A Florida man and his three adult sons were sentenced to several years in prison Friday for selling their toxic “Miracle Mineral Solution” as a cure to COVID-19 through their online church.
The four men sold more than $1 million of the “MMS” solution that they claimed to be a cure-all. In reality, it was just industrial bleach.
A Miami federal judge sentenced Mark Grenon, 66, of Bradenton, Fla., and one of his sons, Joseph Grenon, 36, to five years in prison for conspiring to defraud the government. The other two sons, Jonathan Grenon, 37, and Jordan Grenon, 29, were sentenced to 12 years and seven months in prison for defrauding the government and contempt of court, according to a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida.
The sentencing concluded a three-year-long case against the Grenons. They were accused of selling the treatment online through a church called Genesis II Church of Health and Healing.
Prosecutors said the Grenons used the church a way to skirt government regulations while shielding themselves from prosecution.
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Though the organization’s website has been taken down, a screen capture archived in May 2020, the church claims it was formed to “serve MANKIND directly. We want to bring health to the world.” The church said that members would receive an identification card that could be used for a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Mark Grenon, who co-founded the church, repeatedly acknowledged that Genesis “has nothing to do with religion,” and that he founded Genesis to “legalize the use of MMS” and avoid “going . . . to jail,” according to a July press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
The release explained that MMS could be acquired only through a “donation” to Genesis, but the donation amounts for MMS orders were set at specific dollar amounts and were mandatory — meaning the donation amounts were essentially sales prices.
Prior to selling MMS as a cure for COVID-19, the family marketed it as a solution for other diseases, including various forms of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and even HIV/AIDS, the October press release reported.
However, the solution contained sodium chlorite and water, which becomes chlorine dioxide when ingested orally, the statement said. Chlorine dioxide is a strong bleach used for industrial purposes.
The statement explained that ingesting MMS can “cause dangerous side effects, including severe vomiting, diarrhea, and life-threatening low blood pressure.”
Since 2010, the FDA has warned consumers not to purchase or use MMS, and that drinking it could cause severe reactions.
Prosecutors filed charges against the Grenons in June 2020. And in a separate order, a judge ordered them to halt sales of MMS, the New York Times reported.
They also received a warning letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission. The Grenons reportedly ignored the order and the letter.
“The Genesis II Church of Healing has continued to actively place consumers at risk by peddling potentially dangerous and unapproved chlorine dioxide products,” said Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, the FDA commissioner at the time. “It is vital that sellers of drug products… do not sell products with false and misleading claims, especially to treat COVID-19 and other debilitating diseases.”
In 2020, Jonathan and Jordan Grenon were arrested in Bradenton, Fla. Mark and Joseph Grenon fled to Colombia, where they were arrested and extradited back to the U.S.
As a condition of their extradition, U.S. authorities agreed to drop contempt charges against Mark and Joseph Grenon. The dropped charges resulted in the men receiving lower sentences than the other two defendants.
A jury found all four guilty in a two-day trial this July. During the trial, prosecutors showed photos and a video of a shed in Jonathan Grenon’s backyard, which had dozens of blue chemical drums with nearly 10,000 pounds of sodium chlorite powder. The drums bared labels warning the product was toxic and harmful if swallowed.
Freelance journalist Liz Lykins writes for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.
9 Responses
I can’t believe this!But of course I do in this corrupt evil world we live. The ignorance of so many about natural God given remedies for are well being is kept from us more now than ever. During “that” time in some places they even tried to ban the sale of Vit D because the powers that be knew it worked. The government and drug companies are teamed up to brainwash us to believe that there endless jabs are the only way to health. You only need to look around the western world to see how that’s going. MMS has helped so many people and animals the eve Ian E is over whealmimg. Of course it’s going to be banned the same as Ivermectin during the scamdemic. People need to wake up and follow the mioney, our sickness is their wealth. Check out the book Forbidden medicine..there is a massive on line community that share with each other, a lot of photos. I have used it successfully with toothache and a skin infection. Outrageous the can jail these men when people like Bill Gate Fucci have killed thousand with their poisons. End of times tells us about “ good will be seen as evil, we are here. God bless these men and may justice be done and they are released.
These folks were selling bleach to people not vitamins or herbal supplements.
Isn’t Ivermectin produced by a drug company for profit?
Say what you will about ivermectin, the jab, and whatever, but selling sodium hypochlorite for internal consumption is about as wonderful as pumping sarin gas into a subway. If it doesn’t kill someone it’s definitely going to make them sick. Those men BELONG in jail. That’s psychopathic.
Yes, they definitely belong in jail. By their own admission, they were just using church as a cover.
Say what you will about ivermectin, the jab, or snake oil, but selling sodium hypochlorite for internal consumption is psychopathic. Those men BELONG in jail.
Considering Miracle Mineral Solution(TM) was already marketed as a Holy Sacrament and THE miracle cure for Autism and Cancer That THEY Don’t Want You To Know About, is it any surprise it’s also THE Miracle Cure for COVID (itself a hoax by the same Child-eating Satanic Cabal)?
Though I am a bit surprised this was based out of Florida; as I understood it, the original Genesis II Church moved to somewhere in Africa when it incorporated as a church and made industrial bleach into its Communion Sacrament to claim Freedom of Religion. The name is the same.
Where I first read this news about a week ago (on the Herman Cain Awards subreddit?), the comment thread marveled that Florida Governor DeSantis, CHRISTIAN, hadn’t appointed these Florida Men to his cabinet.
P.S. Five TONS of the powdered stuff in his shed?
Florida Man does not think small.
P.P.S. “Genesis II” was the name of a 1972-vintage (post-Star Trek) Gene Roddenberry TV pilot with a post-Apocalyptic rebuild background. Judging from the similarity in character names and background, some 20-30 years later it was expanded from a post-Apocalyptic Earth to a post-Long Night galaxy, given a starship, and saw airwaves under the title “Andromeda”.
“When it comes to academics, math and science classes are often considered the most challenging subjects due to the complex and abstract nature of the concepts involved. Subjects like calculus, physics, and chemistry require students to understand and apply intricate theories and formulas.
Math and science classes often build upon previous knowledge, meaning that students need to have a solid foundation in order to grasp more advanced concepts. Similarly, in science, a comprehensive understanding of basic principles is necessary to comprehend complex theories.
Math and science classes often require strong problem-solving skills. Students need to be able to analyze data, think critically, and apply logical reasoning to solve complex problems. These skills can take time to develop and require practice.”
Covid hit and suddenly average, or below average, people are smarter than the people who have spent years mastering advance science.
Crazy story, I had friends who were in their 80s. The wife had a tumor on her spine. However it was growing out not in to where she had had a football size tumor growing on her back/ shoulder. He wanted to give her this MMs. He was told that it would kill the cancer. She refused to drink it. He believed he had the cure. We told him he was wrong. But at 87 years old, his ability to decipher was greatly hindered. He tried slipping it in her drink. Withheld her pain medication and we had to monitor the situation as she was in home hospice care. While I have very little trust in certain pharmaceuticals. I knew MMs was a joke. As the return of Christ draws near walking circumspectly is dire with quacks like these four or major pharmaceuticals which are corrupt. We need vigilant warriors for Christ to stand for truth.