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IHOPKC Founder Mike Bickle Confessed to ‘Bad Judgments and Bad Mistakes’ with ‘Jane Doe,’ Ministry Leader Says

By Julie Roys
Dan Bohi Mike Bickle
International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) Founder Mike Bickle introduces Dan Bohi of Becoming Love Ministries at a 2021 service at IHOPKC. (Source: Video screengrab)

Since allegations surfaced in late October that Mike Bickle sexually abused multiple women over several decades, Bickle has not spoken publicly. But he has confessed privately to making “bad judgments and bad mistakes” with a woman who accused him of sexual misconduct, according to a ministry leader connected to the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC).

Dan Bohi, founder of Becoming Love Ministries, told TRR that soon after the allegations became public, Bickle “made a private confession to me based on James 5.” (James 5:16 exhorts believers to confess their sins to each other “so that you may be healed.”)

Bohi speaks regularly at IHOPKC. And according to a video of a 2021 IHOPKC service, Bohi’s ministry gives $100,000 or more to IHOPKC a year. IHOPKC also encourages its community to give to Bohi’s ministry, as is also shown in the 2021 video.

Bohi said Bickle’s confession involved the same woman who told TRR in an exclusive interview that Bickle had sexually abused her from 1996—1999, when she was 19-22 years old and Bickle was in his 40s.

At first, Bohi told TRR he didn’t want to say anything about the confession because it was private. When TRR noted that Bickle was serving in public ministry and might be disqualified from ministry if the allegations are true, Bohi said: “He’s disqualified himself.” Bohi added that Bickle said he’s not going to minister again until everything is “made right.”

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $50 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you can elect to receive a copy of “Safe Church: How to Guard Against Sexism and Abuse in Christian Communities’ by Dr. Andrew Bauman, click here.

bickle bohi
On Oct. 9, 2020, Mike Bickle (right) introduces Dan Bohi as guest speaker at the International House of Prayer’s Forerunner Church in Grandview, Mo. (Video screengrab)

Bohi said he didn’t want to talk about the specifics of Bickle’s confession. But when pressed, Bohi said Bickle admitted “he made bad judgments and bad mistakes that he’s repented of.” When specifically asked if Bickle confessed to sexual misconduct, Bohi said no. 

TRR reached out to Bickle through his attorney, Patrick A. McInerney of Spencer Fane LLP, asking for comment about Bickle’s alleged confession to Bohi. McInerney did not respond.

According to Bohi, after hearing Bickle’s confession, Bohi reached out to the husband of the woman who accused Bickle of clergy sexual abuse, called “Jane Doe” in TRR’s article. Bohi said he and Doe’s husband had several phone conversations about meeting with Bickle to try and resolve things, but nothing came of it.

As TRR reported previously, Bickle and Doe’s husband met in early October—before the allegations became public. During that meeting, Bickle denied the allegations, according to Doe’s husband.

Bickle then followed up with an email, saying if Doe went public with the allegations, it would be “the greatest betrayal of my life.” Bickle also said he would have to remove financial support from Doe and her husband’s ministry if Doe went public.

TRR reached out to Doe’s husband for comment about his conversations with Bohi but did not receive any on-the-record response.

Bickle allegedly confessed to top IHOPKC leader

Jason Carr, a section leader in IHOPKC’s 24/7 prayer room, told TRR that IHOPKC Executive Director Stuart Greaves told Carr that Bickle had also confessed to him.

In a private meeting on Nov. 9, Carr said he asked Greaves whether Bickle had confessed to the allegations. Greaves objected to the question, Carr said. But Carr said he kept pressing, and Greaves finally said, “Do you want to know what Mike said? Mike said ‘Yes,’” Carr told TRR. “And (Greaves) was kind of like, ‘Are you happy and satisfied?’ And I’m like, ‘No, but that wasn’t the point of me asking.’”

Stuart Greaves Forerunner Church IHOPKC
IHOPKC Executive Director Stuart Greaves addresses the congregation at Forerunner Church on Oct. 29, 2023. (Source: Video screengrab)

Carr said Greaves then asked him not to tell anyone what Greaves had just divulged. Carr said he initially complied. But several weeks later, Carr said he learned that Greaves had told worship leaders in a meeting about the confession from Bickle, so Carr felt at liberty to talk about it.

TRR spoke with a worship leader who was at that meeting, who did not want to be named. The person confirmed that Greaves had told the group that Bickle had confessed to some allegations but the details were a bit different than what was being alleged publicly.

TRR asked Bickle’s attorney, Patrick McInerney, about Bickle’s alleged confession to Greaves but did not receive a response.

TRR also reached out to Greaves through IHOPKC’s press email, asking about Bickle’s alleged confession.

IHOPKC replied, “All communications and inquires to or for Mr. Bickle regarding the Jane Doe you asked about should be addressed to Mr. Bickle’s legal representation, Patrick A. McInerney at Spencer Fane LLP.”

However, earlier this week, IHOPKC’s ELT released a statement about Doe’s allegations to the Christian Post (CP).

“To date, IHOPKC has not been presented with any evidence that substantiates sexual abuse allegations against Mike Bickle,” the ELT told CP. “Facts matter, and Mike, like anyone else, should be considered innocent of the charges until evidence establishes the contrary.”

More red flags

Carr said his private conversation with Greaves on Nov. 9 raised several other red flags.

Carr said he pressed Greaves about hiring a third party during the conversation. Carr said Greaves said he had no intention of hiring a third party like GRACE or Guidepost Solutions at that time because those firms would want to investigate everything at IHOPKC, not just the allegations related to Bickle.

Jason and Chris Carr (Courtesy Photo)

Carr noted that when IHOPKC published its report on initial findings November 15, the ELT claimed it had reached out to GRACE about conducting an investigation on Nov. 9—the same day Carr talked to Greaves. According to the report, the ELT discovered the next day that GRACE had a conflict of interest, which disqualified it as an objective third party.

“I think it’s interesting, because I’m talking to (Greaves) at night on November 9, about this very issue. . .” Carr said. “The fact that he said, ‘No, we’re not going to use any of those types of ministries, because we’re not ready for that,’ but then their initial finding said, ‘We’ve been reaching out and found out we couldn’t’—You know, that’s a tough one.”

As TRR reported earlier, GRACE told TRR it “never received any inquiries” from current IHOPKC leaders.

TRR reached out to Greaves for comment about statements he allegedly made, regarding hiring a third party like GRACE or Guideposts. Greaves did not respond to our questions.

Carr’s wife, Chris Carr, also spoke with TRR. She said when IHOPKC was still working with the law firm, Stinson LLP, to investigate the allegations, she asked Greaves whether IHOPKC would release the complete report of Stinson’s investigation.

Carr said Greaves told her that the ELT would review the report and release whatever is “appropriate.”

Carr said she replied, “So you’re not making a blanket statement that you’re going to release the whole report?”

Carr said Greaves replied, “No.”

Yet on the morning IHOPKC announced it had hired Stinson, well-known charismatic Christian Michael Brown stated on stage at Forerunner Church that IHOPKC had committed to publishing Stinson’s findings.

Another IHOPKC staff member who spoke with TRR said he’s observed similar contradictions between the ELT’s private and public statements.

Gabriel Hancock, a prayer room musician and IHOP University (IHOPU) faculty member, said he spoke privately with Greaves on Nov. 1 and urged him to hire a third party to investigate.

Hancock said Greaves claimed IHOPKC was hiring a third party, but that doing so was “unbiblical.” Hancock said he continued to press Greaves on the matter, and Greaves told him to back off and emphatically stated, “I didn’t know about this till Tuesday (Oct. 24)!”

gabriel hancock
Gabriel Hancock (Photo: Facebook)

Yet, Hancock said several days later, a friend told him that Doe’s husband had met with Greaves and IHOPKC Senior Ministry Advisor Marci Sorge at the beginning of October and shared Doe’s allegations with them.

This was also confirmed by Doe’s husband in our prior report.

Hancock, who’s been at IHOPKC for nearly 20 years, said he began weeping when he heard the news. Hancock said he then realized that Greaves had knowledge of the allegations when he allowed Bickle to preach for two weeks on betrayal in October.

In a Nov. 9 email to ELT member Isaac Bennett, which was shared with TRR, Hancock wrote, “(O)ur brothers are claiming these allegations were brought forward to Mike and others weeks before that Tue with ELT Oct. 24. Yet our community is under the impression from the ELT that Tue was the first whisper any of us heard of it. And this has divided us deeply ever since.”

Bennett replied, “I think the nuance is there was small portion 1% of allegations (toward the beginning of Oct) but the full spectrum was brought Oct. 24 . . .”

“Only problem is I think that one percent is pretty intense,” Hancock replied. “And if it was my wife, I would be unhinged . . .”

Hancock also told TRR that he frequently saw Bickle flirt with women in the prayer room, kissing them on the head and rubbing their backs.

He added that a friend once told him about a strange prophecy his wife said she had. The wife reportedly told her husband that he was going to die, and Diane Bickle was going to die, and the wife was going to marry Bickle. (As TRR previously reported, Doe claimed Bickle gave her a similar prophecy.)

Hancock said he observed that the wife seemed to have unusual access to Bickle and would come in and out of his office frequently—sometimes multiple times in one worship set.

So, in 2021, Hancock said his wife, Katie, told an IHOPKC leader about the woman’s alleged prophecy and her frequent interactions with Bickle, but the leader did nothing.

IHOPKC bickle allegatons law firm
Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Mo., has faced recent allegations of sexual misconduct. (Photos: IHOPKC / Courtesy image)


Since the allegations against Bickle have been made public, several middle-management staff at IHOPKC and Forerunner Church, have resigned, given notice, or taken a leave of absence, Carr said.

Carr noted that because of their position, he and other managerial staff have been able to have direct conversations with the ELT, which have gone poorly. Other staff don’t have this kind of access, Carr said.

Those leaving the ministry include Josh Thompson, who was on pastoral staff at Forerunner Church. Thompson announced on Facebook that he and his wife will be gone by Jan. 1.

“At a later time, we will have more to say . . .” Thompson wrote. “To be clear, our decision to remain through December—though in a limited capacity—is for the sake of the young adults in the community. Let it be known—Josh and Megan Thompson believe Jane Doe.”

Another Forerunner pastor who’s given notice is Dane Mallarnee. His wife, Allee Mallarnee, confirmed with TRR that the couple is leaving at the end of the month.

nathan rachael steel
Nathan and Rachael Steel (Photo: Facebook)

Nathan Steel, who had just left a position leading internships at IHOP University (IHOPU) to start a missions arm with IHOPU, has also reportedly resigned. Nathan’s wife, Rachael Steel, wrote on Facebook:

If IHOPKC’s ELT would have thanked the friends who came to them with credible and long-standing evidence of clergy sexual abuse by Mike Bickle, then none of us would be put in the positions we currently are in.

If the ELT would have welcomed an agreed upon independent third party investigation, then it would not have become an ‘us verses them’ reality.

If the ELT would have stepped aside and allowed Mike Bickle and the organization of IHOPKC as a whole to be thoroughly investigated, then we could have been patient for the results from a trusted investigation.

These advocates (Allen Hood, Dwayne Roberts, Wes Martin, Brian Kim, etc.) did not create a division by shining light on decades of sin and abuse. No.

**How the ELT responded to the allegations concerning Mike Bickle is what created this chasm we are seeing.** . . .

Similarly, Sammie Lee, one of the most senior worship team members at IHOPKC and faculty member at IHOP University, wrote in a Facebook post, “At this point, there are serious unanswered questions that I’m now scared to know the answer to. I have met with several leaders over these few weeks. I trust their intentions and character. . . . But I fundamentally disagree with some of the philosophy behind the procedural decisions and the execution (or the lack there of [sic]).”

On October 29, 2023, leaders of the International House of Prayer-Kansas City — left to right, Lenny LaGuardia, David Sliker, Stuart Greaves, and Isaac Bennett — address recent allegations against IHOP-KC founder Mike Bickle. (Video screengrab)

Jason and Chris Carr told TRR they are leaving at the end of December. Likewise, Gabriel Hancock said he and his wife, Katie Hancock, are leaving then too.

Both the Carrs and Gabriel Hancock told TRR that they deeply love IHOPKC and the people there. And prior to witnessing the duplicity of the ELT since October, they say they had planned to stay at IHOPKC for many more years.

“I actually love (the prayer room ministry) so much,” Hancock said. “That’s why (my wife and I) have been sobbing on and off all day for the last month. And then you just kind of run dry of tears . . . and just have this heavy ache on your chest and stomach.”

Similarly, Chris Carr said, “We’re so heartbroken. We don’t want to leave. And we just love what we do and we love the people. But we can’t in good conscience stay.”

*Correction: We changed “leaders” to “leader” in this sentence for accuracy. “Hancock said his wife, Katie, told an IHOPKC leader about the woman’s alleged prophecy and her frequent interactions with Bickle, but the leader did nothing.”

Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. 



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32 Responses

  1. wow…..just about speachless…..what an absolute SEWER, of (sadly, typical) Charismatic insanity/malfeasance….contradictions/lies/bizarre “prophecies”….I don’t know why Bickle is in a panic…in the modern “Church” (especially the “gifted” ones!!), you simply pull the “Swaggart Maneuver” (step one: CRY; step two: beg forgiveness; step three: give it a year or two, to “blow over”, and then four, (like Michael Finnegan!) “BEGIN AGAIN”!! LOL!!

    1. You nailed it, James. When you elevate “prophecies” over scripture and worship “pastors” more than God, these things are bound to happen.

    2. James,

      In Swaggart’s case, he was defrocked by the AoG and then went on to start is own independent business (aka church).

    3. Sadly… this is about as funny as Donald Trump who you probably support ( since you seem incapable of real-deep inner pain and heart-broken issues) being in the White House again… Not funny at all, simply Horrifying and cynical !!!

      1. Idolatrous/ spiritually adulterous support of trump , which is outside “the faith once for all delivered to the saints’ – is very germane to this subject. Human beings are exalted by supporters in both realms. It is the age of king saul, needing heroes to fight our battles

  2. My gosh. They only have ONE JOB: protect the sheep. And all they can think about is themselves.

    Here again, another situation where there is no humility, no selfless acts, and certainly no aspirations of Christ-likeness.

    And by the way: repentance is to honor the one harmed, not to clear one’s conscience. If the repentance is not done before the victim, it’s just self-soothing nonsense. Not Biblical, doesn’t count.

    Another comment called this “church” a sewer. Perfect word.

    1. Your post and the condemning other sewer posts are not Biblical either friend. What is wrong with the (exclusive) Western Church. ?? They have Along way too go to find that Spotless Bride. You might want to study and check out the Seven Churches in Revelations to see if truely you will be a part of the church of Philadelphia or if you’ll find yourself thrown into the ‘Great Tribulation’ to be “”sifted and seasoned” so you can make it to the New Earth one day friend. Revelations chapter 3

  3. We need more victims to come forward and file a complain. We also need to hear church leaders especially in the Charismatic /Pentecostal world

  4. Thank you. This makes me sad on so many levels, more for the victims than anything because it just seems to me that those folks defending Bickle, like Strang, Brown and Black seem to want to give him the benefit of the doubt regardless.

  5. Thank you. This is an accurate, objective assessment. It is a breath of fresh air. So sorry for all that have been devastated and I agree with all of those who are leaving. You are humbling yourselves and God will highly exalt you in due season. When you are out of the forest, so to speak, you will see even more the manipulation, deceit and cover up that has been going on for years. I am not an enemy of IHOPKC or Mike Bickle. I am though an enemy of lies, half truths and cover-up.

    1. This episode is only one example of the depth of “Sifting and Shaking” that will be erupting all us… it’s clearing Sifting Season in The Western Church. Anyone serious about the days too come could began study and self examination through understanding the 7 Churches in Revelations 1-3. So we can find ourselves clearly placed in the church of Philadelphia and miss be thrown into the Great Tribulation so we can be made ready for that spotless bride. Come aHoly Spirit

  6. We continuously see males standing awkwardly in front trying to parse out some kind of non-response to people who bring credible reports of abuse. Stunning and clueless lack of awareness – and interest – in really solving the problem. If every religious organization had a team of women investigating and responding to these accusations how different things would be.

    1. “If every religious organization had a team of women investigating and responding to these accusations how different things would be.”

      Or some men with integrity.

  7. Rachael Steel wrote an excellent assessment putting the responsibility exactly where it ought to be: on the poor decisions of the leadership. Abusers and their groomed supporters in leadership often practice DARVO (Deny, Accuse, Reverse victim order). Abusers blame the victims and they blame anyone who wants to question or criticize their behavior. Rachael rightly points out that all the questioning would stop if leadership would simply tell the truth and be honest and honorable.

  8. When I hear people talk about “getting a word from the Lord” experience has shown they are in full manipulation mode. If you hear this nonsense at church, direct your feet to the nearest IHOP for pancakes. International House of Prayer? What a horrible, heartbreaking scam.

    1. Since you are so cynical you just might pay attention to your qualifying for the rebukes of Proverbs 6. I’m not being a smartie pants either

      1. Well, would you agree there is a fine line between cynical and discernment? Many times I ask myself which side of the line I’m standing upon. God’s word is already revealed; this “God told me” stuff is dangerous and all too often manipulative. If saying so makes me cynical in your eyes, so be it, but I say the Body of Christ is sorely lacking in discernment in these matters and it hurts all of us – but, especially those who are abused.

  9. Choose transparency, IHOPKC.

    I have been listening to the Heaven Bent podcast season four, and I am not holding my breath that an organization that has not been transparent before will be so now. Sad.

  10. Looks as though you either welcome a third party investigation, or you end up anyway by excellent journalists

  11. Still waiting for Bickle’s confession of long-term sin including spiritual and sexual abuse, along with gross betrayal (speaking of betrayal) of his pastoral office and duties. The darkness, or dark horse, to use his imagery, is of his own making and persists up to the present through self-gratifying habits he continues to feed.

    Of course he should resign yesterday, since those who might have the authority to fire him will not have the gumption to do so. They have already shown their unfitness for ministry too by helping him try to cover this up with deception and ongoing bogus, self-serving prophecies. For all their talk about the Spirit, Bickle and Greaves have trampled on the Spirit’s holiness and grieve Him instead.

    Needless to say, an independent investigation is essential, something the hirelings at IHOP have refused.

  12. I would suggest a committee from a sister church ministry to come in and handle things. The Bible says everything should be established in the mouths of two or three (eye) witnesses, which may have been established in this article. It could be taken to include handling things like this inside the church and not in the press, although when you have this big of a ministry, and this big of an accusation, there’s no way it isn’t going to get out. I have given some pretty serious words of wisdom (the category for this future oriented word in question), but know from my training that there are STOP signs which would preclude such a prophecy/word of wisdom. Such a word needs to be on the back burner and/or confirmed over and over before anyone believes it. I grieve for all involved and for the hurt done to the Body of Christ, especially for Mike and Jane Doe and families and the prayer warriors at IHOPKC.

  13. There is NO SUCH THING as an ‘affair’ between a clergy member (especially a male clergy member) and a congregant. The balance of power precludes the existence of the true agency necessary in a relationship of equals. This arrangement/interaction is ALWAYS abusive & exploitive. Church-remember how y’all nailed Bill Clinton’s disgusting behavior toward intern Monica Lewinsky?? Bickel and others are every bit as guilty as Bill, & should be PERMANENTLY excluded from public ministry leadership in any form,,,,

  14. Cesspool.
    I have a unique insight to IHOPKC because one of my children was there for 5-6yrs where he was a Student Leader.
    And I see the efforts of so many students, staff and alums to see this handled properly. And their bewilderment and sense of betrayal .
    They’ve tried everything to address the issue.
    My bottom line is this:
    – There is not repentance by Mike nor the leaders propping him up and shielding him. He nor leadership clearly wants what best for the victims or repairing what is broke. All they want is to protect themselves at the expense of everyone else.
    It doesn’t take a lot of discernment to see that this goes so much deeper. I think we’ve just scratched the surface of the depth of his filth and depravity. Equally as bad is also the complicity of other leaders who clearly have known of his actions and enabled it for possibly decades. And to me, quite probably, that the leadership that are protecting him have participated themselves. Let’s be clear; Mike Bickle is a sexual predator and deviant and it seems he’s surrounded himself with like-minded leaders.
    It’s high time that the scab is peeled off.

  15. Thank you for also “exposing” the pastors with integrity who are calling out sin and refusing to work for a corrupt organization. So glad to hear about pastors like that.

  16. I’ve got to ask this- how are so many people JUST NOW talking about all the abuses they noticed or heard about through the years? Why are the leaders- even some quoted in this article not taking some responsibility for the abuse? If the original took place some 26 years ago, how much has happened right under their noses? I’m sorry but if it was that prevalent, others who were leaders at that time and did nothing or said nothing are somewhat accountable. I get being angry- and rightly so, but this begs far more reporting and investigating than what is being done. I mean let’s face it, many well-known ministries were birthed out of their association with IHOP-KC (probably all of the advocates who met to bring the charges and definitely the victim based on the reports here), so that may have played a role in not speaking out earlier. I guess I’m just asking for a wider perspective here and thinking those people were all there for years and never thought it was weird that Mike exhibited the behaviors of being alone with ANY woman in an office or other place? That’s ministry 101 training, folks. So my point is, either total naïveté or self-protection was at play for a lot of people for a long time and that is VERY disturbing.

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