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Maverick City Music Parts with Dante Bowe Over Behavior ‘Inconsistent’ with Beliefs & Values

By Julie Roys
maverick city dante bowe
Popular Christian band Maverick City Music has parted ways with longtime singer Dante Bowe (center) due to unspecified “behavior” issues. (Photo via Facebook)

The popular Christian band Maverick City Music has announced it’s putting a “pause” on its relationship with singer Dante Bowe due to “behavior inconsistent with our core values and beliefs.”

In an announcement posted on Instagram, the band stated, “Decisions like these are not easy because of the level of nuance, both professionally and personally, but we felt it necessary to address.”

The statement does not give any details on Bowe’s behavior. But it adds, “Dante is a brother in Christ and as such he has our full commitment and unwavering support as he continues to navigate his path forward.”

The Roys Report (TRR) reached out to Bowe for comment, but he did not immediately reply.

Bowe’s Facebook account was disabled at the time of publishing and his Instagram account was been set to private.

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Maverick City Music debuted as a diverse music collective in 2018 and has been extremely popular ever since. Several of the group’s worship songs have become staples in churches around the country. The group has also won multiple Dove Awards. And its 2022 album with Elevation Worship, Old Church Basement, won the 2022 Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album.

Bowe, a five-time Grammy-nominated recording artist, appeared on Maverick City Music Volumes I and II as a songwriter. Bowe also formerly belonged to the Bethel Music Collective, a label and worship movement connected to Bethel Church in Redding, California.

Bowe has a 14-engagement “Joyful” tour scheduled to begin October 27 at Kings Park International Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, and ending November 19 at Life Family Church in Austin, Texas. Tickets are still being sold online at time of publishing. 

TRR reached out to Kings Park and Life Family Church to ask if the tour is proceeding as planned but did not hear back from either of the churches.

Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. Before that, she hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate. She’s also worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate, a newswriter for WGN-TV and Fox News Chicago, and has published articles in numerous periodicals.



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2 Responses

  1. It must have been REALLY bad if they kicked him out, since Maverick City has a history of turning a blind eye to these sorts of things. They didn’t kick Chandler Moore out when he was dry humping his wife out in public, and posting pictures of it on social media for people to view, so it must have showed an even greater lack of discernment than that.

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