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Canadian Missionary Couple Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Minors in the Dominican Republic

By Liz Lykins
tracee adam pepper
Canadian missionaries Adam and Tracee Pepper have been jailed for sex crimes involving minors in the Dominican Republic. (Photo: Facebook)

A Canadian missionary couple was sentenced to several years in prison by Dominican Republic authorities for sex crimes involving children, according to a press release by the country’s attorney general last Monday.

Adam and Tracee Pepper, missionaries with the missions organization, Commission to Every Nation (CTEN) Canada, were convicted of sexually assaulting and threatening two minors in Jaracaboa, Dominican Republic. The couple, both age 35, are also convicted of possession of child pornography.

Police began investigating the Peppers in 2021 when a mother reported that she found photos on her son’s phone of Adam Pepper assaulting the boy, who was under 12 years old, according to the press release. Pepper reportedly threatened the minor not to reveal the abuse by saying he would stop giving the child gifts. Pepper had previously given the boy a cell phone.

The mother alleged that Adam and Tracee Pepper continually pushed for more alone time with the minor. She added that the couple even had the mother sign a document that stated if the mother were physically unable care for her son, the Peppers would assume custody of him, the press release said.

Tracee Pepper was also convicted of sexually touching the boy and recording sexual images of the boy with a 13-year-old girl. The girl’s aunt told investigators that her niece and family were threatened by the Peppers with harm if they spoke out.

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adam pepper
Missionary Adam Pepper with a minor in the Dominican Republic. (Photo: Facebook)

In 2021, Dominican authorities raided the Peppers’ home and seized USB flash drives, a professional camera, a suitcase with high-definition recording equipment, and a small digital camera, among other belongings. The press release said that images of minors in sexual activity were found on the devices.

Adam was sentenced to seven years in prison while his wife was sentenced to five years, according to the press release. The couple was fined the equivalent of 10 official minimum wages and the legal costs. Tracee Peppers also received a ban on working, teaching, and leaving the country.

The sentences were a result of sexual threats and assaults, sexual and commercial exploitation, possession of images infringing on the honor and dignity of children, and the production, distribution, acquisition, and possession of child pornography — all of which violated several articles in the Dominican Penal Code, the press release said.

The couple began working with the missions organization CTEN Canada, an affiliate organization of CTEN, in August 2020, according to Adam’s LinkedIn profile.

CTEN Canada
Logo for Commission to Every Nation Canada (Courtesy image)

When the organization learned of the accusations against the couple, they were decommissioned, Rick Malm, Founder and CEO of CTEN told the The Roys Report (TRR).

Malm said the organization was shocked by the news as CTEN staff thoroughly vetted the Peppers before they joined and found no red flags. CTEN interviewed the couple, the couple’s pastor, and other friends of the pair to conduct a background check, he said.

“My gosh it’s just really heartbreaking,” Malm said. “This is just totally out of the blue.”

Since decommissioning the couple, CTEN notified the Peppers’ church and donors, Malm said. CTEN offered to help the Dominican Republic government with its investigation, but he said the government didn’t ask for any help.

 Malm added CTEN is trying to be as transparent as possible about the unprecedented situation. “This is our 30th year and we’ve sent thousands – we have 670 active ministries now on the field. So, over the 30 years we’ve sent literally thousands and this the only time we’ve have anything like this,” Malm said.  

The Peppers worked with children for more than a decade

The Peppers had done missionary work in the Dominican Republic periodically since 2018, according to Adam Pepper’s Facebook page.

The couple first met in 2007 while attending Steinbach Bible College in Manitoba, Canada, Adam Pepper’s LinkedIn profile said.

“(We) shared a similar love for helping children in need,” Pepper wrote on his profile. “We knew that we were destined to serve in the Dominican Republic together.”

He added that they felt called by God to share Jesus with children in the country while helping meet the children’s needs.

“We see ourselves as vessels that God will use to do great things. We will serve and God will save!” Pepper said.

In 2019, Pepper highlighted the work the couple were doing in the Dominican Republic by posting photos of a boy they worked with.

“This little guy captured my heart two years ago when we were last in the Dominican Republic. I met him in person and felt moved to sponsor him,” he wrote in a Facebook fundraiser post. He added that the sponsorship was “God’s intent.”

Pepper previously served as a youth leader at both Steinbach Evangelical Mennonite Church from 2005 to 2009 and at La Broquerie Youth Group from 2008 to 2012, according to his LinkedIn. 

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins writes for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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4 Responses

  1. As a Canadian, I am ashamed the ‘peppers’ (lower case intended) are Canadian. All the technical equipment seized clearly indicate they are sexual predators to which there are no boundaries at any definition. It is justice they have been charged.
    Child predators will go where there are children be it church, sport or other venues. I hope and pray the mission organization will provide all the needed intervention for those children and families.
    And that couple get help leading to full repentance. There is a connection between childhood sexual abuse and adult abusers, while no excuse. There are those growing up in abusive homes who get help and choose not to abuse at any level including physical. Tragically, these are a minority.

    It also indicates a challenge for mission organizations to provide and learn even more skills to help identify possible predators. Difficult and not infallible. So sad for all.

  2. Has anyone seen the evidence of the pictures? I wonder because Torben Sonderguard was imprisoned for 412 days in Florida without charges and accused of being a missionary smuggling guns. I am a YouTuber who believes in the imminent, pre-Tribulation rapture, and we are being persecuted for the truth. If this couple really was doing this, then I pray for the children and parents involved to find peace and salvation in Jesus Christ. My identical twins were molested twice by a Minister of Music’s daughter, and that’s when I figured out her father was abusing her, but no one did anything. I filed a police report, but they just said to stay away from the girl and we left the church. I forgave them long ago, and I got born again seven years later and have been born again since 2005. I know that most are not going in the rapture, but we need to daily walk with the Lord and be watchmen/watchwomen on the wall. Maranatha.

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