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International House of Prayer Founder Mike Bickle Confesses to ‘Inappropriate Behavior’ 20 Years Ago

By Julie Roys
mike bickle confess inappropriate
On Dec. 12, 2023, Mike Bickle, founder of International House of Prayer Kansas City, confessesd to "inappropriate behavior" 20 years ago. (Photo: Mike Bickle App)

International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) Founder Mike Bickle today released a statement, admitting to “inappropriate behavior” 20 years ago. 

“I sadly admit that 20+ years ago, I sinned by engaging in inappropriate behavior—my sins were real,” Bickle wrote. However, he added, “I am not admitting to the more intense sexual activities that some are suggesting.”

Bickle said he hates his sin and “sincerely repented in a way that resulted in receiving assurance from God followed by a daily resolve to live holy in all of my ways. . . . Today, I remain sorrowful about those past failures.”

Bickle’s confession comes seven weeks after he was publicly accused of sexually abusing multiple women over several decades.

It also comes a week and a half after an alleged victim told her story to The Roys Report (TRR) in an exclusive interview. According to the woman, Bickle’s abuse began when she was 19 and he was in his 40s and continued for several years.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $50 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you can elect to receive a copy of “Safe Church: How to Guard Against Sexism and Abuse in Christian Communities’ by Dr. Andrew Bauman, click here.

At the time, the woman said she was working for Bickle and under his spiritual direction, making his misconduct clergy sexual abuse. She added that her sexual interactions with Bickle included everything but intercourse.

Bickle said he is now making a public statement “because I was recently confronted about things that I said or did 20+ years ago—things I believed were dealt with and under the blood of Jesus. Since this has now become public, I want to repent publicly.”

In the statement, Bickle claimed he had written a “first draft” of his statement on Oct. 28. However, at the time, “false allegations of sexual abuse were being circulated against me.” Bickle says he was given “legal advice to wait for several reasons. These included “creating the misunderstanding that I was confessing to the false allegations that were circulating.

“I am very sorry that it took so long for this personal statement to come out. This delay created additional pain, anguish, division, and more for so many people that I love. I am deeply sorry for this.”

Boz Tchividjian, who’s representing the woman Bickle is referring to in his statement, expressed frustration with Bickle’s confession.

“What in the world does he mean by ‘inappropriate behavior’?” Tchividjian wrote in a statement to TRR. “That is undoubtedly a very deliberate word choice as it could mean anything. Furthermore, what does he mean when he denies ‘more intense sexual activities’?  Does that mean the referenced ‘inappropriate conduct’ involves less intense sexual activities?  What is he saying?? 

“Though this statement is a page long, I don’t believe it actually says much.  Why not simply step forward into the light and embrace transparency and trust God with the consequences?  This is all so pitiful and sad.”

Bickle’s full statement:

Mike Bickle’s Statement_Dec 12 2023

This is a breaking story and will be updated.

Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. 




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19 Responses

  1. It seems that even in this letter of ‘apology’ there is much more written to explain, excuse, & diminish than to express sorrow and just leave it at that.

    I also notice how much he is trying to control the narrative by continuing to give direction and instruction to his ‘followers’ & those in his institution to not use social media, etc.

    He throws in some Bible verses that are designed to give his situation a soft landing & ignores many that have to do with wolves & false prophets.

    He’s trying to damage control much more than humbly apologize and just step away, which it would seem that someone who is truly broken & repentant would be doing.

    1. Great analysis! Definitely not a straightforward and humble apology. More spin. I bet much more will come out and he will just stop speaking after that. If he had just been honest – it would have been so helpful to everyone including himself.

      1. NO Spin… he’s been honest .. you didn’t read the Confession. …!! God Rules… God Wins..!! … He the Lord of Glory fights for Mike Bickle … God will makes ALL Thing BEAUTIFUL for Mike IN HIS TIME… please find truth re: mercy We ALL fall short of the Glory of God. This failure was almost 30 years ago. He thought all of this was already dealt with. You don’t have to go public and tell the whole world to be forgiven. But now that it has gone public he asked for forgiveness publicly. Read the confession friend !

        Bless you

        1. “You don’t have to go public and tell the whole world to be forgiven.” That sounds nice an spiritual other than the fact that if he engaged in ministry disqualifying behavior (and potentially jail time deserving activity) at the same time he started his public ministry and has hidden it all this time it requires a bit more than “sorry I did SOMETHING inappropriate 20 years ago but please don’t believe what anyone else says I actually did”

    2. I totally agree with your assessment that this letter of ‘apology’ falls far short. However, I disagree that he is giving direction and instruction to his followers and those in his institution to not use social media. There are churches that tightly monitor and attempt to control social media use of their members. As far as I know, IHOPKC is not one of them.

      He doesn’t say to not use social media. He tells them not to use social media to engage in debates and defend him. He tells them not to criticize the people who are criticizing him.

      That is one of the few things in this letter that may be commendable.

      Recall what happened when Julie Roys reported on John MacArthur. His army of online followers went on the attack against her. Mike Bickle doesn’t seem to want that to happen here.

    3. Kathy, this confession by Mike is meek, humble and sincere. And, true… !! Mikes asking us the church to NOT to fight each other on social media about him. That’s all. !It’s his life and he has a say about it. You just don’t know anything about the life of this man. . Or about International House of Prayer (which is not an institution ) Do you really know the man called Jesus. ? I’m being sincere.

      This whole attempt of this Advocate group to be granted “Fierce Retribution” almost 30 years later ( which by the way is NOT how the Bible teaches us to deal with things sexual in nature or not sexual in nature)…

      IHOP has made their lives available to commit to Deep and sacrificial Love for Jesus and His Father , teach the DEPTH of the Revelatory and REAL Narrative of the Bible and live out a depth of love for God’s, his people (family), and be effective in helping to finish all of God’s biblical purposes in the Earth !!!

      “God Rules.. God Wins !!!!!! and HE will “VINDICATE”International House of Prayer and its founder Mike Bickle in His Beautiful Time. Mike Trusts His Lord of All with All of This. . I wish you knew him. God will make ALL THINGS re: This HELL STORM… “BEAUTIFUL in HiS TIME” ..!!! Ecclesiastes that’s what he does, that’s who HE is…! 🤍🩶🤍🕊🤍🕊🤍🕊I am standing up for him. Though he said not too. Why? Because the Holy Spirit has shown me why I should at least in a small way. … Bless you

      1. Hi Dawn. I’ve known of Mike Bickle and Bob Jones for years now – and was privy to the early tapes put out by Mike, concerning what God’s plans were and are. I know Mike is sincere, but I also know many, many of God’s people grapple with problems that are not easily let go of with one time of repentance. This sounds like a real problem, and I’m sure it is not something Mike wants to rule his life. Yes, he should have sought treatment/deliverance years ago, and had he done that then, I’m sure he would not be looking at his entire work and ministry falling as it is now. As much as people have been hurt and definitely mistreated, and as much as they deserve forgiveness if they truly seek it, and healing from the inside out, this did not have to become a public fiasco held up to every demonic whim that seeks to move through people. Accountability, yes, but I agree with what was said – forgiveness doesn’t take dragging someone through public disgrace. For it’s not just Mike who ends up being disgraced, it’s the whole work behind ANY Christian ministry. Yes, I do believe it is a Satanic attack against Mike, IHOP, and Christians in general, and it comes right at the right time! We are headed into Christ’s return very quickly, and this is a royal battle between Satan and God, with the Church as the battleground. Revelation 12 is here, we are either standing aligned with scripture, or we are joining with the hecklers and scoffers and unbelievers. So much easier to scoff and ridicule than to repent yourself for everything you do wrong, and get your own life in order.

      2. Dawn. So, a prominent religious leader does something incorrigible to you for years, but it was a long time ago so you get to skate with impunity? Is that what you think? And you talk about behaving biblically?

        Bickle has already ADMITTED he did these things, but you keep talking like he is innocent.
        He is not. And you coming into these articles and trying to put out a brush fire is not going to save him. What you should be advocating is for him to be held accountable for his actions, for the entire leadership of IHOPKC to step down, and for IHOPKC to be closed. It does not serve God. It is an organization that serves itself. Did it help Bethany Deaton?

        1. what was she doing for the last twenty years, that made her wait for sins the man has already talked to God about. If God has seen into his heart, forgiven him, why has she waited twenty years to drag it out of the sea of forgetfullness. I really would like to know why. IS IT BECAUSE SHE CAN NOT FORGIVE HERSELF FOR HER

  2. The paragraph where he writes, “For an extended season, I will not engage in my public preaching ministry (conferences, social media, zooms, etc.)—I see this as God’s “delayed” loving discipline on my life (Heb. 12:6, 11)” Is the beginning of a word salad that really says nothing. Apparently, it is all too mystical to have any real definition. This is a serious problem. In addition, we have a man in a prophetic kind of ministry, who appears to walk closely with God, and God waits 20+ years to bring discipline into his life. Yeah. My experience with the Lord is that when I commit a significant sin–the Holy Spirit is johnny-on-the-spot with His convicting power bringing me to repentance.

    He continues, “I will look to other leaders to determine how long this season will last—it may be long and it may even be permanent.” This sounds like a typical celebrity “Yeah I’m going into rehab” get out of jail free card. I don’t buy it.

  3. There is a big difference between being exposed or “found out” and true repentance that flows out of conviction of sin and Godly sorrow. This is pitiful and disappointing. Come in Mike Bickle!!

  4. Where is the remorse, regret, confession, and apology for all his spiritual abuse and deceit against many women?

  5. He’s got “Godly sorrow” because he was finally found out. He’s going to jockey this horse as best he can to hold on to his cash flow, his power and his prestige.

  6. …“because I was recently confronted about things that I said or did 20+ years ago—things I believed were dealt with and under the blood of Jesus. Since this has now become public, I want to repent publicly.” (writes Bickle in his narcissistic tome).
    In other words, I got caught. Ergo, if I hadn’t got caught it would have all been “under the blood.”
    It is almost amusing to see how the concept of “repentence” lives in some mystical world of being ‘favored’, ‘blessed’, ‘chosen’–and not like ordinary law breakers. Bickle has convinced himself that his definition of what he did, loving these young ladies like he did, doesn’t come under that pesky legal system which holds those other average sexual predators accountable under the law. Never average–called and forgiven– Bickle obviously sees himself as above the law. He is not. That, we can all hope, will be the actual revelation he receives.

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