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El director de 'The Chosen' aclara el concepto erróneo del Libro de Mormón: 'No es una cita directa'

Por Jesse T Jackson
dallas jenkins the chosen
'The Chosen' director Dallas Jenkins speaks in a livestream video update to supporters. (Video screengrab)

El director de “El elegido”, Dallas Jenkins, se ha dirigido recientemente crítica del tráiler de la temporada 3 del programa, en el que Jesús dice una línea que algunos creían que era una paráfrasis de un versículo del Libro de Mormón.

El programa es distribuido por Angel Studios, que fue cofundado por los hermanos Neal y Jeffery Harmon, quienes pertenecen a la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, lo que generó acusaciones a principios de este año de que el programa es producido por los mormones.

Esto provocó un alboroto en las redes sociales entre los fanáticos, lo que llevó a "The Chosen" a aclarar el concepto erróneo, asegurando a los espectadores que "no somos producidos por mormones".

El martes, Jenkins dijo que a pesar de la controversia en torno a Jesús diciendo: "Yo soy la ley de Moisés", las respuestas al tráiler de la temporada 3 habían sido "sobre la luna", y algunos calificaron el momento tan difamado como "una de las mejores líneas en todo el tráiler”.

“99% de las personas que lo vieron se volvieron locos y les encantó. Solo hay un 1 por ciento, bueno, menos que eso, en realidad, que señaló o dijo: 'Oye, en el Libro de Mormón, hay una frase en la que Jesús dice que yo soy la ley y la luz [3 Nefi 15:9]". dijo Jenkins.

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"Muy rápido, porque no quiero tomar esto demasiado en serio", continuó Jenkins, "número uno, no es una cita directa del Libro de Mormón, y no se refería a la ley de Moisés en esa cita, y la cita es, 'Yo soy la ley y la luz'”.

Jenkins declaró que nunca ha leído el Libro de Mormón aparte de que la gente lo comparta con él, como en este caso.

“Fui, lo busqué”, explicó Jenkins. “Estoy como, 'Está bien, no, no lo es. Pero está bien, es una línea genial'”.

“Creo que es una línea realmente grandiosa, y creo que también es plausible teológicamente. I soy el Camino la Verdad y la Vida. I soy la palabra. I soy la luz. I soy la luz del mundo. I soy el Creador”, dijo Jenkins. “Entonces, cuando alguien dice: 'Vamos a seguir la ley de Moisés', y Jesús dice: 'El sábado fue hecho para el hombre, no el hombre para el sábado [Marcos 2:27]' Dios está sobre estas cosas. Jesús está por encima de estas cosas. Él es estas cosas. Él es dueño de estas cosas. Ellos vinieron de Él. Y así Jesús hace muchos yo soy declaraciones. Él es llamado el gran YO SOY”.

“Así que no”, afirmó Jenkins, “no saqué esta cita de ningún otro lugar. Simplemente creo que es una línea teológicamente plausible y es, creo, un momento genial de Jesús como Rey”.

'The Chosen' llega a los cines este noviembre

La serie recibió un Premio Paloma GMA por “Película inspiradora/serie del año” el martes pasado (18 de octubre) y lanzará los primeros dos episodios de su nueva temporada en cines el 18 de noviembre. Jenkins anticipa que los episodios 1 y 2 permanecerán en los cines durante al menos una semana, pero compartió que se transmitirán mientras les vaya bien.

Los episodios no se transmitirán de forma gratuita en su aplicación hasta algún momento de diciembre, reveló Jenkins, una decisión que, según el director, provocó algunas críticas.

Al abordar la queja de que la serie está completamente financiada por crowdfunding pero cobra a los espectadores por ver los dos primeros episodios en la pantalla grande, Jenkins dijo: "En lugar de quejarse de eso, creo que un agradecimiento es una orden".

Jenkins continuó explicando que la venta de boletos permitirá que los actores, el equipo, los escritores y los directores se beneficien financieramente de su trabajo. Jenkins también declaró que menos del cinco por ciento de los espectadores de "The Chosen" financian el programa.

“Cuando el programa es gratuito, es un poco más difícil generar ingresos para futuras temporadas”, dijo. Aunque no es la razón principal del estreno en cines de la serie, Jenkins compartió con los espectadores que "las personas que compran boletos en realidad están ayudando al programa y ayudándonos de una manera en la que no siempre recibimos ayuda".

“Solo digo que deberías decir gracias. Gracias por comprar boletos, porque eso ayuda al espectáculo y permite que este espectáculo sea gratuito. Si la gente no pagara por el espectáculo, ya sea que lo decidan o no, no habría espectáculo”, explicó Jenkins.

Este artículo apareció originalmente en IglesiaLíderes.

Jesse T. JacksonJesse T. Jackson es el editor de contenido de ChurchLeaders. Al criar a cuatro hijos con su esposa, Jackson también se desempeña como diácono, líder de un grupo de crecimiento y es miembro de la Iglesia Bautista Universitaria en Beavercreek, Ohio. 



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12 Respuestas

  1. It would seem that.Jenkins did not even quote the Book of Mormon correctly in his rebuttal. The actual quote is,”Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life.” 3 Nephi 15:9

    How much difference that makes, I do not know. But making up something for Jesus to say that He did not actually say is doctrinally very dangerous. And no matter what Jenkins wants to argue, that quote from “The Chosen” is a whole lot closer to to that verse in the Book of Mormon than it is to anything in the Bible.

    1. Cheryl, agreed. When asked the usual questions, Mormons reply “Yes, we’re Christians, and The Book of Mormon is another gospel of Jesus.” [Compare that to Galatians 1:8, 9.] Or they’ll recite “we believe in God the Father, and in his son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.” Sounds correct until one understands that their Jesus is a man who became God rather than God who became a man. And that we, by following the example of Jesus and their Law of Eternal Progression, can also become gods. [See Genesis 3:5.]

      Very dangerous indeed to have an actor playing Jesus and speaking words not recorded in the Bible.

    1. My sentiments also, we are to take the second commandment very seriously, I do not watch any of these supposed bible movies, for this reason.
      And people are saying when they pray now, that they see this actor, how blasphemous is that.

  2. I don’t understand why Christians are promoting this series. Doesn’t it go directly against the second commandment? And why do we need ANYTHING added to the Bible? The fact that they have a “merch store” for The Chosen products just turns my stomach. I don’t remember Jesus having a “merch store”, nor did his disciples. They spread The Word of God, not The Word of God, AND such and such!! Dallas Jenkins reminds me SO much of James MacDonald. Great teacher at first, but then greed and power took over. It’s a slippery slope, my friends, and the devil loves it. I wish this series would just end already.

  3. 1) By definition of paraphrase, it is not one. By just checking out the exact wording of both, it is shown to be a direct, partial quote:
    THE CHOSEN.: “I am the law of Moses.”
    BOM-3 NEPHI: “I am the law”
    The paragraph quoting the director, it reads to me as a very convoluted rationalization of the situation.
    3) Jesus is *not* “the law”. He fulfilled it. For the director to assert the phrase is “theologically plausible” is irresponsible, sloppy and has to be something that one reads into whatever Bible he might come up with and retro-fit it to justify this parallel statement between the Mormon/LDS Jesus (2 Cor. 11:3-5, 12-15) and the Biblical Jesus.
    4) If it allegedly isn’t a “direct” quote, then it could be ‘INdirect’? Left a slippery caveat?
    Maybe he isn ‘t being truthful after being caught?
    Maybe truthful, but he unknowingly added that BOM quote from his memory of hearing someone use it who are LDS? Like the Mormon founders?
    He is joining with a non-Trinitarian heretical members, so where could it also be from?
    5) Just because the director claims evangelicalism does not mean it was not influenced by Mormonism, as this article points out:
    The whole article slants to be pro-The Chosen.
    If you say you “report the truth”, then do so. This is a massive and obvious failure to do so.

    NOTE: All CAPS are for emphasis only, never e-shouting.
    To add to my first post, here is a ‘Mormon’/LDS responses to a video about The Chosen:
    “Kayla Wyatt
    “10 months ago
    “So glad I watched this. I really FELT the spirit several times.
    “The Chosen helped my family draw even closer to Christ during the lock downs. I’m just gonna add to the pool, but it helped me read my scriptures differently. Even 3rd Nephi [the BOOK OF MORMON] became EVEN MORE MEANINGFUL to me than before.”

    1) When she says she “FELT the spirit [Spirit]”, that is a direct reference to the deception of the Mormon/LDS ‘testimony. That is what they use as the divine answer to the heretical beliefs that the Book of Mormon “is true”, Joseph Smith “is a prophet of God” and their church is “the only true church”.
    It blinds them to seeing the falsity of Mormonism when it is right before them to show that God the Father is NOT “an exalted man” “who dwelt on an earth” and became A God with his literal goddess wife, ‘our Heavenly Mother’, that the LDS Jesus became A God in his ‘pre-earth life’, that salvation is NOT “by OBEDIENCE to the” works and system of ‘Mormonism’, etc.
    2) The Chosen is ecumenical enough and includes that passage “I am the law” from the book “3rd Nephi” in the BOM, which The Chosen gave her a deeper appreciation for that fraudulent, added, false, fictitious fiction of the BOM. It alleges to be ancient history of this continent with a personal visit of ‘Jesus’ himself IN 3RD NEPHI and a number of false heresies with another gospel that damns eternally (Gal. 1:6-9), etc.
    SEE NEXT POST FOR #3 of 3.

    2 John 9-11 teaches that Christians are NOT to support, welcome, encourage false teachers who or can move within Christian circles to spread their errors and heresies. If any Christian does so, they are “partakers in their EVIL DEEDS.”

    It would be good if Christians, including those at The Roys Report, obey the Bible.
    Bad roots, bad fruit.
    Christians should not have anything to do with The Chosen – Eph 5:11, 2 Cor. 6:14-16 11:3-5, 12-15, Gal 1:6-9, 2 John 9-11.

    This article’s author and The Roys Report disobeys the scriptures I have listed (Otherwise I think The Roys Report is excellent and very much needed).

    “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Come out from them and separate from them and DO NOT TOUCH the unclean things, and I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16)

    For info on ‘Mormonism’:

    I again recommend:

    Click on my name to link to my full 2 posts. Part 1 here (unnamed, but still #1) is a shortened version.

    “VeggiTerri W
    “2 months ago
    “So wonderful to see people stop dividing themselves over differences of theology and embracing what they have in COMMON as Christians.” (CAPS orig.)

    Notice it says “what they [evangelicals & LDS/‘Mormons’] common AS Christians”. This plays into the LDS Church’s agenda to appear as Christians as evangelicals, etc., though ‘some’ differences in doctrine (Worse they commonly gloss over or don’t mention at all).

    Those are official LDS Church doctrines. They are not opinions, ‘folklore’, whatever. I believed them as a latter-day Saint/’Mormon’ and I knew why I believed them and where they were and are officially upheld and taught:
    * God the Father is “an exalted man who sits..in yonder heavens” who “dwelt on an earth” and became A God as did his goddess wife (Joseph Smith). Smith also said to believe that “God was God from all eternity” is wrong and he “will REFUTE that idea”.
    BIBLE: Ps 90:2 God is God FROM ETERNITY to eternity.
    * Jesus became A God & the LDS ‘Godhead’ are three literal, separate Gods.
    BIBLE: Isaiah 43-47 – there is only one God, none others before/after him.
    * Only Mormonism has divinely approved clergy/priesthood as “the only true church” (LDS scripture D&C 1:30).
    BIBLE: The NT has absolutely NO clergy-priesthood. It is always and only a “priesthood” of all Christians “a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices” (2 Peter 2:5-9; Rom. 12:1-2).
    While the LDS Church claims there are Christians outside of the True Church, the Bible teaches all Christians constitute the only true church, being baptized by the Spirit into it (1 Cor. 12:13, etc).

    * Salvation includes faith, but it is mostly by a system of works “through OBEDIENCE to the laws and ordinances of the [LDS] gospel” (AofF 3) because the BOM teaches “it is by grace that we are saved, AFTER ALL we can DO.” (BOM 2 Nephi 23:25), and we MUST “expend out own BEST efforts” before God brings us the rest of the way (LDS KJV Bible – Dictionary), and only by “denyng ALL ungodliness” is the ‘grace’ of God “sufficient” for salvation (BOM Moroni 10:32-33).
    BIBLE: They say the true full gospel was lost, but 1 Cor. 15:1-3 gives “THE gospel…by which you are saved”. And Mormonism’s gospel of works, temples, etc. is not the same. They add to the gospel.
    Eph 5:11, 2 Cor. 6:14-16; 11:3-5,12-15, Gal 1:6-9, 2 John 9-11 does not state evangelicals should be “embracing what [LDS & evangelicals] have in common AS Christians” (VeggiTeri W). We should not be participating and fellowshipping in heretical efforts, but reach out and “expose them” (Eph. 5:11).
    “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Come out from them and separate from them and DO NOT TOUCH the unclean things, and I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16)

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