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La indignación selectiva de Mark Galli y el cristianismo hoy

Por Julie Roys

Cristianismo Hoy (CT) Editor en Jefe Marcos Galli simplemente no puede contener su indignación por la depravación moral del presidente Trump. El jueves pasado, apenas unas semanas antes de su retiro, Galli desató una mordaz editorial pidiendo la destitución de Trump.

Calificando las acciones de Trump como “profundamente inmorales”, Galli escribió: “Creemos que debería ser destituido, no es una cuestión de lealtades partidistas sino de lealtad al Creador de los Diez Mandamientos”. Luego, apuntando a sus compañeros evangélicos, Galli agregó: “Consideren lo que dirá un mundo incrédulo si continúa ignorando las palabras y el comportamiento inmorales del Sr. Trump. . . Si no revertimos el rumbo ahora, ¿alguien tomará algo de lo que decimos sobre la justicia y la rectitud con alguna seriedad en las próximas décadas?”.

Como alguien que ha estado suplicando a los evangélicos durante los últimos dos años que hablen en contra de los líderes inmorales, una parte de mí estaba tentada a aplaudir, no por el llamado de Galli a la renuncia del presidente. Eso es irrelevante para mi punto. Si me ha seguido por mucho tiempo, sabe que he criticado y elogiado a este presidente cuando cualquiera de las respuestas estaba justificada. Y no he publicado nada sobre el proceso de juicio político porque sentí que cualquier cosa que dijera al respecto probablemente resultaría inútil en este entorno extremadamente cargado políticamente.

Pero estuve tentado de aplaudir solo porque un líder evangélico aparentemente estaba tomando una posición basada en la convicción, a pesar de saber que provocaría una reacción violenta dentro de su propio campo. Esto es casi inaudito en el evangelicalismo. Sin embargo, considerando la fuente, me quedé estupefacto.

Aquí estaban Galli y CT, un editor y una revista, que no solo han fallado constantemente en confrontar a los líderes corruptos, sino que en realidad los han ayudado e instigado, dando lecciones a otros evangélicos sobre el apoyo a Trump. La hipocresía era tan evidente que miré la pantalla con la mandíbula en el pecho mientras leía todo el artículo de opinión de Galli.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” by Christa Brown. To donate, haga clic aquí.

[pullquote]Here were Galli and CT—an editor and magazine, which have not only consistently failed to confront corrupt leaders but have actually aided and abetted them—lecturing other evangelicals about supporting Trump. The hypocrisy was so blatant . . .[/pullquote]For those who aren’t aware, CT last fall published what was arguably its most reprehensible op-ed ever. It was penned by the corrupto, y ahora deshonrado, ex pastor de Harvest Bible Chapel, james macdonald. Y todo el propósito del artículo de opinión titulado, “Por qué demandar es a veces la opción bíblica”, era justificar la demanda no bíblica y moralmente repugnante de MacDonald contra mí, dos blogueros y sus esposas. ¡Sus esposas!

Y como si eso no fuera lo suficientemente malo, está la impactante historia de fondo del artículo de opinión. Como sabemos ahora, el artículo de opinión vino después ed stetzer, editor colaborador de CT y director ejecutivo del Centro Billy Graham en Wheaton College, utilizó su influencia en CT para concertar una llamada telefónica entre MacDonald y el director global de CT, Jeremy Weber. (Esa llamada telefónica fue capturada en una grabación de "micrófono caliente", que desde entonces se ha publicado en YouTube.)

ed stetzer

Y aproximadamente un año antes, MacDonald le había dado a Stetzer una $13.000 VW clásico como un regalo. Aunque Stetzer reembolsó a Harvest Bible Chapel por el VW después de enterarse de que MacDonald lo había comprado con el dinero de la iglesia, aceptar un regalo tan grande es una violación grave de la ética periodística.

Sin embargo, cuando se le preguntó sobre esta flagrante violación, la respuesta de Galli fue que Stetzer, un editor de CT, no es periodista. Esa es otra maravilla. Ya sea que Stetzer sea periodista o no, se le debe exigir a Stetzer que se adhiera a los estándares éticos de la revista. Sin embargo, Galli restó importancia por completo al desliz moral de Stetzer. CT nunca informó lo que hizo Stetzer y Stetzer permaneció en su puesto.

Pero se pone peor.

Galli y CT aparentemente tampoco vieron una historia cuando yo revelado que la persona en la grabación del "micrófono caliente" bromeando con James MacDonald sobre poner pornografía infantil en la computadora del ex director ejecutivo de CT, Harold Smith, era un gurú de las relaciones públicas, Johnnie Moore. También se escucha a Moore entrenar a MacDonald sobre cómo manipular a CT para que le brinde a MacDonald una cobertura favorable para su abismal demanda.

Johnnie Moore

Moore forma parte del comité ejecutivo de la Asociación Nacional de Evangélicos. También es el líder de Comité Asesor Evangélico de Trump. Uno pensaría que a Galli, que está tan preocupado por el testimonio de sus compañeros evangélicos, le importaría que alguien tan moralmente comprometido como Moore tenga posiciones tan prominentes dentro del evangelicalismo. Sin embargo, CT no publicó las impactantes revelaciones sobre Moore.

Recientemente, hablé con Moore y me dijo que voló a Carol Stream la primavera pasada para encontrarse cara a cara con el liderazgo de CT para disculparse por su comportamiento. Vivo a 10 minutos de las oficinas de CT, pero Moore no se molestó en disculparse conmigo hasta hace varias semanas cuando llamé a Moore y lo confronté.

A diferencia de CT, no puedo hacerle ningún favor a Johnnie Moore, ni lo haría. Pero aparentemente CT sí lo hace, y lo hizo.

Pero la colusión y complicidad de CT no termina ahí. Cuando publiqué mi inicial exponer en MacDonald y Harvest Bible Chapel en WORLD Magazine, CT publicó un artículo disputando mi exposición. Además, CT hizo algo casi inaudito en el periodismo: publicó el comunicado de prensa de Harvest completo.

Curiosamente, CT había hecho algo similar un año antes cuando el famoso apologista Ravi Zacharias se vio envuelto en un escándalo de sexting. Al igual que MacDonald, Zacharias demandó preventivamente a su acusadora antes de que se hiciera pública. Y luego, después de que la mujer había firmado un acuerdo de no menosprecio y no podía hablar, CT publicó Zacharias' declaración completa contra ella.

En ese momento, yo era más ingenuo y recuerdo que el artículo de CT me convenció de que Zacharias era inocente. Desde entonces he leído el libro de Steve Baughman, Encubrimiento en el Reino, y ahora se dan cuenta de que hay mucho más en la historia de lo que informó CT. Tengo preguntas para las que sigo buscando respuestas.

También hubo una vez que CT me echó de su estudio después de soplé el silbato sobre el Instituto Bíblico Moody y me despidieron de mi trabajo en Moody Radio. Antes de eso, CT me había permitido usar su estudio para grabar podcasts.

Pero aparentemente no estaba permitido quemar un puente con un amigo de CT, independientemente de la veracidad de mi informe. Galli luego se disculpó conmigo por la forma grosera en que CT me había tratado. Pero mantuvo la decisión de rescindir nuestro acuerdo anterior.

Lo que ha quedado muy claro es que la indignación de Galli y CT con respecto a la inmoralidad es extremadamente selectiva. Si resulta que uno es un poderoso evangélico, CT le dará un pase a sus indiscreciones, e incluso a su flagrante corrupción. Pero si eres Donald Trump, una figura despreciada por la izquierda y rechazada por una minoría significativa de la derecha, Galli y CT descargarán ambos barriles.

[pullquote]What’s become abundantly clear is that Galli and CT’s outrage concerning immorality is extremely selective. If one happens to be an evangelical powerbroker, CT will give your indiscretions, and even blatant corruption, a pass.[/pullquote]I suspect the reason for this hypocrisy is that CT depends on the evangelical industrial complex to survive. It needs its evangelical advertisers and relationships with top Christian celebrities and thought leaders to remain in business. But CT doesn’t need Trump.

La revista ha estado construyendo su base más progresista durante años. Y como Mateo Schmitz, editor principal de First Things, señaló en un artículo de opinión en el New York Post, la mayoría de la clase de liderazgo dentro del evangelicalismo es mucho más liberal que el movimiento que supuestamente representa.

Galli probablemente sabía que su artículo de opinión lo convertiría en un héroe para las personas que escriben los libros, venden los libros, organizan las conferencias y forman parte del personal de las universidades cristianas. Parece un riesgo calculado, y uno que aparentemente valió la pena. como galli le dijo a CNBC, tres veces más personas se han suscrito a CT que las que se han dado de baja desde que su artículo de opinión se volvió viral.

Así que lo entiendo. Mark Galli y CT hicieron un movimiento brillante, que ha ampliado su base progresista y permitirá que la revista vaya precisamente a donde se ha esforzado por ir en la última década. Y el artículo de opinión de Galli probablemente lo lanzará maravillosamente a una “jubilación” repleta de invitaciones para hablar y oportunidades para trabajar como freelance para publicaciones seculares.

Pero no pretendamos que todo esto se trataba de una justa indignación. Galli y CT claramente solo se preocupan por la "justicia y la rectitud" y por preservar el testimonio del evangelicalismo cuando les conviene. Y no es solo Trump quien “simplificó la idea de la moralidad”. Galli y CT han estado haciendo eso durante años. Y son las últimas personas que deberían actuar como si tuvieran una plataforma moral desde la cual emitir un juicio.



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151 Respuestas

  1. Julie, as always well written though I think the line is perhaps blurred a bit between the selective editorial choice of CT and how they have treated you, which certainly was poorly. What no one seems to be pointing out regardless of their particular political axe grinding is when we elect a President, they are not being elected as First Pastor of America. Is Trump qualified to be a pastor or elder in a church? Absolutely not. But that was not why or for what he was elected. Vocal progressive Christians seem to have muddled thinking in that regard.
    Unquestionably the pastoral epistle character standards for leadership apply to churches and should also to any organizations leadership that defines itself as Christian, but I see no such application in Romans 13 to the government. Would I strongly prefer to have a President of outstanding moral character? Of course I would. I think the last man who fit that standard was the only one not elected in the 10th century and that was Gerald Ford. To put it another way, when we evaluate a military general it is by their effectiveness on the battlefield, period. While I find much of Trumps tweets and statements to be juvenile and narcissistic – but then again the prior President’s favorite topic was himself just look at his last speech at a recent funeral – I cannot deny his series of excellent choices on Israel, Federal Judges, the economy, removing IRS pressure on churches, canceling veterans school debt, and tax reform. He has in enacted far greater number actions which are good for our country than any recent President of either party. Isn’t that what a President is supposed to be doing?

  2. I think this is the best piece you have written in 2019. It unfortunately reflects the carnage of 2019. Selective moral finger pointing is right – the depravity is apparently only seen in the other team. Is there no fear of God remaining? Are we so blind to our bling spots? Has group think and yes men become the name of the day? Where are those that speak out against tarnishing the bride? Protect the brand is all I hear and it is despicable. Christ is the brand – protect Christ and his sheep and all else follows from there. There is a winnowing no doubt. I cling to the word and invite others to point to my blind spots less I do the same. Thank you for the piece, Julie. Merry Christmas to you.

  3. I have come to the cynical conclusion that there isn’t anyone in the large evangelical/Pentecostal/charisma-tic industrial complex that isn’t both outraged and compromised. When judgment comes, it will be severe. We marry politics and it corrupts everything it touches.

  4. Good article Julie. I thought Mark Galli’s statement was quite hypocritical given the previous involvement with J. MacDonald. I’m glad you called him out on it. I await his response to your post – though I doubt there will be one coming because I don’t know how he could give a rational, reasoned response.

  5. Thanks Julie for being on the front lines with exposing the control, corruption and co-ercion going on in Christendom… definitely lots of red flags and double standards… seems with the EV industrial complex it’s ok to use your position of power when it benefits themselves and their institution, but heaven forbid an institution uses it’s influence to call out abuses of power in it’s own camp… the signs continue to indicate self preservation, self protection and self promotion… I hope CT proves us wrong… there is a reason the gov’t implemented whistleblower protection laws… those in power will almost always retaliate against those who point out the problems…

  6. I really did appreciate Galli’s editorial in CT. Better late than ever — and it was well done — but I sure wish CT would spoken out earlier. I’m sorry they didn’t. I really respect Julie Roys, and I am sorry Galli and CT were not nearly as courageous in defending her against James MacDonald, MaDonald has shown over and over what kind of man he is, and CT missed a real opportunity with this one. I am so sorry, James MacDonald’s writing should never have been allowed to stand in CT. CT missed in so many ways. And I’m sorry Ed Stetzer was not more forthcoming, too. t’s too bad. Julie’s reporting on MacDonald, especially in WORLD Magazine,was really spot on. Furthermore, I have read Julie’s book on redeeming the feminine soul. She is honest and authenticate.In November, I attended the Restore Chicago conference at Judson University in November, which her ministry sponsored along with Judson University. Her keynote was simply outstanding. … All that said, the evangelicals in the U.S.still are badly fragmented. The younger millennial pastors in particular (who I think appreciated Galli’s editorial),are in a very different place and in a totally different mindset from, say, Franklin Graham, James Dobson and the older baby-boomer evangelicals. Many millennials feel a deep derision toward the older baby-boomer evangelicals.I’ve never seen anything quite like this in my 40 years of ministry. … I’m not at all ready to give up, but i haven’t a clue how the 2 sides will move closer together, except to pray and look for opportunities where the 2 sides can sit down and listen to one another. Got any ideas here, Julie? Keep up the good work. We need what you bring to the table.

  7. Hello, Julie – I think I missed something in the account of Ravi Zacharias about his alleged participation in the sexting scandal. I had not heard about this before your report and did read his statement in CT that you made reference to. Absent any additional information or evidence to show that he acted in a way different from what he said in his statement I don’t know that I would/could conclude that he lied about the encounter. Again, I may have missed important details. Overall, your reporting is important, but with all that is happening in politics, religion and, yes, Christianity, a lot gets past us.

  8. There are a lot of issues and problems l get that through blogging. Let me share the challenge l have. I write critical pieces and articles on the Neo-Calvinist movement and people like those. Then l write about the Christian culture wars and Christian Nationalism. (I.e. Jesus died for a Supreme Court seat) and it angers people. CT has issues l agree and the Harvest scandal revealed that issue. After all what does Mega Church Pastor scream on Twitter about CT? But for many evangelicals Christianity is not a faith system but a political party. And that issue is often ignored. Another issue is the inconsistencies on issues like sexual abuse. In the church it’s evil but then people practice cognitive dissonance and ignore or stay silent about it. For example sex abuse in an evangelical church is wrong and evil but don’t say anything about Trump’s boasting of abuse because some want a Supreme Court seat. Translation…sex abuse in a baptist, non-denom, Sovereign Grace is evil but it’s okay if our man does it because we want our court seat. That is hypocrisy also. There are lots of inconsistencies in the internet world l wrote a post about this recently and you also have narcissists who like to be the center of attention. But it’s important to remember CT stayed silent for three years mostly on Trump. And they did speak out about Nixon and Clinton which shows precedence and consistency in one area. I agree there are problems but l so welcome the CT editorial. For someone who lost many friendships because I wouldn’t worship Trump as my Lord and Savior like a number of evangelicals have…l appreciated this editorial. But l agree there are issues that need to be addressed.

    1. Hello Wondering Eagle: I love your Website !! I have benefitted from reading your good stuff.

      My 2 cents is:

      I share most of your concerns. I have attended multiple churches across 4 state area, and I have never heard a single Evangelical preacher endorse Trump or GOP from the pulpit. However, I have attended several large Progressive churches on invitation of my co-workers ( because they want to “educate me about the REAL World or so they say with a chuckle ), and I have experienced flagrant, out in the Open, Political endorsement for left-wing Progressive causes.

      I attended a co-workers church 2 months ago, and that Pastor was attempting to preach through Book of Nehemiah. I felt the Pastor was doing a Great job and I was learning a lot about Nehemiah. But he stopped abruptly and was startled by something in the audience I guess…..and he stopped halfway through what he was speaking about Nehemiah’s wall of Jerusalem. And he then went off on a 15 minute temper tantrum about how it is racist and immoral for the USA government to have borders and walls.

      I wanted to ask the Pastor if he even had doors on his house, because of his lengthy rant that came out of nowhere.

      I couldn’t believe the amount of Scripture-twisting he was doing in order to appease his audience !!

      I believe Expository preaching should glorify Christ. It should not glorify causes ( or a man ) .

  9. Julie Roys: well said. 150 % agree with you.

    The best part is “SELECTIVE outrage”. Galli is now making the talk show rounds, because he is concerned about how immoral and bad Trump is . Galli is kicking a dead horse here. It is too easy to jump on the Lame Stream Media Narrative and go along with everyone else here.

    Galli: but what about Ravenous Wolves like James MacDonald who fleece the flock and cause many to Leave the faith?


  10. Julie, as a journalist your opEd should be sent to news outlets that would listen. It’s is frustrating to see the hypocrisy in our government but to see it in come from our Christian community is an outrage. CT should not be off the hook for this. Someone from CT needs to speak out against Galli in light of their hypocritical support to corrupt leaders in the church.

  11. When Christian leaders smear anyone or any group as being beyond the pale and the grace of God, I long to ask them: “does the blood of the LORD Jesus not avail for them, too?”

  12. Will you accept the same rationale that the potus is not pastor of the united states when it comes to a pro life liberal potus?

    Since that is the standard in which we should choose a potus?

    1. Hello Jamel:

      The important “Pro-life” issue is one of the many criteria among several that individual Christians may use in Navigating the difficult and turbulent waters of selecting a Secular POTUS over the non-Christian USA, non-theocracy. We are a constitutional republic, and not a theocracy. We as the Church do call James MacDonald ( and other Ravenous Wolves within the Church ) to repentance because we Expect professing Christians within the Church to act, think, and behave like Christians.

      In Secular world, this is Not the same.

      1. Mark, Ideally, I would vote for someone who was committed to Christ, thus lived their lives in that way. However, that ideal hasn’t presented itself in quite some time.

        As for Trump, I’d prefer to have a president who speaks off the cuff who is willing to fight to do what I tell him to do than a president who is poised and polished, but couldn’t care less what I want out of him.

        We have the former in Trump, and we have the latter out of the current GOP. So yeah, I’m going to pick the man who has proven himself leagues more than any Republican in eons. As for Democrats, they’re not even a viable party anymore, so they don’t really make a comparison in this.

  13. This is ok but it cuts both ways…the same people who says Galli should leave Trump alone have selective outrage of their own…leading them to condone every ungodly action of this potus while point out the faults in others. This article is just another political hit piece against a guy who dare call Trump to account for his immorality.

    1. Hello Jamel:

      My humble 2 cents is that you are mistaken. The author of the Article has already communicated her disdain and her dis-respect for Trump in the past and present. The author ( Julie ) is no Trump fan.

      If you know the history here, then I think you would readily agree that Galli is a self-promoting, Opportunistic person who saw a way to score Affectionate points with the Lame Stream Media and their backers. For Galli to even talk about the need for Integrity with his shady background involving a Ravenous Wolf named James MacDonald is very telling and reflective of his true colors.

      Galli has NO business talking about Trump and Integrity, considering his past conduct with James MacDonald.

  14. if a christian magazine can’t call a president to godly standards then to heck with the Bible, our Faith, everything..let it just be a free for all..so long as Israel is taken care of. Its silly season in the church.

    1. Hello Jamel:

      I do not think you are aware of the history here.

      A blogger ( Julie Roys ) and many, many others have already communicated their disdain for Trump in the past and present.

      The present issue right now is the glaring hypocrisy of Galli and his love for Ravenous Wolves masquerading as “Shepherds of the flock”.

  15. “Consider what an unbelieving world will say if we brush off Trump’s immoral “ words and actions. That’s pretty funny when you think about it, which I’m guessing Mr. Galli hasn’t done. They’ll say what they always say, even when we DON’T brush off someone’s immorality. They’ll say that we’re a bunch of crackpots who believe in some nonsense. They’ll also say we should either do what (they think) Jesus would have us do, or to get that Jesus stuff away from them and mind our own business. So, who cares what an unbelieving world will say? The Bible says the world thinks we’re fools. The last laugh is on them, though.

    1. Matthew Anthony, I don’t think it will be a “last laugh.” I think it’ll be more like a deep sadness to which Christ will wipe our tears and show us that the old things have passed away, and that now it is time to move on to what Christ has prepared for those who remained faithful.

  16. Classic Case of “Good Ol/Old Boy Network”. Also, contact James Lloyd of Christian Media Network and truth on CT Magazine and Billy Graham and Family and talk about calling the kettle black! Read “Billy Graham and Friends” by Dr. Catherine Burns, explain ALL that and exposures by Dave Hunt or Tex Marrs on Billy Graham? What IF Potus repented and asked forgiveness of sins and Mark G. is saying the completed redemptive WORK of the Cross and repentance is null and void because Mark G. is a “God Player” sitting in self-righteous pride as who originally founded and funded their Magazine? Satanic, luciferian, mason’s=masonic organizations funding Christian Organizations and did they take money and or involved in WHY DON’T YOU RESEARCH THAT ONE? Occult hides sin, live in darkness, sweeps sin under the carpet and DOESN’T live in TRUTH!
    P.S. Note: Did NOT vote for Trump but his fruit is his FAMILY! As people are telling me and asking me where have the Democrats made America great again?

  17. So you would choose a man with no honor, dignity, decency or moral character to be your president. You think his words are juvenile and narcissistic, which then allows you excuse all his immoral actions, deeds and policies.Congratulations. How very Christ like of you.

    1. Only, Trump has actually been doing everything we voted him into office to do. Rational people tend to put much heavier weight on actions rather than words. The morons who believe literally anything some late night comedian tells them too about Trump put almost no weight on action, and all of the weight on words.

  18. Every time I hear about some man or woman, but most particularly man, condone the removal of Trump on these entirely factless opinion and hyperbole based grounds, I can’t help but to think of Epstein’s murder and all of those people in high positions out there that we’ll never know were his clients.

  19. I’d vote for an actual pro-life liberal democrat over a pro-abortion, fiscally conservative republican. Find me a pro-life liberal democrat. Casey was the last.

  20. Danny:
    Trump’s actions have been questionable too. But even so, words matter. There are many verses that speak on how we are to use our words (pun intended). And you can justify ignoring or downplaying words by saying things like “rational people tend to put much heavier weight on words.” Well, to berate, curse, belittle, and bully others (all of which Trump has done), is not just speaking poorly, it is acting poorly.
    And I don’t need to be told this by a late night talk show host. I only need to watch Trump give interviews, press conferences, or read his tweets with my own eyes. They are VERY open.
    I applaud Galli for showing conviction, as he likely knew he’d get dragged by his own fellow Christians for daring to think that not everything a Republican says or does is from Jesus Himself. I knew many fellow Christians would start changing the subject, or playing “what about” games in response, all to avoid answering one simple question: I
    “Is Galli right?” I have repeatedly asked this when hearing Christians berate Galli or twist themselves into pretzels to defend Trump’s bad behavior. Their response? Silence.
    And that says it all. We know in our gut we have watched Trump behave poorly. Why are we so afraid to bluntly say it? Why are we so ready to eat our own for daring to do so?

    1. Yes. Actions matter.?Words Matter too. Trump has acted blustery and poorly.
      He has been rude.
      I think there’s evidence of that on the side of the dems too.
      It is good Galli called out Trump, but…
      Where was he when James acted wicked and proud?
      Julie is right, that’s hypocrisy
      Christians fall into the selective outrage here, and so do the secular, liberal and conservative alike?
      What is behind all the selective outrage is pride. The log in the eye.

      We’ve all had that pride. Pray we all walk in humility. Amen.

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