De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

El pastor de la megaiglesia de Chicago le dice al personal que mantenga en secreto un brote de COVID-19 entre los pastores y el personal

Por Julie Roys

El pastor principal de Iglesia del Calvario de Naperville—una megaiglesia en los suburbios de Chicago con una asistencia de alrededor de 6.000 personas— esta semana le dijo a su personal que mantuviera en secreto la noticia de que un pastor asistente había dado positivo por COVID-19. Pastor principal del Calvario martin sloan también instruyó a su personal a no decirle a nadie que la esposa y el hijo del pastor asistente, quien también es pastor en la iglesia, estaban teniendo síntomas.

Esto es según dos correos electrónicos filtrados a principios de esta semana por un miembro del personal que desea permanecer en el anonimato por temor a perder su trabajo.

Además, a pesar de saber que el personal y los voluntarios habían estado expuestos al pastor enfermo y los miembros de la familia que viven con él, el pastor Sloan continuó grabando los servicios en línea con varios miembros del personal, los miembros de la familia del pastor enfermo y los voluntarios.

pastor martyn sloan

Desde entonces, el pastor Sloan ha informado a su iglesia sobre el pastor con COVID-19, así como sobre otro miembro del personal que dio positivo por coronavirus. Sin embargo, Sloan hizo esto solo después de que le envié un correo electrónico con los correos electrónicos filtrados y lo presioné sobre por qué no había informado a su iglesia sobre los casos confirmados.

El pastor de Calvary que dio positivo por COVID-19 es el pastor Angel Escamilla, pastor asistente de Calvary Español. También muestra síntomas su esposa, Becky Escamilla, y su hijo, Michael Escamilla, pastor asociado en Calvary.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” by Christa Brown. To donate, haga clic aquí.

El miembro del personal con COVID-19 es un videógrafo que debía asistir a sesiones de grabación con las Escamillas y docenas de personas más.

El martes de esta semana, el personal de la iglesia recibió un correo electrónico de la familia Escamilla, informándoles que Angel Escamilla había dado positivo por COVID-19 y neumonía y estaba “gravemente enfermo”. El correo electrónico también decía que Becky y Michael Escamilla “han tenido síntomas pero están mejorando”.

The email added, “For our privacy and for the peace of mind of our church family, we and the leadership team ask that this news be kept in confidence within our staff.”[pullquote]”(W)e and the leadership team ask that this news be kept in confidence within our staff.”[/pullquote]

El martes por la noche, Sloan envió un correo electrónico de seguimiento al personal de la iglesia a través de su asistente ejecutiva, Becky López. En él, Sloan dijo: “Si se le solicita información (sobre la salud de las Escamillas), debe responder con confianza lo siguiente: 'Por favor, comprenda que si supiera algo sobre la condición médica de alguien, no estaría en libertad de hablar' y luego detenerse. hablando."

Las grabaciones continúan a pesar de la exposición conocida a pastores y familiares enfermos

Según el miembro anónimo del personal, el pastor Sloan supo por primera vez que Ángel Escamilla estaba enfermo el 15 de marzo. Sin embargo, durante nueve días, Sloan continuó grabando y transmitiendo en vivo los servicios con los miembros de la familia de Escamilla y aquellos que habían estado expuestos a las Escamilla, tanto el personal como los voluntarios. .

Incluso el martes por la noche, después de enterarse de que Ángel Escamilla había dado positivo por COVID-19 y que su hijo y su esposa estaban enfermos, Sloan requirió que el personal que había estado en contacto reciente con los Escamilla registrara un servicio, que incluía un voluntario.

Le pregunté a Sloan específicamente sobre estos cargos en un correo electrónico que le envié a las 12:50 p. m. del viernes. Esto fue en respuesta a un correo electrónico del asistente de Sloan, diciendo que Sloan respondería a las preguntas enviadas por correo electrónico.

Sloan todavía no ha respondido a mis preguntas. Sin embargo, a las 2:26 p. m. del viernes, Sloan envió un correo electrónico a la congregación informándoles por primera vez que Angel Escamilla y otro miembro del personal habían dado positivo por COVID-19. 

Según el miembro del personal anónimo, Ángel Escamilla había asistido al servicio de fin de semana del Calvario el 15 de marzo, que fue transmisión en vivo en línea e incluyó a todos los pastores del personal, varios miembros del personal de apoyo, voluntarios y varios asistentes a la iglesia. El miembro del personal dijo que Ángel Escamilla se fue durante el servicio de las 9 am porque se sentía enfermo, pero no antes de entrar en contacto cercano con unos 10 pastores.

The staff member said that on March 17, Pastor Sloan required several staff to attend a recording session of a prayer service with Michael Escamilla and his wife, Lynelle Escamilla, who both live with Angel and Becky Escamilla. The staff member said that when several staff objected due to concerns about infection, Sloan asked them if they wanted to remain “essential,” because if not, that could change.[pullquote]The staff member said that when several staff objected due to concerns about infection, Sloan asked them if they wanted to remain “essential,” because if not, that could change.[/pullquote]

El camarógrafo que grabó la grabación del 17 de marzo ahora dio positivo por COVID-19.

El servicio, que fue publicado en línea, también incluyó alrededor de una docena de voluntarios. (El miembro anónimo del personal dijo que cuando la iglesia no informó a los voluntarios de su probable exposición a alguien con coronavirus, algunos miembros del personal se lo dijeron).

Banda en el servicio del 17 de marzo donde predicó Michael Escamilla

Las grabaciones continuaron el 21, 22 y 23 de marzo con varios miembros del personal y un percusionista voluntario.

La noche del 24 de marzo, horas después de conocer el resultado positivo de la prueba de Ángel Escamilla, la iglesia registró otro Servicio en línea. En la grabación hay tres pastores que estuvieron presentes en la sesión de grabación del 17 de marzo con Michael y Lynelle Escamilla, así como el percusionista voluntario. También en la grabación está el pastor Sloan, quien, según el voluntario, grabó en video su sermón justo antes del servicio.

El 25 de marzo, el pastor Sloan, aparentemente impertérrito ante las noticias de sus pastores enfermos y otro personal, publicó un video para Facebook. En él, anuncia que los servicios de fin de semana se transmitirán en vivo como antes a las 5 p. m. del sábado y a las 9 a. m. y las 11 a. m. del domingo.

El pastor Sloan parece alegre; moscas a florida

Aunque el pastor Sloan tuvo contacto con los Escamillas y otras personas expuestas recientemente a los Escamillas, Sloan y su hijo, Landon Sloan, tomaron un vuelo al Aeropuerto Internacional de Tampa el 25 de marzo. Luego, los dos tomaron un "transporte" a la Universidad Southeastern, donde empacó todo en el dormitorio de Landon y condujo a casa.

Esto se revela en un video en vivo de Facebook que Sloan publicó el 26 de marzo mientras regresaba de Florida con su hijo Landon Sloan. En el video, Sloan parece alegre y en tono de broma pide oración porque tiene que soportar escuchar música country.

Sloan en FB en vivo

El video es uno de varios videos en vivo de Facebook que Sloan publicó el 26el. Le pregunté a Sloan sobre la idoneidad de los videos en el correo electrónico que envié el viernes 27 de marzo. Todos los videos en vivo de Facebook se eliminaron poco después.

Mi primer correo electrónico a Sloan fue el jueves por la noche a las 6:38 p. m. Este correo electrónico incluía los correos electrónicos filtrados sobre mantener en silencio las noticias sobre el diagnóstico de COVID-19 de Ángel Escamilla, y pedí que me devolvieran la llamada. Sloan no respondió el correo electrónico.

Sin embargo, a las 6:53 p. m., Sloan envió un correo electrónico a "Todo el personal" a través de su asistente Becky Lopez, diciéndole al personal que no visitara el campus de la iglesia la próxima semana. Sloan agregó: “El cuidado y la preocupación por usted y su familia es una alta prioridad”.

El viernes 27 de marzo a las 9:19 am, le envié a Sloan otro correo electrónico con preguntas adicionales. También le informé a Sloan que sabía que un camarógrafo había dado positivo recientemente por COVID-19.

A las 11:45 a. m. del viernes, Sarah Dawes, directora ejecutiva adjunta de comunicaciones en Calvary, envió un correo electrónico a 33 miembros del personal de la iglesia, informándoles que el camarógrafo había dado positivo por COVID-19. Ella agregó: “Usted está en este correo electrónico porque (el camarógrafo) rastreó sus pasos hasta un punto de contacto con usted en la semana anterior a sus síntomas”.

El viernes por la noche, el pastor Sloan publicó un video a Facebook, instando a la iglesia a orar por la curación de Angel Escamilla.

Hoy alrededor del mediodía, Calvary publicó un mensaje de facebook, alentando a las personas a sintonizar los servicios de fin de semana en línea, y señaló que el pastor Sloan predicará sobre el libro de los Salmos.

ACTUALIZACIÓN: El lunes 30 de marzo, el pastor Ángel Escamilla, de 68 años, partió para estar con el Señor. En Facebook, Calvary Español publicó: “Nuestro Pastor Ángel peleó la buena batalla y su carrera ha terminado. Hoy fue saludado en el cielo 'Bien hecho buen siervo y fiel Entra a la presencia de tu Señor...' Ángel ha pasado a la eternidad, y es donde todos queremos estar algún día... en la presencia eterna con Dios.”

ACTUALIZACIÓN 2: Recibí este correo electrónico de Kevin Sur, oficial de asuntos externos de la Oficina de Seguridad Nacional y Manejo de Emergencias de Dupage Co. , el 1 de abril a las 5:28 pm: “La Oficial Médica del Departamento de Salud del Condado de DuPage, la Dra. Rashmi Chugh, ha intentado comunicarse con la Iglesia Calvary de Naperville, pero no ha recibido respuesta de ellos. En este momento, todavía nos estamos acercando a ellos”.

ACTUALIZACIÓN 3: Calvary Naperville ahora requiere que el personal, los contratistas y los voluntarios firmen una exención, liberando a la iglesia de la responsabilidad si se enferman o mueren. Para leer nueva historia, haga clic aquí.

A continuación se encuentran los correos electrónicos enviados al personal de Calvary Naperville el martes:

A continuación se muestra el correo electrónico que el pastor Sloan envió a su congregación unos 90 minutos después de mi correo electrónico. Se incluyó un extracto del correo electrónico de la Familia Escamilla:






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168 Respuestas

  1. 1. I’m glad to know you are an expert on HIPPA law Julie.

    2. With all of your experience in how to handle a world pandemic, it’s a wonder leaders haven’t called you for advice from day one.

    3. I find it disturbing that many on here are rushing “money” and you are NOT squelching that. There is NO proof that any decision was made for monetary reasons.

    4. Unlike the Harvest situation with multiple sources, written and taped proof, you have lost credibility here since this did not happen to you personally, nor did you fully investigate this situation. I really don’t think you have all the facts, only hearsay.

    5. I’d like to know how many that have commented on here have literally quarentined themselves. If you’ve gone to the grocery store, which YOU HAVE, you’ve exposed yourself to and others to the virus. Get real!

    1. Hello, Calvary Attender.

      As far as I can tell from DuPage County records, Calvary has a ~$17M – $18M mortgage. Do you have a copy of your church’s most current EOY financial statements? Can you confirm the church’s total current debt load?


        1. I don’t know much about the church’s finances, which is why I’m asking. Mortgages are public record.

          This is a hard time for many churches re: giving. Decreases in giving – or the prospect thereof – are It’s especially challenging for churches with heavy debt loads.

          Do you attend Calvary, Cheryl? If so, can confirm how much short- & long-term debt the church has?

    2. Hi Calvary Attender,

      I was excited to see someone from Calvary comment. Have you considered that Pastor Sloan may not have lead well and endangered the lives of key staff and volunteers?

      1) It’s HIPAA, not HIPPA. And according to HHS HIPAA does not apply in terms of a pandemic.

      2) Fair point. To my knowledge no one has that experience including you or I. However, Pastor Sloan knowingly exposed others to someone who had the virus.

      3) Agreed. There is no proof but it is a fair “leap” as bills must be paid and giving will surely drop.

      4) There are time-stamps in all communication. It seems that Julie’s diligence noticeably forced necessary communication to the church body.

      5) I don’t think you articulated this well… Quarantine is necessary if you have the virus. If you do not have the virus you are fully able to go to the grocery store, etc. You may be unknowingly putting others at risk. But that is very different from having the virus and purposefully putting others at risk.

      If your argument is that the author did not do her homework, it seems that you have done significantly less (or zero).

  2. Shane, I am a layman at another church, and I have no authority whatsoever. In saying “Pastor Sloan will be fired immediately” I was simply stating what certainly must be the case assuming that the elders are sane and spiritual. When Mancow Muller aired his recording of James MacDonald on February 12, 2019, the elders met and fired him that same night. It would be a woeful grief if the same did not happen here – though of course Calvary’s elders (or whoever constitute Calvary’s governing authority) might need to meet remotely.

  3. You are mistaken, I was at the first plant of James’ Harvest for 14 years. I saw first hand what 2.0 looks like. That is why I left. I see NOTHING of what you speak in Pastor Sloan.

  4. if I go to the grocery store and I know I have the Coronavirus then and only then have I exposed others to the coronavirus. If I knowingly have people at my house, chuch,or any other establishment and find out that one of the people who attended had the virus and I tell my staff to keep it in house and did not warn every single person who was there immediately that they may have been exposed to the coronavirus then I would be at fault…IMO either pastor Martyn just doesn’t care about people being exposed to the coronavirus and that may or may not be true, or he’s protecting the “Brand”. My question for him would be, why wouldn’t you warn people right away if they had been exposed to the virus???

    1. But you don’t know you have it for 2 weeks and you are contagious. Once the staff at Calvary knew, the band member stood 6 feet apart (same as reporters) and congregants were allowed in the auditorium. Julie has not seen every live stream, and this mornings worship was from an old Sunday. Julie is not doing her research and obviously many commenting on here don’t know facts about this virus.

  5. I’m a member of Calvary, and this article could not be more false or misleading.
    How dare you accuse a pastor and the church of doing something like this intentionally. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    You are taking one persons word (I’m assuming a disgruntled employee) and running with it, not realizing the impact it will have on an entire congregation and many, many people’s lives. Your work is from the devil and your intent is to harm instead of help.

  6. How does someone defend a pastor who threatens to fire those working for him when they have concerns about showing up due to the coronavirus? That attitude right there… in his own email… says it all. Pretty hard to defend…

    1. AMEN, brother! The arm (“z’roah” in Hebrew) of the Lord is strong and mighty – but He does not grant His under-shepherds to strong-arm the sheep!!

  7. Shane, I think you may want to talk to the Calvary staff member who leaked the emails… if you have concerns about someone spreading “false information”. Where is your outrage at the whistleblowers on the staff?

  8. Ben – no it does not. Tithing is the most convoluted and self-serving warping of what the scriptures actually say. It is taught in order to scare and shame people into giving to institutions that, mostly, do not have Jesus as their head. Instead God is leveraged in a way that abuses the sheep. Tithing is pure garbage theology from start to finish…

  9. If you are serious about #5 please tell us about pastor Sloan quarantine as well as the rest of the staff from this church.

  10. Thats why the concerned anonymous employee shared the emails then? Because Julie has it all wrong? You sound Trumpian

  11. Thank you for your article. So many many more people can now become infected and even die because, well because why? HOW SELFISH OF THE PEOPLE! Shame on them! All of the local news stations need to pick this up! These people belong in jail!

  12. Julie, I believe you have lost your way. Your investigation regarding Harvest was extensive with multiple sources. This is hasty, headline grabbing news. You have not heard back from Pastor Sloan or interviewed Board Members. If misjudgment was made, then it needs to be addressed in the church first.

  13. It’s sad really sad. I remember when Calvary was Calvary Temple. A small downtown church. Then moving into a bigger building and then Route 59. I quit going to that church years ago.

  14. A pastor instructs his staff not to tell anybody that a member(s) tested positive for the covid-19 virus, then threatens them if they do with apparently some removal of employment action, in addition an anonymous whistle blower notifies, in fear of loosing his job notifies Julie via email and now who know how many people are infected at that congregation and some of you say Julie is wrong for posting this? Please give me a break. God bless you Julie.

    1. Did you not read the email from the Escamilla family? I quote, “For privacy and the peace of mind of our church family, we and the leadership team ask that this news be kept in confidence within our staff. We will keep toy updated as needed,” You may want to read Proverbs 18:2.

      1. Ummm, as a former public health nurse, I would imagine that this request would not be honored. If there is a public health crisis in which people are getting sick, the community needs to know in order to protect themselves unless you are saying that anyone who has a seriously contagious disease can run around and infect others with impunity.

  15. Regarding the statement that “Sloan asked them if they wanted to remain “essential,” because if not, that could change.” – I’m curious as to what the term “essential” means.

    Your blog seems to imply a threat to their jobs. However, in this situation, many organizations have been forced to categorize employees as “essential” or “non-essential.” For example, in my husband’s organization at this time, he is categorized as “non-essential” because while his work is essential to the overall mission, it is not essential to immediate operations during this crisis. That does not mean, however, that he will lose his job. It simply means that he is not required to work onsite and can work remotely during this time.

  16. Another thing I just posted a comment I didn’t quit attending Calvary Temple Church because of anything like this I loved Pastor Randall Ross and Pastor Schmechel sorry for the bad spelling there I’m talking into the phone It’s just important to remind the skeptics and unbelievers and those like this woman that are working for the devil to keep their eyes on the Lord and what the Scriptures say like my mom tells meAnything beyond the cross means nothing this man Is a human being and his flesh Is carnal by nature and he will have to answer one day just like all of us and just like Miss Julie Roy’s so keep your eyes on the Lord not on the people .

  17. 1) Calvary Church Naperville is an A/G church not affiliated with the Calvary Chapel and it’s affiliates which began in Costa Mesa,California
    2) Pastor Marty has been the lead pastor for this congregation since Jan 1, 2020 so any of the financial indebtedness did NOT occur on his watch plus the church’s leadership has a solid financial plan in place to get out of debt
    3) The board of deacons took two years of painstaking searches to find a replacement for the previous lead pastor. This board has a high level of spiritual integrity and as a group their decisions are without fault
    4) This current pandemic is a very fluid situation and decisions made one day are subject to change at any moment No one has ever faced something like this and mistakes will be made. To scrutinize this man after only three months at his new location and demand his firing is absolutely WRONG.
    5) One of Pastor Marty’s sons was attending college in Florida. So what is wrong with driving to Florida, picking his son up and driving home and making Facebook posts about it?.
    6) This church started in 1967 as a home missions church. It evolving into a Mega Church happens to be a sovereign work of the Almighty. So to those who have issues with mega-chuches, all I have to say is get over it and attend somewhere else.

    1. Mike.

      Slight correction on #5:

      He didn’t *drive* to Florida. He flew into an international airport, after knowingly been in close contact with people who were positive (and in once case, severely so) for COVID-19. He drove home.

      What he should have chosen to do was:

      1) Ideally, he should have self-quarantined for 14 days.

      2) Barring that, he should’ve driven the entire way, so as to maintain social distancing. As it was, everyone on his flight, and any number of people in close proximity to him at the airport, are now possibly infected.

      3) Barring *that* he should’ve just had his kid fly home, as long as his kid was not showing any signs of infection.

    2. Hi Mike. Can you say more about the “financial indebtedness”? How many debt does the church have? County records along suggest $18 million or so. Thanks.

  18. As an employer (yes, the church is an employer) you must respect HIPPA laws. You must respect the privacy of your employee’s personal health information. If an employee chooses to keep their health issue private or semi-private management must comply.

    As an employer you must follow current state guidelines regarding essential and non-essential workers. If, as an employee your job requires you to be onsite and you do not wish to be onsite to perform your role, then one should expect to be furloughed. I’m not sure why someone would think their employment is being threatened as there are very limited choices for employers currently.

    Fiery darts being thrown at the Pastor for traveling to FL to bring his son home. Maybe an error in judgement. Maybe he already tested negative.

    As far as the videographer testing positive. The videographers are rarely anywhere near the stage, so how this person contracted the coronavirus is speculative at best.

    Leaders make decisions and judgement calls all the time. Sometimes those decisions are great, other times they fall short. Hindsight is 20/20. We all wish we made perfect decisions, but alas we are imperfect beings. We haven’t known Pastor Marty for a very long, but there is nothing about what we have observed that would lead me to believe that he is/was/has attempted to cause anyone undue harm. We are all learning how to live in this Covid-19 reality.

    1. Your claim that HIPAA applies to employers is flat out wrong. HIPAA governs healthcare providers, NOT employers. Marty is hiding behind a law that doesn’t even apply to him.

      I am an employment lawyer, but you don’t need to take my word for it. Here’s what the federal government has to say:

      “The Privacy Rule does not protect your employment records, even if the information in those records is health-related. In most cases, the Privacy Rule does not apply to the actions of an employer.”


  19. Hi Calvary Attender,

    I was excited to see someone from Calvary comment. Have you considered that Pastor Sloan may not have lead well and endangered the lives of key staff and volunteers?

    1) It’s HIPAA, not HIPPA. And according to HHS HIPAA does not apply in terms of a pandemic.

    2) Fair point. To my knowledge no one has that experience including you or I. However, Pastor Sloan knowingly exposed others to someone who had the virus.

    3) Agreed. There is no proof but it is a fair “leap” as bills must be paid and giving will surely drop.

    4) There are time-stamps in all communication. It seems that Julie’s diligence noticeably forced necessary communication to the church body.

    5) I don’t think you articulated this well… Quarantine is necessary if you have the virus. If you do not have the virus you are fully able to go to the grocery store, etc. You may be unknowingly putting others at risk. But that is very different from having the virus and purposefully putting others at risk.

    If your argument is that the author did not do her homework, it seems that you have done significantly less (or zero).

    1. The HHS Secretary MAY make changes to certain regulations and laws. I have not seen any amendments posted related to HIPAA, therefore I stand by my initial statement.

      You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

      1. My apologies, this reply was meant for an earlier comment and somehow posted twice, it was not meant for you. In regards to HHS & HIPAA…

        Here is the resource from HHS:

        “During the COVID-19 public health emergency, the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has provided guidance that helps explain civil rights laws as well as how the HIPAA Privacy Rule allows patient information to be shared in the outbreak of infectious disease and to assist patients in receiving the care they need.”

        Here is the limited waiver of HIPAA Rights for COVID-19:

        Hope that brings clarity.


    1. JF-I have foreseen a great storm that was coming that would bankrupt many a church, and the bigger the faster it would go. This time of great trouble is here, now. Now that this man has died and given the circumstances, this “church” has no future. It will be one of the first to close its doors, never to be seen again. God is cleaning house and no man is going to stop it. If you want to understand the times we live in go look up Exod. 20:20…

    1. To the Calvary Pretender,
      If you would be so kind with all of mankind’s appreciation, that you immediately cease and detest in providing any and all of your opinions as they are irrational, illogical and immaterial. (perfect 3 point “I” sermon in the making) Your 3/29/20 4:36pm was very difficult to follow and comprehend written in the manifesto literary style of Ted Kaczynski. You prefer to focus and attack Julie Roy’s reporting and not the “GET REAL” issues at hand. 1. The CCN staff member took the initiative to provide her with two emails for her open, honest and unbias investigating reporting. 2. This CCN staff member was proactive in exposing the seriousness of this pandemic at CCN. In contrast, the CCN leadership was both indecisive and flippant in making the church body aware of this “serious illness”. 3. The CNN leadership should have led by example on Day One and have the entire 6000+ congregates in prayer to the Great Physician for their beloved Pastor’s healing. At all times, turn first to Jesus and be obedient to Him. Colossians 6:2 My deepest condolences to the Escamlilla family in the passing of Pastor Angel into glory.

  20. I used to go to harvest Bible Chapel. It broke me to fine a leading pastor deceive the church. I left. I started watching Calvary, my son goes to Calvary. I love watching pastor Ross. New pastor I don’t know to much about him. All I can say is that with coronavirus going around everyone should know about who has it. Keeping this a secret for what. All it does is a miss trust in a leadership in Calvary church. End time God’s word says father against sons, mothers against daughters, etc. These day only person you can trust is The Holy Spirit to guide us. With what is going on in this world I pray for the return of Jesus Christ.

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