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Charismatic Christian Leaders Declare Mike Bickle ‘Unfit’ and ‘Disqualified’ from Ministry

By Julie Roys
mike bickle
International House of Prayer Founder Mike Bickle. (Courtesy Photo)

Eight, prominent, charismatic and Messianic Christian leaders today released a joint statement, declaring International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) Founder Mike Bickle “unfit” and “disqualified from public ministry.”

“(A)fter considering the reports we have reviewed, we must state categorically that (Bickle) is, sadly, unfit to lead a ministry,” the group wrote. “Even with full repentance and personal restoration in the Lord, he is disqualified from public ministry. (Restoration to full fellowship is of course possible.)”

The leaders releasing the joint statement include Michael Brown, a top Messianic Jewish apologist, who served for a time as an adviser to IHOPKC as it handled the unfolding scandal concerning Bickle. As previously reported, Bickle is facing allegations he sexually abused multiple women over several decades.

Also included in the group are leading charismatic authors and theologians, Jack Deere, Joseph Mattera, and Sam Storms; Dan Juster, founder of Tikkun Global; Patricia King, a charismatic minister and founder of Patricia King Ministries; and Michael and Terri Sullivant, co-founders of Radius Ministries. Michael Sullivant also pastored the former Metro Christian Fellowship in Kansas City, Missouri, where Bickle pastored before founding IHOPKC.

In the statement, the leaders note that they “have been waiting for proper investigations to take place and all charges to be known.” But they add that “since this process has dragged on for so long, we can wait no longer and feel a sacred responsibility to make this unequivocal, joint statement.”

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bickle brown storms mattera deere charismatic
Responding to allegations against International House of Prayer Founder Mike Bickle (center), leading charismatic voices including Michael Brown (left), Sam Storms, Joseph Mattera, and Jack Deere (right) have issued a joint statement. (TRR collage)

On Jan. 31, IHOPKC released the results of a third-party investigation it had commissioned concerning the allegations against Bickle. The report by attorney Rosalee McNamara found that Bickle engaged in “inappropriate behavior” with a primary Jane Doe, whose story was exclusively reported by The Roys Report (TRR). 

It also found that Bickle had “sexual contact” with a second, previously unreported Jane Doe victim and “more likely than not” abused his power.

However, the primary Jane Doe, her attorney, and an advocate group of former IHOPKC leaders refused to participate in McNamara’s investigation because they doubted its independence.

In the statement, the leaders call for “an independent judicial council” to hear the evidence concerning Bickle and then “render a decision.”

“The situation is too large for the IHOPKC leadership, who have lost credibility in the eyes of many, and external leaders are needed to help judge the situation impartially,” the statement says.

The statement also affirms the testimony of the primary Jane Doe, saying the leaders found “it to be credible.”

The leaders also state that they found the testimony of Tammy Woods, who accused Bickle of sexually abusing her 43 years ago, beginning when she was 14, to be “credible.”

IHOPKC bickle report
Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Mo., “likely” abused his power and had sexual contact with a second victim, report finds. (Photos: IHOPKC / Courtesy image)

The statement notes that Bickle has publicly admitted to some of the victims’ allegations. Yet he reportedly has rebuffed attempts by some of the leaders to meet with him to “ask for full disclosure.”

The leaders say they “are deeply grieved” for alleged victims of Bickle’s. “We can think of few sins more damaging and destructive than that of manipulative, clergy sexual abuse, all the more in the case of a minor,” the leaders state.

“We also are deeply grieved for those whose personal faith has been shattered and whose worlds have been turned upside down because of the alleged agonizing events. This is a spiritual tragedy of international proportions, affecting millions of believers worldwide and bringing great dishonor to the name of Jesus as well as disgrace to the reputation of the Spirit.”

The statement also addresses what the leaders call “cult-like tendencies” at IHOPKC “that need to be addressed and adjusted.” The statement acknowledges a lack of structure providing accountability at IHOPKC. This resulted “in a failure to deal properly with serious sexual sins, and not just pertaining to Mike.”

On October 29, 2023, leaders of the International House of Prayer-Kansas City — left to right, Lenny LaGuardia, David Sliker, Stuart Greaves, and Isaac Bennett — addressed allegations against IHOP-KC founder Mike Bickle. (Video screengrab)

Yesterday, TRR reported that longtime IHOPKC Executive Leadership Team member and well-known worship leader, Misty Edwards, confessed a years-long affair with worship leader Kevin Prosch, according to multiple sources. This affair reportedly became coercive at the end and involved “blackmail” on the part of Prosch. Yet, even after a source reported this to IHOPKC leaders, little to no action was taken to help Edwards or hold her accountable, the source said.

Also acknowledged in the statement is the “lack of accountability” in the “charismatic church world.” The leaders state they are aware of “this need” and hope than an effort can be made “to address this gaping hole.”

They also lament the disillusionment “younger believers” feel, regarding “our generation of leaders.”

“This, too, breaks our hearts, as we have spent decades investing in the younger generations . . . and carry a fatherly (or motherly) burden for your wellbeing,” the leaders state.

The statement ends with a call not to exalt “people or personalities,” to “guard against cynicism,” and “to not let anyone or anything . . . rob your faith.”

“. . . God will bring good out of evil and light out of darkness,” the leaders state, “for the purification and healing of His people and for His honor and glory. May the name of Jesus be exalted and may His hurting people be made whole.”

A Joint Statement on the Allegations Against Mike Bickle – Mar. 7, 2024


Correction: The statement from Brown, et. al., was updated to accurately state McNamara’s affiliated law firm.

Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. 



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41 Responses

  1. This exposure is God’s judgment upon the church. For those leaders who think they can make the exposure of sin stop, good luck. They’re fighting against the one who’s cleansed His temple before. He’s doing it again.

    1. It most certainly is a HIS judgement upon a very wayward church.

      Is it now that they are properly concerned? Lol. “Joint statement”. They are now putting out house fire. Damage control mode as it were. They can start by cleaning out their various unbiblical doctrines, defiled teachings and Balaam- like prophetic practices.

      Let them prepare for more of this sort of exposure and then some. HaShem is tired of church games, her leadership and its disastrous influence. Most are running on fumes, and operating on “ichabod” status.

      I see the heavens open and there are very few Christian leaders or pastors in it. It’s a terrifying prospect.

      1. Top messianic apologist writes against spiritual elitism? The writers of the letter, the elite, to put out the fire.

        Those who really have led the way, the ones putting out the fire, considering what best to do next, are those who have flagged up what happened to them, the Roys report and Kansas newspapers. This letter is fine. But this 3 page letter does not come near to the awareness and healthy questioning coming from the 1st person testimony of those directly affected.

      2. @Seraphina Elihu: — In your reply above, you say this: — “I see the heavens open and there are very few Christian leaders or pastors in it. It’s a terrifying prospect.”

        Are you implying in this quote of yours that you believe that most Christian leaders and pastors are unsaved, lost people?

  2. Cool jam sessions and semi-scripted prayers are not really prayer meetings. May The Lord call us all to real prayer in our own houses. The faux has got to go!

  3. Behold, I will do a thing in the coming years; the likes of which both ears of everyone who hears shall tingle.

    I will shake and scatter this house and raise up the fallen tents of David, to restore its ruins and rebuild its broken walls. And, In it shall the remnant gentiles gather.

    The plowman shall overtake reaper; and treader of grapes overtake the sower. The glory of the latter house shall indeed be greater than this current one. And the desire of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory.

    It shall be a changing of guards. Shepherds after my own heart. The first shall indeed be last; the last first. Old wine skin out, new wine skin in. Best wine saved for the last.

    Said the LORD of hosts.

  4. So do this group of people, who modestly describe themselves as “Elders” in the Church of Jesus Christ, still believe that Mr. Bickle got to take a ride in Michael the Archangel’s fiery chariot?

    And when are these “Elders” going to confess that for decades they haven’t had a lick of discernment in promoting Mike Bickle and IHOPKC?

  5. The statement ends with a call not to exalt “people or personalities“, and yet each of these men, (and note only ONE woman), have ministries that, in order to be “successful“, put them directly into a position of being exalted. This is the problem with modern, organized western Christianity. Do eastern religions traditions have the same moral failure rates in its leaders?

    1. Yes they do. Shiite clerics often run “legal brothels.” Ask a Hindu what the term “God Man” refers to in regards to their gurus. This is a human thing regarding rank and power among men. It is very present in religion and outside of it in business and politics and wherever else some men are “greater” than others.

    2. The answer is yes, Eastern religions have similar moral issues among their male leadership. Hindu ashram leaders in India have recently been called out for grooming and abusing female followers. Tibetan Buddhist monks sexually abuse young male novice monks in their temples. Buddhists monks in Thailand do the same although no one is willing to say so openly. You can be certain Muslim clerics sexually abuse people too but you will never hear about that because no Muslim woman would be believed and no Muslim boy would dare speak up.

      Sexual abuse is a human problem which transcends cultures. The problem is compounded when abusers hide behind veils of religious teaching because in every religion people assume their leaders/teachers are honorable people.

    3. In New Zealand recently a Sikh leader was jailed 13.5 years for conspiracy to murder. His lackeys are yet to be sentenced.

  6. Where is the discernment of Holy Spirit for these leaders? He always reveals what is going on in the dark…as written. He reveals stuff especially if it will harm us. He did for me when I was at IHOP KC… I obeyed and left. Where is real Holy Spirit gifts operating through leaders or is it like the good ole boys network. All for show and keep up the facade.

    Where is the reality of living before the Audience of One be our first priority? I don’t understand how all leaders involved with this ministry had no knowledge of the truth….God protects His own. May ears start to hear and believe! Shepherds are to protect His sheep.

    1. I totally hear you. But none of the disciples saw Judas betrayal coming except Jesus. So, I don’t think it helps to blame men who haven’t done these things, even if the system they are in is broken and weak. Or like in 1 Samual 8, when they ask for a king, but God allowed but it was a sign of rejection of him. David and other kings did right in the eyes of the Lord, while most did evil. At least, they are saying something. It might take many years or another generation for things to change.

      1. You give an Old Covenant example and a pre-Pentecost example.
        None of these people (including the apostles pre-Resurrection) had the Holy Spirit indwelling  because the Holy Spirit was only given – and could only have been given – after Jesus was raised from the dead.
        As Jesus himself says in John 7:38-39 and 14:16-17 & 26, and 16:13.

        Therefore the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and the gifts of the Spirit (which INCLUDE the discernment of spirits: 1 Corinthians 12:10) only became evident AFTER the death and Resurrection of Jesus.
        The 180 transformation of Peter as recounted in the early chapters of Acts bears witness to this fact

        1. Spot on. That’s the same response I gave to someone who used Judas as example. Glad to see others corroborate this. Judah didn’t have indwelling Ruach since it was pre-ascension and pre-Shavout (Pentecost) giving of the Ruach.

          Yeshua said to them: It is expedient that I go, that the comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who shall teach and reveal to you many things may come. For want of a better analogy, the disciples didn’t have their spidey senses during their interactions with Judas.

          In fact, if anyone noticed in reading the gospel accounts, the disciples were quite the dull hearted and did not understand many things that Yeshua taught them; and especially with regards to recognizing Christ as the prophesied messiah despite the many miracles, signs and wonders; AND despite the fact that Yeshua literally spelled it out for them many times. “I am going to die and rise again in 3 days….”. They still doubted. They still didn’t “get” it.

          It is as written: “…..they have eyes to see, but do not perceive; ears to hear but do not understand, hearts waxed fat…” it is the spirit of slumber that Paul speaks. There was a veil over their minds and spirit that was finally lifted when Yeshua arose and ascended before their eyes and most definitely at that fateful day of Pentecost.

          Tell you what, the same spirit of slumber, veil over minds and spirits, blinded eyes, dulled ears, closed hearts are all still in effect TODAY in both so called believers and unbelievers alike.

          I always say: different faces, different generation, SAME devil. Nothing new under the sun.

          1. To piggyback off of this:

            The Holy Spirit did not permanently indwell believers until Pentecost. Before that, it indwelt very few individuals and only temporarily (like the various OT prophets, Moses, etc.). This is foreshadowed in Matthew 11:11:

            “Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” (NASB)

            IOW, every believer has something (the Paraclete) that ONLY the prophets of the OT had.

      2. Jesus knew the betrayal because He was filled with Holy Spirit. Remember Pentecost had not come yet! But we who are His body are filled with Holy Spirit. Do we see and choose not to see? Do we hear Him and ignore the truth? Do not seek honor from men but from God alone.

  7. I’m here to tell you that it’s not just young people who are disillusioned. Part of the problems at IHOPKC is its obsession with the youth.

  8. Eight leaders signed this letter? Eight? Out of how many well known Charismatic and Pentecostal leaders? I think it is important to find out who it was sent to who DID NOT sign it. I think that is more important than this list of eight. How about Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Rick Joyner, Chris Reed, Bobby Connor, Bob Sorge, Paul Keith Davis, Cindy Jacobs, Todd White, and many, many, many more? I specifically did not mention Stephen Strang as he is not a leader in the body of Christ, but rather a book publisher with great financial interests in keeping IHOPKC and MB afloat. If the other leaders were not sent this letter to sign, if in agreement, then why wasn’t it sent? Bravo finally for this, but those that didn’t sign, we need their names. Thank you. We need to know where they stand. And another point that I think is equally important. None of these older leaders were involved in uncovering this. Why are prominent younger leaders not on this list? Why is it only members of the old guard who should have sensed something in their spirits years ago? Dr Brown is leaving off of his list an entire generation or two of leaders who have been doing a much better job of uncovering these things with purity of heart than any of these eight. Is there a lack of respect for them from the old guard? Does Dr Brown not consider them to also be leaders on an equal footing?

    1. I don’t think this letter was something generally circulated to Charismatic leaders so they could choose to sign or not. This was signed by the specific people who were involved in writing it, who had knowledge of the charges, had spoken with the victims, and had some pre-existing close relationship to MB and IHOPKC, which gives the letter more gravitas, as it’s not coming from some outside observers.

      It wasn’t a bill in Congress that was put up for a vote by all the representatives and senators and passed or failed on that basis.

      1. It would then behoove them (Michael Brown?) to enlighten the mass as to how they arrived at the “8 charismatic elders joint statement”. It would squelch certain speculations.

    2. I am sure many refused. Same thing happened when Dr Brown tried to get as many people as he could to have common view on the prophetic following the 2020 election.

    3. Dr Brown is himself not doing too well what with recent revelations… Let’s all walk close to the Lord and pray.

  9. Now these men have some discernment!! It was apparent years ago that this was a false ministry birthed from a prophecy by a false prophet especially when the abhorrent excesses & misrepresentations of the truth that Jesus is our Bridegroom with us as His Bride were being manifested. Some of these same men “missed it” with Todd Bentley & Paul Cain & Bob Jones and defended them for years.

    1. Spot on Reuben. Crazy to see these guys who have defended Mike Bickle for years (specifically Michael Brown and Sam Storms) when it was so obvious to anyone with any modicum of discernment that he was a false prophet, now saying he’s unfit for ministry. The guy was never fit for ministry.

  10. So no elder or leader of this church prophesied that this would happen?

    Such apathy from the leadership could be justified but this is hardly the case in a church which claims to be prophetic.

    Letters of apology after the fact are not prophetic.

    1. If only it HAD been a true apology. I located the entire statement elsewhere.

      All they admitted was, “we recognize that the evidence points to some dangerous cult-like tendencies that emerged over the years…” No comment on their support of IHOPKC during those SAME YEARS, never noticing the “dangerous cult-like tendencies”. They asked forgiveness for any shortcomings “during this crisis” only, and even that was without naming anything specific.

      The statement was more of a reach-out to future leaders “disillusioned with our generation” – turning a discernment failure into an age gap. And so, to those “perceiving us to be part of the old guard that is determined to protect our interests,” they protested: “We have spent decades investing in the younger generations.” Which wasn’t the point.

      The point was their protection of Bickle and his prophet Bob Jones from criticism during those decades. And IMO that did come from personal interests — along with IHOPKC, Jones deeply influenced several of the signatories and their ministries.

      To those of us from Bickle’s generation who know this shared history, and who warned the signatories years ago of dangers in NAR’s prophetic lack of accountability, they have lots more to answer for.

  11. I think the statement is excellent. I’m sure more than 8 leaders would sign it, but this takes time and logistics. I appreciate that they are stating Bickle should NEVER be a ministry leader ever again, that he can be restored to fellowship only. This is the kind of statement that needs to come from others leaders such as ARC and SBC when they have a fallen leader. These 8 people could have taken a step back and say “It’s not us, we have nothing to do with it and we’re not even in a denomination together” but they are acknowledging association, and making clear and humble statements regarding the problems past and present. God bless them.

  12. Sin is real, even in so-called leaders lives. Those without sin cast the 1st stone, Jesus says. Although, I’m not defending anyone, but it’s obvious to me that the enemy is sitting back and trying to destroy the church through men like this. There is nothing new under the sun and this will happen again at some point, but God can bring truth, reconciliation and shed light on darkness through Jesus over all sin. Sin and repentance will need to be preached again, and I pray 🙏 for the Lord to raise up men who care more about scriptural truths than prophecy. The IHOP movement needs to stay focused on Jesus and not what the devil is distracting, discouraging and deceiving them with. Stay focused on Jesus not man. Put this chapter behind you, as you learn and grow, and return to Jesus, not leader worshipping. The church must learn that worship is not playing music in a building but rather its in your daily walk and the decisions that you make to sin or follow Jesus. It’s what is in your hearts that matters most to God, not how you sing or dance in a room.

    1. At last Kenneth Massie, you have been the first comment that I can feel comfortable with. Who or whatever tries to bring down another’s servant needs to be very careful and guard and protect his own household. We are saddened when a brother or sister in Christ is taken out because we know that they are but human and the more popular they become the greater the onslaught from the enemy.

  13. In the evangelical movement there are so many independent churches and ministries people basically do whatever they want.

    The notion that there is any biblical oversight in many of these ministries is a bit of a joke.

    IHOPKC is just playing out the clock until the all concern dies down, and falls out of view.

  14. Another “great one” fell a long time ago, but it is now only coming to light. Shattered lives and shame. Feelings of inadequacy, but then…finally finding the courage to speak out. At first met with disbelief. Leadership having to come to terms with the lie they unwittingly (or wittingly) allowed to run rampant because they simply refused to believe it in the beginning. People finally picking up the pieces and moving on. Finding comfort in shared experiences (I wasn’t the only one?). Eventually, through court and counseling finding resolution and maybe peace.

  15. There’s another story I am waiting to see come out. I’m glad some leaders have declared Bickle unfit due to his pedophilia and prophetic manipulation, but have they turned a blind eye to the rampant prophetic manipulation by well-known leaders in the 5 Fold/NAR movement? It may be up to the journalists to start reporting on the “Google prophets” who are mining social media to give false prophetic words at conferences. I see this story leaking now on social media. Some of the internet prophets are being given up by their children and/or personal assistants. If the elders/leaders in the movement knew about it, why have they looked the other way? Is Bickle just a tip of the iceberg?

  16. I praise Yah that I am neither Judge or Torah (Law) giver (James 4:12). These are difficult decisions thrust upon anyone finding themselves placed into uncomfortable circumstances having to deal with an issue(s), possibly spanning 25-43 years ago. That’s like a lifetime ago. Decades of walking with Yeshua, good times and difficult, filled with joys, mistakes, regrets, repentance, restoration, and renewal. I praise Yah for the blood of the Messiah and an unending flow of the washing of the water with the Word, all strengthening me to take another step. If the allegations are true, possibly spanning a 20 year period, who are we to cast stones for alleged incidents 25 years and more years ago? If we are judged in the manner we judge others, woe to us! Mercy is always higher ground. Mike B. can’t discuss the allegations, but who is to say he hasn’t dealt with these failures with tears, repentance, and restoration – years, decades ago. And…with these things just now coming to light, why is it human proclivity to throw the book at him with savagery. I’m not giving him a pass, but our Father made a way for all of us in Yeshua. The elite 8 have a hard job. Are they ruling in absentia? Does Mike’s heart/walk reflect as one who has struggled yet overcame? Mike B. is hung out in the court of public opinion to be shredded, and seemingly, marked with the horrific title, Ichabod, as if there is no meaningful path of public restoration. After all, he’s 68. Many years of life has been dealt with and forgotten, under the blood.

    1. Beautifully said, Taz.Mercy will always triumph over Judgement.The Christian army must stop “killing it’s wounded”.Mike is our brother in arms , he is not the enemy…and even if he was, we are commanded to love “our enemies”.Those who attack Mike Bickle attack the Lord.The Lord is not done with Mike Bickle yet.His best days are yet to come.Otherwise toss your Bible’s into the sea..considering the restoration of King David, Apostle Peter…who are you to decide another man’s fate.God is 100% pure ,unconditional LOVE.

      1. Thank you Michael Jack. I worked for Mike for many years. I am grateful to God for exposing his sin And in the process exposing the condition of the heart of His church in its reaction. I love my God who makes clear He is after pure and simple devotion…a humble and contrite heart and all the while offering His own enabling grace and call to holiness.

        I don’t know the tears, the struggle and torment of the spiritual warfare Mike has endured. But I know my own and the grace I have desperately needed and received.

        Mike a sinner like the rest of us and I will not cast a stone but do what he taught us and bow my knees before the Judge and The Justifier in the knowledge that but for the grace of God go I.

        May the precious gift of repentance flow over Mike and take him to the depths of the heart of his Great God and Father in glorious forgiveness and mercy in the consummate and finale restoration of all things.

        I remember his gracious kindness and compassion to myself, my dying husband and to many others. I think of the honor God placed on him in the influence of Prayer, Passion for Jesus, the End Times and of course Israel. I know it has even now all not been for naught.

        But most of all I remember the genuine and contagious love for Christ and God’s purposes. May he rise out of the ash heap and blaze brighter and shinier than even previously in true vulnerability and fellowship of suffering the loss of all and the gaining of Christ. I feel a certain pleasure of God. ❤️

  17. Another important thing to remember is that Mike Bickle lied. He told multiple girls that he had a dream/word that his wife would die and it would open up the door for them to be married. That is a complete lie. He did it because he knew that Christian girls would never agree to sexual immorality with him. So by explaining it this way he tried to give it some air of legitimacy. But it was pure lies and manipulation. So maybe instead of writing a book called Passion for Jesus, he should have written a book called Passion for Ej@culation. Sadly, maybe his son could have written the Foreward. Harsh? Well, Anger is the second stage of grief. (And Diane, please for your own sanity, leave this guy. He obviously has not been faithful to you or your marriage vows. What a mockery of “marriage fidelity.” )

    And this is of course why Mike was so grace-oriented when Lou Engle came to him with his porn problem/addiction.

    So unfortunately, if Mike lies/lied, that means he’s a “Liar.” At least sometimes. But it also means that anything he’s ever said could also be a lie. We simply don’t know. All those prophetic words? Hmmm.

    Probably this means that all of his books and tapes will have to be pulled and cancelled, just like what happened with Ted Haggard.

    Finally, the reason that Mike has always claimed to not want to defend himself, is to spiritualize his own awareness of guilt. It’s just like when King David allowed people to verbally attack him because he knew that he was guilty. He knew that he deserved it.

    Mike knows he deserves all this and that this is his end.


  18. Years ago in the mid-2000s, I had warned friends of mine to stay away from Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, and IHOP-KC. Eventually, I went to OneThing Passdena, at my friend’s strong suggestion, it was awful. Lou Engle spoke, Cory Asbury played music. I only attended one night, and I was very angry with my friend and myself afterwards. When Lou Engle said, out of the blue, that his son married Jesus, I was appalled. The music time was extremely chaotic.

    I have tried to watch their so-called prayer room, terrible. I found years ago, a very false spirit in that organization and hoped that it would burn to the ground. I’m not sure if he still does, but I thought Mike Bickle owed the buildings and land that IHOP-KC operates on.

  19. These particular folks presiding over who’s in or who’s out is ominous. It’s hard not to liken some of them to Aleister Crowley or Anton Lavey. Hyperbole? Maybe.

  20. Patricia King is in fact a false prophet.
    Judgement is on the churches that do not allow true prophets to speak too.

    Judgement began in 2015 with the death of John Paul Jackson and then Kim Clement, C. Peter Wagner.

    False prophet Patricia King supported and promoted many false NAR prophets.

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