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Pastor John Lindell Apologizes for Inviting Driscoll and Sword-Swallower to Stronger Men’s Conference

By Liz Lykins
john lindell apologizes driscoll stronger
On Apr. 21, 2024, Pastor John Lindell preaches at James River Church in Ozark, Missouri. (Video screengrab)

Megachurch pastor John Lindell apologized to his congregation Sunday for inviting sword-swallower Alex Magala and disgraced pastor Mark Driscoll to the Stronger Men’s Conference two weekends ago in Springfield, Missouri.

The apology follows a week of controversy sparked by Driscoll’s sharp condemnation of Magala’s “strip” act and Lindell’s initial defense of Magala’s act and rebuke of Driscoll for alleged divisive and “demonic” actions.

“I want to apologize and let you know I take full responsibility for the decision that was made to invite Mark Driscoll and Alex Magala to the Stronger Men’s Conference,” Lindell told his congregants at James River Church. “I am deeply saddened by the division that our invitation has brought to the Body of Christ. That was never our intent.”

“The Stronger Men’s Conference is about reaching men for Jesus Christ, and it will continue to be about reaching men for Jesus Christ,” Lindell added to the applause of his congregation.

Lindell did not offer any explanation as to why he was apologizing for Magala’s act now, after first defending it.

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In an address to his congregation last Wednesday, Lindell claimed Magala’s act, which included taking off his shirt, swallowing a sword, and scaling a pole, was appropriate for the Christian men’s conference. Lindell also claimed Magala, had become a born-again Christian 10 years ago and is a member of Mosaic Church in Los Angeles, California, led by Erwin McManus.

However, last Friday, Magala posted a video on his Instagram page, claiming that Lindell’s statements about him were inaccurate.

“I just wanted to clear some details. First of all, I have no kids. I have a family; I have no kids yet. So, that’s number one,” Magala said. “And secondly, some sources say that I was saved by God around 10 years ago, which is not correct because I’m an Orthodox Christian. . . . Orthodox Christian means that I get through the ceremony of becoming a Christian as a baby. So pretty much all my family is an Orthodox Christian, and me as well.”

magala sword
On April 12, 2024, Alex Magala performs at the Sronger Men’s Conference in Springfield, Missouri. (Video screengrab)

Magala also suggested only a loose connection with Mosaic Church.

“I had no problem going to, attending a Baptist church in Los Angeles, Mosaic Church, with Pastor Erwin McManus primarily because my friends were going there, and just in general,” Magala said.

He called McManus a great speaker and added that he found a lot of wisdom in Bible stories.

“I know my way of expressing my faith is different,” Magala said. “When I perform, I swallow a sword and attempting a death-defying stunt, climbing on top of the pole, and then going upside down. The moment when I dropped down, that to me, is when I give my life to God. And the moment when I stopped one inch before hitting the ground, that’s the moment when I get saved by God.”

Before becoming a professional sword-swallower, the performer worked in both women’s and gay nightclubs as a pole dancer, TRR reported.  His background, coupled with images on his social media pages that show Magala in seductive poses, helped spur on the controversy that followed his conference performance.

The Roys Report (TRR) reached out to James River Church and Pastor Lindell for more details on where Lindell got his initial information about Magala, but did not hear back prior to publication.

Lindell’s feud with Driscoll continues

Also in his address last Wednesday, Lindell called on Driscoll to repent for attacking Magala’s performance.

At the Stronger Men’s Conference, Driscoll had claimed that Magala’s “strip” act exhibited the “Jezebel spirit.” This prompted Lindell to interrupt Driscoll, calling from off-stage, “You’re out of line Mark . . . You’re done,” and to boot Driscoll off the platform.

Soon after, Driscoll and Lindell re-appeared on stage and seemed to reconcile.

But in his address last Wednesday, Lindell revealed that Driscoll had privately accused Lindell’s son, Brandon Lindell, of “a list of dark sins.” Driscoll also urged Lindell’s son, David Lindell, to take James River Church and to separate himself from his father and brother, John Lindell said.

lindell driscoll
On Apr. 17, 2024, James River Church Senior Pastor John Lindell (left) preached a sermon urging disgraced preacher Mark Driscoll to repent. (Video screengrab)

Lindell called Driscoll’s behavior “demonic” and strongly urged him to repent.

However, Driscoll appears to be doubling down on his position. In an X post last Friday, Driscoll wrote, “Tolerance is demonic . . . When the church gets naughtier than the culture, they become an abomination.”

Driscoll also seems to be capitalizing on the controversy as an opportunity to advertise his new book, “New Days, Old Demons” and his sermons on the Jezebel spirit.

In an X post with a link to a sermon, Driscoll asks, “What is the Jezebel spirit, and how is she destroying the American church? Today we pull back the veil on the demonic.”

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins writes for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications.



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32 Responses

  1. This is what Driscoll does, he decides who’s demonic & who’s not. He also has a pattern of trying to separate families.

    I think Lindell is obviously problematic here too but I know less about his history.

    1. Yes, that’s what I thought, too. John Lindell and two others rescued this man when he couldn’t get his act together in Seattle and lost his church. There is something unsettling about him.

  2. You can’t dream this stuff up. Not know the sword follower-I at first thought-‘That takes guts and skill’ Then I saw a photo.

  3. ” a double-minded man can expect NOTHING from the Lord” (James); but, from the dopey-deluded “Christians” (?) of today, he can expect MUCH, as this goofy debacle amply reveals: just the typical, “sorry, I goofed up!” with (as the article reveals) NO explanations of any kind, just the “roar/applause of the crowd”….and again, all this from the “Holiness” (?) churches (“JRAofG” is the AofG’s biggest/influential church), from which we can expect anything BUT “holiness” and/or Biblical doctrine/practice….”disgraced pastors” and/or gay-pandering sword-swallowers at a “Christian Men’s Conference”? SURE, WHY NOT??

  4. Notice how Lindell tries to “sanitize” the whole ungodly affair, with the tired, old, “well the guy got SAVED” canard….”Pavlov’s dog”, for evangelicals: “HOW MANY GOT SAVED??? HOW MANY DECISIONS??” And he couldn’t even get that right!!

  5. What a strange triangle. A pastor get rightly rebuked by a man he should have never invited…for inviting someone else he should never have invited. Talk about Balaams donkey!

  6. My head is spinning.

    Lindell uses the defense of: “The Stronger Men’s Conference is about reaching men for Jesus Christ, and it will continue to be about reaching men for Jesus Christ”.

    So, even though sword-swallowers won’t be invited to perform in the future, does this mean monster trucks and motorcycles will continue to be a part of the program? Because the Holy Spirit really, really needs the assistance of monster trucks and motorcycles to reach men for Jesus… along with the theatrical use of pyrotechnics, because there’s nothing like pyrotechnics to inspire men to be “on fire” for the Lord.

    Prediction: Lindell will soon announce his retirement.

    1. IMHO, Lindell won’t announce his retirement until either it looks like his gravy train is coming to an end, or his sons are safely ensconced in the leadership positions of James River Church. We these types, it’s always about power and money.

      1. John Lindell already announced that his sons would assume leadership over the course of 4 years. This is year 2.

    2. Little to disagree with here. Perhaps there needs to be a rethink on how best to be missional and a ‘Stronger’ Man-Person in the Christian/Biblical context. That being, resolute faith in Christ despite one’s circumstances, and a willingness to live out, despite one’s circumstances, the fruits of the spirit – Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.

  7. These two men (MD and JL) serve themselves and are in the business of building their empires. They profit from self-loathing, co-dependent, and brain-washed followers. They are wolves attacking each other. And they breed more of the same. The American church is becoming more and more unhinged. Very sad that few within the church will speak up against the mockery of God’s name and the Bible being thrown around in vain and self-serving ways.

  8. Pastor Mark was right in everything he said, and the way he was addressing it. For some reason, there are church attenders who think that when a man falls down, he should stay down. That’s the only posture they (ever) allow that man to be seen or described in. They forget that between yesterday and today stands the cross of the Redeemer, the Savior who died for every man and woman, especially those of us who are flawed. What Pastor Driscoll stood up, He took a brave and courageous stand on behalf of Christ Jesus and Our God, who is holy. Someone should have taken a stand before that act reached the sanctuary. That’s the problem with churches today who see their “sanctuary” as a “multi-use space. Anybody and anything can come up in there without the leadership having conviction. They have desecrated what should be holy, and want us to ignore that to castigate the one who, in humility, brought their attention to it? In what reality would a stripper pole, let alone someone performing on it, be okay to set up in the space that is “supposed” to be set apart and consecrated for ONLY that which is holy, sacred, and the worship of God alone?

    1. If Driscoll, as you say, was right in everything he said, why didn’t he continue to ‘stand up’ after Lindell called him out? Instead, he backed down when Lindell said “Mark, you’re done.” Driscoll could have easily said to Lindell: “No, I’m not done. I’m here to rebuke this evil, and I rebuke you (and this conference’s line-up of sensory attractions)”, if that’s what Driscoll truly believed.

      And then, later, both parties led attenders to believe that all was good, before the end of the conference (which seems like deception on both sides).

      With Driscoll’s known history, I can’t help but suspect that Driscoll’s stage bit was selfishly performative. Even a wolf in sheep’s clothing has an accurate knowledge of scripture (and how to twist it for personal gain).

    2. Do you consider dozens of former elders to be wrong in calling Mark to repentance? And if he does not heed those he is ok to continue in ministry? SMH

      1. Thanks for that comment. Mark Driscoll had no business being a pastor and being platformed. Period.

  9. A wise pastor would have had the discernment to not invite two men that are clearly in love with themselves.

  10. 100% unGodly,. unChristian & disgusting. God doesn’t have grandchildren; babies/children baptised/raised in the church are not born-again, saved in Christ children of The Most High.

  11. This scenario and situation reveals how screwed up much of the Americans Church has become. I can’t find the words to express my disdain of the 3 men involved in this craziness. I am extremely bothered by a church hosting such a bizarre event. I feel all involved in this mess need to look to the Holy Sprit for leading in what should happen next. Lord, have mercy!

    1. I’m so grateful for a voice of reason and wisdom in this sad state of affairs! I watched a clip from the end of the conference when Mark and John were “reconciling” and John instructed the men at the conference to make sure they didn’t criticize the leaders when they left. In John’s words you can’t criticize the “Lord’s anointed.” That, of course is a gross misuse of a couple of old and new testament scriptures.

  12. so a shirtless acrobat stunt act is evil but shirtless wearing shorts wearing boxing matches and shirtless strongman performances are “OK”?? and WHATS christian and biblical about paying thousands of $$ to have a tank run over cars?? this pastor is simply putting his finger in the air and seeing which way the wind is blowing to decide which way to go so as not to make too many people angry. that is NOT biblical. I stand by the stunt performer. NOTHING he did was sexual or a “strip act”. now ALSO it had nothing to do with christianity either, his act is for ENTERTAINMENT.. NEXT, so are eastern orthodox christians? are catholics christians? apparently this pastor rejects eastern orthodody as christian???

    1. RightON, James. Right on.

      My viewpoint of the sword swallower changed after hearing his account. He laid out his intentions and purpose regarding the actual sword presentation. He corrected some misunderstandiings and I thought he was quite forthcoming. Refreshingly so, as opposed to the many spin doctors representing evangelical Christianity. And I agree with James…he was hired for entertainment purposes.

      Now you can argue that he shouldn’t have been there to begin with. That’s a fair argument. After hearing his explanation, frankly, I’m not appalled anymore by his appearance.

      What I AM appalled with is the western evangelical Christianity crowd and its approach to this: 1. Love God as best you can. 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these 2 commandments.

      I think the evangelical church fails miserably in this. Look hard in the mirror, folks. I know I am. Lord forgive me, a sinner.

  13. Sitting here shaking my head. Wondering if this church & pastor simply adopted the ratings formula from so-called reality shows. Stay tuned for next week’s episode? Wondering also if just one of the stronger men in the audience had the courage to get up & walk out.

    Pure performance here for dollars. Nothing Christian about any of it. Test the spirits, & look for the fruits. Not one, not a single fruit of the Holy Spirit from this conference.

  14. “They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who speaks uprightly.” Amos 5:10
    May ALL of us created-by-YHWH 8 billion people today, of whom some will live to see the return of our Messiah, learn to dress modestly and appropriately when we are in the presence of our Q’Dosh Creator and Father YHWH and of one another, Yahshua’s Body and Bride and Sister; and may women stay off of stages when Godly men and their wives and Children obediently appear on Sabbath Day to worship our Q’Dosh YHWH because of His Son Yahshua’s Sacrifice of Blood and Body on the Tree of Calvary – is our prayer. This is getting out of Hand (Father’s Right Hand, His Son Yahshua), quickly, and it is shameful. (YHWH commanded/warned in Exodus 20:26 that men are not even to mount steps to get onto His Altar of worship, lest their nakedness be revealed to those sitting in view of such a display. And when women mount those steps for ANY reason – why, there are no words. Only some people staring, with large grey eyes – because they are not the 7 Eyes of Fire of our Creator and His order for male and female: His 7th day Shabbat; His 7 Feasts which Yahshua has full-filled and are now rich; His 7 colors of LIGHT – which include the 6th color: Indigo which corresponds with His 6th Spirit of Isaiah 11:2: Knowledge – “For lack of Knowlege, My people are destroyed.” Hosea 4:6b – the “pride” flag omits this color in defiance of LIGHT of Yahshua and Truth).
    Only Yahshua can save us from this torment of lies and deception, for He is Truth. And He is returning on His white horse to rule in Yasharal with Justice and Righteousness, soon.

  15. I don’t know about a Jezebel spirit, but Magala’s theology seems akin to jumping off the temple trusting that God will save you. Personally, I would prefer an environment that thoughtfully ponders the meaning of “do not put the Lord your test” over a spectacle. But I suppose thoughtful environments don’t pay the bills as well.

  16. To me this circus act had nothing to do w/ Christ~Had NO place in the church! Had he not been there, Driscoll (perhaps) wouldn’t have had anything to attack. I’ve heard this is a pattern for him; however there it was looking him right in the face…..fault? W/ THIS PASTOR, for allowing this ‘showman’ pole-man to be there in the first place….in an ungodly way….in a supposedly Godly convention.

  17. The so-called ancient practice of ‘sword swallowing’ has zero redeeming qualities about it. It’s a pagan, warrior skill, and it’s deadly dangerous. The homo-erotic overtones of the ‘performance’ were plain to everyone. (i.e., Alex, the ‘sword-swallower’ takes off his shirt, caresses the pole & licks the sword before he puts it in his mouth.) Lindell acted wrongly by sharing private text messages with his audience of thousands. Lindell is the same person who lies about fake healings…(‘the miraculous re-grown toes!’ of Kristina Dines. )

  18. Well I learned a lot. There I was thinking that stronger Christian men would be those that might quietly help an elderly man with his groceries, or change a widow’s flat tire. Come to find out that it’s about pole dancing and monster truck-crushing.

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