

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 1.50.18 PM


Prominent Worship Leaders Kevin Prosch and Misty Edwards Confessed a Years-Long Affair, Sources Say

By Julie Roys
misty edwards kevin prosch
International House of Prayer Kansas City worship leader and executive leadership team member Misty Edwards (right) is pictured with worship leader Kevin Prosch. (TRR collage)

Two well-known Christian worship leaders, Kevin Prosch and Misty Edwards, privately confessed to a years-long affair that started before Prosch and his second wife divorced, sources told The Roys Report (TRR).

According to Brent Steeno, Edwards told him about an affair with Prosch in December 2021. Steeno is a former staff member at the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) and Bickle’s personal ministry, Friends of the Bridegroom (FOTB). Steeno said Edwards told him the affair was ongoing and had begun seven years earlier, around 2014.

Prosch and his second wife, Shelly Bickle, divorced in August 2016, records show. Shelly Bickle is the sister of International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) Founder Mike Bickle who’s been embroiled in a sex abuse scandal since late last October.

Steeno said Edwards also confessed another secret involving a man she refused to name. TRR is not reporting the details of this other alleged secret to protect a possible abuse victim.

Steeno said he reported the affair and the other secret to IHOPKC in January 2022. But leaders there did little to hold Edwards accountable or investigate the other secret, and instead retaliated against Steeno, he alleged.

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IHOPKC reporting international house of prayer IHOP
The International House of Prayer in Kansas City (Source: Wikipedia)

During the alleged affair with Prosch, Edwards, who’s released seven albums and has 249K followers on Facebook, was serving on IHOPKC’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Edwards stepped off the ELT sometime last fall but remained on IHOPKC staff.

Edwards also was one of a handful of people involved in leadership at FOTB, according to Stephen Magnuson, a lawyer formerly involved in managing FOTB.

Prosch was once a prominent worship leader within the Vineyard movement. But in 1999, he confessed to a string of adulterous relationships. Despite this confession, he led worship at an IHOPKC conference soon after his confession—in either 1999 or 2000, former IHOPKC leaders told TRR.

Prosch was formally restored to ministry in 2002 by More Church in Amarillo, Texas, where he served as senior associate pastor until 2013. In 2014, Edwards recorded a song written by Prosch, called “The Gift,” on an album produced by IHOPKC’s Forerunner label.

kevin prosch
Worship leader Kevin Prosch (Photo: social media)

Prosch currently owns a music label called Third Ear Music, and as recently as last fall, led worship and preached at a church in Texas called Rock City Corpus.

According to Steeno, Edwards told him the relationship with Prosch had become coercive in recent years because Prosch had a recording of Edwards divulging her other secret, which Prosch was holding over her head. Steeno added that Edwards was “deathly scared” of the other secret becoming public.

When TRR contacted Edwards, she denied an affair with Prosch. She also claimed Steeno’s story about the other secret was untrue.

However, Steeno has produced texts with Edwards that corroborate several elements of his account.

Plus, Steeno’s ex-wife, Kjirsten Berglund, shared a screenshot of a conversation she had with Edwards last November. In this conversation, Edwards admits to a relationship with Prosch.

“Kevin and I had a relationship, that part is true (sic) but we were considering getting married,” Edwards wrote.

In addition, best-selling author and Bible teacher Joel Richardson told TRR that Prosch confirmed the affair with Edwards in a three-way call last October between Richardson, Prosch, and Jose Diaz. Diaz is a pastor and former board member of FOTB.

Richardson said Prosch also confirmed the other secret Edwards had reportedly divulged to Steeno.

TRR reached out to Prosch for comment. He responded in an email, “I did not tell anyone (the other secret) neither did I tell anyone that Misty and I had an affair I won’t (sic) nothing to do with your bullshit narrative,” Prosch wrote.

joel richardson end times
Joel Richardson (Courtesy Photo)

TRR replied, specifically asking Prosch if he had an affair with Edwards and whether he had a recording of her divulging her other secret, but Prosch did not respond to our questions.

However, both Diaz and Richardson’s wife, Amy Abele, who said she overheard the call with Prosch on speakerphone, confirmed Richardson’s account.

Diaz resigned from his position at FOTB shortly after that call.

TRR also has obtained a police report and video of a traffic stop in 2018, in which Prosch and Edwards were charged with driving under the influence and public intoxication, respectively. Prosch was also charged with failing to stop at a stop sign and speeding.

The video shows a shirtless Prosch doing poorly on several sobriety tests.

It also shows Edwards, who was alone in the car with Prosch, attempting one sobriety test. However, Edwards almost fell into an officer and was too inebriated to continue with field tests, according to the report.

When the officer initially asks Edwards in the video if she’s been drinking, she responds, “I’ve been drinking a little, yes.” However, later she admits she drank “a lot of wine and a couple vodkas.”  

The officer also asks if there was anyone with Edwards and Prosch at the camp where they were previously. Edwards responds, “No, just me and the dog.”

According to a court document obtained by TRR, Edwards received a “deferred” sentence, meaning she pleaded guilty and was placed on probation. Her file is no longer publicly available, indicating her case was dismissed after successful completion of probation.

Prosch also received a deferred sentence, court records show. In addition, he completed a DWI education program and paid more than $2,000 in fines and fees.

Police incident video from June 6, 2018. (Screengrab/Tahlequah Police Department)
Police incident video from June 6, 2018. (Screengrab/Tahlequah Police Department)

Steeno said he was very concerned about Edwards’ well-being after hearing her confession. So, in January 2022, Steeno said he told two members of IHOPKC’s ELT—former IHOPKC Executive Director Stuart Greaves and Senior VP Lenny LaGuardia—about what Edwards had told him. Despite this, Edwards continued serving on the ELT for another 19 months.

Then, in October, when news broke about Bickle’s alleged clergy sexual abuse, Edwards and Mike Bickle began disparaging Steeno to others within the IHOPKC community, Steeno said. He added that IHOPKC also evicted him from his apartment at IHOPKC.

Another former IHOPKC staff member, Joel Sorge, told TRR that Steeno also told him about Edwards’ confession in May 2023. Sorge said that soon afterward, he reported his concerns about Edwards to Greaves.

Sorge said Greaves told him that he had more important things to do than to address the issue with Edwards. Greaves added that if Sorge had a problem with Edwards, Sorge should talk to Edwards directly, Sorge added.

Sorge said he felt Greaves’ request was inappropriate, so he didn’t talk to Edwards.

TRR reached out to IHOPKC and IHOPKC’s lawyer, Audrey Manito, for comment about Greaves and LaGuardia’s involvement, but no one responded to our inquiry.

We also contacted Mike Bickle for comment, but he did not respond.

Edwards’ confession to Steeno

According to Steeno, Edwards initially opened up to him in December 2021, when Steeno expressed regret about the prior decade he had spent backslidden in California, dealing drugs and living immorally. At the time of the conversation, Steeno said he had recently returned to Kansas City and was trying to get his life together.

Edwards responded that she had a past, as well, Steeno said, and then divulged that she had an affair, which had started seven years earlier, when the man involved was married.

According to a timeline Steeno wrote for attorney Boz Tchividjian, who’s representing alleged victims of Mike Bickle, Edwards said the man was a famous worship leader who was much older than her. But she wouldn’t reveal his identity, Steeno said.

Yet, after asking some questions, Steeno guessed the man was Kevin Prosch. Edwards confirmed that, Steeno wrote.

Edwards also revealed a secret to Steeno involving another man, but wouldn’t name the man, Steeno told TRR.

Edwards then told Steeno that Prosch had made a recording of a phone call in which Edwards confessed the other secret to Prosch, and revealed the other man’s identity. Edwards said Prosch was “blackmailing” her with this recording and this was why she would not preach or lead worship at IHOPKC, Steeno said.

“It was obvious to me that this secret and blackmailing was eating away at Misty and preventing her from doing absolutely anything that she loved doing,” Steeno wrote in his timeline. So, Steeno implored Edwards to tell Mike Bickle and Stuart Greaves about the affair and the alleged blackmail, but she refused, Steeno wrote.

misty edwards
Misty Edwards leading worship. (Photo: Facebook)

Steeno added that Edwards was so desperate to delete the recordings off Prosch’s devices that she moved in with Prosch for two years.

During this time, Edwards told everyone she had moved to Israel, Steeno said, but this “was just a cover story for what she was really doing. Yes, she visited Israel and spent time there (took pics etc) . . . (but) she was so desperate to delete the recording that she moved in with Kevin and did whatever he wanted to gain his trust.”

Steeno told TRR that Edwards also said that she and Prosch would do drugs and drink together frequently and mentioned being charged with public intoxication around this time.

Based on this information, TRR searched for a police report and bodycam video from the Tahlequah Police Department in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Tahlequah is about 60 miles from Bixby, where Prosch was living at the time of the alleged incident.

After receiving the 2018 report, we then reached out to Edwards, who claimed the intoxication incident happened before she moved to Israel.

When asked if there was anyone who could corroborate her story of being in Israel for two years, Edwards said yes. However, when we asked for names and contact information for those people, Edwards declined to provide those.

Misty Edwards Israel
Misty Edwards leading worship in Israel in 2020. (Source: Instagram)

According to Steeno, Edwards said that during her time with Prosch, she eventually was able to gain access to Prosch’s computer, find a recording of their conversation, and delete it. Feeling relieved, she returned to Kansas City, Steeno said.

But after being back only a short while, Edwards said she began receiving clippings of the recording from Prosch, Steeno said. So, she returned to Prosch until she was able to get into Prosch’s other devices and delete all the recordings, Steeno said.

Edwards then went back to Kansas City, but reportedly still feared Prosch had a copy of the recording somewhere.

Steeno reports Edwards’ confession to IHOPKC

Steeno said he repeatedly urged Edwards to confess her affair and the other secret to IHOPKC leaders, but she refused. So, in January 2022, Steeno said he called former IHOPKC ELT member, Brian Kim, and former IHOP University instructor, Corey Russell, and told them what Edwards had confessed.

Brent Steeno
Brent Steeno (courtesy photo)

TRR reached out to Kim and Russell, who both confirmed they talked to Steeno in January 2022.

Both men said Steeno seemed genuinely shaken by what Edwards had confessed. Russell said he was shocked by what he heard but believed Steeno’s account. Kim said he took Steeno’s story seriously and didn’t see any reason Steeno would lie.

Kim and Russell said they urged Steeno to report what Edwards had told him to Stuart Greaves.

A few days later, Steeno said he did just that. Greaves was “stirred” by what he heard, Steeno said. But, after talking to Mike Bickle about the situation, Greaves reportedly told Steeno that they would deal with the matter when Bickle, who was in Florida at the time, was back in town.

That never happened, Steeno said. Instead, about a month later, Greaves asked Steeno to tell Edwards that Steeno had told Greaves about her confession, Steeno said.

stuart greaves
IHOPKC Former Executive Director Stuart Greaves (Video screengrab)

When Steeno did this, Edwards “freaked out at me for telling Stuart,” Steeno said.

After this, Greaves met with Edwards, Steeno said. Greaves told Steeno that Edwards admitted to the affair with Prosch, but not the other secret, Steeno told TRR. Greaves added that Edwards also agreed to get some counseling, Steeno said.

Greaves then directed Steeno to tell Lenny LaGuardia about what Edwards had confessed, which Steeno said he did. Steeno said he and LaGuardia talked about the situation off and on over the next two years, but IHOPKC didn’t take any further action.

TRR reached out to Greaves and LaGuardia, specifically asking about these events, but neither of them responded.

Texts support Steeno’s account

To corroborate his story, Steeno sent TRR several screenshots of conversations he had with Edwards. According to Steeno, Edwards referred to Prosch in the texts as the “second one”; the “first” referred to the man involved with the other secret.

In one of the screenshots, Edwards texts, “The guy I was with was a very well known guy. He found his identity in sin.”

Steeno replies, “Which guy? Second one?”

Edwards replies, “. . . Yes the second one.”


In another text, Edwards seemingly texts about the recording on Prosch’s devices, stating, “I want to get all of his devises (sic) and smash them.”

TRR read that tweet to Edwards and asked her what she was referring to. Edwards responded, “No comment.”

Later, Edwards texted Steeno to “forget everything I say. For real. I need to stop talking. I’ll go to a counselor but I get convicted everytime (sic) I say something. I am praying you forget everything.”

Steeno responds, “I will forget lol . . .”

Edwards responds, “Ill (sic) find a counselor, but please forget it all-”

Then Steeno texts that he “went to Stuart after having hours of convos w you about a real situation thsy (sic) was and continues to mess w your life.”

Edwards replies, “You betrayed me . . . I went to you. And you still shut me out and didn’t listen.”

Steeno replies, “Yeah and I went to Stuart out of concern for your safety. And you turn that on me.”

“You should’ve. (sic) Come to me like I am coming to you,” Edwards writes.

Steeno replies, “. . . I came to you But (sic) you refused to get help and I went to Stuart.”

In another other text, Edwards calls Steeno a “traitor” and “selfish,” adding, “You can keep these messages to prove you are right But (sic) you betrayed me.”

Alleged retaliation

At the time Edwards allegedly confessed to Steeno, she was Steeno’s supervisor at FOTB. However, after the confession, Edwards “became obsessed with where I was and what I was doing,” Steeno wrote in his timeline. “She would watch to see where my car was, and if my car wasn’t at my apartment, she would ask me where I was.”

In January 2023, Mike Bickle asked Stephen Magnuson if he would take over Edwards’ job overseeing Steeno, Magnuson told TRR. At the time, Bickle told Magnuson that Edwards was a terrible manager, Magnuson added. But now that he knows Steeno’s story, Magnuson told TRR he believes Steeno’s knowledge of Edwards’ secrets is what caused trouble in their working relationship.

In July 2023, Steeno resigned from FOTB. He told TRR that he planned on keeping what he knew about Edwards private. But without asking, Steeno said Bickle offered to pay him for the next three months, and Edwards continued to offer him small jobs for pay.

Then, in October, as news about Bickle’s alleged sexual abuse was about to become public, Steeno said Edwards began texting him and offering him more money to come back to work at FOTB. Steeno refused.

mike bickle woods
Mike Bickle preaches at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City in Feb. 2023 (Source: Video Screengrab)

Steeno then told two key people what Edwards had confessed to him—Dwayne Roberts, a former IHOPKC leader and advocate for Bickle’s alleged victims, and Joel Richardson.

Richardson told TRR he confronted IHOPKC leaders on Oct. 28 with the information Steeno had shared with him.

Around this time, Steeno said Bickle, Edwards, and other IHOPKC leaders began to retaliate and discredit him to other people in the IHOPKC community.

Steeno’s ex-wife, Kjirsten Berglund, shared a screenshot with TRR from the  conversation she had with Edwards on Instagram in early November. In the screenshot, Edwards claims Steeno stole $10,000 from Mike Bickle.

However, according to Magnuson, the $10,000 was an overpayment from Bickle’s social media revenue that went to Steeno’s bank account by mistake last May. The issue was resolved quickly to everyone’s satisfaction, Magnuson said, so he was stunned that months later, Edwards accused Steeno of stealing.

When TRR asked Edwards about the issue, she responded, “No comment.”

In November, IHOPKC evicted Steeno from his apartment on campus, allegedly for illegally subletting his apartment to Kyle Scott, Mike Bickle’s nephew. However, Steeno told TRR that he let Scott stay with him because IHOPKC ELT member Lenny LaGuardia asked Steeno to take in Scott because Scott was “homeless.”

TRR specifically asked IHOPKC about the eviction and Steeno’s claim, but no one responded.

On Dec. 1, Bickle sent Magnuson an email, including text from an Instagram post by someone named Mike Brown, rehashing sins Steeno had confessed when he returned to Kansas City in 2022. (In texts provided by Joel Richardson, Brown claims he’s close with some of Mike Bickle’s family members, including Richy Bickle, Mike’s Bickle’s nephew.)

In the post, Brown claims that the accusations against Bickle originated from Steeno—“an individual with a history of manipulation and shady behavior.” Brown then lists some of Steeno’s sins, including “selling drugs” in California and “having affairs during business trips.”

Magnuson said he was surprised to receive the email from Bickle, given that Steeno had resigned months earlier, and the information was common knowledge at IHOPKC. Later when he learned about Edwards’ confession, the effort to discredit Steeno made sense, Magnuson said.

Prosch questioned

After hearing Steeno’s account in October, Richardson said he and FOTB President Jose Diaz called Prosch to confirm what they had heard.

Richardson told TRR he was less concerned with Edwards’ alleged affair with Prosch than he was with Edwards’ other secret. Richardson said Prosch confirmed Steeno’s account of both situations.

Kevin Prosch
Kevin Prosch

“He said, ‘It’s all true. You know, it’s absolutely all true,’” Richardson recalled.

Richardson said he also asked Prosch to release the recording of Edwards confessing the other secret, if Prosch still had it. Richardson said Prosch said there’s no need for him “to frost a cake that’s already been baked,” which was Prosch’s way of saying he wasn’t going to help.

Diaz confirmed that what Richardson told TRR about the phone conversation was accurate.

Richardson’s wife, Amy Abele, said she overheard the entire conversation with Prosch on speakerphone.

When asked what transpired, Abele said her husband told Prosch that he knew about Edwards’ affair with Prosch and the other secret. Abele said Prosch told Joel, “It’s all true. Everything you’re saying is true.”

Edwards resigns from IHOPKC

Edwards told TRR that she resigned from her staff position at IHOPKC last week. She said she tentatively plans on going to Israel and serving in prayer rooms there.

Edwards also said she no longer holds any official position with FOTB.

She recently took down her website,, though an archived version is still available.

As for her current relationship with Prosch, Edwards says “he is a friend.”

Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. 


On Mar. 13, The Roys Report published a podcast that examines this story and includes insights from Dr. David Pooler, an expert on adult clergy sexual abuse. Click below to listen.

misty Edwards, kevin prosch



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91 Responses

  1. IHOPKC is looking more like NXIVM, People’s Temple, or the Branch Davidians than a Christian Church…

  2. I don’t know how long it takes for the comments to be pruned for “respectful dialogue” and “nasty tone” but reading this comment section turns my stomach.

    What these two did was wrong.
    The Bible calls it sin.

    But where is the Christianity in these comments.

    Please read the beattitudes, and consider how we were told to treat our enemies. Before lashing out at fellow believers.

    Surely we can agree that wrong actions don’t justify venomous responses.

    Praying for all

    1. I would stipulate that Bickle and others are not believers. Some rabbi from Tarsus had some choice words to all the sexual immorality in the church of Corinth (expel them). Then there is the bit about church leaders being rebuked publicly. And the bit in Matthew about those refusing correction about treating them as a tax collector, and so on. I would daresay Alexander the Coppersmith has done much less damage to the church than Mike Bickle, yet Paul calls him out BY NAME.

    2. I see you would have the greatest rebuke for Jesus himself who called the religious authorities of his day the equivalent of “White-washed Septic Tanks.” There was nothing more foul or awful to the Pharisees then touching the dead. Tombs were the most unclean thing imaginable to them. And Jesus Christ Himself called such as these that. Where do you get your Christian Ethics from? Not Jesus for sure. Rebuking people for being like Jesus and like Paul the Apostle? Read the scriptures and actually meditate on the hard words in red as well as by the Apostles. You are rebuking the wrong people according to them. You sound like the abusers, unfortunately. Time to look in the mirror…

    3. Aaron,

      There is no place for gas lighting or blame shifting. Your attempt to pour some sort of shame on the comments written on this page is futile. That attitude comes from the same place these protectors of the wicked have used in hiding and suppressing the evil deeds perpetrated on victims. Every opinion is viable and while some may be more direct than others, this is a deeply disturbing situation and Christians living in Christ are deeply sickened by the acts of the perpetrators. Your condemnation is unfounded. ALL are held before God and they will be judged. ALL that have committed a crime and are found guilty, shall be punished by a court of law.

      1. I think we all just have to remember the scripture James 2:13 For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

        What has happened with IHOP is sad to see, and I pray for all affected by the sins of it’s leadership.

        I also realize that none of us are without some sin in our own lives, and it’s only by God’s grace that we may not have fallen into some gross sins that others have. But ultimately we’ll all have to give an account to God for our deeds. We just need to keep in mind the way we judge others will be the same way that we will be judged by God whether we think our sins and mistakes are big or small. Knowing this, I personally would rather show mercy to others who may have fallen into sin, not excusing or giving a pass to them, but knowing my own failings and weaknesses and that God would have every right to judge me harshly for them.

        Just my thoughts.

    4. The manipulation is over the top for these people! Misty Edwards even had some type of public comment on the Mike Bickle thing something to the extent of don’t criticize annointed ones while all along she knew she was committing adultry and fornication. Misty need to step up and expose the high profile second person in order to clean out the body of Christ! Why is she continuing to cover for some very sick people

      1. Misery loves company and sadly, often those living in sin want others to continue to do the same. It makes them feel less accused and guilty to know there are others doing what they are also doing.

    5. Thank you for writing this. Its easy to blame others. In this case I am wondering, why this is even made public. Does this change anything. Both are blessed worship leaders and their music is still a blessing to many. What they did (?!) was wrong but is this our business? Should this be exposed in a side like this? I am sorry to say, but this website is one big gossip to me and has nothing to do with Gods kingdom.

      1. Are you disagreeing with Ephesians 5:11 then? Or rejecting its command?
        Are you saying Paul should neither have commanded what he did TO US in 1st Corinthians 5:5-13 nor publicly exposed Alexander the Coppersmith (and several others!) or that John was being “gossipy” regarding Diotrephes (3 John 9-10)??

        How about Jesus in Matthew 23 calling out religious hypocrisy for several minutes?? “Too harsh”??
        How about John the Baptist rebuking a lost king for his adultery despite the cost to him?
        We are warned about false brethren in every book and epistle (apart from Philemon) of the New Testament.

        Please read about the horrific Maids Moreton murders in the UK. They are a direct result of ignoring such commands and examples stated above.

      2. It is made public because these people were placed in leadership positions and leaders have followers. Leaders are supported by the followers and followers come to trust leaders. To him/her much is given, much is required. They are no longer in leadership for this very reason. At the root of the problem in evangelical Christianity, primarily in the charismatic circles, is granting the stage to anyone who shows a glittering of persona and has talents; this has been an ongoing problem in the church since my time in ministry in the 80s. No qualifiers required…just talent. Through Godly mentorship Edwards could have been saved from herself. Prosch has revealed himself to be deviant and a skilled manipulator. This was not new news to this church. And for Bickle, the board deemed him unfit. Supporters of the HOPKC deserve to know who they are allowing to serve them spiritually.

      3. Also, these things are being published after personal confrontation by multiple people ( including the reporters themselves!) but without repentance. The Bible says after that to “take it before the church”. for ministers with a broad or international ministry base, “the church” IS the broad Christian community. This is totally biblical!

    6. Fellow believers would not act the way leadership at IHOPKC acts if they were truly believers and as spiritual as they constantly claim to be. What you are actually saying in a round-about way is that we shouldn’t be Watchmen and warn people about blatantly false teachers.

  3. Thank you for this report Julie. It was painful to read, but people must be held accountable. When a person is young, a teenager, they are vulnerable and malleable- and Misty was obviously a victim, then. But now she is in her mid forties? And the affair began 7 years ago? And she’s been singing the scriptures and exhorting young people to a life of holiness and self sacrifice for over 20 years? 25 years? She knows the truth. And when a MARRIED man tries to coerce you into his bed, you run. You be like Joseph and you run. Leave your cloak behind if you have to. She is an adult, she is responsible for her actions. Painting her as a poor victim, which I read in many comments on Facebook, does not help her. She needs to face her sin. I feel badly for her. But she is not being honest. I pray for all of leadership at IHOP- they all need to repent in sackcloth and ashes. It is a travesty beyond words. It is a train wreck that just keeps derailing. God have mercy.

  4. I am sorry for Misty. However she needs to be held accountable. Teenagers are vulnerable and malleable, and there’s no question she was a victim. But how old is she now? Mid forties? She has sung the scriptures for 25 years exhorting young people to live holy self sacrificing lives? She knows the truth. Giving her a “pass” as a victim as a fully grown woman does not help her. She has impacted millions over her adult life and what is needed is humility, confession, and “go and sin no more” as Jesus instructed the woman caught in adultery. She is responsible for her choices, and she had choices. I am glad for Julie’s article, though painful to read.

  5. When you are bringing many to the lord as a Pastor or Worship leader there is a covering of Prayer needed for these individuals as I can bet Dollars to donuts there will be curses and spells from the dark side heading there way . No any warlock’s etc? As a Pastor i can tell you there is a War going on and the other side has no rules. Blessings and take 1 day at a time occupy we are going home real soon❤️✝️✝️

    1. Garret, I have been in charismatic circles and know where you’re coming from. However a straight read through the Bible cover to cover reveals no clear direct discussion or teaching about covering people in prayer to prevent dangers from curses or spells. None. Jesus talked about satan falling like lightning, but he did not train his followers to pray against curses and spells, other than “deliver us from evil and from the evil one.” The New Testament writers didn’t teach on it either.

      After decades working in East Asia where people openly bow down to images made by human hands and actively call on demons/spirits for help I know there are real powers of darkness which interact with humans. However, “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.” (Proverbs 26:2) So I don’t have to worry if my neighbor curses me – I’ll be fine. Unless of course I’m secretly involved in deeds of darkness already, in which case I’ll be reaping what I sow all on my own.

      Blaming demons, curses and spells for our problems is another way of casting ourselves as victims. We’re not. God is greater than satan/demons/powers of darkness and empowers us to walk uprightly if we so choose to cooperate.

  6. Our conscience is like a black box. It is our first deposit of light – and at the end of our days, – it will either exonerate us – or condemn us. Our second deposit of light, as a believer – is the H. Spirit. No baby has ever engaged in MENS REA – or the deliberate violation of their conscience. They are not old enough. But as soon as we do – we are responsible for the moral law of God written on our hearts since birth.

    Even a child knows it is wrong to lie – steal – cheat etc. Do not give anyone a pass – or a “get out of jail” free card. It is now Tabernacles – and Kingdom AGE. All GOD the Father will be looking for is how much of HIS SON IS IN US at the end of our days. Too much of the church is still at the 30 fold image – with their soul life needing a good clean up. Seek the 100 fold image.

    The left Hand of God is gifting and talents – and many will be asking God to look at their “portfolio” to make Heaven. See Matthew 7. Don’t follow anyone who exalts the GIFTS over the FRUIT of character. The right hand of God is character – that alone will be all that matters at judgment.

  7. As a 65 year old grandparent of five young children when is this particular place going to be shut down completely? I am for houses of prayer around the nations, but this one has proven over and over not to be trusted… including current staff.

  8. Julie, up until this article I have appreciated the way that you seem to publish factual stories with integrity and compassion. I actually had the highest respect for you. However, I have to admit-this article struck me in a different way. It is not because I have an allegiance to IHOP or Misty, but I feel you are such a skilled writer that you could have presented this story in a way that protected Misty if she is a victim (in any way) and if you were holding her to a high standard because she was a leader. You failed in doing this. Why? What was your reasoning for publishing it in such a way, that it can be an obstacle for any other person to come forward. As one who has walked through some of this pain personally, often the road one takes to recovery has lots of snares, snags and stumbling. It may take years and decades to be free and healed of all the trauma and abuse that was perpetrated originally and was the catalyst for the downward spiral. Surely you know that. And you still proceeded. I am okay if Misty loses her ministry. I am okay if x, y or z happens, but I am not okay if she is shamed into silence, self harm or even worse.

  9. Julie, like a plumber yours, at times, is a nasty business and I’m thankful you have the stones to engage in it. I am grateful that there isn’t any hint of “satisfaction” in covering these topics. This story should encourage us all to look at our own lives, the actual condition of our church and any ministries we support and be honest. I had barely even heard of IHOPKC before all this started coming to light. And, no, I’m not sheltered or unexposed. Not even close. But no-one or no ministry is as far reaching as they may think they are. I truly hope and believe the days of Mega this, and superstar that, are over. Jerry Falwell may have really believed he was going to rescue PTL. He couldn’t and he didn’t. My opinion: It’s time to liquidate. Perhaps a firesale would free up funds for victims if it makes sense. Other wise give anything left over to real ministers and let’s move on. Whoever was positively influenced by IHOPKC – and there were many – does not need IHOPKC to continue for them to be of service. Thanks

    1. Amen. I am increasingly convinced that IHOPKC continuing – in any iteration – may not be a good thing if the rot is truly endemic.

  10. Thank you Julie, for doing this work. I believe the website reveals the cult-like control Mike Bickle continues to exert over some, and that he is likely behind the website’s creation and content, in part or in whole. May more of us become wise to the cult of personality that create ministries like Bill Gothard’s Institute in Basic Life Principles and IHOPKC. So much damage, so much shipwrecked faith, so much abuse. God have mercy.

    1. Wow. That site is crazy. They claim to be 12 elders who were chosen by God to speak truth about Mike Bickle/IHOPKC just like Moses chose the 12 spies. And oh, they’re seasoned leaders, but can’t reveal their names right now.

      Uh huh. Sure guys.

      10 of the 12 spies Moses sent badly poisoned the Israelite camp with their words so badly that Israel refused to go into the land! Ended up 40 more years in the wilderness. Whoever is trying to “prophetically circle the wagons” for Mike Bickle isnt thinking critically if they believe this 12 spies analogy puts them in a positive light. But then that’s the whole issue here isn’t it- leaders who are used to having their words go unquestioned.

    2. Wow Sarah. Thank you for posting the 12judges website. Honestly, I feel sick just reading thorough it. It’s like reading a sensationalistic tabloid of how God is skipping over Mike’s sins and ignoring His own holiness, just so Mike can continue his “mission” in the earth. It’s literally so pathetic to read. 6 months ago, I would have never thought Mike capable of such delusional behavior but it seriously wreaks of how seared over his conscience is from his sin and the haughty way he views himself. I’m actually very shocked by this, and yet somehow not. Thanks for sharing this again.

      1. I went to the 12Judges site also. As soon as I saw “seer anointing”, I couldn’t help but think what camp this group came from. The 12 judges hiding their identities…please.

  11. Any “church” who thinks it is ok for the leaders to continue acting this way, is not acting the way Jesus said to act. You are allowing sin to multiply instead of stopping it. He needs to be tried in a court of law. Plenty of scriptures in the new testament that confirms this. If this is negative so be it. God says call them out.

  12. The christian army is the only army which continues to shoot their wounded. Let’s be careful to act mercyful instead of judgemental. There’s only one judge, God himself. There’s an accuser of the brethren and theere’s an advocate sent from the Father, the Holy Spirit.
    Let’s at least noit rejoyce in the falling of fellow servants. Rather let’s pray for them. And let’s pray for ourselves lest we fall into the same traps others fell into. There’s only one enemy and it’s neither your brother in Christ nor sister in Christ.
    And there’s only one great commission. Maybe those things happen because we are neglecting that great commission from Mark 16 and Matthew 28 alltogether as we are just revolving around ourselves instead of spreading the Gospel message to those around us.

  13. My heart is broken for them. This is just so sad. The dynamic of control is very evident so Prosch may have been abusive. Let us all be humble and love these people into healing and wholeness. Kevin was big time in the early days of our ministry and he even performed at our church once. I always respected and admired Misty. Let us please not shame as Jesus nailed our shame to the cross. I will be praying for them.

  14. Isn’t it obvious that the man Misty Edwards is trying to protect is Mike Bickle? Who else could it possibly be? Why else would she be deathly afraid of the truth coming to the light? Remember, she also LIED to her Christian friends about “living in Israel” when she was really living with Prosch as his s€x kitten, and using alcohol and drugs. (I’m referring here to the first “secret affair,” the knowledge of which Prosch was using as blackmail to get s€xual favors from Misty. Ahem…and we all thought Mr. Prosch was a Christian. And to be fair, is Misty even a Christian?) If I’m wrong, let her publicly renounce her current life of deception and darkness and tell us all the name of the sick man who used her. The Church needs to identify the wolf. MB will never teach again anyway, and sadly he might even wind up in hell, if unrepentant. (I would also not be surprised if all prayer rooms ban Misty for life, including those in Israel. So sad.)

  15. Julie – I literally just finished Tim Alberta’s Book The Kingdom The Power and The Glory where I was introduced to you. I began my Christian Walk at the Anaheim Vineyard at the time they were intimately connected with Kansas City, Mike Bickle Paul Cain – the whole array of Kansas City Prophets. My husband and I moved to the Central Coast of CA and due to small disillusionments slowly drifted away from mainstream Christendom (not Jesus however). It’s frowned upon to not be a part of a fellowship, lest you get separated from the flock and deceived into heresy. We both looked at each other after reading all this, closed out eyes and thanked God from saving us from the Church. We know God loves the church but I think I’m safer outside. And because I know how the culture of hierarchy and the anointed work – for every one person that did something wrong there were 5 that knew about it – They are equally complicit… As Rob Bell says – Don’t mistake Blessing for Favor….. Jesus Save us all.

    1. Cindy, Quoting Rob Bell isnt a winning choice here. The man literally does not accept that our sins separate us from God or swnd us to hell.

  16. I am so grieved reading the comments here to date. Not one of u have considered the truth that those who are in Christ NEVER sin! 1 Jn. 3:4-10 KJV bc the men who compiled the modern versions added words to make it easy for wolves in sheep’s clothing to twist the truth. If u sin u cannot remain in God’s family!! Jn. 8:34. Among u there MUST NOT be even a hint of sin Eph, 5:1-11, 26-27. Then there’s the truth that God NEVER hears prayers from sinners 2 Chron. 7:14, Ps. 5:4-6, 66:18, Is. 1:14-16, Ezek. 8:17-18, Jn, 9:31. This disgrace to the ‘religion of Christianity’ will continue until church leaders experience & teach what John Wesley boldly stated:
    ‘Christians should not be content with any religion that does not imply the destruction of all the work of Satan: that is of ALL SIN.”
    The only way to be born again is to know God well enough to learn to fear Him, so one can repent [stop sinning] Ex. 20:20, Prov. 14:26-27, 16:6, Acts 10:34-35. The Holy Spirit CANNOT live in a filthy, stained temple!! If u believe He can then u have an incredibly sordid understanding of God.
    Read REPENTANCE on Substack or Facebook’s Life Abundant

  17. This will NEVER end all the while the gospel that has been taught since the civil war is totally rejected, & the true gospel of Christ as is found in any bible is taught as it was during the ‘Holiness Movement’ prior to the civil war. Included in the gospel of Christ are the following: Be perfect as God is perfect Mat. 5:48. Be afraid of God. Matt. 20:28. Stop sinning. Jn. 5:14, Jn 8:11, 34, Mat. 5:27-30, Lk.13:3 & 5. Give up everything you have. Lk. 14:33. To be His disciple one MUST obey EVERYTHING He commanded us. Matt. 28:19-20. I have been to many evangelistic rallies & NEVER heard any of that. Franklin Graham NEVER mentions any of that.
    Would Jesus command anyone to sin no more if He knew that it was impossible for human beings to live free from sin? No, He would have been setting them up for guaranteed failure, & eternity in hell.
    The apostles who wrote the NT letters spent much time assuring us that sin must NEVER be part of a Christian’s life. Romans six is very easy to understand, so is Ephesians five, so, as they these were written well after Jesus did His work on that cross, these apostles had never heard of having one’s sins atoned for just bc a sinner says some words. In fact, John gave us the truth that nothing Jesus did on the cross is of benefit for any sinners until they meet the conditions of such a promise. 1 Jn. 1:5-7 Our sins are NOT purified until we are walking in the light as He is in the light. That is clearly after repentance & the forgiveness of all our past sins, & the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38

  18. The bible [the Holy-Spirit-inspired word of God], tells us that God despises any charade of worship or praise from any sinner!!
    Whoever sacrifices a bull is like one who kills a man, & whoever offers a lamb like one who breaks a dog’s neck. They have chosen their own ways, & they delight in their abominations; so, I also will choose harsh treatment for them & will bring on them what they dread. For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in my sight & chose what displeases me. Is. 66:3-4
    I hate, I despise your religious feasts; I cannot stand your assemblies. Even though you bring me burnt offerings & grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your keyboards & guitars. Amos 5:21-23
    I spent from 1992-2011 researching ‘American Christianity’ across the USA. My wife and I volunteered with several churches & ministries while we waited for our green cards, & I was gobsmacked by the ungodliness of church & ministry leaders. Wicked attitudes, bad tempers, corrupt practices, dishonesty, ego, power lust, etc. I wrote a book as a result. Amazon has ‘A Nation Broken’ ready to ship to you today. It declares God’s true message of salvation & His plan to heal America.

  19. So, is the “someone named Mike Brown” Dr. Michael Brown, longtime friend of Mike Bickle?

  20. The forum sounds like a pack of hyenas nipping and biteing thier bloody morsals off the bones of the fallen. FEAST YE RIGHTEOUS ONES! Feed yourselves until you are gorged and satisfied.

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