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Harvest, Narcissism, and the Church: My Interview on WYLL’s “Common Good”

By Julie Roys

I had a great time yesterday talking with Brian From on “The Common Good” at WYLL/AM 1160. (Co-host Ian Simpkins was off because his wife just had a baby. Congratulations Ian!)

We discussed the latest at Harvest Bible Chapel, including Mancow’s blockbuster article on James MacDonald in the Daily Herald and what’s happening with John Secrest. (Secrest was fired from his position as lead pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel Naples for objecting to James MacDonald preaching at his church during MacDonald’s sabbatical.)

We also discussed the problem of narcissism in pastors, and why it’s important to remember that Jesus is the hope for the world, not our particular church. Hope you can listen and add your comments here!



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13 Responses

  1. Really good discussion. Attending Harvest on Sunday was a very somber experience. So many faces who seem asleep to the reality of the level of deciet within their walls. More of the same message of focus on yourself look at your own sins..what??? Came across a resignation letter by Elder dan Marquette written back in 2013 in paragraph 4 Greg Bradshaw is mentioned where he asked what about protecting the sheep and was rebuked by James MacDonald. Evidence the dsyfunction was known about by a current elder for 5 years. When and where and why did he stop asking that qeustion?

    1. Ann~ we were in the same service. I did not feel the same. There was a since of unity & love for each other. The message brought hope. I don’t think you realize that there is hope for all. I would suggest you pray & ask the Lord to work instead of criticizing.

  2. I am very encouraged to hear Julie speaking about narcissism in Christian culture. As the author of The Pandora Problem, which was mentioned here, the rate of narcissism in pastors is 3000% above the average population. A recent commentary by the CatholicPsych Institute attributes the sexual abuse crisis to narcissism among Bishops. The desire to “make us look good for Christ’s sake” is killing us.

  3. Anyone see Kathy MacDonalds Instagram post today. Video of the ocean in Naples with the word Glorious written over it. Do these two have a clue what is going on or are they just not the people we all thought they were? Makes me question a lot .

    1. Well, KMac never struck me as an intellectual luminary. Just content to be the arm candy and spend all that $$$.

  4. MacDonald needs to be rebuked openly…then removed from his office of Pastor since he has disqualified himself. 1Timothy 1:5:20,21: But those who persist in sin should be rebuked IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, so that others will stand in fear of sin. 21: I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels to maintain these principles WITHOUT BIAS, and to do nothing out of partiality.

    Ephesians 5:11: Have NO fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather EXPOSE them. Open rebuke is Gods way of getting us to face our sin. Then 2 Corinthians 7:11 is the evidence of TRUE repentance: 7-11: Consider what this Godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what zeal, what vindication! In every way you have PROVED yourselves to be innocent in this matter.

    That remedy is NOT a “piling on” or jump on the bandwagon of take MacDonald down at all cost, but rather God’s deep love to restore him. It should be done in front of all the campuses via simulcast. That would be the first steps of receiving grace to get thru this process and develop a broken heart and contrite spirit, that God will give him. God gives grace to the humble. Restitution will then just be the fruit of that repentance. Without doing it the way scripture commands us, then it will just be mere words…If James does not take this route, God will remove him!

    1. I agree, but as presently constituted, I don’t see HBC doing it. Their governance structure has given too much power to this Executive committee, which appears to pretty much compete for authority with the 30-man elder board. That committee has dwindled to only 5 or 6 members now, and it has James’ two sons on it. They’re not going to publicly rebuke their dad. Because we need another warning against pride, nepotism, and governance structures that cater to power-hungry monarchs.

  5. I agree with the reply that there needs to be pray Instead criticism the Bible speaks of Forgiveness and to not care this type a criticism against another believer Pastor McDonald is God fearing man. The word speaks of you need to watch what you say about his Anointed ones .

  6. In the meantime, MacDonald and his church embedded clan is laughing all the way to the bank and weekly or however frequently they pay themselves while the sheep is sheared professionally, ruthlessly and weekly. All in the name of God.

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