De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

OPINIÓN: La defensa de Phil Johnson de los salarios y el nepotismo de MacArthur levanta más banderas rojas

Por Julie Roys
Phil Johnson John MacArthur

Phil Johnson, director del ministerio de transmisión de John MacArthur, Grace to You (GTY), argumentó en un reciente entrevista grabada en video con Justin Peters que los grandes salarios de MacArthur no revelan codicia, sino moderación, y su supuesto nepotismo es una farsa. Sin embargo, cuando se examinan, los argumentos presentados por Johnson están llenos de agujeros y levantan aún más banderas rojas.

Por ejemplo, el argumento de Johnson de que MacArthur fue magnánimo cuando se negó a recibir una regalía del 10 por ciento sobre las ventas de sus sermones es sorprendente, dado que hacerlo violaría las reglas del IRS.

Además, el argumento de Johnson de que la compensación de $400K+ de MacArthur de GTY en 2012 no fue exorbitante porque incluía una Biblia rara que MacArthur "dio la vuelta y regaló" es engañosa. Parece que MacArthur no regaló la Biblia hasta cuatro años después, después de que se hiciera pública la noticia de la compensación de $400K+ de MacArthur de parte de GTY.

Además, Johnson omitió hechos clave al explicar la práctica de MacArthur de llenar el tablero de GTY con miembros de la familia. E hizo afirmaciones dudosas al descartar las cuestiones de nepotismo por GTY pagando millones al yerno de MacArthur.

Además, como es su patrón, Johnson me acusó de tener un motivo “que es totalmente malvado y probablemente arraigado en la amargura” para cuestionar los pagos al yerno de MacArthur.

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El apóstol Pablo elogió a los de Berea por escudriñar las Escrituras para ver si lo que estaba diciendo era verdad. Pero aparentemente para Johnson, incluso atreverse a cuestionar a MacArthur y/o sus ministerios es un pecado grave.

Abordé el angustioso patrón de Johnson de intimidación, insultos y asumir malos motivos en parte uno de mi respuesta al video de Johnson. También mostré cómo las acusaciones de Johnson contra mí son demostrablemente falsas.

En este artículo, exploro cómo la defensa de Johnson de MacArthur y sus tratos financieros no resuelve ninguno de los problemas en mi artículo original, pero en realidad plantea más.

El regalo de la Biblia King James

En el año que terminó en 2012, GTY pagó a John MacArthur $402,444 en compensación por trabajar 20 horas a la semana. Eso es además de la $103,280 MacArthur recibido de The Master's University and Seminary (TMUS), el salario no revelado que recibió de Grace Community Church, así como regalías de libros y honorarios por conferencias. (Johnson afirma en su video con Peters que MacArthur gana “millones… en regalías de libros”).

En el video con Peters, Johnson explica el gran salario GTY 2012 de MacArthur de la misma manera que lo hace en un comunicado que emitió en 2014: El salario de MacArthur superó los $400K en 2012 porque el ministerio le dio a MacArthur una rara Biblia King James de primera edición con un valor aproximado de $200,000.

Informé la explicación de Johnson sobre la Biblia en mi artículo original, así que no era información nueva. La nueva afirmación es que MacArthur donó la Biblia, aparentemente, en poco tiempo.  

“No es un buen avaro si la codicia es su motivación porque se dio la vuelta y la regaló”, dijo Johnson. “Lo puso en la colección de libros raros del seminario”.

Johnson said nothing about MacArthur donating the Bible in his 2014 statement. And after examining TMUS’ 990 tax forms, it’s clear why he didn’t. In 2014, MacArthur apparently hadn’t yet given away the Bible.[pullquote]Johnson said nothing about MacArthur donating the Bible in his 2014 statement. And after examining TMUS’ 990 tax forms, it’s clear why he didn’t. In 2014, MacArthur apparently hadn’t yet given away the Bible.[/pullquote]

Desde la primera parte de 2012, cuando MacArthur recibió la Biblia, hasta el 30 de junio de 2015, no hay grandes donaciones no monetarias de "artefactos históricos" informados en los 990 de TMUS.

Sin embargo, en el formulario de impuestos 990 de 2015 de TMUS, el año posterior a que MacArthur quedara bajo escrutinio intenso desde blogueros por su gran compensación de GTY, muestra una donación de "artefactos históricos" por valor de $210,000.

Entonces MacArthur recibió la Biblia $210,000 de GTY en 2011/2012. Pero aparentemente no lo donó hasta 2015/2016, aproximadamente cuatro años después. Y lo hizo solo después de ser llamado públicamente por tomar más de $402K en un año por su trabajo de medio tiempo en GTY.

¿MacArthur renuncia a regalías?

Otro factor que Johnson cita para mejorar el gran salario GTY de MacArthur es la decisión de MacArthur de no tomar regalías de 10% sobre las ventas de sus grabaciones de sermones.

Johnson dice esto en el contexto de tratar de explicar su comentario de 2014 de que durante los primeros 30 años de GTY, MacArthur no recibió salario.

GTY se incorporó en la década de 1980 y MacArthur ha estado recibiendo un salario durante al menos los últimos 19 años, por lo que la declaración es objetivamente incorrecta. Sin embargo, Johnson afirma que está fechando el comienzo de GTY como el año en que MacArthur se convirtió en pastor de Grace Community Church (GCC) y la iglesia comenzó a vender casetes de los sermones de MacArthur.

Johnson dijo que los ancianos de la iglesia sugirieron que MacArthur tomara 10 centavos de cada dólar por las ventas de casetes, pero MacArthur se negó a hacerlo.

“Esa es la cantidad que he escuchado, 10 centavos por cinta, que parece poco”, dijo Johnson. “Pero cuando estás vendiendo, ya sabes, 10 millones de cintas, ese es un millón de dólares que decidió renunciar de inmediato”.

Sin embargo, el IRS prohíbe dar regalías a un pastor por las ventas de sus sermones, según michelle adams, un abogado sin fines de lucro que se especializa en ministerios e iglesias cristianas.

“Many people seem to think that the following one builds through one’s role in the church belongs to that person alone,” she stated. “But the truth is, in tax-exempt law your employer (the nonprofit) owns the work that you produce on the job.  Specifically, when you are paid to be a pastor, the intellectual property produced through your pastoral duties (which certainly includes sermon-making) belongs to the organization that commissioned you to create it.”[pullquote]”(W)hen you are paid to be a pastor, the intellectual property produced through your pastoral duties (which certainly includes sermon-making) belongs to the organization that commissioned you to create it.”[/pullquote]

De manera similar, Frank Sommerville, un abogado con sede en Dallas que se especializa en leyes sin fines de lucro, afirma en El cristianismo hoy que si un sermón califica como trabajo por contrato, los derechos intelectuales de ese sermón pertenecen a la iglesia.

Agrega que los derechos de propiedad intelectual se consideran "bienes de beneficencia" y, por ley, deben usarse para "fines benéficos" y no para "propiedades privadas". (A pesar de esto, el artículo señala que algunos pastores famosos, como Chuck Swindoll, han podido negociar contratos con sus iglesias, otorgándoles la propiedad de sus sermones).

Claramente, MacArthur cobrando regalías por los casetes de sus sermones sería un abuso de la ley. Pero el tema de la propiedad intelectual también plantea otra cuestión.

Adams agrega que los libros, las guías de estudio y los comentarios que resultan del tiempo de trabajo para una organización sin fines de lucro también pertenecen a la organización sin fines de lucro. Dado que a MacArthur se le paga un salario por trabajos en tres organizaciones sin fines de lucro, esto plantea la pregunta: ¿En la época de quién escribió MacArthur todos sus libros, guías de estudio y comentarios?

Como escribí en mi artículo original sobre la riqueza de MacArthur, MacArthur afirma trabajar de 30 a 60 horas por semana solo para GTY y The Master's University and Seminary (TMUS). Suponiendo que MacArthur trabaja solo 20 horas a la semana en GCC, MacArthur afirma que trabaja entre 50 y 80 horas a la semana para todas sus organizaciones sin fines de lucro.

Dado este hecho, es casi inconcebible que MacArthur haya escrito todos sus libros, guías de estudio y comentarios en su propio tiempo y que ninguno contenga propiedad intelectual que pertenezca a sus organizaciones sin fines de lucro.

Entonces, MacArthur no está siendo magnánimo cuando toma tres salarios de sus organizaciones sin fines de lucro, así como millones en regalías.

Lo que sería magnánimo sería renunciar a los derechos de autor de libros como juan gaitero. O, como predicador de la prosperidad Joel Osteen, MacArthur podría haber dejado de recibir un salario de su iglesia. Aún más magnánimo, podría haber seguido el ejemplo de Rick Warren, quien reembolsó su salario a su iglesia una vez que comenzó a ganar millones en regalías.

En cambio, MacArthur durante décadas no solo ha recibido salarios considerables de todos los ministerios en los que ha estado involucrado, sino que también se ha embolsado millones por los muchos productos que llevan su nombre.

Todos en la familia

Johnson ofusca y engaña de manera similar cuando defiende la práctica de MacArthur de colocar a sus hijos en la junta de GTY y pagarle a su yerno millones en contratos.

Los dos hijos de MacArthur, Matt MacArthur y Mark MacArthur, han sido miembros de la junta de GTY durante décadas. Matt MacArthur se ha desempeñado constantemente como tesorero de GTY. Y Mark MacArthur acaba de salir del tablero de GTY el año pasado después de ser acusado de fraude por la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores por su participación en un esquema de inversión de $16 millones.

Sin embargo, en el video, Johnson hace que suene como si la práctica de tener a ambos hijos en el directorio fuera algo único.

Johnson afirma repetidamente que "uno de los hijos de John está en nuestra junta" y "hay un miembro de la familia en la Junta de Grace to You". Luego, casi como un aparte, menciona: "En un momento, dos de los hijos (de MacArthur) estaban en la junta".

But both MacArthur’s sons didn’t serve on GTY’s board “at one point”; they served on the GTY board for decades. And Mark MacArthur stopped serving only after being charged with defrauding investors of millions.[pullquote]But both MacArthur’s sons didn’t serve on GTY’s board “at one point”; they served on the GTY board for decades. And Mark MacArthur stopped serving only after being charged with defrauding investors of millions.[/pullquote]

Johnson también defiende el papel de Matt MacArthur como tesorero de GTY con un argumento dudoso. Él dice que la razón por la que se eligió a Mark para servir como tesorero fue simplemente pragmática: "Tiene que ver con la geografía", afirma Johnson. “Él es el que está cerca, el que puede firmar cheques y hacer cosas así cuando es necesario”.

Johnson agrega que sería una "pesadilla logística si uno de los miembros de nuestra junta de, digamos, Atlanta, fuera nuestro tesorero".

Sin embargo, otros miembros de la junta de GTY viven en el sur de California, donde tiene su sede GTY. Esto incluye al miembro de la junta desde hace mucho tiempo christopher parking y Pedro Coeler, propietario de un negocio en las cercanías de Studio City, California.

La explicación de Johnson parece otro intento de ofuscar, en lugar de abordar la preocupante realidad de que Matt MacArthur, quien claramente tiene un conflicto de intereses, controla las finanzas de GTY.

Existe un conflicto de intereses similar con el contrato de larga data que GTY tiene con Kory Welch, el yerno de John MacArthur. Entre 2009 y 2019, GTY pagó más de $8,3 millones a las empresas de Welch para producir videos para el ministerio.

Johnson dice que mis motivaciones son claramente "totalmente malvadas" para cuestionar este arreglo nepotista, lo cual es absurdo. Cualquiera que no cuestione este arreglo es tonto.

De hecho, la relación contractual similar de Welch con The Master's University and Seminary (TMUS), otra organización sin fines de lucro dirigida por MacArthur, fue una de las principales razones por las que el organismo de acreditación de TMUS, la Asociación Occidental de Escuelas y Universidades (WASC), colocó a TMUS en período de prueba en 2018.

En su informe, WASC stated: “The team notes with concern a pattern of operational irregularities, including the 2017 auditor’s specific finding on appearance of conflicts of interest with the President’s son-in-law supervising a contract from which he benefits . . .”[pullquote]“The team notes with concern a pattern of operational irregularities, including the 2017 auditor’s specific finding on appearance of conflicts of interest with the President’s son-in-law supervising a contract from which he benefits . . .”[/pullquote]

Johnson justifica que GTY contrate a Welch explicando que “la gran ventaja de usar a Kory es que puede hacer que John grabe en video cosas especiales en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, mientras que John, ya sabes, dirá 'no' si algún productor de Hollywood. . . dice: 'Necesito que vengas aquí y te sientes para ver un video de tres horas'”.

Básicamente, esto es argumentar: "No estamos contratando a Welch solo porque es el yerno de MacArthur, sino porque es el yerno de MacArthur".

Si GTY debe contratar a un miembro de la familia de MacArthur para que éste coopere con las demandas de su extremadamente lucrativo trabajo de medio tiempo, eso es un problema.

Sin embargo, Johnson también argumenta que contratar a Welch le ahorra dinero al ministerio.

Johnson afirma que GTY había realizado un análisis de costo-beneficio antes de contratar a Welch. Y el ministerio determinó que contratar a Welch como contratista independiente para producir videos era más económico que emplear a Welch como empleado de GTY y producir los videos internamente.

Esta es una afirmación dudosa, dado que GTY empleó a Welch por $84K en 2008 para producir videos y le pagó a su esposa, Melinda Welch, solo $17K. Pero en 2009, GTY pagó a la compañía de Welch $741K por “servicios de posproducción”. Además, en ese momento, GTY ya había comprado el equipo de video necesario para producir los videos, según Johnson.

Me comuniqué con Johnson y el director financiero de GTY, David Fisk, para solicitar específicamente documentación sobre los costos de producir videos internamente en GTY en 2008, pero no respondieron. También pedí documentación para los supuestos análisis de costo-beneficio a los que Johnson hace referencia en el video, pero tampoco respondieron a esa solicitud.

Johnson también afirma que cuando GTY contrató a Welch por primera vez, recopiló ofertas de otras compañías de video y la oferta de Welch fue competitiva.

Le pedí a Johnson y Fisk la documentación de esas ofertas, pero ninguno respondió.

Permanecen las banderas rojas

Lamentablemente, la entrevista de Johnson no resuelve ninguno de los problemas financieros planteados en mi artículo sobre las finanzas de MacArthur, sino que revela el patrón continuo de engaño y falsas acusaciones de Johnson.

Igualmente triste, Justin Peters, quien publicó el video de su entrevista con Johnson en su ministerioEl canal de YouTube de, se ha negado a entrevistarme para que pueda presentar los hechos a su audiencia. Hasta la fecha, el video de la entrevista de Peters con Johnson ha recibido más de 214 000 visitas.



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175 Respuestas

  1. Julie, thank you so much for everything you are doing to expose corruption and poor conduct in the church. It breaks my heart to see how nasty the backlash toward you is, and how unfairly you are being treated. You will be in my prayers. Thank you for exposing some of the inner machinations of Johnny Mac’s little empire. I used to have a cautious but fairly high opinion of him and Johnson, but I think now I’m seeing the truth — especially about Johnson, who seems to be able to pivot from a gentle, calm personality to a baseless attacker so quickly it’s frankly unnerving. May God continue to cleanse his church of all this corruption, and may you continue to be blessed in your work toward that end.

  2. Isn;t this all pretty common in the large mega type churches? The pastor become well known, church becomes larger, they write books, have on line presence (some form of media) and then their children are all employed by the church for various duties from pastors, kids area, office, running the online, etc … many times it appears that the pastor and his family live much more wealthy lives than those attending the church. I’m not sure what the right answer is to all of this but being a member of one for several years now I could not tell you anything about the finances of the church or who serves on the board.

    1. Kathleen, the problem you point out that nepotism, fame and large amounts of money selling the gospel are all too common in churches and parachurch organizations is at the crux of the matter and needs to be rooted out.

      Thank God for Julie and others who keep this issue front and center.

      1. I have a different view. Your list, and many other things not on it, only demonstrate these are not New Testament Churches at all. It’s nice to see the ungodly deeds exposed but so often the world scoffs at this (rightly so) and Satan points them out, but these are NOT biblical churches, not even close.

        Thank God the Church, His Church, is autonomous and there are many doing His will. There will always be people outside the church that will point out how bad it has become, but it is my belief they are wrong.

        Jesus said I will build My Church and “the gates of Hell” won’t prevail against it and if His church acts like the world, then Hell has prevailed, but I know it hasn’t.

    2. Shepherd’s Church, Shepherd’s Seminary and Wisdom for the Heart. Julie, dig there. You’ll find the same stuff. They modeled themselves after Grace.

    3. If we know all the corrupt or questionable practices going on with these churches, and parachurch groups, why do we buy their books and give them money? How many times do we need to get fooled? Many churches are just becoming a backdrop for the famous pastor these days. We in the pew are merely props.

      We know where all the finances go in our church. Why can’t everyone do that? It is easy.

      1. Props? More like product consumers. Megachurch Evangelical Christianity is just another symptom of consumerism. The “churches” are not standing against the problems of the world. They are part of the problem.

    4. Kathleen,

      I too have seen how pastors of large churches begin, over time, to treat the church like their own family business – putting their children and relative in positions throughout the church. It is a sort of cronyism that then means that an insider/outsider climate is fostered. It never appears to lead anywhere good.

    5. I totally agree, that is why I have given up on the church. After attending church for decades, titheing and working in the church, my wife and I decided to no longer be part of a church.

      1. I hope you found a church that is fiscally, sexually, and stays out of politics. It’s easier said than done. It easier said than done even in fairly large cities. It’s surprising how many churches that have really fairly good doctrines have the above failings and also are run like a cult. It’s not the example first century churches gave.

  3. Someone should investigate John MacArthur’s friend in Lincoln Nebraska Gil (dad) and Greg Rugh. Greg has had numerous affairs and the church (ihcc) did nothing but blame and slander his ex-wife, in fact Greg married one of his mistresses.Jmac knew Greg had a problem when he attended TMUS and did nothing. Marci Preheim has done good reporting on this.

    1. Because of your post, I just went down the rabbit hole reading Marci Preheim’s posts about allegations of sexual abuse at the Master’s seminary and victim blaming and covering it all up. I pray that any sins will be fully exposed.

  4. Spoken like a true Kool-Aid drinking cult follower of John MacArthur or one of his paid shills by his image / PR / Data Analytics firm. Which one is it?

    1. And since I called the countdown and predicted that you would show up (see my earlier post before you arrived), does that mean I have the gift of prophecy? /sarc

  5. Thank you for all your hard work in exposing the sins of JM and PJ!  Both men need to repent and answer your questions. 

    I love and appreciate the fact that you write with logic and truth which leaves your critics unable to defend themselves.   

  6. Thanks for your research
    It’s heartbreaking to see such a gifted Bible expositor having issues with the love of money
    Paul or any of the apostles or Bible authors never earned a dime.
    I love Johns teaching abilities but now I’m always thinking of his 3 homes. Millions in his pockets and nepotistic church business

  7. Never follow or give to any organization that won’t willingly give you a detailed financial statement. There is only one reason that they won’t… they are hiding something (or embarrassed by their expenditures). Honesty and transparency are not hard to do unless greed seeps in. I’ve seen it for years…

  8. It is disappointing to see Justin Peters colluding with Phil Johnson’s false narrative. It is also hard to see worldly tribalism, and what amounts to a good-ole-boy system, directing a false and intentionally misleading storyline in what is supposed be God’s holy church.

    1. Sadly, the “good-ole-boy system” you mention as well as the code of silence often seems worse within the Christian community. I see groups like The Gospel Coalition and speakers who were part of the Resolved conferences in a different light now.

  9. The ultra-Calvinist mafia of the MacArthurs, Johnson, Peters, Doug Phillips, etc. does far more damage than the ultra-Charismatic mafia like the Hinns, Dollar, Copeland, etc.

      1. Brian, did you talk to the Apostle John and did he give you inside info on Grace Community Church? Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit stated, “ Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.”. I think we should trust God’s Word. There are a few holes in her story and maybe she has this information but as of now it’s easy to see. It is sad to see that instead of integrity it is she said, he said and now again she said.

        1. Hi Brian could you tell KC that we are not PRONOUNCING JUDGEMENT ON THINGS NOW HIDDEN IN DARKNESS because everything that we may (in KC’s eyes) be pronouncing judgement on are all out there all over the place for anyone , anywhere to find and research themselves in order to draw a truthful conclusion.
          P.S. Darkness is like things in peoples hearts that allows them to justify or defend evil , that
          judgement definitely comes later

  10. Hmmm in all kindness, I tend to agree. Does he need to give a breakdown of all he buys too? (i.e. Groceries – Kraft peanut butter vs. store brand)? ????

  11. I think it would be interesting to find out how Grace Community Church is legally structured and who serves as officers. Is MacArthur an officer of the GCC 501c3 as well as being a pastor of GCC? If so, did he hire himself?

    It doesn’t seem to me as if there’s any independent accountability in MacArthur’s organizations. He seems to be the person at the top, accountable to no one.

    I think that in a business, this is fine; a business leader is always accountable to the customers if not to anyone else. Customers can hold a business accountable by refusing to buy the businesses products and services. But is this how a church should be structured? Like a business?

  12. When one works as an employee for a corporation to produce ‘intellectual property’ such as sermons, the sermons remain the property of the employer, in this case, the incorporated church (GTY) The employee has no right or ownership of the sermons. The incorporated church leadership has the responsibility to make sure that the employee, in this case, J MacArthur is adequately compensated to pay for his necessities and not to get rich on what does not belong to him.
    It is quite obvious that John MacArthur runs the show here using Phil Johnson and his family members to give the appearance that this is not the situation, when it is.

    1. But what if MacArthur is both the CEO or President of the GCC 501c3 as well as the principal employee? Maybe he does own the sermons…

      I left a church like this. The pastors were both the head officers in the corporation as well as the principal employees. There was no independent accountability in the organization. If the church building was sold, who got the money?

      I’m the President of my own LLC and also the principle employee, but my customers keep me accountable…VERY accountable.

  13. In the face of overwhelming evidence of lies, deception, abusive bullying, and shady, self-enriching profiteering off the donations from their “non-profit” ministries, Johnson and team MacArthur and Family, Inc., hide in their safe spaces, e.g. exclusive, luxury country clubs, not excepting, that is, the times they poke out their heads to utter more of the same. Ironically, those who try to aid their defense only further illustrate how preposterous and indefensible they are by refusing to engage with facts, instead resorting to juvenile insults and nonsensical statements.

    Justin Peters’ fawning interview of Johnson is a joke, lobbing only slow-pitch softballs for Johnson to weakly weasel an answer to, with zero probing questions to actually try to arrive at the truth. In trying to defend MacArthur, Peters’ repeatedly quotes Proverbs 18:17, “The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him,” but is woefully hypocritical in its application by cowardly refusing to interview Ms. Roys.

    In the interview, Johnson again also misleads about MacArthur’s lies regarding the night when MLK was assassinated, saying that was over 50 years ago and MacArthur may be “misremembering” things. However, MacArthur started lying about this repeatedly in 2007, with a sharp recollection and precise but impossible details, when he apparently oddly started relaying what would be a very significant story publicly for the first times. Over the years, Johnson has floated assorted conjectures to try to cover up for MacArthur, in addition to unrepentantly, viciously attacking Christian reporter Paige Rogers. It’s unfathomable he again feigns ignorance after all these years, unable to come back with a concrete answer straight from MacArthur, who cowers safely tucked away from scrutiny. Charles Evers and John Perkins, the civil rights icons MacArthur says he was with that night, have denied MacArthur’s account.

  14. May the fake “you are born again by faith in Christ unless you cannot prove it through your works” conditional eternal security peddled by Johnny Mac for 40 years be a welcome casualty of this investigation.

  15. I call on JM, Johnson , elders and board members of GCC and GTY to demonstrate integrity and present facts instead of name calling and hurling of insults at investigators. It is shameful to talk about what the ungodly people do in secret. Please present the salaries, compensation, royalties, contracts, bidding, studies instead of fabricating more lies. If the truth would not dishonor God then why keep it a secret ? what are you guys ashamed about ? In time, truth will find its way out anyway. The bigger the lie, the bigger the fall. The church is hurting and christians all over the world are confused, disappointed and stumbled including myself who have been a student for 30 years. I can’t begin to tell you how much pain your deception, hubris, avarice have caused me.
    gracias julio

  16. Justin Peters mentioned several times in his video Proverbs 18:17 – “The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him.”- so I am glad you continue with your case.

    And what are the ways God wants to purify the church with these revelations? One thought, for example, is to consider what attitudes and beliefs (via the EIC and otherwise) contributed to christian Mark MacArthur’s decision to sin by defrauding investors and also breaking the law?

    I came across this MacArthur prayer in his sermon 54-46 The Danger of Loving Money:

    “Let’s pray together. While your head’s bowed for just a closing moment or two, I want you to recommit yourself in your heart and say, “Lord, if there’s any love of money in me, take it away. I want all my life and all my resources to be used for Your glory. Help me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength and not to be concerned with indulging myself.”

    Will you be honest enough to say to the Lord, “I know consciously transfer ownership of everything I have to You? I express to You a thankful heart for the state in which I presently find myself. I want Your Holy Spirit to help me discern my needs from my wants. I want to seek Your will with all my resources. And from now on I desire to give to You sacrificially.” Can you pray that prayer? Where your treasure is, your heart is. Where’s your heart? Where is your heart?

    Father, we pray that the convicting work of the Spirit of God might bear fruit in all of us. Help us to hold lightly the things of this world and whatever of the world’s substance can be invested in eternity, oh God, may we run to do it. Help us to be faithful to love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and not to love money and so to spend ourselves for Your glory. Accomplish in every life, in my heart as well, Lord, what You would desire for the Savior’s sake. Amen.”

    1. A couple nuggets from MacArthur’s prayer: “…and not to be concerned with indulging myself.” “I want Your Holy Spirit to help me discern my needs from my wants.” “And from now on I desire to give to You sacrificially.”

      In the context of MacArthur’s life, these statements seem as vacuous, hypocritical, manipulative, and self-serving as some of those coming from the “most successful” (read:worst) of the prosperity gospel charlatan actors.

    2. Wow Thanks Lamenting good research ! You know what everybody ? He sounds just like a christian sounds
      What does that mean ? THINK ABOUT IT………..

  17. Julie, Excellent stuff! the MacArthur empire is about to self-destruct like Ravi’s did. Thanks for all your work. I appreciate this deep investigative reporting.
    I was dismissive of the CoVid reports on JRR as I see that matter as a distraction, but these reports are the real deal. Take good care!

  18. “Busybody”? “Vile attempt”? Do you attend GCC/TMS/TMU? Where is your evidence – with credible links – to back up YOUR accusations? If you listened to PJ’s response, but did not bother to track the red flags yourself, then of course you’d make this conclusion. Listening to a homemade YouTube mini-doc is no credible means of “proof”. Try looking at the 990s for Koey Welch’s “services” to TMS – complete with the falsification of missionary Luis Contreras as a “family member”, for a start.

    Want more? Look through Roys’ articles on not only this matter, but the strong work she’s done to expose James MacDonald and RZIM. Don’t be fooled for a nanosecond that even a biblically strong ministry like GCC/GTY/TMS/TMU could NEVER fall into sinful practices – much less PJ’s horrific behavior as an elder and JM’s right hand man. It happens. And it’s been happening for a LONG time. That church deserves to hear the truth from JM himself, and must see these men publicly repent and seek forgiveness.

  19. How about settling things once and for all?
    A. Have John MacArthur reveal his tax returns for the last 15 years to show his modest lifestyle.
    B Have John MacArthur put his hand on a Bible and swear that 1. He was present at MLK’s hotel balcony and stood at James Ray’s bathroom window a day or so after the murder. and 2. That he was an all American Football draft pick before entering seminary. (Deut.10:20)

    1. Make sure he swears on the MacArthur Study Bible though. I think the 2nd Edition, Premium Goatskin Leather, Premier Collection, Comfort Print, $97.95 on Amazon, would be a good one.

  20. I listened to Johnson on Peter’s podcrap. What a dog & pony show, devoid of facts & making toothless stmts such as: “if u donate & have good reason we’ll consider letting u c some financials…”. If they’re not ashamed of how much $$ they make then file a 990. Be open & walk in the light as Our Lord calls us to do. I needed a shower after listening to all the blustering…

  21. Eric, This article is not about agreement or disagreement about theological convictions of JM. It is about exposing corruption and hypocrisy of JM. JS made her points by proving her propstion by incorporating all solid evidences. In my honest opinion, Justin Peters and PJ fall short of defing their idol. Because his conduct is indefensible. A Peron who loves calling out others could have come out his shadow if anything JR says were false.

      1. True! The first thing Phil would’ve done is proclaimed from the mountain-tops “I told you she is a liar”, and doubtless Justin Peters would also give Mr. Johnson a platform as well. But what do we hear?

        (((crickets chirping)))

  22. Looks like fake news and the cancel culture has made it’s way into the “Christian” Media. I have a feeling we’ll look back on this hit piece in 20 years and laugh at the absurd accusations. We’ll see how this ages.

    1. JZ, did you read this article and the previous ones? These aren’t “accusations”. They are based on FACTS from written sources (quoted in the article).

      I remember during the RCC scandals that those defending the priests would label journalists’ presentation of facts as “hit pieces”.
      They either benefited from the RCC or were so invested in it and the priests that their pride wouldn’t allow them to admit the priests were guilty.
      Idolatry us when one isn’t interested in truth but only in defending the idol no matter what.

      1. Where is the sin? Where is the crime? Is a pastor owning a home in California for 40 years news worthy? I don’t even like JMAC, but this is a big nothing burger! Fake news!

    2. No, I don’t think so, JZ. Between ALL this and the false teachings, 40 years of teaching a Lordship Salvation works Gospel, it isn’t going to go in a GOOD way. God has HIS way to shine light on the darkness and expose all evil. Perhaps even Justin Peters will come clean and do what “Discernment ministries” are supposed to do: Expose false teachings to protect Christ’s flock. Denying Christ’s Sonship AND the power of His Blood should be enough, so just wait and let God handle some problems in that whole camp AND those who ignore Jesus’ words to beware of them, but would rather think that they’ll “laugh in 20 years”. God will not be mocked. Not by anyone.

  23. Nepotism is a sore spot in Evangelicalism. Preachers proclaim that God raises up and that one must have a “call.” The call is often a big deal–and it should be. Then pastors’ wives are hired as executive pastors, sons and daughters the youth ministers and children’s pastors, sons, daughters, and in-laws the board members, and other relatives paid to run the nursery and the daycare. In many Evangelical churches, the only way into full time ministry is to marry into the pastor’s extended family.

    I find it hard to believe that God only calls members of the pastor’s family to the ministry leadership or to majority presence on a deacon or elder board. I see no New Testament pattern of this.

    The Catholic clergy worldwide sex scandal revealed the problems of hierarchical church leadership by dictatorial bishops and cardinals, along with a two-class membership of elite rulers and second class members. But the congregational option, a Biblical shared responsibility, needs a practical tweak. Congregations and boards need to not just knee-jerk approve nepotistic appointments and family favoritism. The local church should not be run as a single-family business. When it is, the local church operates at a lower ethical standard than businesses and civil service, and emulates one of the worst aspects of corrupt partisan politics. This is not an adequate testimony for the New Testament Kingdom of God.

    I imagine MacArthur’s kingdom didn’t start out as a nepotistic enterprise, but over time it grew into it. It is a problem that comes with celebrity, large following, big cash flows. God and mammon are competitors in the Scripture. It’s not an easy battle, especially in a culture that inculcates into everyone that wealth equals success, and where monetizing everything is so tempting. I remember preachers of yesteryear who didn’t copyright Bible study materials with the express idea that they wouldn’t charge in any way for sharing God’s Word.

  24. Just to reiterate the type of people and culture one is dealing with here:

    I just this morning streamed JMac’s church service for a couple of minutes. It was enough to hear him boast that their attendance has doubled, followed by a statement that they were working to find another disease that causes such church growth. This was met with applause for the growth comment and laughter at the working to find another disease comment.

    Half a million of our neighbors in America, and millions worldwide, are dead from this scourge, and many millions more have gotten sick, many with long-term health impairments.

    The fact that they are still publicly joking about it should tell you all you need to know about this group.

    1. Given the fact that 2 students from their Masters program died from Covid & it was obvious that Big Mac had it & they still lie about proves how depraved & insensitive they are.

        1. Dear Hill Billy,

          I won’t waste much time on this nonsense. It’s a free country & God has given us a free will, so believe as u wish. I have 3 sons, all 3 are Doctors; and I don’t mean the Ravi or Big Mac kinda of Drs.They work in the ICU & ER. I wish u could talk w them. Covid is not your Daddy’s flu. In some ppl w underlying co-morbitities it can result in thrombosis (blood clots) & severe lung damage.

          Lastly, the link u pasted is a bastardization of something that has been erroneously floating around the internet. The name “Dr. Derick Knauss” is not even the correct name. The correct name of this buffoon is “Dr. Derek Knauss”.

          I sincerely wish u all the best.

          1. Ditto. My wife is a RN working with ICU docs here in Southern California. Most of January and February they’ve been working to the point of absolute mental and physical exhaustion. LA was on the brink of having to choose who gets treated and who gets left to die. And MacArthur effectively gives them the finger and makes the most of people choosing to be ignorant. I have no patience for this.

          2. TJ, your having three sons who are MD’s is part of the problem that keeps you from researching outside their box, imo.

            Suppose they were graduates of J Mac’s TMS and you wanted their perspective on whether JM was guilty of peddling the gospel for monetary gain – do you think they’d be objective in researching the facts? Probably not.

            Furthermore, suppose TMS had control over a licensing facets of their occupation (like the states do the MD’s) do you think they would be extra careful in criticizing aspects about JM or his theology? Probably so.

            No one has properly isolated said virus and shown causality with double blind studies. It was created “ex nihilo”, or literally out of nothing more than an idea by those in the corrupt medical industry. Vaccine patents were filed internationally years prior to the supposed outbreak. Very few doctors are interested in jeopardizing their careers to expose the fraud.

            There are national and international lawsuits over this issue. This is not nonsense!! Everyone who insists that covid-19 is the cause of people’s illness is participating in the world’s biggest, and most damaging fraudulent lie.





            Many more links are available.

    2. JL, ALL of Julie’s research and work, add the abuse she has taken, the goings on reported on, those of us who keep exposing JMac’s false teachings (I’ll add some heresy) and hearing something like this concerning “another virus for church growth”…..I believe that God’s word is all TRUTH, and be assured that it says, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay”. People like to talk and in these last days, more so. Word’s getting around, and God has the last word. I grieve with you just hearing that.

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