2 horas, no millones, Julie”.


Sin embargo, según una Capilla Bíblica de la Cosecha de Octubre informe mayor, la resolución se produjo porque la iglesia cedió Walk in the Word a MacDonald en un acuerdo de arbitraje.

“En las primeras etapas del arbitraje, indicamos que revisaríamos ciertos gastos financieros con MacDonald”, escribieron los ancianos. “El proceso de revisión se completó recientemente y los gastos más grandes se realizaron bajo Walk in the Word, que ahora es James MacDonald Ministries (JMM). El monto restante ya ha sido contabilizado en declaraciones de impuestos anteriores”.

Además, como lo hizo en un Email durante el fin de semana, MacDonald acusado Cosecha en tweets de robo de dinero y activos de Walk in Word (WITW). Sin embargo, el análisis de las transacciones a lo largo de los años muestra que Harvest pagó a WITW decenas de millones de dólares.

Hasta 2011, Walk in the Word (WITW) existió como un ministerio de radio 501 (c) 3 separado. Sin embargo, WITW se convirtió en un ministerio de Harvest Bible Chapel el 1 de enero de 2011. Y según Harvest's Estado Financiero 2010-2011, WITW en ese momento otorgó $2.4 millones en activos a Harvest y Harvest asumió más de $278,000 de los pasivos de WITW.

Sin embargo, cada año, Harvest dio 5% de sus ingresos anuales a WITW, entre $1,2 millones y $1,65 millones, según el exproductor ejecutivo de WITW, Trey Morris.

Además, en marzo de 2014, WITW recibió $11,6 millones en tiempo de aire gratuito de Trinity Broadcasting Network debido a la venta de la propiedad de Harvest en Aurora.

Según Harvest's Estado Financiero 2015-2016, Harvest vendió la propiedad Aurora a TBN por $15,6 millones. TBN pagó $4 millones en efectivo a la iglesia y los $11,6 millones restantes se pagaron en tiempo de transmisión televisiva del programa WITW de MacDonald. (El acuerdo con TBN se extendió hasta 2022, pero MacDonald eliminó WITW de la televisión y la radio en 2019. Según los informes, los $4.1 millones restantes en tiempo de transmisión revendido a TBN de Harvest en 2019).

El año posterior a la venta de Aurora a TBN, el comité ejecutivo de cuatro personas de Harvest firmó un acuerdo para otorgar todos los activos multimillonarios de WITW a James MacDonald, según los antiguos líderes de Harvest, Dan George y Mike Dunwoody. (Según George y Dunwoody, la junta directiva completa de Harvest nunca aprobó el acuerdo del comité ejecutivo con WITW. Aun así, Harvest entregó todos los activos digitales y físicos de WITW a MacDonald en su 2020 acuerdo de arbitraje.)

Más por venir

MacDonald dijo en su declaración del martes que "comenzará a detallar las mentiras de #JRgossipslut" el miércoles y animó a la gente a "permanecer en sintonía".

En el primero de sus blogs, publicado esta mañana, MacDonald me acusa de no informar adecuadamente sobre su “arrepentimiento” a lo largo de los años. Me acusa específicamente de dejar fuera de mi exposición sobre la cosecha, que se publicó inicialmente en la revista WORLD, el hecho de que en septiembre de 2014, MacDonald leyera una declaración a su iglesia, expresando su arrepentimiento por excomulgar a tres ex ancianos en un video de 2013.

MacDonald agrega: “Esa declaración (2014) fue escrita por el Dr. Erwin Lutzer (entonces con Moody Church), quien con el Dr. Colin Smith (The Orchard), dirigió una reunión privada de perdón mutuo (a pedido mío). Fue una reconciliación de la que nunca me he apartado, que involucró a hombres con los que felizmente me volvería a encontrar para recibir gracia y mayor sanación”.

La afirmación de MacDonald acerca de que no reporté su declaración de septiembre de 2014 no es cierta. En mi exposición inicial, escribí: 

En septiembre de 2014, MacDonald dijo que la iglesia se había reconciliado “de manera significativa y mutua” con los ancianos censurados. Él se disculpó por la forma dura en que el liderazgo había disciplinado a Phelps, Marquardt y Slabaugh. Los tres antiguos ancianos le dijo al MUNDO habían aceptado la disculpa de MacDonald y WORLD felizmente transmitió la noticia de la restauración.

“A cambio de una disculpa, acordamos dejar [Harvest] en paz y dejar que la junta de ancianos realice las reformas necesarias”, escribieron recientemente los tres ex-ancianos en una declaración conjunta.

Pero ahora los tres ancianos creen que fueron engañados: Marquardt me dijo que no ha visto evidencia de reformas en Harvest y, en cambio, ha escuchado repetidas historias de maltrato. Los otros cinco firmantes de la carta de 2013 también dicen que no han visto evidencia de que se hayan resuelto los problemas de carácter que involucran a MacDonald. También entrevisté a más de dos docenas de ex miembros del personal, ancianos y miembros de Harvest, incluidos algunos que dejaron la iglesia en los últimos dos años. De manera similar, afirman que MacDonald y otros líderes de Harvest han mostrado un patrón continuo de abuso relacional y financiero, falta de transparencia y engaño absoluto.

MacDonald también afirma que no he informado sobre su arrepentimiento más reciente, que afirma que "ha estado en manos de los ancianos de HBC durante más de dos años". Al mismo tiempo, escribe: “No puedes arrepentirte de las mentiras. ¿No es mentir lo que la gente hace para no tener que reconocer su parte en un conflicto?

en un artículo publicado el pasado mes de noviembre, sí informé sobre el "arrepentimiento" de MacDonald. Incluso publiqué palabra por palabra una declaración que había publicado MacDonald, que explicaba su "arrepentimiento", al mismo tiempo que acusaba a Harvest Bible Chapel de robar $6.6 millones de WITW y llevar a cabo una campaña para destruir la reputación de MacDonald.

Indiqué en mi artículo que había hablado con docenas de antiguos miembros del personal y ancianos clave de Harvest, y ninguno de ellos informó que MacDonald se había arrepentido o se había disculpado con ellos. Que yo sepa, eso no ha cambiado.



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43 Respuestas

  1. Jaime,

    The more macho you become the more ridiculous you look. The more you attack Julie the more you bring to the surface those of us who would happily meet you down a dark alley way to teach you some manners.

    This young woman is a gift to the church at a time when the need to pull back the veil to expose people such as yourself is so great.

    James, you are finished in public ministry. The best thing to do right now, is retire from public life, find God in the stillness, live simply and give yourself to prayer, fasting and seeking God.

    But most of all you need to pull back from these attacks on Julie.

  2. “While saying he was confronting only me, MacDonald also called out ‘detractors’ who ‘never do the right thing and meet with me face-to-face’”…

    Did JMD wait until he had such a meeting with Julie before beginning his public campaign? What triggered this latest attack against Julie?

  3. Thank you for your work Julie. As sad and painful as it is, your work is invaluable and prophetic to the people of God. I thank God for you, and pray that he will protect and guide you.

  4. Has he ever considered the more he attacks someone who had exposed him the guiltier he looks?
    And was James MacDonald exposed in the 1990’s for having an affair? Or am I wrong? I gladly will stand corrected.
    I believe James needs to repent and step down. And definitely stop his attacks on Julie Roys!
    That isn’t cutting mustard with me! It makes him look guiltier because of his attacks.
    If one is falsely accused it is best to often pray for the accuser. And not go on a name calling attack.
    I have in recent weeks been thinking about the issue of Ravi Zacharias. I have weighed this issue of why we need to get rid of his material. I believe we should according to Acts 19:18-20. I know in the light of the cancel culture many people are hesitant to do so lest they be accused!
    Please also read Deut.7:25&26. Plus Psa,101:1-3. I have made a decision just his morning even before I had a chance to read this article it is time to clean up! To clean house.
    Sometimes as a preacher I take the attitude that I need to look at certain stuff in order to deal with the doctrinal errors. WEll I have decided that I want to have a clean house from things that are clearly cultish. No more Books of Mormons in my home! I need to clean them out.
    No more JW “Bibles”. It is time to clean house.
    There’s been plenty of stuff written by others that I can get help from in dealing with those cults.
    And some maybe wondering why I am saying this in the light of James MacDonald I have decided to if I find any of his books/literature, etc to clean house. Acts 19:18-20 gives the example!
    And if he is going to call people like Julie Roys bad names I think I need to pull away from all involvement I have ever had with him which is not much. I think if he is the man exposed for adultery in the 1990’s I may have read one of his tracts!
    In closing,

    Prov.22:24&25-“Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a
    furious man thou shalt no go:
    “Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.”

    1. In terms of having an affair, I think you are more likely thinking of Gordon MacDonald (in the late 1980s). He has repented admirably.
      James MacD has plenty of characteristics and actions that disqualify him from pastoring, but as far as I’m aware adultery is not among them.

      1. Thank you. That is the man I mistook him with. I appreciate the correction. And as far as I know I really have no books or articles by James MacDonald to Acts 19:18-20.
        And the article I read by Gordon MacDonald I no longer have anyway.
        Thank you and I am glad to have my facts straight. God bless you

  5. Thank you for all these clarifications, Julie. I’ve followed this story for several years, but still couldn’t keep everything straight in my mind when I read all those accusations JM is making against you. I’m sure the clarifications will be ongoing, since he has stated that his mud-slinging will be ongoing.

    Anyone who claims the name “Christian” should speak with the grace and dignity that you continue to model. I hope James’s remaining followers can see what a reproach he brings on the Name of Jesus Christ.

  6. I would say if you love Jesus and still endorse serial abusers like James MacDonald and Mark Driscoll, you are enabling their behavior and share in their corruption. There comes a time for true repentance. In the meantime, be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing.

  7. Like other commenters, at this point the JMac situation is beyond outrageous and just extremely sad. It’s like watching a man choosing to enter damnation. For the sake of his soul, I hope the man is truly mentally ill, and not entirely responsible for his behavior.

    But Julie, you must also consider JMac a serious danger to you personally. He has apparently made serious inquiries into hiring a hit man in the past, and now you seem to have become the primary focus of his rage.

    I hope the FBI, as well as your local police, have been apprised of his history and his current obsession with you as his chief nemesis, and that they are advising you and helping you take all prudent steps to protect yourself.

  8. Thank you for this thought-provoking article. It is getting me to think more about some of the ways I have done things.
    I am not against rebuking sin even from the pulpit(Isa.58; Prov.27:5; 1 Tim.5:19&20; 2 Tim.4:1-5; Titus 1:13)! I recognize that Jesus Himself did use strong terms rebuking the scribes and Pharisees in such passages as Matt.22&23 and Luke 11:37-54.
    But my question. Is James MacDonald calling Julie Roys those names to either hurt her or to possibly make a name for himself? Or is he doing out of live and concern for her?
    I find this very thought provoking and challenging. I plan to apologize to a lady I had some troubles with who I have called vicious names! I really regret it now! And I really regret the name I called her.
    So please keep me in prayer about this.
    So I thank you for this article.It has got me thinking and wanting to search the scriptures more(Acts 17:10&11)!
    ¡Dios te bendiga!

    1. The name calling without proof (Jesus called out the wicked by name, after they exposed themselves), is a propaganda deflection technique, to dehumanize an accuser without directly addressing the accusations. You notice people are calling him out on this, but not asking about her specific allegations on his twitter.

      His response is to say “look at what I said before…” the issue with this he doesn’t directly discuss anything and laments the illegal recording that was released. It does not matter how the recording was made in relation to how it exposed his character, only legally does the recording come into question.

      Here is a strange coincidence, his abbreviation for the Home Church Network is HcN which is hydrogen cyanide.

  9. Julie, why does James keep doing this to you? You have done nothing wrong! It makes me want to cry every time he attacks you like this. In the five years that I attended HBC in Rolling Meadows, the Lord must’ve blinded my eyes to the type of person he was. I’m glad that I’m at a place where Jesus is lifted up and the Word of God is preached. I just feel so terrible for you Julie…

  10. MacDonald has been written about before. He is Kurtz in “Heart of Darkness” and Weston in “Perelandra.” Now he lashes out, knowing that his time is short.

  11. Mrs. Roys,

    I first heard of you in relation to the Ravi Zacharias scandal, in a kind of off hand way. Then you did an interview with Victor Marx, a man I highly respect. I’ve listened to your podcasts, and your book on my Audible Audiobook app. After that, I bought two copies of your book, and have listened to more podcasts, like the one with Mancow, who I’m a fan of.

    My opinion is that James MacDonald is behaving like an animal when he calls you this hashtag name. My hope is that he humbles himself, and repents.

    I think that our Lord is angry, and my hope is that He excises the evil from our churches, like James MacDonald and others in way that only He can.

    I highly respect you Mrs. Roys. Thank you for the work that you’ve done, and please keep on putting forth good work.

  12. Every once and a while we get a glimpse behind the curtain of what is really going on when the camera is off with our beloved “Christian” celebrity idols. They are certainly a foul bunch of vipers. Did not Jesus basically called those in His time as white-washed septic tanks? Take a good long look at what is really going on. Many of our idols are more shrewd then JMac, but this is what narcissism is really all about underneath the white paint. It demands an entitled position and it throws childish tantrums of rage when it is not fed what it wants. And do not waste your time calling such to repentance. Jesus did not bother so why should we?

  13. About six months ago, I casually remarked to a friend on Facebook that given the amount of con-artistry, double-dealing and outright thievery that takes place in the American church today (not to mention the barely acknowledged sex abuse and predatory behavior I suspected was going on all over the place) that it was a shame that it was left to the often besieged writers at Christianity Today and a few outspoken mavericks to patrol the faithful. My friend simply responded with links to the Roys Report and Ministry Watch to school me on how wrong I was to assume that the scoundrels weren’t being called to account. Out of curiosity, I checked them out, and, man, was I completely wrong! For weeks I went down a rabbit hole of top notch reporting on Ravi Z., SBC shenanigans, lying prophets, financial malfeasance in high places and all manner of unChristian behavior by big name pastors. As a journalist myself, I appreciate Julie Roys’ thorough documentation of the facts without fear or favor. I open each Roys Report confident that it will showcase top notch reporting that is both scrupulous about the facts and conscientious regarding its impact. The fact that a disreputable, disgraced and, frankly, ridiculous caricature of a preacher like James MacDonald feels comfortable calling Julie Roys a “gossipslut” reveals how much Americans in general, and not just American Christians need to be exposed to this level of critical reporting about the personalities and institutions that claim to be following Christ. We desperately needs folks who aren’t afraid to speak truth to the powers and principalities.of American Christendom. If Jan. 6 taught us anything, it’s that there are a lot of gullible Christians out there. Thanks for shining a light in very, very dark places, Julie Roys.

    1. Textbook example of Narcissistic and Antisocial Personality Disorders.
      So sad that innocent victims, including Julie, have been caught in his path.

  14. As Shakespeare said “Thou dost protest too much!” There is no one so vicious as a wounded narcissist. They wear their skin like a bubble, which, when pricked, gets destroyed. The healthy believer, when challenged, considers the feedback they get, receive what fits and discards the rest. The narcissist, who needs to be all good and all right all the time, has no inner core of confidence in who they are. As a result, they see anyone who pricks their fragile shell as the enemy and must, at all costs, destroy that person. To a narcissist, criticism, even slight, is like a reflection back from a mirror that exposes their flaws. They must destroy the mirror, discredit it as itself flawed, and persevere in a tyrant of nuclear counterattack. Julie, you are that mirror. Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might.

  15. Hang tough Julie! You have so very much support. Thanks for keeping us informed. The truth can stand up to inspection. Gods wisdoms, blessings, and protection upon you, Julie!❤️????❤️

  16. I believe that not only is JM delusional, but he is dangerous both spiritually and physically. Julie, stay safe! May God protect you, and continue to be with you as you report the truth. We desperately need to see what you are shining light on! James MacDonald, Mark Driscoll and the others will one day stand in front of the Living God. And woe to them for their unrepentant sin. Keep fighting the good fight, Julie!

  17. It appears that many dark personalities are now boldly proclaiming their evil, in the world.
    It seems the previous president emboldened people to let loose with their evil desires.
    He thinks he can trash Julie, and then tell other people they are wrong and don’t understand the Bible if they don’t agree with him. The Word is being profaned when people use it to support and justify their evil intentions.
    It’s not our place to judge these types of people, but we can now see much more clearly who they are, and avoid them. And always examine ourselves.
    Keep up the great reporting.

  18. Someone wondered about the timing of these attacks. Just possibly it’s related to the most recently reported abuses by JMac’s buddy Mark Driscoll. Keep Julie busy answering all the lies and she’ll have less time to report on @pastormark— according to Jmac another “wonderful Pastor”. BTW — notice his use of the capital P when he’s not using it as part of a proper noun?

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