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Sean Feucht Files Lawsuit Against Spokane, Claims City Violated Establishment Clause

By Jack Jenkins
sean feucht
Musician Sean Feucht, from left, pastor Matt Shea and others pray over Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward, center, during a “Let Us Worship” event in Spokane, Washington, Sunday, Aug. 20, 2023. (Video screengrab via Twitter/@josephdpeterson)

Worship leader and conservative activist Sean Feucht has filed a lawsuit against the city of Spokane, Washington, claiming the city council violated his religious freedom when it passed a resolution last year condemning an event he headlined and referring to him as an “anti-LGBTQ extremist.”

The lawsuit, which was filed on Wednesday in Spokane County Superior Court, claims four current and former members of the Spokane City Council violated the Washington State Constitution and U.S. Constitution, including the establishment clause that bars the government from establishing a single religion.

The city’s resolution “was enacted in violation of FEUCHT’s Free Exercise of Religion as established by the First Amendment,” the lawsuit claims, later calling the city’s motion “a direct action that condemned and punished the public worship of FEUCHT.”

City officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Friday, but Feucht framed the lawsuit in combative terms.

“Liberals have gotten away with using the power of government to bully Christians for too long, and we’re not putting up with it anymore,” Feucht said in a statement sent to media. “We’re Americans. This is still a free country. We have the right to gather and worship and pray without being attacked and maligned by our own government, so we are going to fight back.”

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sean feucht washington spokane
Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward, center, is prayed over by pastor Matt Shea, second left, during a Sean Feucht, left, “Let Us Worship” event in Spokane, Washington, Sunday, Aug. 20, 2023. (Video screen grab via Twitter/@josephdpeterson)

The lawsuit is the latest chapter in a controversy over an incident that occurred last August, when then-Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward drew backlash for attending an event in the city organized by Feucht. The event was part of Feucht’s “Let Us Worship” tour, which kicked off during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and drew criticism for hosting in-person concerts across the country — often in defiance of local pandemic restrictions. 

The events were marked by controversy: At one gathering in Portland, Oregon, Feucht’s security included at least one member of the extremist group Proud Boys and a person charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

“If you mess with them or our 1st amendment right to worship God – you’ll meet Jesus one way or another,” Feucht once tweeted alongside a picture of his security team.

sean feucht
Following an outdoor worship gathering in Portland, Oregon led by controversial faith leaders Sean Feucht and Artur Pawlowski, members of the event security team were reportedly involved in “extended clashes” with counterprotestors. (Photos: Shawn Schwaller of A News Cafe / Twitter)

Feucht has also been an outspoken critic of LGBTQ+ rights campaigns, using the term “groomers” to refer to their supporters and once tweeting “The LGBTQ+ mafia is a cult bent on perverting and destroying the innocence of every child they can.”

Last year’s worship event in Spokane also featured local pastor Matt Shea, the head of On Fire Ministries who has appeared at multiple events associated with Christian nationalism and a regional Christian separatist movement known as the American Redoubt. Known for his far-right rhetoric, Shea was once a Republican state lawmaker but was kicked out of the state GOP caucus after an independent investigation found him guilty of domestic terrorism due to his involvement with the armed takeover of Oregon’s Malheur Wildlife Refuge in 2016. It was later revealed Shea had distributed a document, titled “Biblical Basis for War,” which, among other things, condemned same-sex marriage and suggested murdering all non-Christian males “if they do not yield” in a hypothetical war.

Shea also attended a protest in 2022 of an LGBTQ+ pride event in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, which sits just across the state border from Spokane. Two people connected to his church were among the 31 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front who were arrested in the back of a U-Haul at the event, with police claiming the men were planning to riot.

Shea prayed over Woodward during the August event in Spokane, standing behind the mayor, her family and Feucht as he asked God to urge Woodward and other political leaders to “stand on the foundation, the rock of Jesus Christ.”

The appearance sparked immediate backlash from critics, both for its content and for Woodward’s decision to attend the service even as wildfires engulfing nearby forests blackened the sky. Woodward eventually issued a statement distancing herself from Shea, saying the pastor “politicize(d) a gathering of thousands of citizens who joined together yesterday to pray for fire victims and first responders.” She lost her reelection bid in November.

City council members listed Shea’s past controversies in their resolution last September, condemning Woodward’s appearance at the event. The resolution also referred to Feucht as an “anti-LGBTQ extremist,” and noted city council members had received a letter signed by local faith leaders condemning Christian nationalism and calling on elected officials to “hold fast to the separation of church and state.”

“Feucht was well advertised as being featured at this event and is known for his bigotry toward LGBTQ+ people and his embrace of the label of ‘Christian nationalist,’” read a copy of the faith leaders’ statement obtained by media. The letter, which was signed by Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders, also referred to Shea as ascribing to “violent Christian dominionist and white supremacist ideology.”

idaho nationalism
Pastor Matt Shea records a video in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, shortly after members of a white nationalist group were arrested. (Video screen grab)

Feucht’s lawsuit, which was organized in part by a conservative legal outfit known as the Silent Majority Foundation, references the letter, arguing that mention of it alongside other language in the city council’s resolution effectively “declared the religious views of certain people to be acceptable or unacceptable.” Elsewhere, it argues the city council targeted Feucht in part because he “does not support the LGBTQ agenda.”

The lawsuit concludes: “This Resolution constitutes speech, and it violated the restrictions of the establishment clause.”

Feucht initially appeared to distance himself from Shea’s views when controversy erupted last year. In a statement sent to media at the time, Feucht said he prays with a broad swath of people during their services, and while “not all of them agree with each other on every issue … we all agree that there is only ONE WAY under heaven to be saved, and that’s by the blood of Jesus Christ.”

But Feucht has continued to associate with Shea since. According to the Inlander, his legal representation in the new lawsuit include’s Shea’s former law partner, and Feucht first announced his intent to sue the city last Saturday during an appearance at Shea’s church.

“We are taking a stand against the bigotry and hatred against Christians in the city of Spokane,” Feucht told church members this past weekend while holding a copy of the lawsuit aloft. The congregation responded with applause.

During that same appearance, Feucht derided LGBTQ+ Pride Month, saying that “God is rebranding June to be Family Month in America,” before adding, “it’s takeover season.”

Expressing concerns about the establishment clause is something of a turn for Feucht, who declared before an Oklahoma church last April that he prefers laws written by believers. He was even more explicit later that year, saying in an interview, “I want a country where Christians are making the laws.”

Feucht did not respond to questions regarding how he reconciles his new lawsuit with his past rhetoric.

The new lawsuit, which also claims Feucht’s free speech rights were violated, goes on to insist Feucht was “damaged in emotional distress and other non-economic damages” by the city’s resolution and demands he be compensated. According to the InLander, Feucht initially filed a damages claim in January, arguing city council members who backed the resolution “acted under the color of law to reprieve Feucht of his federally guaranteed First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights, privileges and immunities.”

jack jenkinsJack Jenkins is an award-winning journalist and national reporter for the Religion News Service.



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14 Responses

  1. “…and demands he be compensated.”

    there it is. that guy is such a grifter. I am so disgusted that he uses Jesus name to sow hate and division just so that he can profit off that hate and division. Jesus would be braiding his whip to drive that guy out of the temple.

    1. Knowing Sean it will go towards God’s business and not him personally. Devils have tried to find that crack in Sean’s foundation for years and come up empty every time.

      1. He looks to be as honest as the rest of the crooks he hangs around with.

        Evangelical worship leader Sean Feucht is making A LOT of money promoting Trumpism and the Big Lie
        John Fea | July 26, 2022

        In 2019, pro-Trump evangelical worship leader Sean Feucht, an Oral Roberts University graduate who was a worship leader at Bethel Church in Redding, California and a former candidate for Congress, made $280,000. In 2020, he made $5.3 million. What happened? The Stop the Steal movement and COVID-19 happened….

        Newly released IRS records reveal that the once-humble praise singer is not only raising his national profile, he’s raking in enormous amounts of cash. Capitalizing on the notoriety of his 2020 Covid-lockdown protests, Sean Feucht Ministry Inc. ballooned in revenue from $280,000 in 2019 to more than $5.3 million in 2020, ending the year $4 million richer than it started. (The accounting for this surge is curious: The ministry claims to have received zero dollars in contributions, despite Feucht avidly soliciting such gifts.)…

        “Sean has figured out how to monetize the evangelical industrial complex,” Smith says, describing a “perverse relationship between prosperity-gospel Christian ministries, political activism, and Christian nationalism.” He adds, “If you can draw crowds, you can make money.”

        As his ministry has raked in millions, Feucht too is living through a period of unexplained abundance. In February 2021, he bought a four-bedroom, log-cabin-style vacation home near Flathead Lake in Montana that listed for $745,000. Earlier this year, he bought a $1.6 million home in Coto de Caza, a gated enclave made famous as the original site for The Real Housewives of Orange County.

  2. The defining quotes for this “Christian” movement have changed from “goodness is the harvest that is produced from the seeds the peacemakers plant” and “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” to “don’t tread on me” and “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with… blood.” Fear, paranoia, and/ or a thirst for power drives these leaders more than trust or love.

    1. The message IS “our faith shall not be shaken!” Many of us on-fire-for-Jesus believers are not going to be silenced by demonic media and pop-culture heavy-handed lawfare persuasion any more. We WILL worship Him (lest the very rocks cry out), and fear-of-man shall not prevail in stopping us.

      1. Alan – you forgot: “and if you don’t, you’ll meet Jesus one way or the other.” Threats.

        Praying for you to return to the Great Commission versus Feucht’s misinterpretation – appropriation of ‘bringing heaven to earth’.

  3. Sean Feucht is a good reminder that there has never been a time in history when Christians ran the governments that they did not abuse their power by oppressing other people.

  4. Grifters we can cope with, but these so-called ‘Christian’ fascists seem to believe in the grace of God shown to each them by Jesus, but somehow want to apply that grace to others by way of threats of legal coercion, even murder. It’s not logical, it’s not love, it’s not Christian.
    It’s not for the Christian to put all things to rights, but to give a reason for the Christian hope when Jesus returns to put all things in order. In the meantime it will require suffering for that faith.

  5. Scripture deals with all is this VERY clearly. 1 Cor. 6:1-11 gives clear instructions on how Christians must NEVER sue someone in a court of law. Not to mention all the teaching about money through the New Testament. Matt. 6:24, Lk. 9:3, 1 Tim. 3:3, 6:10, 2 Tim. 3:2, Heb. 13:5, 1 Pet. 5:2.
    When my wife & I moved to the USA as freelance missionaries & researched ‘American Christianity’ across several states from 1992 to 2011, the first thing we noticed about Americans, is that they worship other Americans. Pastors are held in far too much esteem or status. It has, sadly become the same for worship leaders. It is commonly known that music has a therapeutic effect on human beings, and that is precisely why churches make such a big thing of ‘worship.’ A good worship leader can manipulate them into a place of absolute belief that the Holy Spirit has come down on them, or some other super-spiritual jargon. A great time of loud, or emotionally charged music can do amazing things to people. That is why rock/country/pop/folk concerts draw thousands, & get them all raising their arms or shedding tears etc. The churches of recent times have cottoned onto that, & use it to draw folks to their Sunday Social Club entertainment. We end up with some ‘worship leaders’ looking more like someone in a rock band.
    We spent 12 years volunteering for Churches or ‘Christian Ministries,’ as we waited from our green cards. What we witnessed in those establishments, was truly frightening. Not one of those ‘Christian’ leaders lived like Jesus in any way at all. Terrible attitudes, bad tempers, gross egos, dishonesty, and much more were common throughout them all. Even after we got green cards & were able to be paid.

  6. Anything positive or Godly that Feucht is TRYING to represent or defend (emphasis on TRY) falls flat based on the company he keeps.
    I lost interest at “Christian nationalist” and “white supremacist.” Keep it moving.
    “Bad company corrupts good character.” – 1 Corinthians 15:33

  7. So many get twisted when a Christian citizen exercises a constitutional right to seek redress of a greivance. While you may not like Sean Feucht or agree with much of his theology, he does have the right to pursue redress in a court of law. Constitutional rights extend to all citizens, regardless of race, color, creed or religious affiliation. Our nation is in this postion because of so much bad teaching that has led to the disengagement of people of faith(the majority in this land happen to be Christian) from the political process. Thus we find ourselves governed by the ungodly.

    1. Wesley, the majority of this land is NOT Christian. Many are Biblically-illiterate cultural Christians at best, and Christian athiests (believe in God, but live as if He does not exist) at worst. Big difference.

      And I do NOT object to Feucht’s constitutional rights (nor do I object to the constitutional rights of LGBTQ+ persons to protest, whether or not I agree with the cause); I object to him professing untruths and associating with cons and racists while claiming to share the same faith as me.

      Finally, it’s the job of our elected officials to enforce the constitution; not the Bible or any official religious beliefs – even one’s we align to.

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