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Opinion: Contrary To Popular Perception, Most Preachers Avoid Politics — Here’s Why

By Paul Prather
politics pulpit pastor
Most ministers dodge discussing politics from the pulpit — not because they fear the IRS but because they’re concerned about their careers and congregants. (Photo: Nycholas Benaia / Unsplash / Creative commons)

You’ll recognize this trope. The firebrand preacher stalks to and fro across his dais, an open Bible draped over one hand, his tie raked loose, sweat dripping from his forehead.

He inveighs against the devil and godless Democrats and worthless vaccines. He names candidates for high office his congregation should support. He dares the government to try — just try — to revoke his church’s tax-exempt status.

We all know this guy, right? The preacher as political powerbroker?

Except that, mostly, we don’t know him. In real life, that species isn’t common.

Sure, preachers like him exist. They often make it into the newspapers, viral video clips or cable news programs — hence our perception that they’re plentiful.

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However, the very fact they’re in the news hints that they’re not the norm. An ancient bromide of the news business says, “If dog bites man, it’s not news. If man bites dog, that’s news.”

Political preachers are cases of man bites dog.

In fact, one political scientist argues that most ministers from the right, left and center intentionally dodge political topics.

That’s not because they fear the Internal Revenue Service, political scientist Ryan Burge wrote recently in the Wall Street Journal.

Instead, it’s “a strategic calculation about their own careers and the future of the churches they lead.”

That is to say, it’s fear of their parishioners.

In 2019, Burge, a professor at Eastern Illinois University and also a Baptist preacher, surveyed more than 1,000 Protestants. He asked if they’d heard their pastor discuss any of a list of 10 political issues from the pulpit over the previous year.

“The list ranged from simple encouragement to vote on election day to hot-button issues like abortion and gay rights,” Burge said.

Of respondents, 30% hadn’t heard any of the 10 issues in church, and 25% had heard one — religious liberty was the most common. Only 1 in 4 had heard a sermon about gay rights or abortion, and just 16% had ever heard Trump’s name mentioned from the pulpit.

“These results suggest that overall, there is an overwhelming absence of sermonizing about politics in American houses of worship,” Burge said.

Clergy generally have fewer job protections than workers in other segments of society, he explained. They see political sermons as too incendiary.

“Pastors are worried about their jobs,” Burge said.

Also, most churches desire to grow numerically. They try to cast the widest net possible. If preachers tout the Republican line, they repel many potential new members. Ditto with preaching the Democratic line.

Of course, having spent more than 40 years in the pastorate, I have plenty of first-hand experience with the bugaboo of secular politics in church.

It’s always been my practice to bar political discussions at the sanctuary’s front doors. What parishioners do or say on their own time is their own business. But I insist they leave their partisan views at home when they come to worship.

I try to leave my political beliefs at home, too. I may occasionally comment on politics here, for instance, but I don’t preach about it from the pulpit.

I take this approach for several reasons:

First, my congregation tends to be made up about equally of Democrats and Republicans, as nearly as I can tell without meddling.

The few times anybody has expressed strong political views inside the church house, it’s led to un-Christian scenes. I once stepped between two guys before they came to blows over a presidential race — during a prayer meeting, no less.

I don’t worry so much about job security or even church growth. I do worry about avoiding fisticuffs in our place of worship and peace.

Second, as Christians we have bigger fish to fry. I’m patriotic. I love America, where my family has lived for 400 years, as of 2022, and has fought in nearly every war since the 1600s.

But Christians serve a kingdom not of this world. We’re proud U.S. citizens, but foremost we’re citizens of a realm that transcends the Republican Party and the Democratic Party and the United States and even this planet.

Our true kingdom is spiritual and eternal. It existed before the English landed in Jamestown and will be here long after Joe Biden, Donald Trump and all politicians lie a mouldering in their graves.

When we gather, we shouldn’t be distracted by lesser concerns, such as the political cause of the moment, whatever it is or how important it might seem.

Third, as Christians, we’re called to love people of all stripes. You can’t easily demonstrate love to a parishioner, or a visitor, while you’re simultaneously haranguing her politics and tarring her ilk as spawns of Satan.

Love demands humility. The Lord knows that achieving humility is difficult for us humans, but it can be especially hard when we’re in the heat of some hot-button political argument. We’re wiser to speak less on such matters and avoid judging.

This story was originally published by Religion Unplugged.

Paul Prather, author of four books, has been a rural Pentecostal pastor in Kentucky for more than 40 years. Also a journalist, he was the Lexington Herald-Leader’s staff religion writer in the 1990s before leaving to devote his full time to ministry.



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37 Responses

  1. Going by this article, the Church as a whole does not address politics all that much. It seems to address future prophetic things even less. A current poll of most Christians would agree with this general avoidance of politics and prophecy. Eventually, however, Revelation 13 reveals that Antichrist will use politics to further his prophesied evils. The two areas of Biblical truth that people will desperately need in the End are precisely the two areas of truth we are neglecting today. At some point, we need to add some steel to our Titanic. Maybe not for those of us who are Christian adults, and I get that attitude. The Church has been burned by errors in these areas. But our kids and grandkids are going to need it. Just something to consider, in a spirit of love and hope.

    1. David
      And how often has the antichrist trope been pulled out for one self-serving purpose or another

      Yet the author of 1John specifically tells us that Antichrist is already here…

      It seems at some point we need to grow out of the whole apocalyptic fervor that captured first and second century BC Judaism then seeped into the Jesus community (as a product of its age) and has beguiled it’s adherents ever since…????

      1. I understand you Greg. And I’m with you more than you might think. One of the more damaging things has been the doctrine that Jesus can come at “any time,” trying to stir up the expectancy that it’s right around the corner, and Jesus never comes back. A lot of people have been burned by that. Because of that, we need to seek the truth ever more carefully in the area of prophecy, but God did put prophecy in His word. He had to have a reason (if you believe the Bible is God’s word, my assumption for sake of discussion). Eventually Jesus has to come back. Eventually, it will be right and good to know more about it before it happens. But we definitely need God’s help. Too many times, too many people have got it way too wrong. At any rate, I agree with the content and spirit of the article. Politics is like soap. It helps for a while, but it’s not the ultimate answer. Only Jesus is (again, sharing my own belief, not trying to hit you with it :) )

    2. True. ????

      More churches dabble in politics than they should!

      Too many SBC churches besides many IFBs are houses of Trump❗????

      Yes, I would say that many of conservative churches avoid politics at least what I hear on their webcasts.

      I say it’s a pity that one of my favorite pastors here in Lincoln can get way too entangled in discussing politics!????

      “Heal Their Land”: Evangelical Political Theology From the Great Awakening to the Moral Majority—Joseph D. Harder Ph.D

  2. The article by Paul Prather was very timely. However the survey he cited does not give a real picture of evangelicals because of the date. If the survey were from 2020 or after I’m sure the results would have been quite different. In my experience politics have become a cancer on the church in general. My husband and I left our last congregation because it became toxic due to politics and vaccines. I wish more pastors were like Mr. Prather, but sadly this is not the case.

  3. So where does one draw the line of what is political? Is preaching that abortion is wrong being political? What about preaching that homosexuality is sin is that off limits due to politics? How about US support for the state of Israel? My feeling is that while I don’t want to see churches go overboard with being political i think most err in the other direction and avoid the topic to a fault.

    1. In my opinion, Bill, you have a point. I believe the mission of Christ’s church is to preach the gospel and to shine a light in this incredibly dark world. The Bible has much to say about all kinds of issues many now describe as “political,” including (but not limited to) homosexuality, abortion, and Israel.

      We need pastors to preach the truth from the Bible and to be fearless in pointing out the consequences of sin. Fearless.

      “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord.” Romans 6:23.

      This reminds me of all those prophets from the Old Testament who took a lot of flak simply because they spoke the truth and remained steadfast in the face of persecution. They spoke up against the “political” leaders of their day and many were slaughtered as a result.

  4. This article contains many old fallacies that should be obvious by reading scripture and dealing with real human beings in America today.

    Marriage is a major theme of scripture, and a topic politically pressing on every American. Now the biblical definition of gender is the same. Both are being used in government (i.e., political) schools to deconstruct children from Christian homes and from the homes of our neighbors whom we are commanded to love. Porn is a biblical and political issue of high impact. Abortion is a biblical and political issue. The function of borders is a key topic in Genesis 9, Acts 17, and elsewhere. Race and ethnicity is an important biblical and political issue. Just courts of law, property rights, etc., are all addressed heavily in scripture. The function of government is addressed in important passages such as Acts 17, 1 Tim. 2, Rom. 13, 1 Peter 2, and others.

    This author seems to be into the trap of the secular/sacred false dichotomy exposed as unscriptural by fine Christian scholars such as the late Francis Schaeffer. It also sounds a bit like the parable of the Good Samaritan, where the priest and Levite refused to get involved in helping someone (which is an aspect of government, and thus of politics) because they had “religious” duties to attend. Political themes pervade the Bible. A pastor, as with other areas of doctrine, simply has to get it right, not ignore its existence or relevance.

    1. I am curious what you think the Bible has to say about borders.

      There are dozens of passages instructing us to care for immigrants, whether resident aliens or sojourners passing through. The passages span the the entirety of the Bible and contain clear commands to treat them as if they were our own. They are often listed along with the poor, widows, and orphans.

      Say what you want about border policy, but how we treat immigrants is a topic we would ignore to our peril.

      1. Mark:

        This is from R. Harris, written in the Pike’s Peak Carrier in April of 2021:

        “Leaving your doors unlocked exposes you to theft and other crimes. Similarly, national policies that break down boundaries and disrespect national sovereignty, put the lives and property of the citizens at risk. Such laws are a breach of trust between the government and its people.

        America can avoid this craziness by following the simple wisdom of the Bible. Let’s show compassion and equal justice to all who immigrate here lawfully, while consistently defending our borders against those who seek to come here unlawfully. In the end, it’s nothing more than common sense.”

        Once again, one must distinguish between lawful immigration and illegal immigration. The Bible has strong words against those who break the law. Further, read Acts 17:26. God created borders all over the place. He also built walls and told the Israelites not to move boundary stones.

        In other words, following the law is part of God’s plan. When illegal immigrants enter our nation to take advantage of our economy and wide safety net, do you think God smiles on them?

        1. Cynthia –

          Your response is a quote from a man, not from scripture. So it is an opinion to be checked by holding it up to scripture.
          To Mark’s point, there are dozens of scriptures that tell us how to treat immigrants, and not one of them says “check their papers, and only love them if they are here legally. It illegally here, hate them.” We need to do less self-righteous judging of people in need, and less qualifying of if they “deserve” our love and ministry, especially since we had NOTHING to do with where we were born.
          Let’s do more actual loving and ministering, regardless of immigrant status. The church does not stop or exclude based on citizenship status.

          1. Marin:

            You missed the point: The law is there for a reason. It is meant to protect all the legal residents of this nation. Indeed, just today i read the following story which truly made me angry:

            “Reyes, who is from Mexico, was in the country illegally after being deported and returning without proper documentation, Abbett said. It wasn’t clear when he last entered the United States, said the sheriff, but the group had been living in the mobile home since February.

            Ceja and the two children entered the United States from Mexico in 2017 and remained after requesting asylum, but their claims had yet to be decided by immigration officials, the sheriff said.”

            This case involves the physical abuse of a 12-year-old girl whose mom and brother were literally hacked to pieces by the perpetrator. The perp was here illegally. The courageous child was able to chew through her restraints and give the police invaluable information.

            Micah 7:11: “The day for building your walls will come, the day for extending your boundaries.”

            God has established nations and kingdoms and boundaries. He has also established laws. The law should be followed while we love people. It is possible to do both. Indeed, you have drawn a line that does not exist. We can love without disrespecting our nation and its laws.

          2. Cynthia –

            I believe there are nuances, and in those cases, I look to scripture over the law. I also do not think our law has always gotten things right. That could be because I’m a Black woman, and well…let’s just say the law of the land has not always considered people like me.
            Harriet Tubman was breaking laws when freeing slaves. I guess you’ll scold her too for not “respecting our nation and its laws” that did not even consider her human. As a Christian, I am grateful she saw value in ALL people and sought to free them, as THAT is aligned with scripture. (Then again, many Christians of that day did use scripture to support slavery, so the church was even divided back then on this.)
            I’m still looking for the verse on where my love for others is to be based on their citizenship? You have yet to point it out to me, since you think I have drawn a line that does not exist.
            So please post a scripture reference.

    1. So is it safe to assume then that you feel that MLK jr. was way out of line with his political speech and activities?

      1. Bill H,

        What does MLK jr have to do with the fact if churches under Federal 501c3 status, speak out on federal matters, will loose their tax exempt status?

        1. Andrew –

          The same folks mad about politics being spoken from the pulpit seem to conveniently forget MLK preached on social and racial injustices regularly from pulpits all across the nation. It’s these same people who hate – and misuse and mislabel – “wokeism”, yet claim MLK is a hero…and he regularly preached about ACTUAL wokeism in speeches and sermons.
          It’s as if we only complain about the politics we don’t like or agree with (e.g., demanding 501c3 status be revoked), but turn a blind eye, excuse or cheer on the preaching that we do.
          (Bill, please correct me if I’m wrong in assessing your comment)

          1. That may be, but that does not change the fact that the majority of churches serve 2 masters under 501c3 status. Bill H’s response was a deflection technique to 1 not address the issues, 2 change the subject, 3 attempt to gaslight and draw people into a discussion that has nothing to do with my original post.

            Something all church goers need to ask is: Why do churches apply for 501c3 when it is not required for tax exempt status?

        2. MLK is the go to guy for liberals, fence sitters and virtue signalers. MLK was a communist, philanderer, and plagiarist. That doesnt mean we cant respect him for his battle for civil rights, and secular , accomplishments, but Christian paragon he isnt.

          1. Funny, Daniel. I often see MLK as the go to guy for conservatives, constantly quoting the SAME one line from one speech (“praying his kids will one day be judged not for the color of their skin but by the content of their character”) in Christian circles and pulpits. Then they do the “did you know he was a Republican?” to deflect from how the platforms of both parties have significantly changed. Heck, look at Fox News on MLK day….it’s ALL they know to quote.
            Liberals know that MLK was A LOT more radical than portrayed. He was NOT a Communist (that’s a label conservatives love to throw at anyone they disagree with), but he definitely said things that caused necessary discomfort and reflection.

  5. I admit I would like to see more churches focused on how to have BIBLICAL conversations and approaches to political topics. I have been challenged (in both good and bad ways) in politically-charged conversations with unbelievers, and would love to be more equipped with scriptures to reference and study so I can be prepared to answer.
    Where I believe churches overstep is when they speak where scripture is silent, tell us specifically how to vote or who to vote for, or create such strong ties with political parties that there is a perceived partnership or spiritual requirement (leading to false beliefs like “to be a REAL Christian is to be a Republican”, and “Christians can’t be liberals”).
    But I don’t think it should be an “all or nothing” approach. Our faith should shape our politics, not vice versa. And our pulpits should guide us on how to do this.

    1. “And our pulpits should guide us on how to do this.”

      How to do what, Marin? Our pulpits should guide us on…how to follow Christ, right? How to live lives worthy of the calling we have received. Scripture is never silent when it comes to how we should live as believers. It is our guide book. When it comes to politics, our faith (as you said) should shape our politics. That said, there is a line that Jesus draws in the sand when it comes to sin. Your attitude towards the law leads me to wonder if you believe it is a sin to break the law or if you think it is okay to do so. I’m very curious…

      1. Our pulpits should guide us on how to follow Christ, which includes how to grow in our faith and how to let our faith inform our political beliefs, behaviors and conversations.

        Cynthia, did you know when MLK was helping with sit-ins, marches and protests, he was breaking the law? Rosa Parks broke the law too by refusing to give up her seat to a white man. John Lewis broke the law by sitting in at whites-only counters and demanding service. (This is why all of them were jailed). A LOT of churches who were marching with these leaders, and helping to register Black voters were breaking the laws to do so. Sounds like you would have scolded them and demanded they keep the law of the land, and nothing would have changed. Sorry that was disappointing for you.

        But those laws were in contradiction with scripture. So I am grateful for those who let their faith shape their politics; their faith informed them that segregation laws were wrong and sinful, and they put action to their faith and demanded change.

        Our law also allows abortion. It also allows same sex marriage. Isn’t that against scripture, too?
        Cynthia, I follow the Bible; for ME and MY household, we seek guidance from our pastors and disciplers on how to navigate a landscape in which the law and scripture are not always aligned, so that we walk by faith.

        1. Marin:

          You make some excellent points. Fortunately, our laws have changed. It is absolutely appalling that it took so long to recognize that black people should not be ostracized by the law simply because God
          created them with black skin.

          That said, as you probably know, our law no longer supports abortion at the federal level. Abortion is illegal in Indiana and legal in Kansas. I agree with the Supreme Court’s decision to put the question of abortion back into the hands of the people, where it has always belonged. As a Christian, I believe abortion is wrong, and the law allows me to opt out of supporting it with my tax dollars. As a Christian, I also believe that same sex marriage is an oxymoron: Marriage is between a man and a woman, or it is not marriage.

          My point is this, Marin: God tells us to follow the law. His law supersedes Man’s laws, though, so I agree that sometimes we may have to follow God rather than Man. But not in the case of illegal immigration!

          In this specific instance, God’s law clearly supports private property and the boundaries of countries and nations. We can love immigrants and still support the law. It is not an “either-or” choice. That was my main point.

          1. Cynthia –

            We agree on a lot here. As stated, our laws are imperfect, and in cases where they do not align with scripture, we are to follow God. When it comes to immigration, I am disturbed at how the laws are inconsistently written and applied, which leads to unjust punishment or burdens placed on some people solely based on where they were born (which we have nothing to do with).
            Have you looked at how it’s easier to immigrate or get visas for those from certain countries? I have friends from Western Europe who got their green card in a matter of months, and friends from Asia, West Africa, and South America who had to wait years and endure (IMO excessive) additional interviews and subsequent job insecurity before their application was even considered. Here in Chicago, we have Ukrainian Village and Chinatown – have you considered how many in those communities are here illegally, but “slip under the radar” in comparison to Latinos, who constantly have to prove their residency/citizenship status? I also know of many who were brought here as very young children. What do we do, send them back DECADES later (I won’t reveal my age LOL) when this is the only home they’ve ever known?
            So many nuances here.
            And while I’m no lawyer, I am a believer, and what I know to do is love them.

  6. Instead, it’s “a strategic calculation about their own careers and the future of the churches they lead.”

    That is to say, it’s fear of their parishioners.

    The above excerpt from the article, nails it. But, it doesn’t just effect political discussions. It effects many important Biblical topics. Fornication, alcohol use, homosexuality, separation, the list goes on. When pastors fear man more than God, this “silence” around certain topics becomes prevalent. If a pastor truly loves his flock, and fears his God, he would be eager to share the truth.
    These issues are now political, because civil government has made policies that are in opposition to God’s word. When this happens, the pastor has a duty to discuss them.

  7. Quite possibly the reason why the current political realm is such a clown’s/criminals’s world is due to preachers avoiding discussions on issues of what individual liberty and freedom look like in America.

    Freedom in Christ (via the Spirit) from sinful slavery and freedom to live a self-governed life (of/by/for the people) are not mutually distinct concepts.

    Having said that, I don’t subscribe to what central role the modern preacher/pastor has become in today’s “churches”. It’s clearly a system of slavery that, as a whole, keeps people from true freedom and creativity.

  8. I am doubtful this can honestly be said of many Republican leaning pastors. We all know someone’s name gets mentioned lots in these churches and it is not the name of Jesus.

  9. Marin,

    “…what I know to do is love them.”

    What an incredibly beautiful line, Marin. I mean it. To love them is to love God.

    I agree with you that it is absolutely wrong to apply immigration laws differently based on where someone originated. That should make all Christians angry. However, I believe we have to take care of the children and families already here in this nation, looking for help, before we inundate our schools, healthcare system and other social structures with even more people.

    There are many American kids in foster care at the moment. Should we add more?
    Our public schools are in crisis, suffering a shortage of teachers and rising violence. Should we add more students when we can’t handle those we have?
    Our employment situation is beginning to show signs of stress as wages stagnate and inflation soars. Should we make it worse by bringing more workers into it?

    Do you see my point? It’s similar to letting someone in to your lane of traffic. Seems like a kind thing to do until you realize you have made the people behind you wait longer than they would have had you kept moving.

    1. I absolutely see your point. I just try to make sure we don’t cross the fine line into nationalism or prejudice based on nationality. I think of a few things:

      1. Scriptures like Leviticus 19:34 (“The foreigners residing among you must be treated as native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.”) Others that come to mind are Romans 13:1-14 and Matthew 25:31-46

      2. Many immigrants coming here are escaping extreme poverty and/or persecution (political or religious). Even our definition of poverty here is still rich in comparison to what happens in other pockets of the world (having clean water, closets of clothes, and a stable roof over our heads puts us among the richer in the world). I know we don’t want to spread ourselves too thin, but are we to separate protecting what we need versus what we want? Is greed and entitlement at play here?

      3. The quote on the MLK memorial in DC: “If we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective.” This stuck with me as I hear so many Christians label this “global” perspective as evil. How?

      1. Marin,

        Unfortunately, our asylum laws do not cover those coming to seek a better life economically. If they did, the whole world would be here tomorrow. American asylum laws have a fairly high bar, which is why many potential immigrants are sent back home. America is a wealthy nation by anyone’s standards, but it is not equipped to handle the whole world.

        You and I have traveled around the world, so we have seen poverty up close and personal. At least, I have. When I taught school in Africa, there were families with very few earthly possessions, but the biggest hearts I’ve ever known. Their happiness and joy seemed far removed from having earthly stuff. Even a single pencil could make a little one smile. I will always remember the privilege of knowing such beautiful people. They already knew what we claim to know as Christians: That this life is incredibly short and that only what’s done for Christ will last. Our treasures should be in heaven, not here in this temporary place.

        I try to love all people. Sometimes that’s very difficult, but I ask God for help at those times. However, I also respect our immigration laws. They reinforce the idea that living here in the USA is a great privilege.

        Perhaps Christians are wary of the Davos idea – that the whole world should follow one governing body. That’s what many equate with the word “global.”

      2. Possibly because we are in the world not of the world. Possibly because the “whole world lies in darkness”
        Possibly because the anti christ will rule a “one world government.”

  10. 501C-3 Tax Exempt status is a deal between church and the State. State dictates policy for brick and mortar church building [business]. Preaching and exposing corrupt government officials, abortion being wholesale murder, homo-lesbo sodomite lifestyles as wickedness, on and on, will get your 501C-3 exemption revoked. So, to keep your brick and mortar buildings compliant, ministers must avoid these topics or risk financial ruin from the state. If Jesus Christ is the Supreme Head over His Church [Body] should we not fear Him more ? Nowhere in the new testament is there any example where Born again believers in Jesus Christ bowed their knees to Roman State government. In fact the opposite happened bringing the fury of Rome and the Jewish religious against them. Slaughter, beatings, run out of jobs, markets, were first century believers lot. They rejoiced to suffer for Jesus Christ by being faithful to Him unto death. Question; how many mega churches or any larger congregation church remain financially viable if they dropped 501C-3 tax write off for parishioners ? The parking lots would empty out, giving would free fall causing these institutions to face financial collapse. That’s our institutional church/ state situation for a long time now in USA.

  11. If you preach against sin you will be preaching against the secular society which is politics. Abortion is murder, gay marriage is an abomination to God, castrating young boys to be girls, etc. you name it. Our battle is with the world and that includes politics. The government just spent two years telling Christians they cant meet to worship the one true God and most Pastors got in line in violation of Scripture. We should pray for leaders, etc. but we are called to expose the “evil deeds of darkness” and that is a euphemism for politics in the US. Face it when push comes to shove most of these “Christians” will get the mark required by the “world government” and not die for the faith

    1. Right on Daniel, Men have been emasculated in our society this has carried into the church pews. Political correctness, government compliance with blatant disregard for Christs command to stand against rulers, principalities, powers of darkness in high places. Castrating young men to become girls is pure evil, it mocks God Almighty. Desecration of ones God created body is a grievous sin. Liberal, feminist, victim mentalities, seethe throughout churches now. The Word of God has been twisted to somehow incorporate demonic behaviors’ as “loving”, “not being judgmental” against vile, blasphemous, secular behaviors. Loss or gain of money for these liberal churches if they decide to accept or reject todays demonic standards. God is exposing on a scale that is unprecedented wholesale corruption of His Body. Just look at the articles Julie posts its like spiritual corruption at the highest levels by rock star ministers. I am a 40+ yrs born again Christian man, its almost impossible to find a local congregation anymore that does not embrace this liberal, secular, world view. Anyone who has the guts to question their churches false doctrines are usually run out. Seen it so many times. True Christian believers need to get out of these false churches, associating with False parishioners, and turn back to biblical Christianity.

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