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James MacDonald’s Home Listed for $1.9 Million; Possibly Moving to West Coast

By Julie Roys
James MacDonald's million-dollar house in Elgin, IL.
James MacDonald's estate in Elgin, IL.
The upscale home of disgraced former pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel, James MacDonald, has just been privately listed for $1.9 million, according to recently obtained documents (listing below).

Also, an Instagram comment by a person who appears to be the wife of a well-known Christian figure states that MacDonald is heading to the West Coast. 

In a video released on February 14, MacDonald announced that in 40 days, he would have his first “public opportunity to preach,” but did not give any further details.

However, over the weekend, someone with the Instagram account chelseacameron8 commented on a post by MacDonald that she was praying for MacDonald and his wife’s “move.” She added, “Welcome to the West Coast. Can’t wait to see you and to be front and center to receive the gift of your teaching.”

Chelseacameron8 is a private account, but appears to be owned by Chelsea Noble, the wife of popular Christian actor and TV host, Kirk Cameron.

I reached out to Kirk Cameron through multiple avenues to confirm his wife’s account, but he did not respond. However, the Camerons are known to be friends of the MacDonalds and appeared in a picture that Kathy MacDonald posted to Instagram in August of last year.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” by Christa Brown. To donate, click here.

Also, an Instagram comment by “ahnacameron,” who appears to be a daughter of Kirk Cameron and Chelsea Noble, states: “love u mom and dad” and tags both Kirk Cameron’s official Instagram account and @Chelseacameron8.

The home that MacDonald just listed is the same one that he claimed in an interview for my 2018 exposé on Harvest was smaller than his previous 6,700-square foot home in Inverness, Illinois. This was significant because in 2014, the elders at Harvest announced that MacDonald had made “several personal lifestyle adjustments,” including “downsizing” from his home in Inverness (which sold for $1.8 million in 2014) to “a smaller home in Elgin.”

Also, during the 2018 interview, MacDonald refuted claims that he had “only pretended to cut back on his lifestyle” in 2014, calling such claims “false.”

The current listing does not give the square footage of the house. However, an appraisal that an attorney for MacDonald submitted to the tax assessor’s office states that the home has 6,891 square feet of gross living area, plus a 2,600 square-foot garage and a more than 2,000-square-foot finished basement.

The listing also notes that the home has “extraordinary finishes throughout,” “custom built cabinetry,” and a “gourmet kitchen with walk-in pantry and top of the lines appliances.” It adds that the “master retreat on the main level features a den, walk in closet, en suite, and workout room.”

The listing says the second floor has a loft, library, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The home also has a finished basement “perfect for entertaining” and an outdoor in-ground pool.

According to the listing, the home also sits on 10 acres. Presumably, MacDonald bought an adjacent five-acre parcel, which was vacant.

The agent listing MacDonald’s home is Wincy Mathew, a local realtor whose husband, Philip Mathew, serves as the director of information technology at Harvest Bible Chapel.

UPDATE: MacDonald’s home listing is now public and can be viewed here.  I have taken down the photos of MacDonald’s home per the request of a real estate listing company. However, you can see all the photos in the public listing. 


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131 Responses

  1. Interesting home; something between half-timber construction of German princes’ castles and English country mansions. Would make a great restaurant or B&B, not quite sure if I’d want to live there. Pastor’s house–or anyone’s private home….not so much.

  2. It’s nauseating to consider that average people giving sacrificially to the Lord’s work are actually paying for this kind of extravagance. It does not reveal the humility that might be expected from a pastoral heart. The cost of furnishing it alone is mind-boggling. The wife is complicit in this lavish indulgence. Disgraceful.

  3. This house is symbolic of the waste, entitlement, corruption, and godlessness of James MacDonald & his accomplices. Maybe the husband & wife whose business was bankrupted in the building of this house will share their story someday.

    The current $990,000 mortgage on the property, taken in 2016, is held by Republic Bank of Chicago, where former Harvest elder Bill Sperling was President at the time the loan was made. So, not only did James MacDonald fake his lifestyle adjustment, but he secretly built an ostentatious house in the woods with the knowledge and in the business interests of Elders.

    Many leaders who knew about or okayed this house still attend the church. Harvest Congregants, when you see Jeff Smith, Steve Huston, Bill Sperling, et al, consider asking, “Why did you fail to provide accountability for James & Kathy MacDonald’s pledge to downgrade their lifestyle?”

    Donors deserve to know if Harvest Bible Chapel, or any affiliated entity thereof, is or was in the land trust that owns this home, or on the promissory note for the mortgage. Almost $2 million for a house in that location will be a tough sell. Is there any kind of deal between MacDonald and HBC that involves the church purchasing the home if it doesn’t sell after a certain number of months?

    Regarding the adjacent 5-acre vacant parcel that’s apparently part of the 10 acres being sold, the property taxes went unpaid for two years and were sold at Kane County tax sales. Presumably, those have been or will be redeemed. Whether the same can be said for James MacDonald’s soul only God knows.

    For those keeping track of Harvest Business Club dealings, Cook County property records show that in 2015, Bill Sperling’s Republic Bank also made a fairly risky $1.1 million commercial loan to the LLC of Marcel Olar, fellow Elder from the Niles campus.

    No wonder James MacDonald was fond of saying, “The business of the church isn’t the business of the church.”

    1. Yep. Again, Julie does a bang up job reporting, and Jessica helps us connect all of the dots. Unfortunately, I feel like there is nobody left at Harvest who actually cares.

      1. Maybe Harvest Congregants will care about the listing agent, Wincy Mathews, being the wife of a Harvest employee. Notably, Mr & Mrs. Mathews were James & Kathy MacDonald’s guests at a lavish Naples rental home in December 2018/January 2019, when James was still in Operation: HBC Naples Takeover mode. The church never confirmed it, but presumably donor funds paid for the rental.

        Ms. Mathews’ sales volume & average sale price for last year are not that of a high-end market realtor. That and the listing not being public raises the question of whether a deal is already in the works. Yes, the MacDonalds reside in the home, but it’s possible they don’t own it or fully own it.

        Because Harvest is in arbitration with MacDonald, it’s also possible that the church is purchasing the home, or MacDonald deeded it to the church to sell, as part of a list of demands from one or the other party.

        All that to say, HBC Congregants should demand the transparency they deserve regarding the ownership and sale of this house that never should have been built in the first place.

  4. Saw Kirk C. show this past weekend and his guest was Luke McDonald. I was not only shocked but sadden to see KC and the McDonalds are still so chummy. No, one should not disown another because of sin yet all seems to being going along as the McDonalds are innocent of all wrong doing. Having Landon on the show felt like a mssg to Harvest and others from KC of “I believe they are innocent.”

    If my family member stole from anyone I would call them out. If the lies and stealing continued, I would have to then expose them. Eventually separating myself from them. Does anyone in that family walk in shame…obviously not.

    The move from IL will not wipe away their sin. Where ever they go their sins follow like the rest of us. There is not hiding, nor running from our sins.

  5. Truly a waste of my tithes and offerings! I am especially upset that the gym. Obviously it was the room used less by James “fatboy” Macdonald!

    1. Are you defending him? His lavish home? Please don’t come at me with grace covers all offenses…. he needs to pay back all the money he stole

  6. Hyena?Is that worse than a wolf? Because if you look at the man he spent a lot of money getting fat off the sheep!

    1. Hyenas eat their prey alive. They have strong bites but their mouths are not huge like a lion’s. Hyenas are unable to wrap their mouths around the neck of their prey to the point of suffocation. Therefore, they work together in a group in order to exhaust their prey. And once exhausted, they eat their prey while it’s still alive, sometimes while it’s standing up.

      Many people are just as vicious as hyenas. They care nothing about their victim’s hurt, shame, torment or emotional anxieties. They care nothing about the families and friends of their victims and will eat them too, regardless of sex, age, or innocence because they are guilty-by-association. A hyena will attempt to exhaust their victim and are determined to convince everyone to believe that what they say about their victim is true.
      Murder-for-hire thrown out by two police departments and the FBI? No matter. Leave the story out there; some fool will believe it. How about the class action lawsuit against Harvest? That’s gossip and a lie also but maybe you wonder how you too can jump on board.
      Do you believe everything you read about James MacDonald as long as it is scathing, immoral and critical of him?
      Do you agree with those who never say anything good about the remnant remaining at Harvest and ask, “How can anyone still remain at Harvest? They must be naive or worse.”
      Have you Never asked for God’s blessings on the Harvest remnant? Have you Ever prayed for them? Have you ever asked any members of Harvest how you could help them as your brother or sister in Christ and a member of the same Body of Christ you say you are part of?

      God deals with those who desire to operate in the spirit of the Biblical hyena. He causes freedom and grants opportunities in the lives of those under attack of the gossiping hyenas.

      If you haven’t figured it out, those who gossip are the Biblical hyenas. The Hebrew word translated “gossip” in the Old Testament is defined as “one who reveals secrets, one who goes about as a talebearer or scandal-monger.” A gossiper is a person who has privileged information about people and proceeds to reveal that information to those who have no business knowing it. Gossip is distinguished from sharing information in two ways:
      1. Intent. Gossipers often have the goal of building themselves up by making others look bad and exalting themselves as some kind of repositories of knowledge.
      2. The type of information shared. Gossipers speak of the faults and failings of others, or reveal potentially embarrassing or shameful details regarding the lives of others without their knowledge or approval. Even if they mean no harm, it is still gossip.

      Gossip is of the worst sins that can be committed. Read Proverbs 26:18-28. Then read verse 25 again. It says, “Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts.”
      Do you understand this? God’s Word says that when a gossiper speaks do not believe him, because his/her heart is filled with all seven abominations from Proverbs 6:16: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies
      and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

      Gossipers have their day coming, God is not winking at gossipers at all.

      1. Jeannie Linder your right God is not winking at gossips, He’s also not winking at unrepentant theves,liars,scripture twisting wolves in sheeps clothing who are still making merchandise of the body of Christ, and those that defend them.

      2. Yes, I believe it all. I know solid men of God who left Harvest in the late 2000’s. They saw it coming …. if JM is so innocent as you say, why the anger outbursts? Some fitting verses: James 1:19 – “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” ; Proverbs 16:32 – “[He that is] slow to anger [is] better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city.”; 2 Timothy 2:24 – “AND THE SERVANT OF THE LORD must not strive; but be GENTLE unto all [men], apt to teach, patient.”

        This wasn’t being displayed in him – There is nothing further to be said…..

      3. “Many people are just as vicious as hyenas. They care nothing about their victim’s hurt, shame, torment or emotional anxieties. They care nothing about the families and friends of their victims and will eat them too, regardless of sex, age, or innocence”

        You are SO right! I see it now.. The Macdonalds ARE hyenas..

        Thank you JLin. Thank you

        1. Exactly, Benny. I was a member at HBC for many years, served in several ministries on multiple campuses and was extremely hurt, firsthand, by the culture James MacDonald created. It sad that people can defend, or take offense at the truth coming to light. If we love our brother we would correct them, not make excuses for their sin and enable them to continue in their ways. I find it insulting that JL would say “They care nothing about their victim’s hurt, shame, torment or emotional anxieties. They care nothing about the families and friends of their victims” in reference to those who have spoken up against James MacDonald when this is the EXACTLY what he has done to thousands and continues to do. He is not repentant, in everything he has said he has made an excuse for his actions, claimed their were lies just to attack him and played victim. He has yet to take responsibility for anything. There is a lot to be said, but at the end of the day it is not our opinion that matters but God’s, and one day he will have to stand before Him and give an account for all he has done.

  7. I know I’m a tiny little fish in a big ocean, but in my 51 years in the ministry, I made it a point to downsize all my purchases including my house, cars, toys (didn’t have any) and equipment when I could afford much more expensive things. I think a pastor should try to live as the average person in his church lives, not way above them. This should be true even if the pastor inherits his wealth; he should still live in accordance with his congregation. I really can’t understand a mindset that desires such lavish stuff.

    1. Unlike James MacDonald:

      your own life ( referring to Pastor Dave J comment ) was Not marked by one of deception. Nor by bullying. Nor by putting your Self above others. Nor by firing and terminating people who asked serious questions about your personal conduct.

      In contrast to James MacDonald, Pastor DaveJ probably tried to live a life above reproach.

      I have several family members in the Ministry.

      All of them would probably want to be paid more. However, ALL of them would insist that their finances and financial statements and annual income be publicly available to ALL members of the church.

      Harvest Bible Chapel, while marketing itself as “the model church for others to look to” ( through their conferences, etc…. ) actually practiced a culture of deception, hidden books with NO accountability.

    2. PastorDaveJ:

      meant to also say, “THANK YOU” for practicing Biblical discernment in the same area where Ravenous Wolves lack that same Christian virtue.

    3. Wait, how is your response any better than what you were complaining about others doing to James MacDonald and HBC?…….. Wow. Definitely not boastful at all.

  8. What a mansion!!! Over the top extravagance in every way.
    Jesus said you can’t serve both God and wealth. This house clearly demonstrates who James and Kathy MacDonald serve.

  9. Assorted comments after viewing these pics. (1. ) Trust that Kirk Cameron will distance himself from JMac as he is looking for some legitimacy in his new online ministry. (2.) The house address shouldn’t be blacked out since the listing is on MLS and JMac shouldn’t have anything to hide. JMacs’ groupies can have a nice send-off for him and help him load and move his furniture. (3.) The gym equipment looks like it was never used since JMac BMI is askew. His weight is in line for someone who should be 7′ tall. (4.) When does JMac have time to watch TV in his AMC type theatre room, shoot pool, shuffleboard or swim in his in-ground pool. He should have been studying God’s Word to feed his own soul and be a “doers of the Word.” (5.) Has the HBC flock, missionaries, traveling evangelists and others experience hospitality as found in Hebrews 13:2 on the MacDonald’s Farm?

  10. You tell em Ms. Linder!!! James is legit!!! He’s the real deal!!! Nothing false about his preaching… Best Bible teacher ever..

    1. He’s a legit wolf! He lied about the house this report is about! Did you forget about that? He is unrepentant and prideful!

    2. Jeannine and MV, looks like you two will be moving out West to follow your messiah. Please be like the Berean Christians and search the Scripture for yourselves before it is too late.
      Don’t drink the kool-aid.

      1. Look us up… MILLI VANILLI….

        We were a fake musical act. A hoax.

        Of course we are leaving with James and his come along JLin.

        Where else would we go? Besides, James promised us a spot on his home church network scheme’s soundtrack.

        Girl you know it’s tru..ew ew eew..I love you..

        Blame on the rain JLin.. This Ballgame is Ova!

  11. In other words…you condone fleecing the flock…you condone putting child porn on someone’s computer in retaliation…you condone filthy, lewd “jestering” about a female Christian speaker…you condone uncontrolled rage…you condone Christians suing other Christians…you condone grandiose lying.

  12. Jeanine combining National Geographic with the Bible does not make sense? Don’t pick and choose bible verses to justify your viewpoint. Look at the Bible as a whole. Or did you forget 1 Cor 5-7 which talks about expelling the believer who has unrepentant sin. How can you justify all that he did as a lie when there is court documents, recordings, countless testimonies… for the life of me I can’t understand how you overlook all the verses on warnings to those that are lovers of money and abusing God’s word. How can you just pick and choose Gods word like that????

      1. Hey Jeaninne, James McDonald was Fired from his position as pastor at Harvest….. the Elders publicly said That He is disqualified from leadership… this is the Harvest Elder board where you claim to attend…are the Elders at Harvest Hyenas? Or are they pharisees? Just using Your logic….and that ain’t saying much.

  13. Your defense for James is nauseating… but you wouldn’t understand that cult-minded person….. or wait how about The new term you invented: biblical hyena lol

  14. What a humble abode for a man who is supposed to be a Christ-like example. This momentary pleasure is all he will ever have on this earth. After that, he will then have an eternity to regret what he has done…

  15. I am of a fleeced flock, who gave to a wolf. Now I want to uncover the wolf to others so they are not fleeced like I was

  16. Jessica: THANK YOU for your research.
    Julie: THANK YOU for your reporting.

    Church of Jesus Christ:

    Look at the pictures. What do the pictures tell ?

    I was there in person when Harvest Bible Chapel used sermons to encourage more and more financial giving.

    At the time, I had NO IDEA that the Harvest Leadership Culture at the top ( Rick Donald, Luke, Landon, and King James , highly-paid worship ministers , etc…) were getting Fat Checks !!

    I thought my money was going to the Lord to build up His church.

    Wincy Matthew: James MacDonald left your husband’s employer over 40 MILLION Dollars in Debt !!

    James MacDonald, Rick Donald, and others “at the top” . ….for years……and years….and years…..and years…………had NO problems with using their influences to secure a Fat, annual check……while their own church was growing and growing and growing in DEBT.

  17. Rosebund:

    I hear ya. Personally, I do NOT have a problem with Kirk Cameron continuing his friendship with the James MacDonald cartel clan of family members. Yes, I find it strange. But I do not have a problem with it.

    What bothers me is that Kirk and/or his family seem to have NO problem with a disgraced pastor jumping into the Office and Role of the Pastor once again !! This is a mockery of 1 Timothy and Titus principles regarding elders/teachers/overseers.

    James MacDonald has many, many years of public, documented witnesses who testify that he lacks the Biblical qualifications of being an Elder. And he was fired from his church !!

  18. Jeaninne, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think your REAL name is James MacDonald…truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I’m on a limited income at this time in my life. I would really like a few items in that house to sell on Ebay to get my tithes and offerings back and give the proceeds to my current church, as they help with the restoration of the victims of HBC and Willow. This whole thing makes me cry.

    1. For such a time as this-
      I provide my real name. You provide a motto.
      I am not James MacDonald. For all I know, you are an atheist pretending to go to “church”.
      Good bye.

      1. Jeaninne. I am sensing some hurt and defensiveness. It can be claimed that James is a “biblical hyena” and a Pharisee. But it’s true that there have been many hurt by him and he hasn’t owned up. All I can say for myself is that I have oddly run into James a few times, including sitting at the table next to his at a Chicago restaurant in 2018. When I realized it was James, I asked the Lord how to pray. God said “Pray for his pride.” And I did. My discernment tells me James, believer yes or no, is a man afraid of God’s love. God’s word helps us to see and “the pure in heart will see God.” If He did not show us, how them could we intercede? I pray for James’s repentance, the healing of all hurt by him and HBC and that his sons not follow in the father’s prideful ways. Because I think it is God’s heart they turn and change.

  19. Jeaninne, apparently the spirit has convicted you that I was posting about James McDonald because I never mentioned his name, you …..It really exposes that you know who Jmac is……and by the way YOU are guilty on this blog of doing everything that you claim pharisees do….read your own posts.

  20. Jeannine,
    I am not sure what your purpose is but ignoring the truth about James Macdonald doesn’t change the facts. He has caused much devastation to the body of Christ while showing no concern for anyone but himself. He is a smooth talking imposter who used and continues to use the name of Jesus for his profit. He knows there is alot of money on the table in the church business. So sad he cares for none of the people he harmed and plays the victim card. It is right for the truth to be told. Sell crazy someplace else, we are all stocked up here!

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